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发布时间: 2021-11-06 02:54:45

⑴ 他长得像他的爸爸 用英语翻译 3种

He is/looks like his father. He looks similar to his father.

⑵ 我在有些方面像我的爸爸用英语怎么说

I'm like my dad in some ways.

⑶ 我长的很像我的爸爸用英语怎么说

I looks like my father.

⑷ 我长的很像我的爸爸用英语怎么说


I look like my father

⑸ “我长得跟爸爸很像”用英文怎么说

I resemble my father.
I look like my father.
I am alike my father.

⑹ 我长得像我爸爸英语如何加动词不定式

i seem to take after my father.
it is certain of me to look like my father.

⑺ 说到我爸爸的长相用英语怎么翻译

“长相”根据对不同部位的强调,可以从 features (容貌), appearance (外表), looks (模样) 中选择。“说到我爸爸的长相”,是引发下文的条件状语,可以用下列的短语表示:


--At the mention of my father’s features, (提及)

--In point of my father’s features, (就…而言)


--Respecting my father’s features, (有关/说到)

--Speaking to my father’s features, (说到/提到)

If/when + 分词短语

--If making mention of my father’s features, (提及)

--When referring to my father’s features, (涉及到)

--When touching my father’s features, (触及到)

⑻ 你长得像你的爸爸还是你的妈妈英语怎么说


Do you look like your father or your mother?

look like 长得像,看起来像


⑼ “我长得跟爸爸很像”用英文怎么说

I resemble my father.
I look like my father.
I am alike my father.

⑽ 英文翻译。我有一个帅气的爸爸。

I have a cool father

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