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发布时间: 2021-02-21 13:07:00

1. “九宫格”用英语怎么说翻译


Sudoku 读法源 英[suː'dəʊkuː; -'dɒ-]美[,su'doku]

n. 数独,九宫格游戏


1、Sudoku Master数独大师 ; 数独达人

2、Sudoku Strategies数独技巧

3、sudoku crack数独解题器

4、Soccer Sudoku足球数独








1、set square 三角板

2、solid square 实心方阵

3、T-shaped square 丁字尺

4、public square 公共广场

5、town square 城镇广场

2. 请问百度输入法怎么调用英文九宫格的联想输入


3. 九宫格英文怎么说呢

Five direction pad这个来是自正确的

4. 九宫格火锅 用英文怎么说

是Sudoku 我昨儿在书店看见还差点儿买 绝对准确哈~ 九宫格填数字-数独(SuDoku)

5. 九宫格构图法 英文怎么说


6. “九宫格”用英语怎么说

Speed Dial
Squared Up
九宫格,也叫做快速拨号(Speed dial) ,是现代浏览器一个非常重要的功能,用户可以在空白页回上定制和放答置自己喜爱的网站,这样可以方便的打开所需的网站

7. 九宫格输入法英文怎么说

Scratchable latex input method how to say it in English

8. ,写一篇英语作文,你今天打算干些什么字数70字左右

I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning and go to school at 7:00. I finishes my classes at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Then I will go home. After supper I will begin to do homework at about 7 o'clock.Then I will watch TV with my family. Finally I will go to bed at 9:30.

9. ”九宫格“用英文怎么说




九宫格 Speed Dial;Squared Up;Soccer Boy
九宫格棋 nine men's morris
尕九宫格 Gas hure nine block box;Ga Style Box

10. 英文翻译

1. Joint division.
In the three side-by-side in two rows of squares to find the same figure, then another row of squares to draw the location of the figure, the method is suitable for high Sudoku.
2. Patrol method
Identify squares in each of the number of higher frequency, reached the figure in the remaining squares in the location, the method has been applied to a following method.
3. Exclusive method
This method is the key to solve the problem, easily ignored by people. Or in the ranks of observed squares, if the number of other places can fill in, fill in the rest of the figures on
4. To be determined method
This method is not used very effectively. The time being to determine a number in an area, and then to rule out the use of its
5. The ranks of law
This method has been applied to the closing stages, from the ranks of the use of a breakthrough to improve the efficiency of problem-solving.
6. The assumption that law
As a master, I do not advocate this approach. That is in a position to fill in random number and then deced, and is likely to be denied the ultimate conclusions arise.
7. Frequency
This method compared with a method that can enhance the efficiency. Or squares in a list of all cases cited, and then select a location in the number of high-frequency

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