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發布時間: 2020-12-27 06:25:56

㈠ 「她是我高中同學的女朋友」怎麼翻譯成英語

She is the girlfirend of one of my high school classmates 比較正宗的翻譯

㈡ 把以下語段翻譯成英語 我的知心朋友是我初中同學也是我小學同學,現在到高中了,我們不在同一個學...

My bosom friend is my junior high school student and also my primary school classmate.But now we are not in the same high school,so I miss her very much! She is a girl with good morality. We often talk about our mind, and when we meet vexed problems, we always consult them together, then face them bravely.
My school achievement is not very good, so she often help with my study.Her character is the same with me, however, in learning she is more seriously than me in study. In our junior middle school years we do everything togather,such as having meals、sleeping、having classes .There is no secret between us.
Now I miss her very much, but at the same time we also eager to make new friends, I can help you solve the depression of the your heart. Hope you are willing to make friends with me!

㈢ 她的表妹來自哪裡英語怎麼 我是一名學生,我在紅日中學用英語怎麼說

where is her cousin from

I am a student, I'm in Hong Ri Middle School.

㈣ 她陪我度過了高中生活的英語翻譯

1.She spent the high school life with me.
2.She kept me company for the high school life.(keep sb company是習語,意為「抄陪伴某人」襲)
ps.accompany雖然一般的詞典將其注為「陪伴」「陪同」,但它的英文釋義為to go somewhere with someone, especially to look after them(陪某人去某地,尤其是指為了照顧他們),所以要表示呆在某處陪伴某人就不宜用它,這個句子太短,還要看你想表達的含義究竟是什麼而進行翻譯上的取捨。

㈤ 用英語翻譯這篇文章:我有一個好朋友,也算是我的閨密,她和我來到了同一所高中。但是她在高一下期的時候

I have a good friend and it's kind of my best friends, she and I went to the same high school. But she left high school when my next period into the community, in fact, I was sad, always felt like everything, and I remember when my peas and third, we are really crazy, we could have very well in the third, but we don't work hard, had a low IQ, an annoyance. At night, we'll sneak in a room together, we said our dream, our future. We all get sick of reading, reading nonsense. We also often ran in the bathroom saying, the secret, smell the stink of the so-called fantasy life we share happiness, sadness.

㈥ 英語翻譯 她是我高中二年級的同桌、她有著褐色的眼睛長長的頭發。非常的可愛。她非常的開朗、每次和她在


She is my two year high school sit at the same table, she has a brown eyes and long hair. Very lovely. She is very cheerful, every time with her, I am particularly happy special relaxed.

㈦ 英語翻譯一段話: 我將代表我的同伴闡述她的觀點,她認為名校高中生應該被允許談戀愛。因為高中生之間的

I will represent my companion elaborated her point of view, she thinks to elite high school students should be allowed to fall in love. Because high school students between the feelings will not be too concerned about money, fame, power, that is a kind of feeling, feel that (he) (she) as compared to later dating will feel relatively pure feelings.

㈧ 盡管她現在和我在不同的高中用英語怎麼說

even if her high school is different from mine.

㈨ 我妹妹是一個中學生,她在8中。英語翻譯

my sister is a middle school student. she is in No. 8 Middle School.

㈩ 「我和她都是一名中學生」用英語怎麼寫

Either she or I am a middle school student.
Either she is a middle school student or I am.

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