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發布時間: 2023-04-24 21:07:45

㈠ 上海著名大學英文翻譯


上海大學 - University of Shanghai
華東師范大學 - East China Normal University
上海海市大內學 - Shanghai Maritime University
財經大學 - Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
同濟大學 - Tongji University
華東政法學容院 - East China University of Political Science and Law

水產大學是不是改稱海洋大學了? - Shanghai Ocean University

㈡ 上海同濟大學用英語怎麼說

Shanghai Tongji University

㈢ 這些高校用英語怎麼說

Fudan University
2 上海交通大學
Shanghai Jiaotong University
3 同濟大學
Tongji University
4 East China Normal University
5 East China University Of Science
6 Donghua University
7 Shanghai University Of Finance
8 Shanghai International Studies University
9 Shanghai University
10 East China University of Political Science and Law
11 Shanghai University Of Technology
12 Shanghai Normal University
13 Shanghai Maritime University
14 Shanghai University Of Chinese Traditional Medicine
15 Shanghai Fisheries University
16 Shanghai Conservatory Of Music
17 Shanghai Theatre Academy
18 Shanghai University Of Sport
19 Shanghai University Of Engineering Science
20 Shanghai University Of Electric Power
21 Shanghai Institute Of Foreign Trade
23 Shanghai Institute Of Technology
25 Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce
26 ShangHai Business School
28 Fudan-Pacific Institute of Finance
32 上海第二工業大學..
Shanghai Second Polytechnic University

㈣ 請問:同濟大學的英文譯文是「TONGJI UNIVERSITY",「同濟」在歷史上是否都是這么按照拼音翻譯的嗎


㈤ 上海四大名校是哪四大(大學)










㈥ 同濟   [tóng jì]什麼意思近義詞和反義詞是什麼英文翻譯是什麼

同濟 [tóng jì]


同舟渡水。唐 蘇鶚 《杜陽雜編》卷下:「﹝處士 元藏幾 ﹞ 大業 元年,為過海使判官,遇風浪壞船,黑霧四合,同濟者皆不救,而 藏幾 獨為破木所李模載枯帶,殆經半月,忽達於洲島間。」 清 沉復 《浮生六記·坎坷記愁》:「二十日曉鍾初動,即聞江口喚渡聲。余驚起,呼 曹 同 濟 。」


  1. 同舟渡水。

    唐 蘇鶚 《杜陽雜編》卷下:「﹝處士 元藏幾 ﹞ 大業 元年,為過海使判官,遇風浪壞船,黑霧四合,同濟者皆不救,而 藏幾 獨為破木所載,殆經半月,忽達於洲島間。」 清 沉復 《浮生六記·坎坷記愁》:「二十日曉鍾初動,即聞哪敗緩江口喚渡聲。余驚起,呼 曹 同 濟 。」


報錯 更多→ 同濟


abbr. of 同濟大學


尷尬 簡單 茂盛 端詳 驟然 哲學 驕傲 好像 感恩 曠野 倔強 葳蕤



㈦ 同濟大學介紹英文

分類: 教育/科學 >> 院校信息



Tongji University is one of the leading universities directly under the State Ministry of Ecation in China. It offers degree programs both at undergraate and postgraate levels. The university has School of Sciences, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, School of Civil Engineering , Mechanical School, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Material Science and Engineering, School of Electronics and Information Engineering, School of Traffic and Transportation, Medical School, School of Liberal Arts and Law, School of Foreign Languages,School of Economics and Management,School of Sofare Engineering,school of Ocean and Earth Science. In addition, there are Institute of Further Ecation, Institute of Higher Technology, Institute of Vocational and Technical Ecation, Institute of E-Ecation, Women's College, Institute of Automobile Marketing and Sino-German Institute which is authorized by Chinese and German governments to run postgraate courses. There are also three university hospitals located in different campuses.

The university now registers over 41,000 students at all levels from certificate and diploma courses to Bachelors Degrees, Masters, PhD programs and post doctoral attachments. There are over 4200 academic staff for teaching and/or research, among whom there are 6 Members of Chinese Academy of Science, 7 Members of Chinese Academy of Engineering, over 530 professors and 1300 associate professors. The university offers diverse courses in its 81 Bachelors Degrees, 151 Masters, 58 PhD programs and 13 post doctoral mobile stations. As one of the state leading centers for scientific research, the university has 5 state key laboratories and engineering research centers.

㈧ 同濟大學英文名稱縮寫




㈨ 同濟大學高研院 英文

你好。同濟大學高研院 翻譯成英語是:Institute of high research and development, Tongji University.


㈩ 上海各大高校英文怎麼說

上海外國語大學:Shanghai Foreign Language University
交通大學:內Shanghai Communication University
復旦大學:Fudan University
同濟大學:Tongji University
華東師范大學:East China Normal University
華東理工大學:East China University Of Science And Technology
上海師容範大學:Shanghai Normal University
上海理工大學:Shanghai University Of Science And Technology
海事大學:Shanghai Maritime University
上海第二工業大學:Shanghai Second Polytechnic University
第二軍醫大學:Second Military Medical University

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