A. 漸趨走紅的「中式英語」是創新還是奇葩
B. 常見英語單詞縮寫(如:WTO,VIP等等)越詳細越好,謝謝
ASAP: As soon as possible = 盡快
RSVP: respondez s'il vous plait (法文) = please reply = 請回覆(通常邀請卡會寫)
e.g: (這其實不該用大寫) exempli gratia (拉丁) = for example = 舉例說
i.e.: (還是小寫) id est (拉丁) = that is = 就是
etc: (小) etcetera (拉丁) = 等等…
和朋友聊天OK 別在正式信/電郵用
BF: Boyfriend = 男朋友
BTW: By the way = 說起來…
BRB: Be right back = 走開一下, 立刻回來
CU: See you = 再見
DND: Do not disturb = 請勿打擾
FD: Friend = 朋友
FYI: For your information = 供您參考
GF: Girlfriend = 女朋友
IC: I see = 明白了
ILY : I love you = 我愛你
IMHO: In my humble opinion = 依我愚見 (沒H便不愚)
J/K: Joking = 開玩笑
LOL: Laughing out loudly = 大聲笑
NOYB: None of your business = 不關你事
OIC: Oh, I see = 哦, 明白了
OMG: Oh my God = 天啊
PLS: Please = 麻煩你
ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing = 笑的滾在地上
TGIF: Thank God it』s Friday = 感謝主這是星期五
THX/TKS: Thanks = 謝謝
TTUL: Talk to you later = 晚些再談
TY: Thank you = 謝謝
WB: Welcome back = 歡迎回來
C. 關於大象的英文短句
1. 用英文句子描寫大象的外貌
Elephant's shoulder about 2 meters high, weight 3 ~ 7 tons. elephant's ears, like two big cattail leaf fan; A pair of long teeth like a white jade, nose long, like a faucet can water gushed. Its body like a wall, leg like four pillars。
2. 寫出10個英語片語比如Whiteelephant(大而沒用的東西)必須得有顏
1.go grey 開始長灰白頭發2.red about the gills 兩腮紅潤, 氣色好 (因發怒或喝酒)滿臉通紅3.green aroud the gills 臉色蒼白4.be green with envy (由遲笑於想要別人所有的東西而)十分嫉妒5.the green light 允許開始做某事6.turn red in the gills 發怒7.do sth. till you are blue in the face 一直干;永不成功8.out of the blue 非常突然地;意外地 9.black and blue (被打的)青腫的10.in black and white 書面的11.in the black (銀行存款)有盈餘12.white lie 無傷大雅的謊言13.white paper 白皮書14.white top (美式,非正式)白發蒼蒼的體弱老人;年邁體弱的老人15.white water 急流,湍急的水流16.black out 昏厥。
3. 一隻大象英語句子
An elephant
elephant 英[ˈelɪfənt]
n. 象,大象;
[網路] 象; 大象;
[例句]Above him, in a niche on the wall, sat a tiny veiled Ganesh, the elephant god.
[其他] 復數:elephants
4. 大象 英文短文(50個單詞)
Elephants Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born.Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other, Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre。