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發布時間: 2020-12-27 08:57:43

1. 大學英語單詞造句作業

1. It has the most prestigious business school in the world, a great housing system, and a diverse student body. 賓州大學擁有全世界最負盛名的商學院、良好的住宿制度,以及多樣化的學生群。 2. For me the prime factors are performance and the ability to give feedback to the engineers. 對我而言,最基本的因素是表現力和給工程師反饋信息的能力。 3.The school confers a medal on any student who is not absent a single day.
學校對一天也不缺席的學生發給一枚獎章。 4.It was difficult to apportion the blame for the accident between the two drivers. 在這次車禍中,很難分清這兩個駕駛員誰該承擔什麼過失。 5.There is no formula for success, except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.成功沒有公式可循,除了可能的一種:無條件的接受生活以及生活帶來的一切!6.Ideals never discard dedicated pursuers. As long as you never stop pursuing, you will always bathe in the brilliance of ideals.理想不拋棄苦心追求的人,只要不停止追求,你們就會沐浴在理想的光輝之中。——巴金7.He sets strategic goals for the organization and analyzes future growth opportunities for the enterprise.他為組織提出戰略目標,並且為企業分析未來的成長機會。

2. 大學英語作業

1.Being somewhat short-sighted, she had the habit of ___ at people.
b、 peering (因為有點近視,她習慣眯著眼睛看人)
2 If I hadn』t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you ___ now.
b、 wouldn't be smiling (now是現在,couldn't是過去)
3 I』d rather you ___ those important documents with you.
d、not take
4 The way we picture ourselves is often the way we turn ___.
b、 out ( Turn out to be sb/sth意思是證明是某人[某事物],to be可以被省略)
5 The flying object was finally ___ as being a satellite.
c、 identified
6 The bridge began to ___ under the heavy snow.
d、 give (支撐不住)
7 Since the matter was extremely ___, we dealt with it immediately.
c、 urgent
8 In a time of social reform, people』s state of mind tends to keep ___ with the rapid changes of society.
b、 pace (keep pace with與……同步)
9 A person』s calorie requirements vary ___ his life.
c、 throughout
10 I can』t ___ what has happened to the vegetables, for they were freshly picked this morning.
a、figure out
11 Your nerve system can』t ___ between the imagine experience and a real one.
c、 tell the difference
12 The President called ___ the state of emergency.
b、off (call off 取消)
13 The little girl ___ all over with cold, standing int the street.
14 These two areas are similar ___ they both have a high rainfall ring this season.
b、in that
15 Harry was ___ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.
d、 stung
16 Attitudes ___ daydreaming are changing greatly.
d、 against (針對)
17 If this kind of fish becomes ___, future generations may never taste it at all.
18 He will surely finish the job on time ___ he』s left to do it his own way.
d、 so long as (只要)
19 ___ she never got my letter at all.
b、 Surprisingly
20 Our chances of winning the game are ___.

1.a. glancing
3.b. didn't take
16. b. for

3. 大學英語作業,我的大學生活,90到100

The college life is wonderful. All life in school are fresh. New teachers, new CLASSmates and fresh friends are around me。 The grand library, school buildings and wide playground are very attracting to me. I am very eager to learn much knowledge quickly. In high school, I was ever called as a runner before time. Now,I know I am behind time so much in fact. I hope to catch up with the time by my hard studying. When I entered the CLASSroom at first time, I was headache as I couldn』t understand what the professor was speaking. I met much difficulties at math, physics and other courses, even though I used to be good at these sciences. Therefore, I learn these courses myself after CLASS. After three months, the exmination indicated that I overcame all the difficlties. I study English hard as well. It makes me have many chances to communicate with foreigners. I made friends with many foreign teachers and students. From them, I learn many knowledge about foreign culture

Besides study, my college life is also very colorful. I』d like to take any chance to improve my communication skill. Last year, I organized a speech match in management department. All the CLASSmates were very interested in this kind of activity. I learned from them much about their hometown, their knowledge and opinions.

My college life is long and short. I believe that I can spend a good time in the four years. I hope I will have no any regretion when I look back the short youth of college in the future.

4. 大學英語作業


5. 大學英語作業

1.Shanghai and Beijing. Because Shanghai is an international city and many foreign people go there because of the Shanghai Expo. Beijing is the capital city in China. So it is also very popular.

2.Xi'an. Because Xi'an is an old city. It has a long history and there are many places of interest there.The food there is also very good.

3.Many people would say computers. But I think the most useful invention is cellphone. It makes us together. We can connect the people we want to talk with at anytime and anywhere.

4.Maybe the air pollution. It is a world wide problem. Everywhere may have the air pollution.

5.We should save the environment from tiny things. Such as don't throw rubbish. Don't waste water and protect the grass. Something like that.

6.It is a healty way of life. It can make our environment better and make us healthier.

7.Not really. I believe most of the things I hear on news. Because everyone may make mistakes. We can't say that the news is the truth.

8.The Country.Because the environment is better there than in the city. And the pressure of working is weaker. I can enjoy a better life there.

9.It is hard to say. That depends on the way you surf the Internet.
You should not visit some bad website and pay attention to the messages which ask you for money.

10.I think security in my campus is good. The guards are very responsible and they all work hard. And the students all pay attention to their personal safety.

11.Pop music. As I am a young people. Pop music is good for me. I can feel the passion in the songs and I can be passionable when I listen to pop music. I like it very much.

12.Twilight. I like it very much though it is not so new. I like the story about the vampires. That interesting and exciting.

13.To tell the truth. That was really boring. All I could do was study and study. Of course,just because of the hard work in my primary school can I get into this college.

14.My country is a mysterious country and it has a long history. There are many places of interest here. No matter where you go you will have a wonderful experience in my country.

15.Our Chinese culture is very mysterious and we need to learn it and tell the people around the world about it. It has so many things that we haven't known. It is a treasure in our country.

6. 大學英語作業


7. 大學作業用英語怎麼說


8. 大學英語作業


9. 大學作業用英語怎麼說

[網路] University jobs;
In the paper, it is exposed in detail to how to design the system structure and implement the main functions.

10. 大學英語作業

1 will probably reach--may reach,因為要表達probably的意思 所以用may
2 同你
3 probably ...consider..--You may think...同1 表達probably的意思 不是很肯定,而且在版此句中 用may 會更加禮貌一些
4 原句改為權 What you said may be true。
5 The Smiths must have a lot of money 表達強烈肯定的語氣 用must
不過順便提一句:在做否定句時 要用can't 表達強烈不允許的意思
6 We may never succed。原因同上
個人答案 僅供參考

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