① 英语作文,写一篇向一家英文报刊反映上学路上所遇到的交通问题
boys, they love to see basketball match, because they love to play it. While today, more and more girls fall in love with sports, they also become the big fans. Since the Olympic Games held in Beijing in 2008, people are passionate about sport, more and more sports are known by the public. I am a big fan of tennis match, once a famous athlete said one ball could change everything, you will never know the result until the last minute, I think that is the charm of sports. The athletes never give up and fight for the last minute, they inspire people to hold on, their spirit moves so many people.
② 用英语写一篇在上学路上帮助摔倒在地的小朋友的家人很感激的作文
, Ifelldownandhurtmyarmsbadly. Assoonasmyparentsheardthis, theytookmetothehospitalatonce. Duringmystayinbed, . Meanwhile, theyhelpedmewithmylessons. Withtheirhelp, Icaughtupwithmyclassmates. NowI'.
③ 求用七十个单词写的上学路上的见闻故事的英语作文
today, when I was on the way to school,I met a wonderful, cute little dog. but it was ingured and lt looked very sick so I took it to the hospital and had a look to the doctor. so I was late 写不下啊
④ 吴丽在上学路上捡到一个钱包发现里面有钱。根据提示写出一篇50个单词的英语作文!
One day,Wuli was walking on her way to school.A red wallet burst into her view suddenly.She picked it up and found much money in it.She thought the owner must be worride.At this moment,a police was coming.So she gave that wallet to the police.Then she kept on going to school happily!
⑤ 上学路上(英语作文过去式)
⑥ 上学路上(英语作文过去式)
on one's way to school, 这里边的 one's根据人称来确定,这个短语是介词短语,若表过去式可以用相应的时间状语或者是动词的过去式来体现。
⑦ 关于上学路上出车祸向老师请假的英语作文u.sanwen.net
Dear Mr./Mrs. XXX, this is XX. I'm writing to you because I need ask for one day off. I have stomachache. My mom took me to doctor this morning. The doctor gave me some medication and asked me to stay at home for one day. The attached is the diagnosis from the doctor and the sick leave certificate, please have a look. If there's any handout or assignment, could you please keep for me, I will collect from you when I'm back to school. Teacher, I have something to tell you. I'm sor ry I can't attend the lecture tomorrow afternoon Americ an history, because I have to go to the airport to meet m y uncle. Would you please understanding, the teacher w ould have recording? And I got to cram a
⑧ 在我上学路上 英语小作文(简单点)初一
上学的路上上学的路上,每天都能看到一辆破旧的轮椅,上面歪歪斜斜地坐着,不,更确切地说是蜷缩着一个人。也许是因为深秋的冷风吹得他直不起身,或是身体的残疾让他从没坐起过。他就这样蜷缩着,只用右手一点点地转动着车轮,手套的5个指头都露出了黑乎乎的棉花。身边有一个打气筒和盛钱的铁罐,旁边的牌子了写着“自行车打气,5分。”显然,他是靠打气筒挣钱吃饭的。只是,我从没看清过棉帽下的那张脸。 直到有一天…… 中午,路上依然是车水马龙。跛子也照例在路旁让人打气,当然,还是那两季混用的破棉袄和那顶压得很低的帽子,我随着人流慢慢地骑着,“嘀……”身后一辆小轿车叫个不停,人们迫于无奈,不满地低声骂着,从本来就很拥挤的空间中闪出一条小道来。就在这时,只听“咣”地一声,那跛子连人带车一齐被挤倒在刚要启动的轿车前。铁罐里的钱币顿时滚落一地。“瞎了你,找死哪!”车上的司机探出头,大声骂着,见地上的人一动不动,便霍地跳下车,狠狠一摔车门,对缩在地上的跛子叫道:“别装傻,我可没撞倒你。”任凭他怎样叫骂,跛子仍旧一动不动,旁边有人说:“你倒是看看他怎么了!”司机的脸变得铁青,猛地伸手向跛子头上抓去,随着“啊”的一声,帽子被拽了下来,被揪断的帽带儿,在风中摆来摆去。就在跛子抬头的同时,我看清了那张脸,这张丑陋的脸,桃核一般的面孔,柴草一样的头发,而那眼睛竟然没有一丝光彩,呆滞地望着突如其来的一切。天!他竟是个白痴。人们似乎都舒了口气。“原来是个傻子,不好好在家呆着,出来干啥?”“就是这样的人撞死白撞。”司机的脸上恢复了骄横的神气,轻蔑地笑着:“都啥样儿了,还财迷心窍地想赚钱。”“赚钱,你知道他赚钱为啥?” 突然,从人群中挤过来一位老奶奶,“他用这钱养活一个病在床上的老娘!”老奶奶的声音颤抖着,眼里分明噙着泪水。人群沉默了,她俯下身去,努力想把跛子扶起来。几乎同时好几双有力的大手伸向跛子,把他抱到轮椅上。孩子们争着捡起散落在地上的钱,搁在小铁罐里,放在跛子手里。他刚才还是一副茫然的模样,这会儿见到满满的一罐钱,“嘿嘿”地笑起来,一劲儿说:“钱,买药,买药。”不知什么时候,那个司机已把帽子戴在跛子头上,这回载得很正,可能清楚地看到那张脸,那张“嘿嘿”地笑着的脸。
⑨ 你每天是怎样去学校的上学路上你看到了什么呢英语作文
I often take bus to go to school. There is a bus stop in the front of main gate of our community. I take five stops and get off at the Main road.
I often see many people to go to work and my schoolmates to go to school as I do at the same time. People get in and off. Occasionally, some passengers argue because it is very crowded in the bus.
And anything else? Of course, one thing I noticed that rich people rarely take bus.