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發布時間: 2020-12-27 13:06:10

⑴ 緊張忙碌的初中生活即將結束 英語怎麼說

My busy life as a middle school student is coming to an end.
My busy life as a middle school student is drawing to a close.

⑵ 初中生活用英語怎麼說

Junior high school life

⑶ 我期待我的初中生活用英語怎麼說

我期待我的初中生活翻譯成英文是I am looking forward to my junior high school life.

look forward to的英式讀法是[lʊk 'fɔːwəd tu];美式讀法是[lʊk 'fɔːrwəd tu]。


junior high school的英式讀法是['dʒuːnɪə haɪ skuːl];美式讀法是['dʒuːnɪə haɪ skʊl]。







n. (名詞)

junior用作名詞時可以表示稱呼,即用在與父親〔祖父〕同姓的兒〔孫〕或兄弟二人中的弟弟的姓之後,意為「小…」,這類用法只用於男性。常可縮寫為Jr., jr.,Jun.,Junr.。


n. (名詞)




3、forlife的意思是「一輩子,一生」,當所指的人為復數時,也可以用復數形式for lives。

4、for one'slife的意思是「拚命地」;for thelifeof one的意思是「無論如何」,只能用於否定結構。

⑷ 我初中生活英語作文加翻譯


My junior high school life
Primary short life unknowingly gently glide ended in laughter and sighs staggered the sound of music. We ushered in a new junior high school life. Perhaps like junior high school three years time will be seven notes, seemingly ll, but no matter what the arrangement is an extraordinary song; perhaps as hot summer sun, seemingly colorless, but it is made red orange yellow green blue purple Rainbow light composition; perhaps this year's music life bitter, sour and sweet.
Although I entered junior high school life was just two weeks, but I experienced a myriad of music. Weekdays between the students a joke, I heard blessing, a greeting card, a note to all junior high school life fun. Classmates even more fun. Weekdays teacher's praise will make my children and teenagers happy all day, not to mention the exam to get good grades, of course, such a thing is not every day. Can solve a problem, make various "formulas obedient one back, so that 26 letters are very tame mouth came from, do not also people are very happy to do for you?
Mom said that I was most happy high school students. But like the summer sun can sometimes be replaced by heavy rain, the sky sometimes appear dark cloud, there will be a junior high school life will be a ll pain.
Enter the first day, like a job like clouds rolling in, the heavy task of learning, the master pressure can be imagined. A variety of jobs, such as the March drizzle the next stop, so I tasted enough bitter taste. Faced with a wide variety of exercises, after wrestling still puzzled on several cross examination papers, more troubling than the heavy work from morning alarm clock awakened by a large volume,
Quickly toward the school, to complete the eight or nine classes back to the bedroom ...... this life should be said to be bitter.
Oh, junior high school life is pain and joy woven into a big net, parents hope, teacher expectations, students friendship is weaving shuttle, I will go through this flash net for the future and work! Bitter and music are a pair of twins, it will always accompanied by the line. But as long as the hearts there is joy, life is always colorful.


High school life is different from that in junior school at all.
這里的that是指代生活,因為上文中提到了高中的生活所以這里直接用它來指代,避免專重復。「完全不同」屬就用at all 表示,就是「根本不,一點也不」

⑹ 『初中生活即將結束』用英語怎麼說

the life of Junior high schooll is coming to an end

⑺ 我的初中生活快要結束了用英語怎麼說

我的初中生活快要結束了用英語說是內:My junior high school life is coming to an end。

Middle school life willend.或者容Junior high school life wil be end.

⑻ 我的初中生活快要結束了用英語怎麼說

我的初中生活快要結束了用英語說是專:屬My junior high school life is coming to an end。

Middle school life willend.或者Junior high school life wil be end.

⑼ 不久我將結束我的初中生活用英語怎麼說

In the near future, I will finish my Junior High School life

⑽ 「初中生活」用英語怎麼說

初中生活 life in junior middle school
我的初中生活 my life in junior middle school

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