1. 英文翻译
锦洪钢结构 Jinhong Steel Structure
Zhengzhou Jinhong Steel Structure & Color-Board Co., Ltd.
2. 英文翻译:
3. 帮忙翻译英文
4. 英文翻译 请英文高手帮忙!!!万分感谢。
Neither is poverty an obstacle, but a man may benefit his country whatever the obscurity of his condition.
5. 罗姓的英文翻译
在国外的华侨姓罗的用 Law 因为发音相近。因此华侨都用这个做姓。因此看这个姓就知道您出自哪里,大陆的话一般用汉语拼音Luo 香港用香港拼音Lo 而华侨用Law。 本人也姓罗,因此不会骗您的。谢谢
6. 请问怎么翻译啊求英语高手啊
As I Knew Him by Eric Fenby (Icon Books, 1966; originally G. Bell & Sons Ltd., 1936).
他以 Eric Fenby (Icon Books, 1966; 原版G. Bell & Sons Ltd., 1936)的名字为我所知。(这一句中的as是作“尽管”解或其他解,得要看上下文内。)
The character Vyvyan Ayrs quotes Nietzsche more freely than he admits, and the poem read by Hester Van Zandt to Margo Roker is Emerson’s “Brahma.
角色容Vyvyan Ayrs引用尼采的话把他自己所承认的要随意得多 (即:许多地方借用了尼采的说但并非声明),而Hester Van Zandt读给Margo Roker的读则是爱默生的Brahma。
7. 求英语高手帮忙翻译
All Sequences (平和) : 5
The hand contains 4 sequences; no triplets/kong. The hand contains 4 sequences; no triplets/kong.
(There are no other restrictions as to the eyes pair, single call, or concealed hand.) (There are no other restrictions as to the eyes pair, single call, or concealed hand.)
Concealed Hand (门前清) : 5 Concealed Hand (门前清) : 5
The hand is concealed, without melding any exposed sets before winning. Winning on discard is okay. Concealed kongs are okay. The hand is concealed, without melding any exposed sets before winning. Winning on discard is okay. Concealed kongs are okay.
No Terminals (断么九) : 5 No Terminals (断么九) : 5
The hand consists entirely of middle number tiles (2 to 8); no terminals or honors. The hand consists entirely of middle number tiles (2 to 8); no terminals or honors.
Mixed One-Suit (混一色) : 40
The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit, plus honor tiles.
Pure One-Suit (清一色) : 100
The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit.
Nine Gates (九莲宝灯) : 480
A 9-way call hand, with "1112345678999" in one suit in your hand, and winning on any one tile in the same suit.
(See also "Nine Gates Self-draw rule".)
Mixed One-Suit (混一色) : 40
The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit, plus honor tiles. The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit, plus honor tiles.
Pure One-Suit (清一色) : 100 Pure One-Suit (清一色) : 100
The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit. The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit.
Nine Gates (九莲宝灯) : 480 Nine Gates (九莲宝灯) : 480
A 9-way call hand, with "1112345678999" in one suit in your hand, and winning on any one tile in the same suit. A 9-way call hand, with "1112345678999" in one suit in your hand, and winning on any one tile in the same suit.
(See also "Nine Gates Self-draw rule".) (See also "Nine Gates Self-draw rule".)
Value Honor (番牌) : 10 per set
A triplet/kong of Seat Wind (your own Wind) or Dragons. A triplet/kong of Seat Wind (your own Wind) or Dragons.
Note: in World Series of Mahjong Rules System the Prevailing Wind is not recognized. Note: in World Series of Mahjong Rules System the Prevailing Wind is not recognized.
Small Three Dragons (小三元) : 40 Small Three Dragons (小三元) : 40
Two triplet/kong of Dragons, plus a pair of Dragons as the eyes. Two triplet/kong of Dragons, plus a pair of Dragons as the eyes.
Big Three Dragons (大三元) : 130
Three triplet/kong of Dragons. Three triplet/kong of Dragons.
Small Three Winds (小三风) : 25
Two triplet/kong of Winds, plus a pair of Winds as the eyes. Two triplet/kong of Winds, plus a pair of Winds as the eyes
Big Three Winds (大三风) : 120
Three triplet/kong of Winds. Three triplet/kong of Winds.
Small Four Winds (小四喜) : 320
Three triplet/kong of Winds, plus a pair of Winds as the eyes. Three triplet/kong of Winds, plus a pair of Winds as the eyes
Big Four Winds (大四喜) : 400
Four triplet/kong of Winds. Four triplet/kong of Winds.
All Honors (字一色) : 320
The hand consists entirely of honor tiles. The hand consists entirely of honor tiles.
All Triplets (对对和) : 40
The hand contains 4 set of triplets/kong; no sequences. The hand contains 4 set of triplets/kong; no sequences.
Two Concealed Triplets (二暗刻) : 5 Two Concealed Triplets (二暗刻) : 5
The hand contains two concealed triplets/concealed kong. The hand contains two concealed triplets/concealed kong.
Three Concealed Triplets (三暗刻) : 25 Three Concealed Triplets (三暗刻) : 25
The hand contains three concealed triplets/concealed kong. The hand contains three concealed triplets/concealed kong.
Four Concealed Triplets (四暗刻) : 115 Four Concealed Triplets (四暗刻) : 115
The hand contains four concealed triplets/concealed kong. The hand contains four concealed triplets/concealed kong.
One Kong (一杠) : 5 One Kong (一杠) : 5
The hand contains one kong. (Irrespective of whether it is exposed or concealed; same below.) The hand contains one kong. (Irrespective of whether it is exposed or concealed; same below.)
Two Kong (二杠) : 20 Two Kong (二杠) : 20
The hand contains two kong. The hand contains two kong.
Three Kong (三杠) : 120 Three Kong (三杠) : 120
The hand contains three kong. The hand contains three kong.
Four Kong (四杠) : 480 Four Kong (四杠) : 480
The hand contains four kong. The hand contains four kong.
Two Identical Sequences (一般高) : 10
Two sequences in the same suit in the same numbers. Two sequences in the same suit in the same numbers
Two Identical Sequences Twice (两般高) : 55
The hand contains two groups of "Two Identical Sequences". The hand contains two groups of "Two Identical Sequences".
Three Identical Sequences (一色三同顺) : 120
Three sequences in the same suit in the same numbers. Three sequences in the same suit in the same numbers
Four Identical Sequences (一色四同顺) : 480
Four sequences in the same suit in the same numbers. Four sequences in the same suit in the same numbers.
Three Similar Sequences (三色同顺) : 35
Three sequences in the same numbers across three different suits. Three sequences in the same numbers across three different suits
Small Three Similar Triplets (三色小同刻) : 25
Two triplets/kong in the same number in two different suits, and the eye pair in the same number in the third suit. Two triplets/kong in the same number in two different suits, and the eye pair in the same number in the third suit
Three Similar Triplets (三色同刻) : 120
Three triplets/kong in the same number across three different suits. Three triplets/kong in the same number across three different suits
Nine-Tile Straight (一气通贯) : 40
A "123" sequence, a "456" sequence, and a "789" sequence, all in the same suit. A "123" sequence, a "456" sequence, and a "789" sequence, all in the same suit.
(The hand must contain exactly the three sequences listed above.) (The hand must contain exactly the three sequences listed above.)
Three Consecutive Triplets (三连刻) : 100
Three triplets/kong in consecutive numbers in the same suit. Three triplets/kong in consecutive numbers in the same suit.
Four Consecutive Triplets (四连刻) : 200
Four triplets/kong in consecutive numbers in the same suit. Four triplets/kong in consecutive numbers in the same suit
Mixed Lesser Terminals (混全带么) : 40
Every of the 4 sets in the hand, as well as the pair of eyes, includes a terminal tile or an honor tile. Every of the 4 sets in the hand, as well as the pair of eyes, includes a terminal tile or an honor tile.
Final Discard (河底捞鱼) : 10
Winning on a discarded "riverbed" tile (the last discard by the player who has drawn the seabed tile). Winning on a discarded "riverbed" tile (the last discard by the player who has drawn the seabed tile).
Win on Kong (岭上开花) : 15 Win on Kong (岭上开花) : 15
Self-draw win on a "supplement" tile (after declaring a kong). Self-draw win on a "supplement" tile (after declaring a kong).
(If the supplement tile is also the seabed tile, both patterns can be counted.) (If the supplement tile is also the seabed tile, both patterns can be counted.)
Robbing a Kong (抢杠) : 15 Robbing a Kong (抢杠) : 15
Winning by robbing a kong (when another player makes a "small exposed kong"). Winning by robbing a kong (when another player makes a "small exposed kong").
Blessing of Heaven (天和) : 320 Blessing of Heaven (天和) : 320
East winning with his initial 14-tile hand. East winning with his initial 14-tile hand.
(Does not count if East has made a concealed kong.) (Does not count if East has made a concealed kong.)
Blessing of Earth (地和) : 320 Blessing of Earth (地和) : 320
A non-East player calling with his initial 13-tile hand, and winning on East's very first discard. A non-East player calling with his initial 13-tile hand, and winning on East's very first discard.
Does not count if East has made a concealed kong. Does not count if East has made a concealed kong.
8. 【英语高手来帮忙翻译一下】
如果你用心,那么对于你也就无所谓什么是难事。若是你不全力以赴,简单的事情都会变得复杂。我们经常听到人们说“永不放弃”,这是一句鼓励人的话,同样也是表达决心的话。一个真正自信的人,不论经历多少次失败的洗礼都将向着既定的目标执着的努力。 在我看来,下定决心要成功的这种品质是非常重要的。因此,我相信我们永远都不要轻言放弃。 (第一段,总说)
.首先,我认为如果我们总是放弃那么到头来我们将一事无成。 在我们对一件新事物的首次尝试中失败几乎是不可避免的,所以我们并没有必要为此感到沮丧,相反我们应该再接再厉。 而且,如果我们总是在失败的时候就放弃,我们将永远不能从中学习,不能真正的成长。我们不能轻言放弃的另一个原因就是,只有在我们重头再来的时候我们才能把我们之前吸取的经验教训加以运用。.若是我们就此放弃,那我们就浪费了这宝贵的经验。 最后,我们不能放弃还因为,在为实现目标的努力过程中,无形中培养了我们的自信,而且这种自信可以使我们在生活的其它领域里一样获得成功。
也许,坚持不懈的最好范例就是阿布拉汉 林肯了,他出生贫寒,一生中 经历了重重困难,他曾八次落选,也曾两度在商界受挫并遭遇破产的打击。他可以有很多次放弃的机会,但是他没有。正因为他这种百折不挠的精神,他最终成为了美国历史上最伟大的总统之一。林肯是一个永不言败的冠军。总的来说,在我们为实现目标的奋斗中,不轻言放弃是很重要的。不论最终我们成败与否,我们终将会学到一些东西,而且这些我们学到的人生经验将帮助我们成为更好、更为自信的人。 (第二大段分说,并举例)
进一步说,如果我们放弃,我们将失去实现我们梦想的良机,但是如果我们坚持不懈,总有一天我们终将会成功。 谢谢。(总说,扣题)
9. 英语高手帮我翻译 !谢谢
Pink Quartz Crystal
Garden Crystal
copper Quartz Rutilated
10. 英文翻译
两家公司合并后,这是共同的员工谁已与一家公司在很长一段时间的新员工不信任谁,反过来,常常不耐烦岁的营商方式。但是,确实是共同的部落,因为人们有一个自然的趋势与其他国家一道,这些团体可以开发一个“我们对他们”的心态。这种心态的原因是兼并和收购使人们对未来的保障,形成部落可以提供一种安全感。从长远来看,然而,这是有害的,不仅成功的企业合并,而且成功的生存雇员。这些事件不仅是共同但有可能是不可避免的,需要有效地处理他们的领导人,使员工生存,发展一个新的角度,以确保其成功和活力的新的组织(的MC -吉库珀, 2005年) 。
虽然并购活动可能会导致失业和“部落”的幸存员工,员工也可以有机会成长。为韦尔奇,还有一些重要的考虑因素必须使员工如果他们决定留在合并后的实体。首先,他们需要像公司,产品和人。如果是这种情况,员工有责任创造一个平衡,他们的生命和必须能够管理的需求增加而产生的工作合并,同时保持家庭生活(韦尔奇, 2006年)
检测语言—阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文 > 阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文(繁体)中文(简体) 互换