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发布时间: 2021-02-21 15:57:34

A. 飞机延误 用英语怎么说


B. 由于天气恶劣,今天所以去纽约的航班都延误了请翻译成英语

All fights to New York are delayed e to poor weather.

All flights to New York are delayed because of the bad weather.

All flights to New York are delayed owing to the bad weather.

还有抄这些都可以的: as a result of; e to; in virtue of; because of;

C. 用英语翻译'他们本应该在午餐时间到的,但飞机延迟了

They should have arrived at lunch time, but the plane was delayed.

D. “飞机晚点二十分钟,在机场我怎么也找不到你”翻译成英文

i cannot find you in the airport because of the 20 min late for the plane.

E. 很抱歉,您的航班将延后半小时 这句话怎么翻译

We are very regretted to inform you that your flight will be delayed half an hour.

F. 飞机延误 / 提前 至九点起飞,分别怎么翻译成英文

the filght will be delayed untill 9 o'clock
the flight will be advanced to 9 o'clock

G. 由于天气恶劣,今天所以去纽约的航班都延误了请翻译成英语

All fights to New York are delayed e to poor weather.
All flights to New York are delayed because of the bad weather.
All flights to New York are delayed owing to the bad weather.
还有这些都可以的内:容as a result of; e to; in virtue of; because of;

H. 用英语翻译我们的飞机晚到了不止两个小时

Our plane arrived later for more than two hours.
为你解答,敬请采纳,Good luck.

I. 【英文翻译】延误通知


英文:Delay notice:I'm sorry, but e to the airline's reasons,

the flight scheled for 28 to Germany has now been changed to 31 to Germany.

notice读法 英['nəʊtɪs]美['noʊtɪs]




1、He walked so fast that he didn't notice his wife.

2、I notice you aren't quite convinced.


1、put a notice 刊登启事

2、receive notice 收到通知

3、receive notice of a storm 收到有风暴的预告

4、send (off) a notice 发出通知








1、give notice 通知

2、hang up a notice 张贴布告

3、have notice of 接到…的通知

4、issue a notice 发出通知

5、paste up a notice 贴布告

J. 延迟入住是因为飞机17:30分到达吉隆坡 翻译为英语

I'll postpone the check-in e to my flight will arrvie at Kuala Lumpur at 17:30.

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