當前位置:首頁 » 中學大學 » 我即將從高中畢業用英語怎麼說


發布時間: 2020-12-26 22:52:23

① 請問,我今年剛剛高中畢業用英語怎麼說

i've just graated from high school this year.

② 現在我已經高中畢業了,這句話用英語怎麼說

Now I have graated from high school

③ 我剛高中畢業用英語怎麼說

I just finish school from my senior high school.

④ 我高中畢業用英語怎麼說

I have graaled from senior school.

⑤ 我是一個即將畢業的高三學生。翻譯成英語

I'm a student who is going to graate from senior school.


⑥ 我是一個高中畢業生用英文怎麼說或者用英文幫我寫

回答和翻抄譯如下 :


I am a high school graate

⑦ 現在我已經高中畢業了,這句話用英語怎麼說

I have graated from senior high school now.

⑧ 用英語翻譯,時間過得真快,幾天後我們將從中學畢業了。

time flies! we will graate from the school a few days later.

⑨ 我馬上就要'高中畢業了, 用英語怎麼說

I am going to graate from the high school

⑩ 我剛高中畢業翻譯成英語

I have just graated from high school.

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