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发布时间: 2021-03-01 23:19:39

Ⅰ 取而代之的英文翻译

take place of...

Ⅱ 1减轻父母压力。 虽然我们做的事情看起来微不足道。 让他们有时间放松。 这些英语怎么说

to ease off the pressure from parents.
Although we do things seem not worth mentioning.
Give them time to relax.

Ⅲ “还有不足之处”英文怎么说

还有不足之处的英文是:There are also shortcomings.

1、There be 句型是英语中常用句型, 意思是“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”或“某地有某物”。There在此结构中是引导词,已经没有副词“那里”的含义。

There be 句型的构成形式一般为“There is/are + 某物/人 +某地/时”,表示某地/时有某物/人。




There are shortcomings, but in my experience they are few and far in between.





英 ['diːfekt; dɪ'fekt] 美 [‘dɪfɛkt]

n. 缺点,缺陷;不足之处

vi. 变节;叛变

A report has pointed out the defects of the present system.



英 [dɪsəd'vɑːntɪdʒ] 美 [,dɪsəd'væntɪdʒ]

n. 缺点;不利条件;损失

His two main rivals suffer the disadvantage of having been long-term political exiles.


Ⅳ 求英语翻译

my excuse
I went to Japan from China 4 years ago. I learnt Japanese there. I spent about 2 years there, and finally i passed JLPT1. Unfortunately i was not qualified for the universities in Japan. This is because for all the universities i want to apply for, a certain level of English ability is mandatory. I am not good at English, and that's why I can not have access to the universities in Japan.
Therefore, I ever tried to attend the English training courses in Japan. But unfortunately there was not any English trainers who could train Chinese people. Though i passed JLPT1, as a foreigner my japanese was not that good that i was not capable of learning English via Japanese. This was too difficult for me.
At last, I decided to go to Canada to attend a short-term English training. The city i choosed to go to is Vancouver which is very beautiful. I hope that i can learn English in such a good environment, at the same time i can also feel the local culture.
I plan to spend half a year to finish my English course. After that, i will go back to Japan this November to try to apply for the Japanese university. I hope the application to go to Canada can be approved.

Ⅳ 满足于已有成绩不足为训,因眼前困难而气馁则更不可取。用英语怎么翻译

不可以,as well as虽有抄同和也的意思,但是和袭and的用法不同,as well as强调前者,and是前后并列的关系。比如,He masters english as well as french.是说:他不仅精通法语(次要),而且精通英语(主要)。
你的这个句子,明显强调的是因眼前困难而气馁更不可取。所以,应该是We should not be frustrated with the difficulties we are facing as well as be satisfied with the currrent achievements.但是翻译还是按你这样翻译。

Ⅵ 仅仅取的好成绩是不够的——英文怎么翻译

It is not enough to get good grades
It is not enough to get good grades

Ⅶ 英语翻译

1. She looks like she knows everyone here.
2. We have been working day and night for a whole week.
3. I need to dress up a bit to attend my friend's wedding.
4. As all know, he is a person who keeps his words.
5. When will this musical show start?
6. This passage is too long, please shorten it to 2000 words.
7. I hope we'll finish the experiment soon.
8. Nobody trusts him, because he is always lying.
9. Unless you'll take up the responsibility, or else never borrow money from others.
10. I think it is not ugly, in fact, I think that it is very beautiful.
11. You will never forsee the results, so you just have to try out your luck.
12. I want to raise up my children under a healthy condition.
13. We will never know what will be happening tomorrow.
14. We gain benefits from walking for half an hour everyday.
15. There are some problems that arise obviously from the beginning.


Ⅷ 不足一个立方按照一个立方收取费用(英文翻译)

Less than a cubic fee in accordance with a cube

Ⅸ 英语翻译 高手请进

1 study method
2 enlightenment


Ⅹ 人人有长处和不足,成绩差的学生也有可取之处。的英语翻译

A person is sure to have his own shortages together with the advantages and even the student who got low score has something in him.

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