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A. 求 哈佛大學的英文簡介及翻譯

哈佛大學 (Harvard University)是美國歷史最悠久的一流學府之一,坐落於馬薩諸塞州劍橋,隔查爾斯河與波士頓相望。哈佛大學有兩所學院招收本科生,即哈佛學院和拉德克利夫學院,它們招收的學生約占哈佛大學全體學生的一半。哈佛大學是常春藤聯校之一。 Harvard University (Harvard University) is the longest in U.S. history one of the first-class academic institution, is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and at Boston and across the Charles River. Harvard University has two colleges to recruit students, Harvard College and Radcliffe College, which recruited the students about half of all students at Harvard University. Ivy Harvard University is one of the school. 哈佛大學創建於1636年,原稱劍橋學院。出生於倫敦的英國牧師約翰·哈佛(John Harvard, 英國劍橋大學畢業) 於1637年由英國到此新建的學院內工作,由於工作很積極,得到好評。他將其全部藏書和一半資產捐贈給這所學院,該校因此而改名為哈佛大學。1638年夏天學校開學時只有一名教師、一所木板房和一個「校院」。 Harvard University, founded in 1636, formerly known as Cambridge College. Born in London, the British minister John Harvard (John Harvard, graating from the University of Cambridge in England) in 1637 by the British Institute in this new work, the work is very positive, be praised. He will all of its collections and half of these assets donated to the institute, the school be renamed the Harvard University. 1638 summer school at only one school teachers, a Muban Fang and a "School House." 哈佛創建初期是由教會主辦的,但在頭200年中,就逐漸地擺脫了宗教和政治的控制。1865年,該校校友開始選舉學校管理委員會。19世紀初開設了神學院、法學院和醫學院。19世紀中期,哈佛的勞倫斯科學學院為美國應用科學的發展作出了貢獻。 Harvard created by the early church-sponsored, but in the first 200 years, to graally shake off the religious and political control. 1865, the school alumni proceed to the election of the school management committee. The early 19th century opened a seminary, and the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine. The mid-19th century, the Harvard School of the Lawrence scientific application of science for the United States has contributed to the development. 埃利奧特任哈佛校長期間(1869至1909年),將哈佛辦成了具有全國影響的學校。他採用選修制,取代了刻板的古典課程,學生們可以攻讀他們感興趣的專業。今天的哈佛大學已是一個多學科的綜合性大學。 Elliott president of the Harvard period (1869-1909), will be the Harvard of the impact of national schools. He used an elective system, replacing the stereotype of classical courses, students can pursue their professional interest. Today's Harvard is already a multi-disciplinary comprehensive university. 2007年10月12日,德魯·吉爾平·福斯特就任哈佛大學第28任校長。她是該校歷史上任命的第一位女校長。 哈佛大學設有17個學科系,分屬2個本科生學院(哈佛學院和拉德克利夫學院)和10個研究生學院:文理學院、醫學院、教育學院、設計學院、公共衛生學院、行政管理學院、法學院、牙醫學院、神學院和商學院。與它有直接聯系的有95家圖書館、7個植物研究所、2個天文台、50餘個科學、工程和醫學實驗室、9家自然歷史、醫學、藝術和考古博物館。哈佛大學還擁有許多著名的研究中心,如國際事務研究中心、教育政策研究中心、環境設計研究中心、電子計算機研究中心等。東方研究中心燕京研究所,是個專門研究中國問題的機構,受到美國著名中國問題專家費正清長期支持。 October 12, 2007, Delujier-Foster as president of Harvard University No. 28. She is the history of the school appointed the first Nvxiao Zhang. Harvard University has 17 of the subjects, belong to two college students (Harvard College and Radcliffe College) and 10 graate schools: College of Arts, School of Medicine, Institute of Ecation, School of Design, School of Public Health, administration College of Law, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Theology and the School of Business. And it is directly linked to a 95 libraries, 7 Institute of Botany, two Observatory, more than 50 science, engineering and medical laboratories, nine natural history, medicine, art and archaeological museums. Harvard University also has many well-known research centres, such as the Centre for the Study of International Affairs, Ecation Policy Research Center, Environmental Design Research Center, a computer research centre. Oriental Research Center, Harvard-Yenching Institute, a specialized study of China, the United States by the well-known China experts Fairbank long-term support. 哈佛大學研究院兼收男女生。大學生有男校及女交。哈佛學院 (Harvard College) 專收男生。拉德克利夫學院 (Radcliffe College),創於1879年,專收女生。大學生進入一年級必須住在學院內。二年級學生住在校園外13座各自獨立的居住區內。自創辦以來,哈佛已為美國培養出了眾多的政治家、科學家、企業家、作家、學者。包括30多名諾貝爾獎金獲得者、29名普利策獎金獲得者和6位總統:第2任總統約翰·亞當斯、第6屆總統約翰·昆西·亞當斯、第19任總統拉瑟福德·海斯、第26任總統西奧多·羅斯福和第35任總統約翰·肯尼迪,以及一批法官、內閣官員和國會領袖。 哈佛佔地380英畝,正中有建於30年代的紀念教堂,周圍是學生宿舍、圖書館和教室等各種不同風格的建築,其中如霍爾登小教堂、馬薩諸塞堂(現存最早的哈佛建築,建於1720年)、哈佛堂和維德納圖書館都是著名的古建築,具有舊大陸建築的庄嚴典雅之美。當然校園中也不乏嶄新的現代化校舍。學校里處處是青青的草坪,蔽日的榆樹,那一幢幢紅磚砌成並爬滿長青藤的樓房,使人感到親切和寧靜。漫步校園,人們會注意到這里豎立著一塊龜背馱著的高大石碑,這是中國哈佛同學會1936年在哈佛三百年校慶時贈送的禮物。自清末以來,這里就有眾多的中國學子就讀,王安、貝聿銘就是其中的佼佼者。 哈佛擁有9座博物館,它們既為教學服務,又向公眾開放。最值得參觀的要數植物學博物館。在這里,瑞士的龍膽草伴隨著墨西哥的仙人掌,埃及的藍睡蓮映襯著朝鮮的金達萊, 還有中國的梅花和牡丹。名花奇卉約有800多種,色彩鮮艷而且永不謝,原來它們是植物的玻璃模型,俗稱「玻璃花」,由兩位德國藝術大師窮畢生精力製成,是世界上的絕品,人們譽之為「科學中的藝術奇跡,藝術中的科學奇跡」。 Harvard University Institute of integrated boys and girls. School and university students are men and women pay. Harvard College (Harvard College) to the boys. Radcliffe College (Radcliffe College), founded in 1879, the admission of girls. Students entering first grade must live in College. Students living on campus in 13 separate living area. Since its inception, Harvard has nurtured many U.S. politicians, scientists, entrepreneurs, writers, scholars.

B. 哈佛大學的英文全稱

哈佛大學的英文全稱:Harvard University。



英 [ˈhɑ:vəd] 美 [ˈhɑrvəd]



英 [ˌju:nɪˈvɜ:səti] 美 [ˌju:nɪˈvɜ:rsəti]


哈佛大學(Harvard University),簡稱「哈佛」,坐落於美國馬薩諸塞州波士頓都市區劍橋市,是一所享譽世界的私立研究型大學,是著名的常春藤盟校成員。



拉丁原文:Amicus Plato,Amicus Aristotle, Sed Magis Amicus VERITAS.





C. 哈佛大學的英文名稱是

哈佛大學的英文名稱是:Harvard University,簡稱 Harvard,音標:英 [ˈhɑ:vəd] 美[ˈhɑrvəd] 。

哈佛是美國本土歷史最悠久的高等學府,1636年10月28日,馬薩諸塞海灣殖民地議會通過決議,決定仿照英國劍橋大學,籌建一所高等學府。學校初名「新學院(New College)」或「新市民學院(the college at New Towne)」,成為全美第一所高等教育機構。

1639年3月13日,為感謝及紀念約翰·哈佛牧師在創立初期對學院的慷慨捐助,馬薩諸塞海灣殖民地議會通過決議,將學校更名為哈佛學院(Harvard College)。1780年馬薩諸塞州頒布新憲法,哈佛學院擴建、更名為哈佛大學(Harvard University)。



拉丁原文:Amicus Plato,Amicus Aristotle, Sed Magis Amicus VERITAS.意思是:要與柏拉圖為友,要與亞里士多德為友,更要與真理為友。






D. 求哈佛大學的中英文簡介

哈佛大學成立於1636年,其文理研究生院於1872年組建,是全美最古老的大學之一,迄今己培育出6位美國總統、29位諾貝爾獎得主和27名普利策獎得主。哈佛大學不但是美國政府制定國內外政治、軍事、外交政策的思想庫,而且在校內,各種學術流派和政治主張都十分活躍。 不論從學校的名氣、設備、教授陣容、學生素質方面,哈佛大學都堪稱世界一流。具體來講,它有近15億美元的資產、獲得最多的贊助、擁有全世界規模最大的圖書館、第一流學者和教授、千里挑一的錄取者……。 哈佛大學本科生課程中的生物、化學、地質學、數學、物理、經濟學、英文、歷史、社會學、政治科學、心理學全美排名前5名,尤其是政府研究(Government Studies)、經濟(Economics)和社會研究(Social Studies)更為突出。哈佛大學首推為美國最好的大學,贏來了舉世公認的學術口碑和崇高的國際聲譽。 現在要提的是哈佛商科研究生院,它是MBA就讀學校申請人數最多的研究生院,一直維持在6千人以上(每年只錄取800人左右)。 90年代初,哈佛商科研究生院的MBA課程被批評為"個案比較空洞、不切實際"、"觀點不夠國際化"等等。從l996年開始,它的MBA課程作出了重大的改革,其中最惹人注目的就是,修讀期從2年縮短為16個月,課程方面加強了"領導者訓練、如何作出決定、商業道德、團隊精神以及分析能力"等內容。 哈佛大學的醫學研究生院和法學研究生院,也是全美聞名。


Harvard University, which celebrated its 350th anniversary in
l986, is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Founded l6 years after the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, the University has grown from 9 students with a single master to an enrollment of more than l8,000 degree candidates, including undergraates, and students in 10 graate and professional schools. An additional l3,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses at the Harvard Extension School. Over l4,000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 faculty There are more than 7,000 faculty appointments in afFlliated teaching hospitals.


Six presidents of the United States-John Adams, John Quincy Adams,Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, and John Fitzgerald Kennedy-were graates of Harvard. Its faculty have proced 34 NobeI Laureates.

哈佛產生了約翰·亞當斯、約翰·昆 西·亞當斯、西奧多及富蘭克林·德來 諾·羅斯福、羅斯福德·B、·海斯和約翰· 弗斯傑羅濤·肯尼迪六位美回總統,並產 生了三十四位諾貝爾獎獲得者。

Harvard College was established in l636 by vote of the Great and General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony, and was named for its first benefactor, John Harvard of Charlestown, a young minister who upon his death in 1638, left his library and half his estate to the new institution.


During its early years, the College offered a classic academic course based on the English University model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists. Although many of its early graates became ministers in Puritan congregations throughout New England, the college never formally affiliated with a specific religious denomination.


Under president Pusey(1953-71),Harvard undertook what was then the largest undraising campaign in the history of American higher ecation, the $82.5 million Program for Harvard College. The Program strengthened faculty salaries, broadened student aid, created new professorships, and expanded Harvard's physical facilities. A similar but greatly expanded fundraising effort, the Harvard Campaign (1979- 84), was concted under the leadership of Derek Bok (1971- 1) and raised $356 million by the end of l984.

在蒲西校長在職的1953至1971年間。哈佛經歷了美國高校歷史上最大的籌款活動。共籌得八千兩百五十萬美元。這項活動提高了教師工資,增加了學生資助項 目,設置了新的教授職位,增設了哈佛的體育設拖,另一項類似然而更廣泛的籌款 動於1979-1984年間展開,當時的領導人是德里克·福德(1971-91),到1984年底其籌得三億五千六百萬美元。

NeiI L. Rudenstine took office as Harvard's 26th president in 1991. As part of an overall effert to achieve greater coordination among the University』s schools and faculties. Rudenstine set in motion an intensive process of University. wide academic planning, intended to identifV some of Harvard's main intellectual and programmatic priorities.


Those have become an integral part of the current five-year capital campaign. In addition, Rudenstine has stressed the
University's commitment to excellence in undergraate eucation, the importance of keeping Harvard's doors open to students from across the economic spectrum, the task of dapting the research university to an era of both rapid information growth and serious financial constraints. and the challenge of living together in a diverse community committed to freedom of expression.



Undergraate cost

* Tuition<學費>: $32,557
* Total including room, board, student service fees: $47,215

E. 翻譯介紹哈佛大學的英文

哈佛大學是最老的機關 學會在美國.It的higher位於
of美國. 建立在1 636.Harvard以後被命名了
its第一benefactor,John Harvard,of Charlestown.
Massachusetts.Upon他的在1 638,the年輕人的死亡minister留下了他的圖書館和一半他的財產給
the新的college.I n 1按照約翰的639,Harvard』s bequest,the巨大and』GeneraI法院
ordered that「the學院同意fOrmerIy對
Founded 1在pil.的arrivaI的以後6年 在PIymouth,the學院的grims從9增長 與一位唯一大師的students到大學里
with超過1 8.000度的注冊
in 1 0畢業生和專家schools.An addi.
tionaI 1 3.000學生在一個或更多注冊 在哈佛引伸Sch001.Over的courses
1 4,000人工作在Harvard,including更多
than 2,000 faculty.There也是7,000教職員在附屬的教的hospitals.的appointments U n的Seven總統ited狀態--Joh n
Adams, John Quincy Adams ,Theodore和Frank—
lin Delano Roosevelt,Rutherford B.Hayes,John
Fitzgerald肯尼迪和喬治W.Bush—were Harvard.Its教職員graates生產了
more比30 NobeI latJreates

F. 求哈佛大學的英文簡介


G. 哈佛大學英語介紹

Harvard University, referred to as the "Harvard", is located in Cambridge City, American Massachusetts, is a world-renowned private research university, is a member of the Ivy League school famous; here out of the 8 president of the United States of America, hundreds of Nobel winner was in this work, learning, it has lofty academic status and widespread influence in many fields of literature, medicine, law, business studies, is recognized as one of the world's top institutions of higher ecation.
Harvard is also American native oldest institution of higher learning, which was born in 1636, the first by a colony of Massachusetts legislature created, the beginning of a "new citizen school" (the college at New Towne), in honor of John Harvard College was established in the early to give the priest the generous support, in 1639 March changed its name to Harvard College; in 1780, Harvard College officially renamed the Harvard University.
哈佛同時也是美國本土歷史最悠久的高等學府,其誕生於1636年,最早由馬薩諸塞州殖民地立法機關創建,初名「新市民學院」(the college at New Towne),為紀念在成立初期給予學院慷慨支持的約翰·哈佛牧師,於1639年3月更名為哈佛學院;1780年,哈佛學院正式改稱哈佛大學。

H. 美國哈佛大學的簡介(中英對照)的

Harvard University (incorporated as The President and Fellows of Harvard College) is a private university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S., and a member of the Ivy League. Founded in 1636 by the colonial Massachusetts legislature, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. It is also the first and oldest corporation in North America.

Initially called "New College" or "the college at New Towne", the institution was named Harvard College on March 13, 1639, after a young clergyman named John Harvard, who bequeathed the College his library of four hundred books and

I. 求一篇哈佛大學的英文介紹,帶中文翻譯

哈佛大學(Harvard university)是一所私立的高等學校.建於1636年,比美國作為獨立國家的建立幾乎要早一個半世紀.當年,移居美洲的英國清教徒,為其子孫後代的幸福,仿效當時故劍橋大學的模式,在馬薩諸塞州的查爾斯河畔,建立了這所美國歷史上的第一所高等學校,始稱劍橋學院.逐漸興起的小鎮,從此亦稱劍橋,中文譯音稱坎布里奇.1639年,學校更名為哈佛學院,目的是為了永久紀念學校創辦人之一和辦學經費的主要捐獻者、英國劍橋大學伊曼紐爾學院文學碩士約翰·哈佛.
Harvard University is devoted to excellence in teaching,learning,and research,and to developing leaders in many disciplines who make a difference globally.Harvard faculty are engaged with teaching and research to push the boundaries of human knowledge.For students who are excited to investigate the biggest issues of the 21st century,Harvard offers an unparalleled student experience and a generous financial aid program,with over $160 million awarded to more than 60% of our undergraate students.The University has twelve degree-granting Schools in addition to the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study,offering a truly global ecation.
Established in 1636,Harvard is the oldest institution of higher ecation in the United States.The University,which is based in Cambridge and Boston,Massachusetts,has an enrollment of over 20,000 degree candidates,including undergraate,graate,and professional students.Harvard has more than 360,000 alumni around the world.

J. 美國哈佛大學英文介紹要帶中文翻譯

The Early History of Harvard University

Harvard University, which celebrated its 350th anniversary in 1986, is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Founded 16 years after the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, the University has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 18,000 degree candidates, including undergraates and students in 10 principal academic units. An additional 13,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses in the Harvard Extension School. Over 14,000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 faculty. There are also 7,000 faculty appointments in affiliated teaching hospitals.

Seven presidents of the United States – John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and George W. Bush – were graates of Harvard. Its faculty have proced more than 40 Nobel laureates.

Harvard College was established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and was named for its first benefactor, John Harvard of Charlestown, a young minister who, upon his death in 1638, left his library and half his estate to the new institution. Harvard's first scholarship fund was created in 1643 with a gift from Ann Radcliffe, Lady Mowlson.

During its early years, the College offered a classic academic course based on the English university model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists. Although many of its early graates became ministers in Puritan congregations throughout New England, the College was never formally affiliated with a specific religious denomination. An early brochure, published in 1643, justified the College's existence: "To advance Learning and perpetuate it to Posterity; dreading to leave an illiterate Ministry to the Churches."





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