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发布时间: 2021-12-13 05:18:01

1. 只有……才……在英文中怎么说

only if you make efforts,you can be success.用only要注意倒装。还可以换一种说法,如果你想怎样,你版必须怎权样,you must make efforts if you want to be successful.

2. 汉语的:只有……才会……,只有……才能……,用英语怎么翻译

Only in this way can he succeed.只有通过这种方式,他才能成功。

3. 只有。。。才英语怎么说

only ?


4. “只有...才...”这个句型在英文中怎么翻译呢

1. 用only+状语提前,句子部分倒装.
eg: Only after we asked him for three times did he agree to join us. 我们请了他三次,他才同意加入我们。
Only in my own room can I read books.
2. 用only强调主语
eg: Only you can persuade him to give up smoking.

另:很抱歉回,这里答想指出楼上这句话里的语法错误,无它意,只是学习交流:Only when you go abroad can you see the world. (only 引导时间状语从句,缺连词。)
或者,Only when going abroad can you see the world.(现在分词作状语,共用主句主语you。)

5. 只有…………才……,而在……却……,英语翻译用什么句型

eg:Only after we asked him for three times did he agree to join us.我们请了他三次,他才同意加入我们.
Only in my own room can I read books.
eg:Only you can persuade him to give up smoking.
另:很抱歉,这里想指出楼上这句话里的语法错误,无它意,只是学习交流:Only when you go abroad can you see the world.(only 引导时间状语从句,缺连词.)
或者,Only when going abroad can you see the world.(现在分词作状语,共用主句主语you.)

6. 英语翻译:英语中怎样表达只有。。才。。的意思

only 放在句子开头,句子倒装,如:
Only when you learn how important it is can you put your heart into it.
只有当你了解它 的重要性, 你才会全身心投入去学习它。

7. 只有...才的英语怎么说

比如说:只有你才能让我开心:Only you can make me happy

8. 只有……才能……用英语怎么说

1、只有……才能……用英语表示为:Only... Can。

2、只有可以用only; alone; no other than; none but表示。才能可以用ability; talent; gift; aptitude; aptness表示。


Only... Can的用法

1、Not only can you use tools and libraries to do this, but you almost always should.


2、Not only can I do it but ( also) I can do best.


3、Expresses diversification Some people express a meaning, only can use one method.


4、She not only can be embosomed but also can be kissed seethingly as much as you like.


5、Not only can the experiment verify the soundness of the hypothesis, IT can also improve or debunk IT.


6、This is very useful because not only can it keep the Web service code concise, but also it can help to separate the Web service code from any business logic code you already have.


7、In conclusion, riding bicycle not only can make us healthier but also it is good for protecting our environment.


8、This way, not only can I lazy load the HTML content, I can also load the associated logic lazily.


9. 只有…………才……,而在……却……,英语翻译用什么句型


eg:Only after we asked him for three times did he agree to join us.


Only in my own room can I read books.


eg:Only you can persuade him to give up smoking.


Only when you go abroad can you see the world.(only 引导时间状语从句,缺连词.)

Only when going abroad can you see the world.(现在分词作状语,共用主句主语you.)

10. “只有……才”翻译成英语是什么

as long as
例如:as long as we work hard,we will achieve success.
同样的还有:on (the) condition that,provided/providing (that)

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