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发布时间: 2021-03-13 23:13:17

❶ 他已经辞职了,不在我们公司了 用英语怎么说 帮我翻译下.

He resigned and doesn't work for our company anymore.

❷ 他已经离开这个单位很多年了"英语翻译,谢谢

He has already left this unit many years.


❸ 我已经辞职了 用英语怎么说

我已经辞职了 用英语表示为:I have resigned。其中resigned的英式发音为 [rɪˈzaɪnd],美英式发音为[rɪˈzaɪnd] 。意思有:adj.已辞职的,已放弃的,顺从的,听从的。


I have resigned的用法


I have resigned, and they have a free hand to appoint whom they like in my place.


BAL said in a quiet voice, full of dignity,'i have resigned '.


I've decided to quit my job, this is really a tough decision.


Until yesterday she was my housekeeper but she quit!

❹ 我上周到公司的时候,他已经离职了英文怎么说

Last week, I went to the company, he has left!

❺ 6点已经下班离开了公司 英语

The factory is closed today.
It's 6:30pm now, the factory has already been closed.
I have a day off today.
I have already got off work.

❻ 我已经离职用英语怎么说

I've dealt with after resignation proceres

❼ 我已经离开a公司就职b公司 英语怎么说

I have left A company for B company to work.
I have left A company and worked in B company.

❽ 据说他已经离开公司了英语

It is said that he had left the company .

❾ 他已经辞职了,不在我们公司了 用英语怎么说

He already resigned, not in our company

❿ 离开公司已经有两年半了的英文怎么说

It has been two and a half years since I left the company.

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