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發布時間: 2025-03-19 11:22:16

⑴ 你在公園可以做什麼/你喜歡在公園里玩什麼用英語怎麼讀

What can you do in the park? What do you like to play in the park?

⑵ 生活英語情景口語:你喜歡玩什麼游戲

A:What are you doing?你干什麼呢?

B:I'm just trying to complete today's crossword puzzle. Whenever I get the time, I like to do the crossword puzzles in the paper.我正在玩今天報紙上的填字游戲.只要一有空,我就喜歡玩報紙上的填字游戲.

A:You really like brains that make you think, don't you?你真是喜歡玩那種需要動腦子的益智游戲,沒錯吧?

B:I guess you could say that. What kind of games do you like?我就知道你會這么說.你喜歡玩什麼類型的游戲?

A:I guess the games I like the most are the ones that I'm good at!只要是我能玩好的,我都喜歡.

B:Doesn't everyone? Which games are those?什麼都行?都包括什麼游戲呢?

A:Well, I like to play darts. Whenever I go to a bar, I usually play for a few hours.恩,我喜歡玩飛鏢.每次一去酒吧,我都能晚上好幾個鍾頭.

B:Did you play a lot of games when you were little?你小時候經常玩游戲嗎?

A:My parents used to love to play checkers and dominoes. We used to have family tournaments every weekend.我爸爸媽媽喜歡玩跳棋和多米諾骨牌.我們每周末都會組織家庭內部的比賽.

B:Do you still like playing those games?你現在還喜歡玩那些嗎?

A:Not at all. I never really did, to be honest. What about you? Did your family used to play games together?不了,老實說,我從來都不是發自內心地喜歡.你呢?你們家裡人過去一起玩游戲嗎?

B:Everyone in my family really enjoys playing card games.我們家每個人都特別喜歡打撲克.

A:Some of my friends play cards on the internet. Have you ever tried that?我的很多朋友都上網打牌.你試過在網上玩嗎?

B:No, I prefer to play with people I know.沒有,我還是比較喜歡和認識的人一起玩.

A:How about mah-jong?麻將怎麼樣?

B:It's a popular game with some people, but I've never played it.有些人很喜歡,不過我從來沒玩過.

A:I thought everyone in your country were experts at mah-jong!我以為你們國家的人都是麻將高手.

B:I hate to disappoint you, but unlike what most people think, we aren't all exactly the same!我不想掃你的興,不過其實並不像人們想像的那樣,人和人還是有個體差異的.

⑶ 你喜歡什麼玩具用英語怎麼表示

What kind of toy do you like?

⑷ 你喜歡玩什麼游戲用英語

1. "L" is inaccurate; it should be "I" to maintain proper subject-verb agreement. The sentence "What games do you like?" is more appropriate when asking about multiple games. If you are referring to a single game, the question should be "What is your favorite game?"
2. The phrase "喚春" seems to be a typo or does not fit in the context. It should be removed or replaced with a relevant phrase.
3. The term "低級錯誤" is translated as "a junior error," but it would be better expressed as "a mistake" or "an error" in English.
Revised sentence: What games do you like? If you are asking about a specific game, the question should be rephrased to "What is your favorite game?"

⑸ 你最喜歡玩什麼電腦游戲用英語怎麼說要求遵守語法

what computer games do you like best?

⑹ 你想玩游戲嗎英語怎麼說

應該是 Do you want to play games?(我看了上面所有的回答,自認為這句是最通俗的,其他的或多或少都有些繞彎,不是加重語氣就是增加尊稱效果)

⑺ 你喜歡玩電腦游戲嗎英語

你喜歡玩電腦游戲嗎英語:Do you like playing computer games?

3、Play computer games【讀音】:英 [pleɪ kəmˈpjuːtə(r) ɡeɪmz]團吵 美 [pleɪ kəmˈpjuːtər ɡeɪmz]渣沖 【例句】:I prefer watching TV. I also like to play computer games. (翻譯:我更喜歡看電視。我還喜歡玩電塌梁侍腦游戲。)。

⑻ 你平時喜歡玩什麼英語怎麼說

What do you usually(often)like playing?

⑼ 我們喜歡玩用英語怎麼說

我們喜歡玩用英語的說法為We like to play。


We like to play的發音為wi laɪk tə pleɪ。


like是及物動詞,後邊要加賓語,如果是動詞茄信彎作賓語,那兩個動詞又不能連用,就只能用動詞不定式連用,也就是在like後面加to。like to do 「喜歡干某事」「to do」叫動詞不定式。也可以理解為:兩個動詞連用,中間可加to來連接。

三、like to do和like doing的區別

1、like to do:常指某個具體的動作,突然喜歡干某事,一時的心血來潮引發的愛好。

2、like doing:like doing指興趣愛好,在意義上比較一般和抽象,時間觀念不強,不指某一次動顫悶作,一直以來的熱愛的事情。

We like to play的雙語造句:

1、We like to play table tennis.


2、We like to play football.


3、We like to play with the toy trucks.


4、We like to play basketball every Sunday.


5、We like to play card games ring family gatherings.


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