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『壹』 誰能告訴我有關各種閥門的英語翻譯!!!


CQ螺紋球閥 CQ Thread Ball Valves
L形三通式 L-pattern three way
T形三通式 T-pattern three way
安全閥 Safety valve
暗桿閘閥 Inside screw nonrising stem type gate valve
百葉窗; 閘板 shutter
百葉窗式擋板 louver damper
擺閥式活塞泵 swing gate piston pump
保溫式 Steam jacket type
報警閥 alarm valve
報警閥; 信號閥; 脈沖閥 sentinel valve
背壓調節閥 back pressure regulating valve
背壓率 Rate of back pressure
本體閥桿密封 body stem seal
波紋管閥 Bellows valves
波紋管密封閥 bellow sealed valve
波紋管密封式 Bellows seal type
波紋管平衡式安全閥 Bellows seal balance safety valve
波紋管式減壓閥 Bellows recing valve
波紋管式減壓閥 Bellows weal recing valve
薄膜 thin film
薄膜; 隔膜 diaphragm
薄膜式減壓閥 Diaphragm recing valve
薄型閘閥 Thin Gate Valves
不封閉式 Unseal type
槽車球閥 Tank Lorry Ball Valves
顫振 Flutter
常閉式 Normally closed type
常開式 Normally open type
超低溫閥門 Cryogenic valve
超高壓閥門 Super high pressure valve
超過壓力 Overpressure of a safety valve
襯膠隔膜閥 rubber lined diaphragm
襯膠截止閥 rubber lined globe valve
垂直板式蝶閥 Vertical disc type butterfly valve
磁耦合截止閥 Magnetic Co-operate Globe Valves
帶補充載荷的安全閥 Supplementary loaded safety valve
帶輔助裝置的安全閥 Assisted safety valve
單閥碟雙面平行密封閘閥 parallel single disk gate valve
單口排氣閥 Single Opening Exhaust Valves
單向閥 Non-return Valve
單閘板 Single gate disc
單閘板平板閘閥 Single Disc Flat Gate Valves
彈簧薄膜式減壓閥 Spring diaphragm recing valve
彈簧式安全閥 Direct spring loaded safety valve
彈簧座 Spring plate
彈性閘板 Flexible gate disc
當量計算排量 Equivalent calculated capacity
擋板 damper
導閥 Pilot valve
導向套 Valve guide disc guide
低溫閥門 Sub-zero valve
低壓閥門 Low pressure valve
底閥 bottom valve
底閥 Foot valve
電磁動裝置 Eletro magnetic actuator
電磁閥 magnetic valve
電磁閥 solenoid valve
電磁-液動裝置 Eletro magnetichydraulic actuator
電動閥 mortor operated valve
電動閥 motorized valve
電動截止閥 Electric Actuated Stop Valves
電動平行式雙閘板閘板 Electric Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves
電動楔式閘閥 Electric Actuated Wedge Gate Valves
電動裝置 Electric actuator
電-液動裝置 Eletro hydraulic actuator
電液伺服閥 electro-hydraulic servovalve
調節彈簧 Regulation spring
調節閥 adjusting valve
調節閥 control valve
調節閥 regulating valve
調節螺套 Adjusting bolt Adjusting screw
調節圈 Adjusting ring
蝶板 Disc
蝶閥;瓣閥 butterfly valve
蝶閥;瓣閥;拍門;鉸鏈閥 flap valve
蝶式緩沖止回閥 Butterfly Type Non-slam Check
蝶式止回閥 Butterfly swing check valve
定比減壓閥 Proprutioning pressure recing valve
定差減壓閥 Fixed differential recing valve
定值減壓閥 Fixed pressure recing valve
動態特性 Dynamic characteristics
對焊連接閥 Buttwelding valves
對夾蝶板閥 Wafer plate valves
對夾式襯膠蝶閥 Wafer Type Butterfly Valves with Rubber Itning
對夾式閥門 Clamp valves
對夾式止回閥 Wafer Check Valves
額定排量 Certified capacity
額定排量系數 Derated coefficient of discharge
二通閥 Two-way valves
閥 valve
閥板 valve deck plate
閥板 valve plate
閥板式活塞泵 valve deck plate type piston pump
閥板式活塞泵 valve plate type piston pump
閥瓣 Disc
閥操縱桿 valve operating rod
閥痤槽 valve seat recess
閥擋 valve grid
閥擋 valve positioner
閥擋 valve stop
閥導桿 valve tail rod
閥導向器 valve guide
閥蓋 bonnet
閥蓋襯套 bonnet bush
閥蓋墊片 bonnet gasket
閥桿 stem
閥桿 valve rod
閥桿 valve spindle
閥桿端部尺寸 Dimmension of valve stem end
閥桿環 stem ring
閥桿螺母 Yoke bushing Yoke nut
閥桿填料 stem packing
閥桿頭部尺寸 Dimension of valve stem head
閥簧 valve spring
閥簧壓板 valve spring plate
閥控水錘泵 valve-controlled hydraulic ram
閥框架 valve yoke
閥門 Valve
閥門傳動裝置 valve bandle set
閥門和管件 Valves and Fittings
閥門盤根 valve packing
閥門手柄 valve handle
閥盤 disc
閥盤 valve disc
閥片 Disc
閥球 valve ball
閥驅動臂 valve driving arm
閥驅動臂 valve motion arm
閥式活塞 valve type piston
閥式活塞 valve type bucket
閥室式活塞泵 valve box type piston pump
閥室式活塞泵(美) valve pot type piston pump
閥抬起裝置 valve lifting device
閥體 body
閥體 valve body
閥箱 valve box
閥箱 valve cage
閥箱 valve chest
閥箱;閥限位器 valve guard
閥箱蓋 cover for valve box
閥箱蓋 valve box cover
閥箱式活塞泵(美) turret type piston pump
閥形活塞泵 valve type piston pump
閥座 Seat ring
閥座 valve carrier
閥座 valve seat(body seat)
閥座;閥盤 valve seat
閥座環 seat ring
閥座密封嵌條 sealing strip for valve seat
法蘭 flange
法蘭堵頭 blind flange
法蘭端 flange end
法蘭接頭 flange joint
法蘭連接緊固件(雙頭螺栓和螺帽) flange bolting
法蘭密封面,法蘭面 flange facing
法蘭面加工 flange facing finish
法蘭球閥 Flange Ball Valves
翻板閥 Flap
反沖盤 Disc holder
反向作用式減壓閥 Reverse acting recing valve
反向作用式減壓閥 Reverse acting recing valve
放空閥 emptying valve
放氣閥 air vent valve;vent valve
放氣閥;排氣閥 air evacuation valve
放泄閥 escape valve
分置閥室式活塞泵 separate valve box type piston pump
分置閥室式活塞泵(美) side pot type piston pump
封閉式 Seal type
浮動式球閥 Float ball valve
浮球 Ball float
浮球閥 Float Valve
浮球式疏水閥 Ball float steam trap
浮球式疏水閥 Free Float Type Steam Trap
浮桶 Bucket float
浮桶式疏水閥 Open bucket steam trap
輔助(副)閥 Auxiliary valves
負荷率 Rate of load condensate
附加背壓力 Superimposed back pressure
復位彈簧 Returnning spring
杠桿式 Lever type
杠桿式安全閥 Lever and weight loaded safety valve
杠桿式減壓閥 Lever recing valve
高溫閥門 High temperature valve
高壓閥門 High pressure valve
格蘭密封 gland
隔離閥 isolating valve
隔膜 Diaphragm
隔膜閥 diaphragm valve
隔膜式控制閥 diaphragm operated comtrol valve
工作背壓 Operating back pressure
工作溫度 Operating temperature
工作溫度 Working temperature
工作壓差 Operting differential pressure
工作壓力 Operating pressure
工作壓力 Working pressure
公稱通徑 Nominal diameter
公稱壓力 Nominal pressure
固定式球閥 Fixed ball valve
關閉壓力 Lockup pressure
關閥過冷度 Subcooled temperature of close valve
關閥溫度 Closing valve temperature
管道安全閥 Piping Safety Valves
過冷度 Subcoold temperature
過流閥(或節流閥) Restrictor Valves
喉徑 Throat diameter
滑閥 slide valve
滑閥式回轉活塞泵 rotary piston pump with slide gate
滑閥型轉子泵 eccentric rotary pump with sliding sleeve
環形閥 annular valve
環形閥 double beat valve
換向閥 selector valve
換向閥 shuttle valve
回轉滑閥活塞泵 piston pump with rotary gate
回座壓力 Re-seating pressure of a safety valve
活塞昵減壓閥 Piston recing valve
活塞式閥 piston valve
活塞式閥;柱塞式閥 plunger valve
活塞式減壓閥 Piston recing valve
減速閥 Deceleration valves
減壓比 Pressure recing ratio
減壓閥 pressure recing valve
漿液閥 Parallel Slide Valves
角閥 Angle Valve
角閥 isolation valve angle configuration
角式 Angie type
角式節流閥 Angle Throttle Valves
角式截止閥 Angle Stop valves
鉸鏈閥;片狀閥 flapper valve
節流閥 throttle valve
節流閥 choke valve
節流閥;節流 throttle
結構長度 Face-to-face dimension ;End-to-end dimension; Face-to-centre dimension
結構形式 Type of construction
截止閥 Globe valve
截止閥 Shut-off Valve
截止閥;關斷閥 shut-off valve
截止式隔膜閥 Globe diaphragm valve
緊急切斷閥 Emergeny Cut-off Valves
進氣閥 air intake valve
進水閥;進口閥門 inlet valve
靜態特性 Static characteristics
靜態特性偏差 Static characteristics derivation
開閥過冷度 Subcooled temperature of open valve
開閥溫度 Opening valve temperature
開啟高度 Lift
殼體試驗 Shell test
殼體試驗壓力 Seal test pressure
空氣閥門 Air valves
快速排污閥 Quick Draining Valves
類型 Type
冷凝結水排量 Cold condensate capacity
冷態試驗差壓力 Cold differential test pressure
理論排量 Theoretical flowing capacity
連接槽尺寸 Dimension of connecting channel
連接尺寸 Conncetion cimension
連接形式 Type of connection
簾面積 Curtain area
流道面積 Flow area
流道直徑 Flow diameter
流量孔板 flow orifice plate
流量控制閥 flow control valve
流量特性 Flow characteristics
流量特性偏差 Flow characteristics derivation
漏汽量 Steam loss
脈沖式疏水閥 Impulse steam trap
密封面 Sealing face
密封試驗 Seal test
密封試驗壓力 Seal test pressure
明桿平行式雙閘板閘板 Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves
明桿閘閥 Outside screw stem rising through handwheel type gate valve
膜片 Diaphragm
內壓自封 Pressure seat
逆止閥;止回閥 check valve
逆止閥;止回閥 non-return valve
逆止閥;止回閥;單向閥 check valve
排放背壓力 Brilt-up back pressure
排放壓力 Relieving pressure
排灰閥 Ash valves
排量系數 Coefficient of discharge
排氣閥 air release valve
排氣閥 Exhaust valves
排氣閥 Vent Valve
排水閥 Drainage valves
排水溫度 Temperature at discharging condensate
排污閥 blowdown valve
排污箱(閥) Waste Valves
排渣閘閥 Scum Gate Valves
盤閥 moushroom valve
盤狀閥 plate valve
旁路閥 by pass valve
配汽活塞閥缸套 piston valve line
噴射閥 injection valve
噴射閥 sprayer valve
噴水閥 spray water valve
頻跳 Chatter
平衡閥 Balance valves
平衡式 Balance type
平行式閘閥 Parallel gate valve Parallel slide valve
啟閉件 Disc
啟閉壓差 Blowdown of a safety valve
起始升程 Commencement of lift
氣動裝置 Pneumatic actuator
氣閥搖臂 valve arm
氣-液動裝置 Pneumatic-hydraulic actuator
潛水電泵(排污泵) Submerged Motor Pumps
切斷閥;截止閥 block valve;shut-off valve;stop valve
切斷式止回閥 stop check valve
切換閥;多向閥 changeover valve
球、球芯 Ball
球閥 Ball valve
球閥 globe valve
球體 Ball
全啟式安全閥 Fall lift safety valve
熱凝結水排量 Hot condensate capacity
入口隔離門 suction isolating valve
塞子 Plug
三通閥 three-way isolating valve
三通閥 three-way valve
三通式 Three way type
上密封 Back seat
上密封試驗 Back seal test
滲漏量 Leckage
升降立式止回閥 Vertical lift check valve
升降式止回閥 Lift check valve
適用介質 Suitable medium
適用溫度 Suitable temperature
手搖油泵(閥) Manual Oil Pumps Valves
疏水閥 drain valve
雙金屬片式疏水閥 Bimetal elements steam trap
雙口排氣球 Double Opening Exhaust Valves
雙聯彈簧式安全閥 Duplex safety valve
雙閘板 Double gate disc
雙閘板平板閘閥 Double Disc Flat Gate Valves
水封閘閥 Water Seal Gate Valves
水力噴射器(真空泵) Vacuum Pumps
伺服閥 servovalve
填料 Packing
填料墊 Packing seat
填料函 Stuffing
填料式旋塞閥 Gland packing plug valve
填料箱 Stuffing box
填料壓蓋 Gland
通氣閥 breather valve
通氣閥;呼吸器 breather
通用閥門 General valve
吐出閥;排出閥 discharge valve
吐出閥限位器 delivery valve guard
微啟式安全閥 Low lift safety valve
微阻緩閉止回閥 Tiny Drag Slow Shut Check Valves
吻合度 Percent of contact area
蝸輪傳動蝶閥 Butterfly Valves with Gear Actuator
蝸輪傳動裝置 Wormgear actuator
屋脊式隔膜閥 Weir diaphragm valve
無閥泵 valveless pump
無閥隔膜泵 valveless diaphragm pump
無閥振動泵 valveless vibration pump
無負荷漏汽量 No-load steam loss
無負荷漏汽率 Rate of no-load steam loss
吸(抽)氣閥 Aspirating valves
吸入閥 suction valve
吸入閥限位器 suction valve guard
先導式安全閥 Pilot operated safety valve
先導式液壓閥 Pilot-operated recing valve
相對靜偏差 Relative static characteristics derivation
相對流量特性偏差 Relative flow characteristics derivation
相對壓力特性偏差 Relative pressure characteristics derivation
銷軸 Hinge pin
楔式閘閥 Wedge gate valve
斜板式蝶閥 Indined disc butterfly valve
泄料(放空,排污)閥 Blowdown valves
泄壓閥 Decompression valves
泄壓閥 pressure release valve
泄壓閥;安全閥 relief valve
卸荷式減壓閥 Balanced recing valve
型號 Type Model
旋啟多瓣式止回閥 Multi-disc swing foot valve
旋啟式止回閥 Swing check valve
旋啟雙瓣式底閥 Double disc swing foot valve
旋塞閥 Cock
旋塞閥 plug valve
壓力(増壓)閥 Pressure valve
壓力調節閥;壓力控制閥 pressure controlled valve
壓力特性 Pressure characteristics
壓力特性偏差 Pressure characteristics derivation
壓力增長系數 Pressure increasing ratio
搖桿 Arm
液動裝置 Hydraulic actuator
液化氣管件 LPG Pipe Fitting
液下泵 Under Water Pumps
液壓執行器 hydraulic actuator
儀表針形截止閥 Meter Needle Type Globe Valves
溢流閥 overflow valve
翼形閥;錐形閥 wing valve
油封式旋塞閥 Lubricated plug valve
有閥翼板 double acting wing
有閥翼板 wing with valve
有負荷漏汽量 Load steam loss
有負荷漏汽率 Rate of load steam loss
圓板閥;圓盤閥 disc valve
圓盤式疏水閥 Shemostatic team trap
圓柱齒輪傳動裝置 Cylindrical gear actuator
圓錐齒輪傳動裝置 Conical gear actuator
閘板 Wedge disc
閘板式隔膜閥 Wedge diaphragm valve
閘閥 gate valve
閘閥 sluice valve
針形閥 Pintle valve ; Needle valve
真空破壞閥 vacuum breaker valve
蒸汽疏水閥 Automatic steam trap Trap
整定壓力 Set pressure
正向作用式減壓閥 Direct acting recing valve
支架 Yoke
直接載荷式安全閥 Direct loaded safety valve
直接作用式減壓閥 Direct-acting recing valve
直流式 Y-globe type
直流式截止閥 Oblique Stop Valve
直通單向閥 inline check valve
直通單向閥 straightway check valve
直通閥 Throughway Valve
止回閥 Check Valve
止回閥;迴流閥 reflux valve
制動閥 Brake valves
中壓閥門 Middle pressure valve
鍾形浮子式疏水閥 Inverted bucket steam trap
鍾形罩 Inverted bucket
軸套 Axis Guide
主閥 Main valve
主要外形尺寸 Prime out-form dimensions
主要性能參數 Specifeca tion speeification
注液漏斗閥 Priming Tundish Valve
柱塞閥 Plunger valve
柱塞截止閥 Plunger Globe Valve
柱塞型擺動閥 rocking plunger valve
撞擊手輪 Impact handwheel
錐形閥;翼形閥 conical valve
自動循環閥 Automatic Recirculation Valve
組合閥 Combination valves
最大過冷度 Maximum subcoold temperature
最大流量 Maximum flow rate
最大壓差 Maximum differential pressure
最低工作壓力 Minimum operating pressure
最高背壓率 Maximum rate of back pressure
最高工作背壓 Maximum operating back pressure
最高工作溫度 Maximum operating temperature
最高工作壓力 Maximum operating pressure
最高排水溫度 Maximum temperature at discharging
最高允許溫度 Maximum allwable temperature
最高允許壓力 Maximum allowable pressure
最小過冷度 Minimum subcooled temperature
最小壓差 Minimum differntial pressure

『貳』 急求:高二下的英語單詞表,圖片格式的.謝謝了!

Unit 13
△Albert Einstein 艾伯特·愛因斯坦(1879-1955,生於德國的美籍物理學家)
communist n 共產主義者adj 共產主義者的
△Alexander Bell 亞歷山大·貝爾(1847-1922,美國發明家)
professor n 教授
ruler n 統治者
scientific adj 科學的
darkness n 黑暗
shy adj 害羞的
content adj 甘願的;滿意的
go on with 繼續
lead to 導致;導向
discovery n 發現
the First World War 第一次世界大戰
worldwide adj 世界范圍的
△the Nobel Prize 諾貝爾獎
cheque n 支票
bookmark n 書簽
right n 權利
human right 人權
peace n 和平
prove vt 證明
bent adj 彎的
work out 算出;解決
stick vi&vt 粘住;釘住;堅持
stick to 堅持
respect vt 尊敬;尊重
leading adj 最主要的;領導的
sadness n 悲哀
△Swiss adj 瑞士的;端士人的n 瑞土人
take sides(in) 站在...一邊
rule vt 統治
△Hitler n 希特勒 (1889-1945)
△Jew n 猶太人
fuel n 燃料
advance vt&vi 推進,促進;前進
advanced adj 高級的;先進的
mathematics n 數學
ecation n 教育;培養
further ecation 進修;深造
technical adj 技術的;工藝的
course n 課程;過程

Unit 14
so/as far as (表示程度、范圍)就……;盡……
personally adv 就自己而言
exhibition n 展覽;展覽會
camera n 照相機;攝像機
broad adj 寬的;寬大的
fold vt&vi 折疊;合攏
unfold vt&vi 展開;打開
connect vt&vi連接;把……聯系起來
circle n 圓圈;(天體運轉的)軌道
signal n 信號;暗號
object n 物;物體
orbit n (天體等的)運行軌道
in space 在宇宙空間
rocket n 火箭
pull n 吸引力;牽引力
panel n 控制板;電池帆板
direction n 方向;方位
position n 位置
organization n 組織;機構
dozen n 打, 12個
dozens of 幾十
outer adj 外部的;外面的
st n 灰塵;塵土
sty adj 滿是灰塵的
carry out 開展;執行;實現
△Sputnik n 前蘇聯人造地球衛星
height n 高;高度
question vt 詢問;質問
pilot n 飛行員
balloon n 氣球
mention vt 提到;說起
model n 模型;原型
length n 長;長度;一段
attempt vt 試圖;嘗試
globe n 地球儀; 地球

Unit 15
detective n 偵探
have a seat 坐下
personal adj 個人的;私人的
affair n 事;事情
relative n 親屬;親戚
delay vt&vi 推遲;耽擱
quarrel vt&vi 爭吵;吵架
whistle n 口哨; 口哨聲
pillow n 枕頭
nail n 釘;釘子
rope n 繩;索
chest n 箱子;盒子;胸
△Sherlock Holmes 舍洛克·福爾摩斯(英國小說中的名偵探)
long before 很久以前
metallic adj 金屬的
dare v.aux (後接不帶to的不定式;主要用於疑問、否定或條件句) 敢;敢於
pay...a visit 訪問....
△Dr Watson 華生醫生
upon Prep. 在....上
fasten vt&vi 扎牢;扣住
furniture n(總稱)傢具
armchair n 扶手椅
gun n 槍; 炮
pet n 愛畜;寵物
doubt n 懷疑;疑惑vt&vi 懷疑;疑惑
silence n 安靜;沉默
in silence 沉默地;無聲地
living room 起居室
strike vi&vt 打擊;敲n 打擊;罷工
again and again 反復地;再三地
blow n 擊;打擊
scream n 尖叫vt&vi 尖叫
snake n 蛇
tiny adj 極小的;微小的
nephew n 侄子;外甥
niece n 侄女;甥女
connect to 連接; 相連
hall n 大廳;會堂;禮堂

Unit 16
seaside n 海濱
beach n 海(河、湖)灘
dive vi 跳水
sailor n 水手;海員
do well 做得好;表現好
navy n 海軍
make up one's mind 下決心
bathe vi 游泳;洗澡
time vt 測定……的時間;記錄……的時間
drown vi&vt 溺死;淹沒
come up 抬頭;上來;上升
cycle vi 騎自行車
salty adj 鹽的;成的;含鹽的
vast adj 巨大的;廣闊的
surface n 表面
solid n&adj 固體(的)
mineral n 礦物質;礦物
seaweed n 海草;海藻
various adj 各種各樣的;不同的
△Atlantic n&adj 大西洋(的)
△the Atlantic大西洋
coral n 珊瑚;珊瑚蟲
variety n 多樣化;種類
depth n 深;深度;厚度
construction n 建設;建造
the Dead Sea 死海
low-lying adj 地勢低窪的
float vi 漂浮;浮動
partly adv 部分地; 在一定程度上
spring n 泉水;泉
△Jordan n 約旦(亞洲)
merely adv 僅僅;只不過
mm=millimeter n 毫米
on average 平均;按平均數計算
△Antarctica n 南極洲
huge adj 巨大的;龐大的
cubic adj 立方體的;立方形的
cubic metre 立方米
whale n 鯨
sperm whale 巨頭鯨
at a time 每次;一次
squid n 魷魚
pole n 極(點)
occur vi發生
beg vi&vt 乞求;請求
beg one』s pardon 請願諒
treasure n 金銀財寶;財富
captain n 船長;艦長
voyage n 航行;航海
load n 擔子;貨物
kg=kilogram(me) n 公斤;千克

Unit 17
talk of 談論;議論
simply adv 簡單地;(加強語氣)的確
goods n 商品;貨物
majority n 大多數
instry n 工業;產業
out of work 沒有工作;失業
throughout Prep遍及;貫穿
glasshouse n 溫室;暖房
central adj 中心的;中央的
voice n 說話聲;嗓音
possibility n 可能;可能性
labo(u)r n 勞動
convenient adj 便利的;方便的
videophone n 可視電話
fax n 傳真
transport n 運輸vt 運輸
wing n 翼;翅膀
skill n 技能;技巧
store vt 儲藏;存儲
e.g.=for example 例如
text n 文本;課文
screen n 幕;熒光屏
belief n 信條;信念
vote vi 選舉;投票
possession n 所有;擁有;財產;所有物
need n 需要;需求
satisfy vt 滿足;使滿意
wealth n 財產;財富
fairly adv 公平地;相當
practical adj 實際的;實用的
keep fit 保持健康
drier n 吹風機
meanwhile adv 同時
telegraph n 電報
vt 給....拍電報
socialist adj 社會主義的
youth n 青年;小夥子;青春;青少年時期
toy n 玩具;玩物
passage n (文章的)一段

Unit 18
waiter n (餐廳)服務員
fly n 蒼蠅
lay the table 擺設餐具(准備吃飯)
by accident 偶然
△Hank Stram 漢克·斯特拉姆(人名)
△Tina 蒂娜(女名)
△Max 邁克斯(男名)
carriage n (火車)客車廂
cigar n 雪茄煙;葉卷煙
in common 共同;共用
announcement n 通告;通知
get in touch with 與……聯系;與……接觸
track n 軌道
passport n 護照
absence n 不在;缺席
truth n 真相;實際情況
△Frankfort n 法蘭克福(德國城市)
△Bonn n 波恩(德國城市)
on one』s own 獨立地;獨自地
platform n 講台;站台
book vt&vi 預訂;訂(房間、車票等)
charge n 費用;價錢vt 要求收費;索價
turn up 到達;出現
rush hour (上下班時)車輛擁擠時間
brake vt&vi 剎車;制動
cyclist n 騎自行車的人
extremely adv 極其;非常
determine vt&vi 決定;決心
in order that 為了
shout at 對……大聲叫嚷
stupid adj 愚蠢的;笨的
rude adj 無禮的;粗魯的
permit n 許可;執照;營業證vt&vi 許可;允許
prison n 監獄
couple n 夫婦;一對
district n 區;地區;區域

Unit 19
march n&vi 遊行;行進;行軍
△Birmingham 伯明翰(美國城市)
demand vt 要求
housing n 住房;房屋
citizen n 公民;居民
forbid vt 禁止;不許
join in 參加;加入
peacefully adv 和平地;平靜地
Over and Over again 反復不斷地;再三
put....in prison 把……投進監獄
△Martin Luther King. Jr 馬丁·路德·金(1929-1968,美國黑人民權領袖)
set an example 樹立榜樣
△Atlanta 亞特蘭大 (美國城市)
△Georgia 喬治亞(美國州名)
minister n (基督教新教)牧師;部長;大臣
tennis n 網球(運動)
separation n 分離;隔離
marriage n 結婚;婚姻
ecate vt 教育
Philadelphia n 費城(美國港市)
achieve vt 完成;達到
peaceful adj 和平的;安寧的
revolution n 革命;變革
liberate vt 解放;使獲自由
liberation n 解放
act n 法令;條例;行為;動作
Civil Rights Act 民權法案
equally adv 平等地;公平地
bill n 法案;議案
Voting Rights Bill 選舉權法案
bomb n 炸彈
explode vt&vi (使)爆炸
murder vt 謀殺
childhood n 童年;幼年
△Rosa Parks 羅莎·帕克斯(女名)
△Alabama 亞拉巴馬(美國州名)
unfair adj 不公平的, 不公正的
give in 屈服; 讓步
△Kennedy 肯尼迪(1917→1963,美國第35任總統)
nationwide adj 全國性的
speech n 演講
make a speech 發表演講
dream vt&n 夢;夢想
former adj 以前的;從前的
brotherhood n 兄弟般的關系
content n 內容
feeling n 感情
side by side 肩並肩地;一起
clerk n 書記員;辦事員;職員
chairman n 主席
admit vt 承認
tour n 觀光;參觀;旅行
paperwork 日常文 ; 書工作
minority n 少數;少數民族
textbook n 課本,教科書

Unit 20
disability n 殘疾;無能
tourist n 旅行者;觀光者
hopefully adv 有希望地
dream of 嚮往;渴望;夢想
come true 變為現實;實現
wheelchair n 輪椅
seldom adv 很少;不常
even though(=even if)即使;盡管
disabled adj 殘廢的; 殘疾的
slightly adv 微小地,細小地
prevent vt 防止;預防
prevent...from 妨礙;防止;預防
matter n 物質;事情
△Stephen Hawking 斯蒂芬·霍金(1942一, 英國理論物理學家)
△Cambridge n 劍橋(英國城鎮)
brain n 腦(子)
best-seller n 暢銷書
musician n音樂家;樂師
△Beethoven 貝多芬(1770-1827,德國大作曲家)
sense n 感覺;意識
hearing n 聽力
tongue n 舌;舌頭
as though (=as if) 好像;彷彿
in need of 需要
nervous adj 緊張不安的
attitude n 態度;看法
as a matter of fact 事實上;其實
probable adj 很可能的;很有希望的
end up 結束; 告終
deaf adj 聾的
blind adj 瞎的
enter vt 進去;進入
bathroom n 浴室; 盥洗室
treatment n 治療;療法
splendid adj (口語)極好的;令入滿意的
painting n 油畫;水彩畫
clinic n 診所
national adj 國家的;民族的
flag n 旗
fox n 狐;狐狸
declare vt 聲明;斷言
seize vt 抓住(時機等)
conct vt 引導;帶領
conctor n 管理人;(音樂)指揮;指導者
at the latest 最遲;至遲
video n 錄像;視頻
forward adv 將來;今後
look forward to 盼望

Unit 21
familiar adj 熟悉的
be familiar with 對……熟悉
Jazz n 爵士音樂;爵士舞曲
otherwise adv 要不然;否則
folk adj 民間的
perform vt 表演
instrument n 樂器
violin n 小提琴
wedding n 婚禮;結婚
musical adj 音樂的; 音樂片
earn one』s living 謀生
generation n 代;一代
learn...by heart 記住; 背誦
in praise of 稱贊;歌頌
hero n 英雄;勇士
nowadays adv 當今;現在
passer-by n 過路人;經過者
cap n 便帽;軍帽
pattern n 式樣;格調
note n 音符;音調
△the Caribbean 加勒比海(拉丁美洲)
can n (美)罐頭;聽頭
drum n 鼓
hammer n 錘子;鑼錘
root n 根;根源;起源
thought n 思考;思想
chime n (樂器、鍾等奏出的)諧和的樂聲
carol n 頌歌;歡樂之歌;聖誕頌歌
gay n 愉快;快樂adj 愉快的;快樂的
flaming adj 火紅的;火焰般的
ray n 光輝;光線
part vi 分手;分別
memory n 回憶;記憶
fade vi(顏色)退去
soul n 靈魂;心靈;氣魄
iron vt 熨燙n 鐵;熨斗
ironing board燙衣板
tin n (英)罐頭;聽頭
marry vt&vi 使成婚;結婚
get married 結婚
whisper vi&vt 低語;私下說
single adj 單個的;單一的
square n 廣場

Unit 22
tale n 故事;傳說
revolutionary n 革命者adj 革命的
cart n 運貨馬車
servant n 僕人
let...in 讓……進來;放進
mad adj 發瘋的
brave adj 勇敢的
cruel adj 殘忍的;殘酷的
have a test 參加測試
disturb vt 擾亂;打擾
mental adj 精神的;腦力的
noble n 貴族adj 高貴的;貴族的
tax n 稅;稅款vt 對...征稅
fortune n 財產;運氣
spy n 密探;間諜
deed n 行為;事跡
monsieur n (法)先生
△Defarge 德法奇(姓)
△Lucie Manette 露西·曼奈特(人名)
arrival n 到來;到達
prisoner n 囚犯
△Bastille n 巴士底獄
mentally adv 精神上;智力上
in peace 平靜地;安寧地
strength n 力氣;力量
attend vt&vi 看護;照料;服侍
marquis n 侯爵
△St.Evremonde 聖·埃弗蒙德(人名)
fall in love with 愛上……
△Charles Darnay 查爾士·達尼(人名)
△Sydney Carton 悉尼·卡爾頓(人名)
make sure of 確保;確定
suffer vi 受痛苦;受損害vt 遭受;忍受
suffer from 遭受
in public 當眾; 公開地
set fire to 點火;放火
burn...to the ground 把....燒光(燒成平地)
court n 法庭;法院
do wrong 做壞事;犯罪
sentence...to death 判處....死刑
chemist n 葯劑師;化學家
eager adj 渴望的;熱切的
do a good deed 做件;仔事

Unit 23
dial vt&vi 撥(電話號碼)
excellent adj 極好的; 優秀的
have....on 有事; 有約會
get together 聚會;聯歡
chat n &vi 聊天;閑談
all the best 萬事如意
have a word with 和……說句話
connect with 與……相連
hire vt 租用
conversation n 談話;交談
wind vt 用曲柄搖動;纏繞
handle n 柄;把手
directory n 姓名地址錄
telephone directory 電話號碼簿
strengthen vt 加強;增強
frequently adv 經常地; 頻繁地
redirect vt 轉移呼叫;使改方向
redirection n 轉移呼叫;更改方向
recover vt&vi 恢復;使(身體)復原
mobile adj 可移動的
smart adj 靈巧的;伶俐的
cordless adj 無線的
in other words 換句話說;也就是說
distant adj 遠的;遙遠的
lately adv 最近;不久前
interrupt vt&vi 打擾;打斷
remind vt 提醒;使記起
lack vt&n 缺乏;缺少
e adj 預期的;約定的
income n 收入;所得
announce vt 宣布;宣告
sew vt 縫;縫制
bargain n (經討價還價之後)成交的商品;廉價貨
needle n 針; 縫針
thread n 線
frequent adj 經常的; 頻繁的
free of charge 免費

Unit 24
wish ...every success in 祝....成功
congratulate vt 祝賀
chain n 連鎖;鏈條;鎖鏈
haircut n 理發
pin vt (用別針等)別住;(用釘等)釘住
secretary n 秘書
forgive vt 原諒;寬恕
help....out 幫助某人解決困難
insist on 堅持;堅持認為;堅決要求
painter n 繪畫者;(油)畫家
repay vt 償還;還錢給(某人)
owe vt 欠(債等)
roll vt 滾動;打滾
trick n 惡作劇
play a trick on 捉弄......
tear vt&vi 扯破;撕開

『叄』 「導游」用英語怎麼說



英 [gaɪd] 美 [ɡaɪd]




1、guide post路標 ; 引導柱 ;[機]導柱 ; 導桿

2、User Guide說明書 ; 用戶指南 ; 使用指南 ; 用戶操作手冊

3、Axis Guide軸套

4、guide ring[機]中擋圈 ; 導環 ;[礦業]導向環 ; 導向繩



英 [ˈmænjuəl] 美 [ˈmænjuəl]



1、My camera has manual and automatic functions.


2、There is a manual pump to get rid of the water.



英 [ˌenkaɪə'rɪdɪən] 美 [ˌenkaɪ'rɪdɪrn]


1、Wecan'tfind itinyourenchiridion.Pleaseinform us.Thanks.


2、I'm so sorry for my mistakes which aroused by my neglect.I will read the enchiridion carefully and seriously.



A tour guide is a person who leads groups of tourists around a town, museum, or other tourist attractions. The guide provides mentary on the features and history of the location. The tours can be from as little as 10-15 minutes to extended periods over many days. Such a person normally possesses a qualification usually issued or recognised by the appropriate authority.When I travelled in Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou last summer with my parents, an idea always ran into my mind that I could consider being an English tour guide some day. Yes, why not? Travel can broaden my mind, deepen my knowledge of the beautiful in China, even in the world.If I can realize my dream, then personally I can enjoy the beautiful scenic spots for free and earn money and enrich my life, thus uplifting my life quality. 導游是一個人領著旅遊團體的一個小鎮,博物館,周圍或其他受歡迎的旅遊景點之一。


從生態旅遊可以盡可能少10 - 15分鍾,時間延長了許多日子。







My life in ten yearsIn ten years,I will be a tour guide.I like visit different places in our country and in the world.When I visit a place,I will get to know more about the people there and I can see hills and rivers nearby.I like making friends.When I visit a place,I will make many friends,most of whom are interesting.I like delicious food too.If I visit a place,I will have a chance to eat many kinds of food.I have no money.If I am a tour guide,I will enjoy my visit while I am at work.That is my dream.In order to do this,I must study hard,to learn more knowledge that I will use in the future.





歌聲多動聽啊!I am a *** all tour guide Good! I am a tour guide of Guilin, now I would like to take you to travel, go for a while, you will see various shapes of the mountain. Look, that is what Hill? Cheung Pei Shan is the right, look at this as what a mountain? I'll tell you that the mountain is like a camel, like a penholder. Listen! Some people sing in, we have to look at you singing along? Softer! Look! Zhuang is the original o children in the Climb under the banyan Duige it. More pleasant singing ah!

作為一個導游應有的職責 英語作文

If you are an English guide, are now lead the tourists visit the Summer Palace corridor, please according to the following simple introction: 1. The Summer Palace was built in the eighteenth century, in 1860 is the British and the French army burned down, and rebuilt in 1688 2. Corridor is the Summer Palace is the most famous in one of the places of interest. Corridor is 728 metres long, there are more than 8000 drawings, 1990 by the guinness world records to determine the world's longest gallery 3. Corridor words including characters, landscape, birds and flowers, vivid and lifelike. One of the most famous vice es from more than o hundred classic novel, historical stories, these works with rich content, covers the five thousand years of Chinese history. 1.100 times or so

導游的職責 英語作文















Our pany is currently hiring a female travelling guide. The applicate need to have university degree and speak good English since travelling aboard may be required. We will provide training on related knowledge, but we expect the applicates to remember quickly. The appropriate applicate should be patient to our tourists and always *** ile in front of our guests. If you are interested in this position, please contact Mr. Wang at XXXXXXX.找女導游,大學學歷,懂英語,記憶力好。



關於旅遊的英語作文 (加中文翻譯)

My view on a new tourWith the development of inter, a new tour to visit the friend and local resorts are being more and more popular among the youth. Some people think it is a good way, since it can save money. You need not pay for eating and acmodation. In addition, you will have a guide. But other people argue that it is unsafe. There are some truths in both sides. In my opinion, safety is priority. Before you want to take this way, you should know your friend well and tell your parents the destination and keep contact.


1要有導游基礎知識,如交通,票務,賓館常識, 2良好的帶團技能 3良好的溝通能力 4語言和語文能力 5建築的基本知識,包括園林,廟宇等 6宗教基本常識,如佛教的基本知識等 7旅遊地理知識 8民族和民俗知識 通過了國家導游資格考試,履行一定的手續就可以掛牌帶團,但這並不等於就能因此成為一名好導游,因為通過了考試並不意味著具有實際帶團能力,二者之間存在著相當的差距。


好導游如何提高實踐能力? 一、好導游要多從感情上與遊客溝通。






不同的遊客對文化知識的需求不會相同,因此導游的文化知識要全面:戰爭風雲、兵器大觀、古代文獻、考古發掘、園林建築、宗教信仰、文學藝術、民俗風情、修身養性、醫學養生、飲食起居、娛樂健身、服飾衣帽、吹拉彈唱、花鳥魚蟲…… 總之,一名好導游不一定是專家,但一定會是一名能溝通感情,具有較高語言表達水平的雜家 導游想要具有感染遊客的人格魅力,必須做好四個方面: 一是把握價值取向,具有向心力。











青春活力是激發游興的根本 提高遊客滿意度的關鍵在於激發旅遊者的游興,要想使遊客在整個旅遊活動過程中始終保持旺盛的精力、高昂的興致,導游自己必須做到青春洋溢、活力四射,具有出色的鼓動能力和誘導作用。










觀察能力是服務出色的基礎 敏銳的觀察能力是新形勢下對導游的基本要求,有利於導游選擇對客服務的適當時機和對旅遊活動情況做出預測,通過及時服務和正確判斷能夠確保導游提供出色的接待服務。

導游應在三方面注意積累: 一是注意總結。











Touri *** Wave With the rapid development of our transportation, munication and economy, people`s life are being better and better, while touri *** are also being more and more popular, we call the phenomenon 「touri *** wave」. Touri *** instry brought about the development of economy, as well as the construction of scenic spots. Moreover, it provides us a lot of opportunities to find a job, such as tourist guide, translator and so on. As a coin has o sides, 「touri *** wave」 also brought us a lot of troubles. Along with the development of touri *** , all the famous scenic spots are full of tourists, especially ring the weekends and holidays, which did great harm to the environment and the places of interest. It also brought about traffic jam and hidden danger. In conclusion, we should have a clear mind towards touri *** . In my opinion, taking a tour is a kind of relax and enjoyment, if there are so many people, so bad transportation, and troublesome, it is meaningless. So, before you join in the group of 「touri *** wave」 ,trying your best to avoid the disadvantages I have mentioned. 譯文:旅遊熱 隨著交通、通訊、經濟的快速發展,人們的生活水平不斷提高,旅遊也變得越來越流行,我們把這種現象稱之為「旅遊熱」。













最佳旅行時間:秋、冬季節特色看點:1.亞洲最大室內溫泉極具熱帶雨林風情的亞洲最大室內溫泉游泳館內,多項驚險 *** 的物色溫泉水上娛樂項目供您享用。








轉載請註明出處 » 「導游」用英語怎麼說?

『肆』 guide 怎麼讀

guide讀音:英 [ɡaɪd];美 [ɡaɪd]



第三人稱單數: guides

復數: guides

現在分詞: guiding

過去式: guided

過去分詞: guided




英 [kənˈdʌkt , ˈkɒndʌkt] 美 [kənˈdʌkt , ˈkɑːndʌkt]






英 [dəˈrekt] 美 [dəˈrekt]





『伍』 輪機英語日常用語

目 錄
(Titles and type of work) ••••• 1
(Words about diesel engine) ••••• 3
(Words about marine machinery) •• 11
四、閥門(Words about valve) •••• 14
五、泵類(Words about pump) •••••••••• 16
六、甲板機械類(Deck machinery)•••••• 18
七、工具類(Word about tools) •••••••• 20
八、常用物料(Material in common use) 26
(Part of fixation in common use) ••• 28
十、常用油類(Oil in common use) •••••28
(Quantifier in common use) •••••••••29
十二、國家名稱(Name of country) 。 30
(abbreviation in common use) •••••31
十四、船用動態常用單詞(marine tends word) 32
(manipulate of marine equipment) •33
(words about malfunction) ••••• 35
(Words about maintain and examination) 38
十八、常用數字(Numeral in common use) 40
(Time、Season and Direction) •••••42
二十常用片語(Phrases in common use)•45
(Verb in common use and example) ••••48
(Greeting and common expression) ••••67
(Delivery expressions for main engine) 68
(Air compressor and Air system) •••• 75
(Delivery expressions for boiler) •••77
二十六、錨絞車提交過程用語(Delivery expressions for anchor windlass) 79
(Steering gear delivering) ••• 87
(Delivery expression for A/E)••••• 91
(Delivery expressions for lifeboat) ••92
(Delivery expressions for other items) •••95
(Mooring test for deck machinery) ••••••••96
(Mooring test for the equipment in E/R) •••98
(Expressions for trouble)••••••••••••100
(Expressions for overhaul) ••••••••••••101
(Talking about test & check) •••••••••••103
(Talking about technology required) •••105

一.職位及工種(Titles and type of work)
1.船長 Captain
2.大副 Chief officer
3.二副 Second officer
4.三副 Third officer
5.四副 Fourth officer
6.水手長 Boatswain
7.水手 Sailor & Seaman
8.木匠 Carpenter
9.輪機長 Chief engineer
10.大管輪 Second engineer
11.二管輪 Third engineer
12.三管輪 Fourth engineer
13.機匠長 Chief motorman
15.機匠 Fitter
16.加油工 Oil man
17.大電 Chief electrician
18.電工 Electrician
19.車間主任 Workshop director
20.工長 Section chief
21.班長 Fore man
22.鉗工 Fitter
23.主管工程師 Engineer in charge
24.機務&船東 Superintendent &Super &Owner
25.助理工程師 Assistant engineer
28.油漆工 Painter
29.焊工 Welder
30.大櫥 Chief cook
31.物料員 Store keeper
32.加油工 Oiler
33.機工 Mechanic
34.甲板員 Deck man
35.電線工 Wireman
36.外包工 Laborer
37.鑄工 Molder
38.管子工 Pipe fitter
39.起重工 Crane operator
二、柴油機類(Words about diesel engine)
1.主機 Main engine
2.二沖程柴油機 Two-stroke diesel engine
3.四沖程柴油機 Fore-stroke diesel engine
4.高速柴油機 High speed diesel engine
5.中速柴油機 Middle speed diesel engine
6.低速柴油機 Low speed diesel engine
7.氣缸蓋(缸頭) Cylinder head
8.安全閥 Safety valve
9.釋放閥 Relief valve
10.示功閥 Indicator valve
11.示功考克 Indicator cock
12.空氣起動閥 Air starting valve
13.起動空氣分配器 Air starting distributor
14.油頭(燃油噴射器) Fuel injector
15.排氣閥 Exhaust valve
16.氣缸套 Cylinder liner
17.冷卻水套 Cooling water jacket
18.氣缸注油器 Cylinder lubricator
19.活塞 Piston
20.活塞頭 Piston crown
21.活塞裙 Piston skirt
22.活塞銷 Piston gudgeon pin
24.活塞桿 Piston rod
25.活塞環 Piston ring
26.活塞環槽 Piston ring groove
27.壓縮環 (氣環) Compression ring
28.刮油環 (油環) Oil scraper ring
29.減磨令 Wear ring (copper ring)
30.伸縮管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe
31.活塞冷卻空間 Piston cooling space
32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box
33.填料箱密封環Sealing ring for Stuffing box
34.填料箱壓縮環 Pressure ring for Stuffing box
35.填料箱刮油環Scraper ring for Stuffing box
36.掃氣箱 Scavenging receiver
37.掃氣口 Scavenging port
38.排氣口 Exhaust port
39.十字頭 Cross head
40.十字頭銷 Crosshead pin
41.十字頭軸承 Crosshead bearing
42.十字頭滑塊 Crosshead slipper
43.滑塊 Guide shoe
44.十字頭導板 Crosshead guide plate
45.連桿 Connecting rod
46.連桿大端軸承 Bid end bearing
47.連桿小端軸承 Small end bearing
48.曲柄軸承 Crank bearing
49.曲柄銷 Crank pin
50.曲軸 Crank shaft
51.曲軸頸 Crank journal
52.曲柄臂 Crank web
53.拐檔差 Crank deflection
54.主軸承 Main bearing
55.主軸頸 Main journal
56.軸承瓦 Bearing bush
57.上軸瓦 Upper bearing bush
58.上軸瓦 Upper half
59.下軸瓦 Lower bearing bush
60.下軸瓦 Lower half
61.推力軸承 Thrust bearing
62.推力塊 Thrust pad
63.推力盤 Thrust disc
64.推力軸 Thrust shaft
65.底座 Bed plate
66.機架 Frame
67.曲柄箱 Crank case
68.曲柄箱導門 Crank case door
69.曲柄箱防爆門 Explosion-proof Crank case.
70.定時齒輪 Timing gear
71.飛輪 Flying wheel
72.凸輪 Cam
73.凸輪軸 Cam shaft
74.噴油凸輪 Fuel injection cam
75.鏈條 Chain
76.鏈條輪 Chain wheel
77.鏈條箱 Chain box
78.推桿 Push rod
79.搖臂 Rocker arm
80.排氣閥 Exhaust valve
81.吸氣閥 Suction valve
82.排氣總管 Exhaust manifold
83.進氣總管 Air inlet manifold
84.高壓燃油管 High pressure fuel pipe
85.活塞冷卻水管 Piston cooling water pipe
86.法蘭 Flange
87.貫穿螺栓 Tie bolt (tie rod)
88.端蓋 Side cover
89.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump
90.燃油泵 Fuel oil pump
91.滑油泵齒輪 Gear for lubricating oil pump
92.燃油泵齒輪 Gear for fuel oil pump
93.葉輪 Impeller
94.柱塞 Plunger
95.導桿 Guide rod
96.導套 Sleeve
97.滾動軸承 Ball bearing
98.滑動軸承 Sliding bearing
99.推力滾動軸承Thrust ball bearing
100.推力面 Thrust surface (thrust side)
101.盤車機 Turning gear
102.增壓器 Turbocharger
103.渦輪機(透平) Turbine
104.渦輪 Turbine wheel
105.渦輪葉片 Turbine blade
106.噴嘴 Nozzle
107.廢氣葉輪 Exhaust impeller
108.廢氣葉輪片 Exhaust blade
109.廢氣端 Exhaust side
110.透平端 Turbine side
111.轉子軸 Rotor shaft
112.油泵 L.O.pump
113.換向裝置 Reversing device
114.換向伺服期 Reversing servomotor
115.壓氣機(鼓風機) Blower
116.膨脹接 Expansion joint
117.調速器 governor
118.飛重 Flying weight
119.補償閥 Compensate valve
120.針閥 Needle valve
121.開口銷 Cotter pin
122.軸封 Shaft seal
123.機械密封 Machinery seal
124.配電盤 Switchboard
125.應急配電盤 Emergency switchboard
126.應急發電機 Emergency generator
127.濾器 Filter
128.細濾器 Filter
129.粗濾器 Strainer
130.滑油濾器 L.O. filter
131.燃油濾器 F.O. filter
132.空氣消音器 Air intake silencer
132.空氣濾器 Air intake filter
133.空氣瓶 Air bottle (receiver)
134.分油機 Separator
135.油水分離器 Water-oil separator
136.凈油機 Purifier
137.燃油凈化器 F.O. purifier
138.二氧化碳 CO2
139.二氧化碳瓶 CO2 bottle
140.正時齒輪 Timing gear
141.導向棒裝置 Guide bar
142.注油器驅動 Lubricator driver
143.鏈條張緊裝置 Chain tightener
144.凸輪軸傳動輪 Chain wheel on cam shaft
145.中間鏈鏈傳動輪Intermediate chain wheel
146.注油器驅動裝置Lubricator drive
147.鏈條張緊裝置 Chain tightener
148.滾筒導座 Roller guide housing
149.應急操縱台 Emergency console
150.力矩平衡器 Moment compensator
151.主啟動閥 Main starting valve
152.啟動空氣分配器Starting air distributor
153.噴油器 Fuel valve
154.掃氣系統 Scavenge air system
155.安全帽 Safety cap
156.機座 Bed plate
157.軸向振動減振器 Axial vibration damper
158.貫穿螺栓 Arrangement of stay bolt
159.示功器驅動裝置 Indicator driver
160.端罩 End shields
161.氣缸架 Cylinder frame
162.氣閥傳動裝置 Valve operating device
163.搖臂潤滑油泵 Rocker arm lubricating oil pump
164.搖臂潤滑油櫃 Rocker arm lubricating tank
165.搖臂潤滑濾器Rocker arm lubricating filter

三、船舶機械類(Words about marine machinery)
1.船用鍋爐 Marine boiler
2.廢氣鍋爐 Exhaust boiler
3.輔鍋爐 Donkey boiler
4.組合式鍋爐 Combined boiler
5.火管 Fire tube
6.給水管 Feed pipe
7.爐膛 Furnace
8.爐牆 Furnace wall
9.火側 Fire side
10.水側 Water side
11.燃燒器 Oil burner
12.安全閥 Safety valve
13.上排污 Upper drain
14.下排污 Lower drain
15.鍋爐皮閥 Mounting valve
16.水位計 Water level gauge
17.壓力表 Pressure gauge
18.主汽門 Main steam valve
19.玻璃管 Glass tube
20.空調裝置 Air-conditioning plant
21.製冷裝置 Refrigerating plant
22.冰機 Fridge. Machine
23.空氣壓縮機 Air compressor
24.造水機 Fresh water generator
25.板式冷卻器 Plate type cooler
26.機艙天車 Engine room crane
27.天車導軌 Crane rail
28.電磁閥 Solenoid valve
29.舵機 Steering gear
30.舵承 Rudder bearing carrier
31.液壓缸 Hydraulic cylinder
32.廢氣渦輪增壓器Exhaust gas turbocharger
33.彈簧閥 Spring loaded valve
34.冷凝器 Condenser
35.分油器 Oil separator
36.軸帶發電機 Shaft generator
37.焚燒爐 Oil burner
38.分油機 Separator
39.分離筒 Separator bowl
40.配水盤裝置 Paring disc device
41.轉數計 Revolution counter
42.控制閥 Control valve
43.輔機 Auxiliary machinery
44.製冷裝置 Refrigerating plant
45.海水淡化裝置Sea water desalting plant
46.熱交換器 Heat exchanger
47.船用氣瓶 Marine air bottle
48.冷風機 Cooler unit
49.防水風門 Fire damper
50.氣密擋板 Gas tight damper
51.排氣風機 Exhaust fan
52.艙室通風機 Cabin fan
53.機艙通風機 Engine room fan
54.應急鼓風機 Emergency blower

四、閥門(Words about valve)
1.吸氣閥 Suction valve
2.排氣閥 Exhaust valve
3.控制閥 Control valve
4.導 閥 Pilot valve
5.單向閥 Non-return valve
6.口琴閥 Flap valve
7.調節閥 Regulating valve
8.液壓閥 Hydraulic valve
9.膨脹閥 Expansion valve
10.給水閥 Feed valve
11.排水閥 Discharge valve
12.截止閥 Stop valve
13.吹泄閥 Blow-off valve
14.空氣閥 Air valve
15.泄放閥 Drain valve
16.止回閥 Check valve
17.海底閥 Sea valve
18.迴流閥 Retune valve
19.節流閥 Throttle valve
20.進氣閥 Inlet valve
21.出氣閥 Outlet valve
22.熱力閥 Thermal valve
23.中央閥 Center valve
24.單向閥 One way valve
25.二通閥 Two way valve
26.三通閥 Triple valve
27.旁通閥 By-pass valve
28.換向閥 Change-over valve
29.減壓閥 Pressure-recing valve
30.溢流閥 Overflow valve
31.自閉閥 Self-locking valve
32.針閥 Needle valve
33.平衡閥 Balance valve
34.循環閥 Circulation valve
35.主 閥 Main valve
36.滑 閥 Slide valve
37.蝶 閥 Butter-fly valve
38.截止閥 Shut-off valve
39.閘板閥 Gate valve
40.通海閥 Sea suction valve
41.吹除閥 Sea chest cleaning valve
42.防浪閥 Storm valve
43.艙壁閥 Bulkhead valve
44.快關閥 Emergency shut off valve
45.呼吸閥 Breather valve

五、泵類(Words about pump)
1.電動泵 Motor-driven pump
2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump
3.葉片泵 Vane pump
4.回轉泵 Rotary pump
5.齒輪泵 Gear pump
6.往復泵 Reciprocating pump
7.離心泵 Centrifugal pump
1.電動泵 Motor-driven pump
2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump
3.葉片泵 Vane pump
4.回轉泵 Rotary pump
5.齒輪泵 Gear pump
6.往復泵 Reciprocating pump
7.離心泵 Centrifugal pump
8.真空泵 Vacuum pump
9.螺桿泵 Screw pump
10.噴射泵 Ejector pump
11.冷卻泵 Cooling pump
12.淡水泵 Fresh water pump
13.海水泵 Sea water pump
14.給水泵 Feed water pump
15.循環泵 Circulating pump
16.鍋爐給水泵 Boiler feed pump
17.衛生水泵 Sanitary pump
18.壓載泵 Ballast pump
19.艙底泵 Bilge pump
20.污水泵 Sewage pump
21.燃油泵 Fuel pump
22.高壓油泵 High pressure pump
23.底壓油泵 Low pressure pump
24.駁運泵 Transfer pump
25.增壓泵 Booster pump
26.消防泵 Fire pump
27.通用泵 G.S. pump
28.旋渦泵 Regenerative
29.蝸殼泵 Volute pump
30.導葉泵 Diffuser pump
31.單聯泵 Simplex pump
32.雙聯泵 Duplex pump
33.多聯泵 Multiplex pump
34.活塞泵 Piston pump
35.減搖泵 Anti-roll pump
36.總用泵 General service pump
37.應急消防泵Emergency fire pump
38.掃艙泵 Stripping pump
39.貨油泵 Cargo oil pump
40.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump

六、甲板機械類(Deck machinery)
1.錨機 Windlass
2.錨機軸 Windlass shaft
3.剎車帶 Brake lining
4.離合器 Clutch
5.錨鏈輪 Anchor Chain wheel
6.軸承瓦 Bearing bush
7.軸承蓋 Bearing cover
8.絞攬機 Capstan
9.系攬絞車 Mooring winch
10.卷纜車 Reel
11.鋼絲繩 Wire rope
12.卡環 Shackle
13.纜繩 Mooring rope
14.滑輪 Block
15.剎車裝置 Brake device


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