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發布時間: 2023-04-30 20:22:28

1. 人文英語1的拓展資源怎麼學的

人文英語1」教學指南一、課程概況1.課程性質「人文英語1」是為國家開放大學人文類專業(專科)開設的公共英語課程;計3學分,54學時,開設1學期,建議第一學期開設。 本課程將英語學習與法學、社會工作、漢語言、教育等專業的職場活動相結合,以真實的語言素材為載體創設職場情景,在進行英語語言基礎知識和基本技能訓練的同時,培養學生在職場情景下使用英語進行初步交流的基本能力。 2.課程任務通過「人文英語1」課程的學習,學生應能掌握一定的英語語言基礎知識和基本技能,具有初步的讀、聽、說、寫、譯能力;同時,了解人文活動中最基本的英語詞語及表達方式,能在涉及法學、社會工作、漢語言、教育等專業的職場活動中進行簡單交流;並為在今後職場英語應用能力的進一步提高奠定基礎。 教學對象「人文英語1」課程的教學對象為國家開放大學人文類的法學、社會工作、漢語言、教育等專業的成人學生和具有同等英語水平的業余學習者。 課程銜接「人文英語1」的後續課程為「人文英語二、課程學習基本要求「人文英語1」課程在加強學生的英語語言基礎知識和基本技能訓練的同時,使學生接觸並了解與職業相關的基本知識,培養學生在人文活動中使用英語進行交際的實際能力。 本課程不同維度的基本要求如下:在詞彙認知方面,應能認知1,800個左右的詞彙(含入學時認知的1,000個左右)及其常見短語或固定搭配,以及一定量的職場相關詞彙和短語;在詞彙掌握方面,應能熟練使用其中的1,100個左右詞彙(含入學時掌握的600個左右)及其常見短語或固定搭配,以及一定量的職場相關詞彙和短語;在語法知識方面,應能基本熟悉基礎語法知識(見教學內容細目表);在功能意念方面,應能熟悉常見功能意念(見教學內容細目表)及其慣用表達方法等。

2. 人文英語3人文英語4是什麼意思


3. 最新電大國家開放大學《人文英語1》網路核心課形考網考作業試題及答案 (1)

讀理解:閱讀下列短文,從A、B、C三個選項中選出一個正確答案, 並將答案寫在各題前的()中。
David Moore was a teacher of physics at the City School. he needed some expensive books, and so he bought them. He left them in his car in a quiet street. Then he bought other thingsat other shops. At six o'clock he came back to the car. One window was open and the books were not there! David drove home to Fry Road. That night he wrote a letter to a newspaper. The next day he went to the police. On Friday people read this in the newspaper; BOOKS: Have you any old books? I buy old and modern books. Open all day on Saturdays. David Moore,Fry Road
David stayed at home on Saturday. His first visitor came at eight o'clock. David took him to the kitchen. At half past nine another man arrived. He had a bag under his arm Moore?"the man asked.That's right David said." Can I help you?""I』ve got some good books. You buy books, don』t you?「Yes. Bring them in, I' ll have a look at them.」 Soon the books Were on the dining-table.come in now David called, 「and bring the list. "A policeman came into the dining-room. He read the names on the list in his hand. They were the same."Come with me, sir,」 the policeman said to the man.
Mr.Moore taught__B__
a. chemistry
b. Physics
c. mathematics
How did the man get M r, Moore's hooks? (C)
a, he bought the f'rom David
b, He bought them from a bookshop
C. He took them from a car
How did David get his books back? (B)
a. The police found them and gave them to David
b. A man brought them to David's house
C. David bought them from a visitor.
The man arrived at David's home at C
a. eight o' clock
b. half past eight
c. half past nine
What was on the list? (A)
a. The names of the books Mr. Moore lost.
b. D avid Moore, Fry Road
c. The name of the school

4. 國家開放大學人文英語1難嗎


5. 國家開放大學人文英語怎麼考

考生憑《准考證》、《口試通知單》及身份證按照《外語口 試通知單》上的時間按時到達指定的考點報到。
考生進入考場只能攜帶鋼筆或圓珠筆(藍、黑色)、高考《准 考證》、《外語口試通知單》、身份證,不得攜帶手機、電子詞典、 書包、書籍、紙張等。
考生進入考點,要嚴格按人員的安排進行有關各項准備。一 般程序為在工作人員的指引下依次進入候考室、備考室和考場。
考生在候考室領取《外語口試成績表》,對照口試通知單認 真填寫區縣、口試號、考生號

6. 電大人文英語 what are the Advantages and Disadvantages of formal ecation

What are the advantages and disadvantages of formal ecation?

7. 國家開放大學人文英語寫作訓練在哪裡寫


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