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發布時間: 2025-03-15 16:13:45

❶ 我喜歡夏天的英語是什麼

我喜歡夏天的英語:I like summer。

summer讀法英 [ˈsʌmə(r)] 美 [ˈsʌmər]

n. 夏天,夏季;<文>年,歲;(建築)大梁;(天文)從夏至到秋分這段時期;全盛期

v. (在某地)避暑,過夏;夏天放牧(牛)


I Like Summer Rain我喜歡夏雨

I like my summer vacation我喜歡我的暑假





❷ 你為什麼喜歡夏天因為我能在湖裡游泳。用英語怎麼說。

Why do you like summer?
Because I can swim in the lake

❸ 用英語寫出喜歡夏天的理由,要5句,不要用because,在線時間很短,

I like summer .I have 5 points to support it .
First of all ,in summer we can wear my beautiful dress and nice skirt .
Secondly ,we can go to the sea to do some swimming .
Thirdly ,we have more than 18 hours in the daytime .
Then ,we can eat many kinds of different fresh fruits .
Last but not least ,we seldom have a cold .

❹ 我喜歡夏天英語翻譯

I like summer

❺ 你最喜歡的季節是夏天嗎英語翻譯

Is summer your favorite season?

❻ 夏天的英文怎麼念

夏天,四季中的第二個季節,英語為summer,是北半球一年中最熱的季節,我國習慣將 立夏 作為夏天的開始,氣象學上的夏季要推遲到立夏後25天左右。那麼,你知道夏天的的英文單詞是什麼嗎?

夏天[xià tiān]





I like to eat lettuce in summer, and so does my rabbit.


The hillside is covered by grass and flowers in summer.


I met her in a sultry summer afternoon.


John doesn't go out even in the summer.


Many people like to chew mint gum in the summer.


The river teems with all kinds of fish in summer.



I like summer better because the days are longer than the nights.


This summer is not as hot as last summer.


I volunteered about thirty to forty hours a week ring the summer.

He'd spent his boyhood summers mucking about in boats 他小時候,夏天都是在船上渾打胡鬧度過的。

Most of my patients welcome the coming of summer 我的大部分病人盼望著夏天的到來。

The following summer the peach tree was laden with fruit 第二年夏天桃樹就結滿了桃子。

Next summer's exams would be straightforward to administer and mark 明年夏天的考試在執行和評分上都將很簡單。

Sweden is lovely in summer— cold beyond belief in winter 瑞典的夏天非常宜人——冬天卻冷得讓人難以置信。

This year hotels that usually are jammed had vacancies all summer 今年,那些通常爆滿的旅並稿顫店整個夏天都有空客房。

The dip in prices this summer will be brutal 今年夏天價格的大幅下跌將會很殘酷。

In summer this hotel is a hugely popular venue for wedding receptions 夏天時這家飯店是個非常受歡迎的婚宴舉辦地。

The event will go ahead as planned in Sheffield next summer 這項活敬磨動將按計劃於明年夏天在謝菲爾德舉行。

We spent the whole summer in Italy that year 那年我們整個夏天都呆在義大利

The conservatory will get very hot in summer unless shading is used 夏天如果不用遮光罩的話,暖房會變得特別熱。

Every summer the shepherds drive the sheep up to pasture 每年夏天牧羊人都將羊群趕到牧場去。

Snow is sometimes found all summer long upon the highest peaks 有時候山峰上整個夏天都有積雪。

All of a sudden, right after the summer, Mother gets married 突然,剛過夏天,媽媽就結婚了。

All in all, it appeared that a pretty depressing summer awaited Jones 總之,等待瓊斯的似乎是一個相當令人沮喪的夏天。

The threat of strikes reared its head again this summer 今年夏天又顯現出了罷工的勢頭。

Giulio Andreotti yielded up the prime ministership last summer 朱利奧·安德烈奧蒂去年夏天辭去了之職。

Pat and I resigned ourselves to yet another summer without a boat 我和帕特在沒有船的情況下勉強又湊合了一個夏天。

Even in summer this place did not look exactly hospitable 即使在夏天,這個地方看起來也不太舒適宜人。

Stephanie took up making jewellery after leaving art college this summer 斯蒂芬妮今年夏天離開藝術學院後開始從事珠寶製作。

❼ 初一英語作文 你最喜歡那個季節 那個季節的天氣怎麼樣在那個季節里你可你做什麼

There are four seasons in China, spring, summer, autumn and winter. My favorite season is winter. when it is very cold, sometimes it will snow heavily and the scenery is very beautiful. Then I can play with the snow, such as making a snowman, fight with my friends with snow. I can also skate and ski. My parents always take me to go skating and skiing in winter. What's more, my favorite festival-the Spring Festival is in winter and I have a long winter holiday,too. So I like winter best.
中國有四季, 春夏秋冬. 我最喜歡冬天.當天氣非常冷時,有時會下大雪. 景色非常地美. 然後我就可以玩雪, 例如: 堆雪人,和朋友打雪仗. 我還可以滑雪,滑冰. 冬季時我父母總是帶我去滑雪和滑冰. 而且我喜歡的春節也在冬天, 冬季還有個很長的寒假,所以我最喜歡冬季

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