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发布时间: 2021-02-11 21:26:19

⑴ 英语作文:怎样做好家长,如何教育孩子

t215104687 ,您好!
我们必须知道,一切教育要从根本做起,就像树要有根才能长树干树枝和树叶,才能枝繁叶茂呀,如果丢弃了根本的德行教育,其他的都只是空中楼阁。在此,推荐各位有缘的朋友,无论看过或没看过的也好,都敬请尽量抽多些时间观看大型中华传统文化教育的优秀论坛节目: 《圣贤教育 改变命运》(可以在网络视频或者优酷土豆搜索播放),但愿看过的人都能够从中得到真实不虚的利益,并且继续利益他人,让我们携手努力,共同创造和谐共存的社会大环境。

⑵ 英语作文教育孩子

Teaching Children
We often hear that different methods to teach children will have different result. And different children adapt different methods. Luckily, I think my parents’ teaching method fits me very much and I am glad to have such parents. They are my friends. We often talk and play together. They often tell me to be a kind-hearted person by words and they also act in that way. If they find that I have any wrong thought, they will try to correct it in a gentle way. If they find me do the same wrong thing again and again, they will criticize me badly, which makes me do not dare to do it next time. And nobody will speak for me.

⑶ 怎么教育孩子英文作文

您提的问题,是广大家长和老师都非常关心和渴望解决的家庭教育问题。在此,诚挚推荐您观看优秀中华传统文化教育大型公益论坛系列纪录片《圣贤教育改变命运》,当中一定有您需要的答案,的确是难得的家庭教育经典节目!这个节目里有许多精彩的事例分析,探讨解决孩子教育的种种方法,真是我们和孩子的一位最佳的、一对一的家教老师,也是一个非常不错的家庭教育网络资源,而且是完全免费的。生活中,大人和小孩都容易出现没有恒心、悭贪、叛逆不听话、上网瘾、依赖性强、注意力不集中等各种各样的问题,这些不是能从某个简单方法或措施就能从根本上教育改正过来,变成一个孝顺听话的小孩,而是需要我们全面而系统地进行家庭教育,从根本处下手才能治标又治本。这部片里面有很多专家、老师、家长亲身说法、以其独特的心得体会向大众汇报,启示家长的教育观念会直接地影响到孩子的家庭教育,所以建议家长和孩子一起看,从小接受的家教会影响小孩子的终生,从中一定能获得意想不到的效果!片中有一句经典的警世名言:好人是教出来的,坏人也是教出来的!可见家庭教育的重要性!可是,当前我们面临的种种现实状况是:社会诚信严重缺失!各种媒体的夸张渲染、错误引导,孩子成长的环境不断遭到破坏和染污,要做好家庭教育谈何容易呢!家长是越来越不好当了,说实话,很多家长也不会如何当家长,就将小孩出生到这个世上,将很多的教育责任都推给了学校和社会,然而父母是孩子的第一任老师,很多成长经验是需要家长言传身教的,推卸责任的话怎么能将小孩教育好呢?确实悲哀啊!而我们做子女的往往不能理解父母的心意和真实体会,只图自己的方便和享受,说实话,真是有点大逆不道啊!到哪一天我们都为人父母了,才能真正领悟这种感受,但往往悔之已晚,哎...很多我们生活当中存在的所谓代沟,都是因为一代一代的接受的教育脱节了,没有很好的连贯所造成的,现在的人太多急功近利、唯利是图,只顾自己的享受而妄顾他人的感受。 我们必须知道,一切教育要从根本做起,就像树要有根才能长树干树枝和树叶,才能枝繁叶茂呀,如果丢弃了根本的德行教育,其他的都只是空中楼阁。在此,推荐各位有缘的朋友,无论看过或没看过的也好,都敬请尽量抽多些时间观看大型中华传统文化教育的优秀论坛节目: 《圣贤教育 改变命运》(可以在网络视频或者优酷土豆搜索播放),但愿看过的人都能够从中得到真实不虚的利益,并且继续利益他人,让我们携手努力,共同创造和谐共存的社会大环境。 希望我的回答对您有所帮助和启示。 衷心祝福您!

⑷ 关于教育孩子的英语作文 怎么写

We often hear that different methods to teach children will have different result. And different children adapt different methods. Luckily, I think my parents’ teaching method fits me very much and I am glad to have such parents. They are my friends. We often talk and play together. They often tell me to be a kind-hearted person by words and they also act in that way. If they find that I have any wrong thought, they will try to correct it in a gentle way. If they find me do the same wrong thing again and again, they will criticize me badly, whic

⑸ 怎么教育孩子 英语作文

Defining a good person can provide many different definitions depending on who you ask. The same is true for trying to define a good parent. Parents should have a foundation of love where they actually care about the child. This includes giving attention and showing affection to the child. Parents must be able to create and sustain a good family environment. Possessing the resources and capital to be able to support the baby for many years after their birth is just a small part of this. A good parent should also be a good person. They should be able to take care of themselves and have the general characteristics of patience, care, responsibility, and understanding.
So a good parent is someone who can provide love, life necessities for their child and themselves!

⑹ 用英文写父母怎么教育孩子的作文

关于教育孩子英语作文: My son is very bright.He has a high intelligence,but he doesn't do well in school.I have paid a lot of money for private teachers to help him;I have sent him to two private schools because I thought that the ecation was better than that in public schools.I have bought him books and computer discos.Still he doesn't do well in school.This proves that the meaning of the saying "You can lead a horse to water,but you can't make him drink" is that you can give someone all the opportunities for success,but you can't make the person successful. 关于教育孩子英语作文: Nowadays in china, many students are the only child in their family. they are the apple of their parents’ eyes or even their granparents’, so they are free of any house work or menial labor. and moral ecation is no more than some bookish thing. studentsare largely dependent on their parents and teachers. To ecate them to be independent, the most effective way is to let them experience on their own. therefore,they are better to be given the opportunity to get some train at school-to clean the washing room,which can be regarded as part of the moral ecation.

⑺ 如何教育孩子英语作文


⑻ 请大家帮个忙 ,帮我写一篇怎样教育孩子的英语作文 一百五十个词就行 简单点 嘿嘿 先谢谢了

Method 1: performance tolerant attitude

Maybe some bad habits children themselves don't like, but he couldn't control myself not to do things have been accustomed. Therefore, parents should take child with tolerant attitude, in helping him overcome shortcomings of time, will patiently pointed out time and time again to his problems. Encourage forever, even if the child than criticizing only a bit of progress, also don't save your praise, their parents a praise smile, a sly eyes will let children are encouraging. Had better not take his compared with their peers, important is child child past performance and his action now. For the occasional backward you also don't show disappointment, believe that children can win over his bad habit. The child has a bad habit, even if is "committed", repeatedly repeatedly teach alts also do not cherish prejudices, feel their kids not to enlightenment. Because this attitude will hurt the child's motivation, this is not concive to cure the child of bad habits, but also to other aspects of the development of children and growth. Don't give children in psychological pressure. Although a child looks sweet and innocent, but he and we as alts can feel the environment or other people to give his psychological pressure, the pressure can't effectively help children realize his mistakes behavior and correct, so try to keep lighten for children.

Method 2: good at holding the opportunity

Guide and ecation child getting rid of a bad habit should be paid. For many kids bad habit is an unconscious behavior. Normally, parents can appear in children immediately after the bad habits correction. For example found the child not the hands and eat to timely give children the mouth "confidently" the truth, and urge him washing their hands. When a child again eat could remembered the last time mom (dad) teaching. For a child's progress, you also want timely praise him.

Method 3: play the role model

Although lingling is a girl, but she has a bad habit of the male untidy, love to collect. : Although mom and dad never know how many times, criticised her little room or persist one's old ways, lingling is still in a great mess. During the summer vacation, mother put lingling's cousin all up. All is a neat little girl, lingling little room always be all cousin apple-pie order. Summers past, mom and dad surprised to discover the untidy girl disappeared, lingling become and all the same love neatness. As the saying goes: "example of power is infinite." Sometimes parents to help children to correct bad habits, might as well in peacetime life for he set an example, after a considerable period of time, bad habits in unconsciously center is corrected.

Methods four: the story changed shortcomings

Criticism is not correct, teaching children the only way bad habit, because the child self-awareness ability is not perfect, sometimes parents critically, and don't give them confidently why, for example, the child will proce a rebellious attitude and not willing to listen to their parents taught, it will strengthen their own bad habits. In such cases, parents might as well through the give children stories, read a chant etc, let the children their moral form of consciousness to them shortcomings.

Method 5: graal effect is good

Parents need to understand is the child of bad habits formed is not a day for two days, so correct existing bad habits, children parents cannot too tall, to request practical and also want to have patience. Don't expect the child in the short term corrected the bad habit entirely. Parents should be more tolerance heart, give the child a little more time, as long as children every time some corrections. In some cases, the former bad habits may again in children appeared again and again, actually this is normal, parents not to come on too strongly.

Methods 6: distracting

When you find the child of bad habits always "remains untamed", don't think that was a child, perhaps in deliberately defy your children themselves haven't been aware of and make mistakes. Parents can according to the child's characteristics and be fond of, transfer the child's attention, for example, when you discover the child again in bite their fingernails, you can let her to help you clean the clean room, such child will forget oneself just action. If you are a careful parents, still can be in a prominent place, post some simple tips pictures, reminds children. Time grew, the child naturally into what has ever forget his bad habits. Correct child bad habit is not accomplished overnight, need parents perseverance and family members to cooperate, and parents also might as well in yourself look for reason, if found himself is children's "bad example", that need you together with the child corrected.

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