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发布时间: 2021-12-08 13:27:15

A. “天气冷了,多穿点衣服”翻译成英文

The weather is getting cold, you should put on more clothes.

It's getting cold, put on more clothes.

B. 建议你少穿衣服用 英语 怎么说

少穿衣服意思是穿薄一点,应该用thin, fewer和 less表示遮盖的少,露的肉多一点,

C. 英文翻译:1、外面太冷,为什么不多穿点衣服呢

1.It is too cold outside, why don't you wear more?
2.Sorry, I left my homework home.
That's all right, but don't forget bring it tomorrow.
3.Do you have any questions about your English?
4.Most of classmate think that skating is as interesting as skiing.
5.I am too nervous to answer this question.

D. “你衣服穿的很少”用英语怎么说

why you put less clothes on?

E. (人们穿着很少的衣服)用英语怎么说

people are wearing lesser clothings

F. “多穿点衣服,否则你会感冒”各位麻烦翻译成英文,谢谢!


多穿点衣服,实际上袭想表达的意思是穿暖和点。如果直译为put on more clothes,
多少有一点儿Chinglish的味道。英语当中有一个很地道的表达法,to bundle oneself

Bundle yourself up before you go outside, otherwise you'll be likely to catch a cold. 外出的话穿暖和点,否则你会感冒的。

G. 多穿点衣服 翻译成英文

Put on more clothes.

用: put on 表示: 穿上

H. 请将“天气变得越来越冷了,大家尽量少穿衣服”翻译成英语,谢谢!

The weather gets colder and colder , you should wear more clothes .

I. 我衣服穿少了的英文怎么说

I didn't put enough clothes

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