『壹』 孩子英语怎么学习英语口语
『贰』 英语作文《外国小朋友怎么过周末》
My weekend我的周末
I think everyone will have a busy and interesting weekend. Now, let me introce my busy weekend to you.
On Saturday morning, I am going to the bookstore. I’m going to buy some story-books and a Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary. I like reading story-books. I find them very interesting. Then I am going home. My home is near the bookstore. So I am going by bike. I like riding my bike. In the evening, I am going to play piano. Playing piano is my hobby.
On Sunday morning, I am going to do my homework. Now I am in Grade Six. I want to enter a good middle school next year. So I must study hard. In the afternoon, I am going shopping with my parents and my little brother. My mom says she is going to buy a pair of sneakers for me. I love going shopping. I think all of the girls like going shopping. Am I right.
On Sunday evening, I am going back to school by school bus. I love my weekend, how about you? Tell me something about your weekend.
『叁』 儿童如何学好英语
先用“愉快”领进门 女儿3岁时,开始在幼儿园接受英语启蒙,学苹果、生梨之类的单词,老师教得很乏味,她说她最不喜欢英语课。英语课给她如此的第一印象,让我担心。为了不使她一开始就对英语失去兴趣,我决定先让她走“愉快”路线。我带她看了不少儿童英语学习班,她一下子喜欢上了阶梯的游戏型英语班。 两年所需的教材我全买下了,很贵,但现在想想还是值的。我只要每天放放《YOU&ME》磁带、碟片,女儿很轻松地听听看看就可以了,用不着我逼她默字母、背单词。女儿星期天再去英语班边做游戏边学两小时,最后脸上贴着因发言积极而奖到的小粘纸,笑吟吟地回家了。整整一年,她虽在学校念得起劲,但在我们面前却死不开口,同事笑我,这几千元教材打水漂了。我也不着急,按着课程进度,慢慢地放光盘、碟片、磁带。 前天晚上,我们带她去某体育中心看灯展,她突然说出一串英语,意思是“这里太美了”、“今晚我很幸福”等等,我故意用英语接她的话,她居然又说了不少英语。这让我很兴奋,昨天,我以她的教材号码、名字为密码,点开了阶梯的儿童英语学习网站,我要把她领到更广阔的天地。我想只要她对英语感兴趣了,即使她长大后必须吃苦着学这门语言,她也不会觉得苦了。张霖听英语找卡片我家用中英文加配图的卡片,对小孩进行英语启蒙。我父亲是一位大学英语退休教师,每日不定时地教5岁的孩子学英语。先是奶奶说,孩子跟着说,然后奶奶说英语,要求孩子从一大堆卡片中找出奶奶所说的那张,最后是,孩子说奶奶抽卡片,这样反复轮流操练。我的孩子对这种寓教于乐、轻松学英语的方法很乐意接受。 “苦练”太机械 上回我给邻居的孩子背英语单词,发现了一件怪事。顺着词汇表,他能背得很顺溜,但偶然跳过一个单词,他居然背了那个被跳过的单词。我这才醒悟过来,他在死记硬背。想到他从小学外语,也没少下苦功夫,记忆力倒是锻炼出来了,只是养成如此机械的记忆习惯,只怕没什么好处。倾向于早让孩子苦学外语的家长,千万别让孩子进了这种误区。刘莹华 快乐用“光盘” 学英语需要下苦功夫,更要愉快教育。我以为,对一年级新生或幼儿园小朋友可以尝试看卡通学英文、唱儿歌练发音、玩游戏开发语言思维、赏童话游英语乐园等方法。如家有电脑,不妨买张《少儿英语快乐谷》光盘,对孩子进行学前启蒙。薛颖 从培养兴趣着手 和许多家长一样,为了开发儿子的智力,我对他进行了学前英语启蒙,从ABC开始,进行填鸭式的“灌输
『肆』 英语作文 《国外小朋友怎样过周末》
My weekend我的周末
think everyone will have a busy and interesting weekend. Now, let me introce my busy weekend to you.
On Saturday morning, I am going to the bookstore. I’m going to buy some story-books and a Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary. I like reading story-books. I find them very interesting. Then I am going home. My home is near the bookstore. So I am going by bike. I like riding my bike. In the evening, I am going to play piano. Playing piano is my hobby.
On Sunday morning, I am going to do my homework. Now I am in Grade Six. I want to enter a good middle school next year. So I must study hard. In the afternoon, I am going shopping with my parents and my little brother. My mom says she is going to buy a pair of sneakers for me. I love going shopping. I think all of the girls like going shopping. Am I right.
On Sunday evening, I am going back to school by school bus. I love my weekend, how about you? Tell me something about your weekend.
『伍』 孩子怎样学好英语
『陆』 父母为什么攒钱送孩子去外国学习的英语作文
Overseas Chinese history can be divided into three periods, thirty years of reform and opening up the ongoing study of emigration is the third time, this time, they can be roughly divided into three phases, the first starting in the late seventies, studying abroad is full of curiosity and desire for knowledge of the youth-oriented, with a number being retired persecuted ring the Cultural Revolution, descendants of old intellectuals, encouraged parents and relatives overseas support came overseas. Began in the early 1990s to improve the personal environment for their children to study and officials to find a way (retreat) to study the second wave of emigration and immigration, this wave of intermittent, throughout the entire nineties, from the "naked" The officials and the Chinese people get rich first drive up to the social elite immigrants began immigrants are to seek better development, better ecation, and the transfer of property for the purpose. I took after 2002, China joined the WTO, the elite and the middle class wealth increased significantly, emerging called third wave of emigration abroad. Before studying seemingly impossibly high emigration has spread to all the pockets a little money, or the house can be sold over one million people around China, there is a network survey shows that 60% -88% of high-income people want to emigrate abroad, Wen pointed out that more net annual income of more than 12 million Chinese people, almost all had the idea of emigration. Compared with the previous two waves of Immigration reform and opening up, this phase of study of emigration has significant features: First, a bit of money ever seen or been around a little too much eye point, and almost all have to send their children out whose fanaticism can simply be described as "blind" word; second, the first two stages of Immigration, mainly those who desire to go abroad to work, and to today, the uniform became parents to send their children abroad, even the parents "forced" children abroad to study things, many parents emigrated, but also to the children; a third of these children to study abroad is the purpose of the vast majority of immigrants and immigrant students in the first two parallel "to make money" "improve life" than "knowledge", "engage in foreign diploma," "transfer of assets", "see the world", etc. The purpose of this wave of students simply too hard to enre: immigration, but also their parents or by! Why immigration? Why should children to unfamiliar Western countries? I have so much contact with students and parents experience tells me that the vast majority of Immigration force behind the search for security, stability and security in the future. China's rapid economic development, the Chinese people 30 years have gone through most of the country to go on the road to riches for centuries. However, that part of the rich Chinese people, in the face of some developed countries, the gap between us and the Western presence in many aspects, but felt helpless or hopeless, so have to take the "shortcut" to the idea. Pocket money up for longer strangers outside Western nation of immigrants also open the door in order to make money, these are for the elite to take the "shortcut" to create the conditions. So, send their children to overseas, so that they may enjoy the Chinese people for a long period of time can not enjoy democracy, rule of law, welfare, stable and harmonious society and secure life, become wealthy parents of the common aspiration , has become the main reason for today's immigrant students. 中国历史上的出国大致可以分为三个时期,改革开放三十多年里持续不断的留学移民潮是第三个时期,这一时期,又大致可以分为三个阶段,第一阶段起始于上个世纪七十年代末,出国留学是以充满探索精神与求知欲望的青年为主,加上一批在文革中受到迫害的老干部、老知识分子的后代,在父母的鼓励与海外亲属的支持下,来到海外。 90年代初开始了以改善个人环境的留学以及官员为子女寻找出路(退路)而移民的第二波留学移民潮,这一波时断时续,贯穿了整个九十年代,从被“裸体”的官员以及先富起来的中国人带动起来的移民到社会精英也开始移民,都是以寻求更好的发展、更好的教育以及转移财产为目的。 我把2002年后,中国加入WTO,精英与中产阶层财富大大增加,新出现的留学移民潮称为第三波。以前看似高不可及的留学移民潮已经波及到所有口袋里有点钱,或者房子能够卖过一百万左右的中国人,有网络调查显示,60%—88%的高收入人群想移民国外,更有网文指出,年收入达到12万元以上的中国人,几乎都有过移民国外的念头。 与改革开放后前两波留学移民相比,这一阶段的留学移民潮有显著的特点:第 一,有点钱的见过点世面的或者多了点心眼的,几乎都在纷纷把孩子送出去,其狂热程度简直可以用“盲目”两字来形容;第 二,前两个阶段留学移民,主要是出国者的愿望在起作用,而发展到今天,则清一色变成了父母送孩子出国,甚至出现了父母“逼”孩子出国留学的事,很多家长移民海外,也是为了孩子;第 三,这些孩子出国留学的目的绝大多数就是移民,和前两次留学移民中并行的“赚钱”、“改善生活”、“学知识”、“搞洋文凭”“转移资产”“见世面”等等相比,这一波留学生的目的简单得让人难受:移民,而且是受父母之命! 为什么要移民?为什么要把子女送到人生地不熟的西方国家?我接触这么多留学生与家长的经历告诉我,绝大多数留学移民背后的动力是寻求有保障、稳定与安全的未来。中国经济高速发展,中国人用30年的时间走过了大多国家走了上百年的发财致富之路。然而,富裕起来的那部分中国人,面对我们和西方一些发达国家在诸多方面存在的差距,却感到了无助甚至绝望,于是有了走“捷径”的念头。口袋里的钱多了起来,对外面不再陌生,西方移民国家为了赚钱也大开方便之门,这些都为精英走“捷径”创造了条件。于是,把子女送到海外,让他们享受中国人可能在相当长一段时间里还无法享受到的民主、法治、福利、安稳的和谐社会与有保障的生活,成为富裕起来的父母们的共同愿望,也成为当今移民留学的主要原因。
『柒』 英国孩子怎么学英语
比如在看文章的时候,你遇到了一个新单词,他会让你做一张单词卡,在它的背面单词的意思,要用英文。还有例句,从文章中拿出来,发音,词性,它的word family,还有它的搭配。在卡片后面要你写该单词的其它一些信息。
『捌』 美国小孩怎么学英语
『玖』 写一篇怎样教外国朋友学汉语的英语作文
We have the most professional, advanced and scientific teaching methodology
Recycling memory method
Picture and multi-media method
Graal polishing and correction method
Enhancing method
Substitution method
Total immersion method
Open method
Role play/scenario based teaching
Language and Culture integrated method