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D. 新視野大學英語讀寫教程詞彙第一冊Unit4講解

導語:新視野 大學英語 對整體結構和內容進行了全面完善和提高,下面我分享新視野 大學英語 讀寫教程詞彙第一冊Unit4講解,歡迎參考!
New Words
<1>impressionn.[C] an opinion or feeling about sb. or sth. 印象

He has made a good impression on me. 他給我留下了很好的印象。

My first impression of him was favorable. 我對他的第一印象很好。

<2>consciousa.1. noticing or realizing sth. 有意源肢鋒識的;意識到的

The children were conscious of their mother's unhappiness. 孩子們意識到了母親的不快。

I became conscious of someone watching me. 我意識到有人在看著我。

2. awake and knowing what is happening around 清醒的;有知覺的

The patient was conscious. 這位病人處於清醒狀態。

He was found lying beside the road, covered in blood but still conscious. 人們發現他躺在路邊,渾身上下都是血,可神志還是清醒的。

<3>consciously ad. aware of having done sth. 有意識雹晌地;有知覺地

I don't think she'飢瞎s consciously rude to everyone. 我想她不是有意對大家無禮的。

He did not consciously remember meeting her. 他不記得見過她。

<4>reactionn.[C] the way a person or thing responds to sth. 反應

What was his reaction to your idea? 他對你的想法有什麼反應?

Culture often influences our reaction to events. 文化往往影響我們對各種事件的反應。

<5>rangevi. vary between certain limits (在一定范圍內)變動,變化

Prices range from $10 to $25. 價格從10美元到25美元不等。

There were 120 students whose ages ranged from 10 to 18. 共有120名學生,他們的年齡從10歲到18歲不等。

1. [sing.] the area of power, responsibility, etc. that sb. has (職責等的)范圍

I would like to help, but what you ask is out of my range. 我很想幫忙,但你問的事是我所不知道的。

When he was criticized, he said it was outside his range of responsibility. 批評他時,他說這事超出了他的職責范圍。

2. [sing., U] the distance over which sth. can be sent, heard or seen (視覺、聽覺的)范圍;射程

The enemy were within range of our guns. 敵人處在我們大炮的射程之內。

The plane has been out of the range of our vision. 我們已經看不見飛機了。

<6>introction n. 1. [C] the act of telling people each other's names when they first meet 介紹,引見

He made the self-introction and everyone shook hands with him. 他作了 自我介紹 ,大家都與他握了手。

Our first speaker needs no introction. 我們的第一位發言者就不必介紹了。

2. [U] the act of bringing sth. into use for the first time 引進,採用

The introction of new methods increased the efficiency greatly. 新方法的採用大大提高了效率。

With the introction of new drugs, more patients have been saved. 新葯的引進挽救了更多病人的生命。

<7>spousen.[C]a husband or wife 配偶

It is said that most women live longer than their spouses. 據說大部分妻子都要比她們的丈夫活得長。

<8>interviewn.1. [C, U] a formal meeting at which people are asked questions in order to find out whether they are suitable for a job, course of study, etc. 面試

A job interview is important for both the interviewer and the interviewee. 招聘面試對僱主和應聘人都很重要。

I was invited for interview with the company. 我被這家公司邀去面試。

2. [C] an occasion when people are asked questions about their lives, experiences, or opinions for a newspaper, TV program, etc. 采訪,訪談

He refused a TV interview. 他拒絕電視采訪。

The new Prime Minister gave his first interview last night. 新首相昨晚首次接受采訪。

vt.ask sb. questions ring an interview 面試;采訪

They interviewed seven people for the job. 他們為這工作面試了七個人。

He was interviewed by a reporter about his ideas. 記者就他的想法采訪了他。

<9>encountern.[C] a meeting with sb. by chance 意外(或偶然)相遇

He had a chance encounter with a friend this morning. 今天早上他偶然遇到了一位朋友。

His first encounter with Wilson was back in 1989. 他第一次與威爾遜相遇是在1989年。

vt.meet sb. or sth. without planning to 意外遇到;遭遇

If you take up this assignment, you are likely to encounter many difficulties. 如果你承擔這個任務,會遇到許多困難。

I encountered a friend of mine on the street yesterday. 昨天在街上我偶然遇到了一位老朋友。

<10>focusv.(on) give special attention to one particular person or thing 使(注意力等)集中

The children's attention was focused on the stage. 孩子們的注意力都集中在舞台上。

We must focus on increasing our home markets. 我們必須把注意力放在拓展國內市場上。

n.[sing.] the thing, person, situation, etc. that people pay special attention to 中心,集中點

She has been the focus of everyone's attention since she came to the university. 她自從進了大學就一直是大家關注的焦點。

In today's lecture the focus will be on communication through body language. 今天講座的重點是用肢體語言進行交際。

<11>persuasivea.able to make other people believe or do sth. 有說服力的,能使人相信的

His arguments are not persuasive. 他的論據沒有說服力。

He is a very persuasive speaker. 他是一位非常能取信於人的演講者。

<12>presentation n. [C] an event at which a person describes or explains a proct or idea 描述,陳述

I was asked to give a short presentation on the aim of the plan. 人們要求我就這計劃的目的作一個簡短的陳述。

I'm going to ask each of you to make a short presentation.我准備要求你們每個人作一個簡短的陳述。

<13>physicala.1. having to do with one's body 身體的,肉體的

Your son appears to be in good physical health. 你兒子看來身體很健康。

Physical activity encourages good health. 體育活動有助於健康。

2. having to do with things that can be seen 物質的,有形的

physical objects 實物

He was concerned with physical world, while his brother was more interested in spiritual matters. 他關心的是物質世界,而他弟弟感興趣的是精神世界。

<14>raten.1. [C] the speed at which sth. happens 速度

He works at a very fast rate. 他工作速度非常快。

Children develop physically and emotionally at different rates. 兒童的身體和情感發育的速度是不同的。

2. [C] the number of times sth. happens within a certain period 比率,率

There is a high accident rate in this factory. 這個工廠的事故率很高。

The unemployment rate in Australia rose to 6.5% in February. 澳大利亞的失業率2月份上升到了6.5%。

<15>pitchn.[U] the highness or lowness of a voice or a musical note 聲音或音調的高低度

He raised his voice to an even higher pitch. 他的聲音提得更高了。

Her voice has a very high pitch. 她的嗓音非常尖。

<16>tonen.[C] the sound of sb.'s voice that shows what they are feeling 聲調;語氣,口氣

Her tone showed that her patience was limited. 她的語氣表示她的耐心是有限度的。

Don't speak to me in that tone of voice. 不要用那種語氣來跟我說話。

<17>absorbeda. so interested in sth. that one does not notice anything else 專注的;全神貫注的

The child seemed completely absorbed. 那個孩子似乎完全被吸引住了。

He was so absorbed in watching the children playing game that he forgot to buy vinegar. 他如此專注地看孩子們玩游戲以至於忘了去買醋。

<18>how-toa.(infml.) giving information on how to do a particular thing 提供入門知識的;教你怎樣做的

How-to books on gardening sell well in this bookstore. 園藝入門的書在這家書店很暢銷。

The magazine used to have a regular how-to section. 這本雜志以前有一個定期的“教你做”專欄。

<19>stridevi.(strode, stridden) walk with long steps 大踏步走,闊步行進

He strode up to the house. 他邁開大步走向屋子。

She came striding along to meet me. 她跨步上來迎接我。

n.[C] a long step 大步

She reached the door in only three strides. 她跨了三步就到了門口。

I was only a stride from him when I saw him. 看見他時我與他只有一步之遙。

<20>impressvt.make sb. feel admiration and respect 給...留下深刻的印象

He impressed me as a hard-working man. 他給我的印象是工作很努力。

I'm very impressed with what's happening. 目前所發生的一切給我留下很深的印象。

<21>shaken.[C] an act of moving sth. up and down or from side to side 搖動,搖晃

He answered "no" with a shake of his head. 他搖頭回答道“不”。

Give the bottle a good shake before opening it. 開啟前把瓶子好好搖一下。

<22>handshake n. [C] the act of shaking sb.'s hand 握手

He came to the door to welcome me with a handshake. 他走到門口同我握手錶示歡迎。

Her handshake was warm and firm. 她的握手熱情而有力。

<23>consistenta.always having the same opinions, standards, behavior, etc. 一致的;一貫的

It is our consistent policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means. 和平統一是我們的一貫政策。

The results are consistent with earlier research. 這次的結果和先前的研究沒有出入。

<24>consistently adv. in a consistent way 一致地;一貫地

She worked consistently hard. 她一向工作努力。

He was consistently generous and kind. 他一向慷慨善良。

<25>addressvt.make a formal speech to a large group of people 向...作正式講話, 對...發表演說

He is to address a conference on human rights next week. 下周他將就人權問題會議向會議發表演說。

He addressed an audience of 10,000 supporters. 他向上萬支持者作講話。

<26>matchvt.be suitable for a particular person, thing, or situation 和...相一致,和...相配

Does this shirt match these trousers? 這件襯衫和褲子相配嗎?

We need to buy some chairs to match our dining table. 我們應買些與餐桌相配的椅子。

<27>depressvt.make sb. feel unhappy 使抑鬱,使沮喪

The thought of going to work tomorrow really depresses me. 想到明天要上班我就心煩。

It depressed everyone that no progress was made ring the negotiations. 談判毫無進展,大家都感到失望。

<28>depressed a. very unhappy 抑鬱的,沮喪的

He was depressed about losing all his money. 她所有的錢都賠了,感到十分沮喪。

I feel more and more depressed. 我感到越來越沮喪。

<29>audiencen.[C] a group of people who watch or listen to a play, concert, speech, etc. 觀眾,聽眾

The audience was/were wild with joy. 觀眾欣喜若狂。

The audience was/were clapping for 10 minutes. 觀眾足足拍了十分鍾的手。

<30>contactn.1. [U] a state in which two people or things touch each other 接觸

The disease is spread by contact with animals. 這種疾病通過與動物的接觸傳播。

His fingers were briefly in contact with the ball. 他的手指觸摸了一下球。

2. [U] communication with a person, organization, etc. 聯系;交往

I've lost contact with most of my schoolmates. 我已與我大多數校友失去了聯系。

We stay in contact by email. 我們通過電子郵件保持聯系。

<31>relaxv.make or become less worried or annoyed (使)放鬆,(使)輕松

This holiday will give you a chance to relax. 這次假期會給你一個放鬆的機會。

A hot bath will help to relax you. 洗個熱水澡會幫助你放鬆。

<32>relaxeda.feeling calm and not worried or annoyed 鬆弛的,放鬆的

Suitable exercises will make you relaxed in mind and body. 適當的鍛煉會令你身心舒展。

He wants to live a relaxed life. 他想過悠閑自在的生活。

<33>lightenv.1. make or become more cheerful (使)輕松,(使)愉快

Her mood lightened. 她情緒好起來了。

She told a joke to lighten the atmosphere. 她講了個笑話來緩和一下氣氛。

2. make or become less heavy or forceful (使)減輕,(使)放鬆

Taking on of a new secretary lightened her workload considerably. 僱用一位新 秘書 大大減輕了她的工作量。

Their burden lightened every day. 他們的負擔一天天減輕。

<34>powerfula.1. able to influence or control what people do or think 有影響力的;能控制他人的

He was one of the most powerful men in the area. 他是這個地區最有影響力的人之一。

Her argument is powerful. 她的論據充分有力。

2. physically strong 強壯的,強健有力的

An athlete should have a powerful body. 運動員應該有強壯的體魄。

He looked tall and powerful. 他看上去個子高大、身體強壯。

<35>entertainmentn. [C, U] things that are intended to amuse or interest people 娛樂;供消遣的東西

The club provides a wide choice of entertainment. 該俱樂部提供多種娛樂項目。

Many people in the city worked in the entertainment instry. 這個城市有許多人在娛樂業工作。

<36>roar vi.make a loud noise by laughing or shouting 大聲叫喊,咆哮;大笑

The audience roared in delight. 觀眾高興得歡呼起來。

He roared with laughter at the joke. 聽到這笑話,他哈哈大笑。

The patient roared with pain. 那個病人疼得大喊大叫。

<37>broodvi.think and worry about sth. a lot 沉思;擔憂

He sat there, brooding about his failure. 他坐在那兒,默默地思考自己的失敗。

You're not still brooding over what he said, are you? 你不會仍在想著他說的那些話吧?
Phrases and Expressions
<38>make up one's mind make up one's mind make a decision 下定決心,打定主意

Have you made up your mind where to go for your holiday? 去哪兒度假,你拿定主意了嗎?

I can't make up my mind between these two dishes. 這兩道菜到底選哪一道,我拿不定主意。

<39>range from... to... vary from... to... (在一定范圍內)從...到...變化,變動

The price of beer ranged from 50 cents to $5 ring the summer season. 夏季,啤酒價格從50美分到5美元不等。

She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from translator to swimming instructor. 從當翻譯到當 游泳 教練,她從事過一些不同的工作。

<40>be committed to be willing to work hard at sth. 獻身於,投入於

As a person who loves peace, he is committed to peace between countries.作為一個熱愛和平的人,他致力於國與國之間的和平事業。

If you want to get ahead in life, you must be committed to achieving your dreams. 要想取得人生的成功,你就必須全身心投入實現你的夢想。

<41>be absorbed inbe so involved in an activity that one cannot think about other things 全神貫注於,專心於

I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that I didn't hear him talking to me. 我當時非常入神地在沉思,沒聽到他和我說話。

She was absorbed in the book. 她全神貫注地在看那本書。

<42>fix one's eyes onlook at a thing or person carefully 凝視,盯住看

She walked into the room and fixed her eyes on the person she wanted to talk to. 她走進房間,眼睛凝視著那個她想進行談話的人。

I couldn't help fixing my eyes on this picture. 我情不自禁地凝視著那幅畫。

<43>drive sb. crazymake sb. feel very angry or annoyed 逼得某人發瘋

His carelessness drove his girlfriend mad. 他的粗心大意令他的女朋友受不了。

That noise is driving me crazy. 那噪音真讓我受不了。

<44>at one's bestin the best state 處於最佳狀態

This is an example of his work at his best. 這代表了他創作高峰時期的作品。

I don't really feel at my best today. 我覺得今天我不在最佳狀態。

<45>lighten up(used to tell sb.) not to be so serious about sth. 放輕松;別太當真

You need to light up a bit. 你需要放鬆點。

Hey, lighten up! It's only a game, you know! 喂,別太當真!你知道,這不過是游戲!

<46>take sb. or sth. seriously think sb. or sth. is important and should be given attention to 認為某人或某物重要

Don't take him seriously—he's just kidding. 別跟他認真——他只不過是開玩笑。

We have to take his proposal seriously. 我們要認真對待他的建議。
Proper Names
<47>Ailes 艾爾斯(人名)

E. 新視野大學英語教材到底好不好,怎樣才能真正的用好


F. 新視野大學英語spoc怎麼激活


G. 新視野大學英語怎麼激活


H. 新視野大學英語聽說教程後配的光碟怎麼用


I. u校園新視野大學英語讀寫怎麼完成


J. 新視野大學英語聽力是考什麼內容我應該怎麼辦呢


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