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發布時間: 2023-04-22 22:11:47

1. 在他上大學之前的英文

He has learned two foreign languages by himself before he entered university/started his college life.
If it doesn't rain tomorrow,I will go there.

2. "上大學之前,我腦海中的大學是那麼美好,然而,卻不是那樣"用英語翻譯

Before I was in college, I was so beautiful, but not so "

3. 翻譯: 在我上大學以前一直都住在那裡 用英語怎麼說

I had been living there before I entered the college.

4. 在上大學的英文

在上大學的英文:be at college

college 讀法 英['kɒlɪdʒ]美['kɑlɪdʒ]

n. 大學;學院;學會


1、college library大學圖書館

2、junior college 兩年制專科學校,大專

3、college graate大學畢業生;大專以上學歷

4、technical college(英)工學院;專科學校

5、go to college上大學;念大專院校



academy 讀法 英[ə'kædəmɪ]美[ə'kædəmi]

n. 學院;研究院;學會;專科院校


1、academy of fine arts藝術學院

2、academy award奧斯卡金像獎;學院獎(美國電影藝術科學院頒發的年度獎項)

3、military academy 陸軍軍官學校

4、royal academy皇家藝術院;皇家藝術學會

5、academy of music音樂學會;音樂學校


institute, university, college, academy這組詞都有「學院,大學」的意思,其區別是:





5. 以下翻譯成英文:在進去大學之前,我是充滿期待的.因為這是個藝術學子都想進入的學校,而我格外幸運的進

In college, I was filled with anticipation. This is because the art students want to enter the school, and I was lucky to enter the University. The first day came to this school, my first impression is, for me, this is not a good thing, because I can't ride a bicycle so now I have to sit in another bike. This is quite awkward. Second the feeling is busy. Thought entered the university will be a lot easier, in fact the opposite. The busy academic lectures, interesting, rich sports life, Free University and I ever imagined. Finally it is art atmosphere, this university is different from other schools, he is a unique professional. Above is my initial impression of the University

6. 用英語翻譯"在沒上大學之前很好奇大學的生活

在沒上大學之前很好奇大學的生活.I was very curious about the college;life before I went there.;希望可以幫到你純手寫,望採納

7. 我從來都沒有接觸過電腦在我上大學之前用英語

I've never been in touch with a computer before I was in college.

8. 上大學之前的英語


9. 英語翻譯 翻譯成英語:他在上大學之前,一點自理能力都沒有

Before he went to university,he couldn't take care of himself

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