I like many kind of foods, such as mpling, noodles, hamburger, egg soup and so on, but I like mpling most.
I like eating mpling because he so is always delicious, and mpling also has many kinds of stuffing inside, Chinese people eats mplings with soy sauce and the vinegar sometimes add chili sauce and garlic,too.Every morning eats several mplings to eat the mpling soup also to feel very warm.So mpling is my favorite.
Do you also liking mplings? How do you think?
2. 吃餃子的英文
eat mplings
3. 我喜歡吃水餃用英語怎麼說
I like eating mplings.
4. 求一篇關於自己最喜歡的食物的做法的英語作文!加翻譯!
my favorite food
My favorite food is Chinese mpling; its pronunciation is jiao zi in Chinese. It is a traditional Chinese food and essential ring holidays in Northern China. And it is also popular in other Chinese holidays or festivals, so it is part of the Chinese culture or tradition. I like eating mpling not because I am from Northern China but because it is really very delicious and stand for reunion. My family usually eat mpling when all the members of family come together. Making mplings with my sisters is the happiest thing for me. Chinese mpling is one of the most important foods in Spring Festival. Since the Spring Festival marks the first day of a brand new year, the first meal is rather important. People from north and south have different habits of the food, so they eat different foods on this special day. In Northern China, people usually eat mplings. Chinese mpling is a delicious food. You can make a variety of Chinese mplings with different fillings. It depends on your taste and how various ingredients mixed together by you. Usually if you have Chinese mpling for dinner, you will not have to cook anything else except for some big occasions. The mpling itself is good enough for dinner. This is one of the advantages of Chinese mpling over other foods, though it may take longer time to make them. Making mplings is really teamwork. All family members often make mplings together. It is also a good time to share their stories with each other. I started to make mplings when I was a kid in my family, so most Chinese like me know how to make mplings.
5. 我喜歡吃餃子的英語(特問句)
I like to eat mplings
I like to eat mplings
6. 過年的時候我最喜歡和家人一起吃餃子用英語怎麼說
During the Spring Festival,I like eating nothing but mplings with my family.