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發布時間: 2025-03-13 19:37:14

㈠ 價格的英語單詞怎麼寫

n. price,
value (商品價值的貨幣表現) price; tariff:標明價格 mark (goods) with a price tag; have goods clearly priced國家規定價格 state-set price浮動價格 floating price議價價格 free price; negotiated price優惠價格 favoured price價格持平 price parity給某物定價格 assign (fix) a price to sth.降低價格 rece a price算出價格 figure out a price提高價格 raise a price調整價格 readjust a price穩定商品價格 squeeze the price of commodity影響價格 affect the price告訴我價格。 Let me know the price.這是你能接受的最低價格嗎? Is this the lowest price you can take?這兩條船價格相等。 The two boats are of a price.

㈡ 急求一篇 國際貿易出口問題的英文文獻 5000英文單詞左右 及其中文翻譯

accepting bank 承兌銀行 adept 內行 alterated 冒充物
agreement 同意書 air parcel 航空郵包 amendment修正書
area 面積 bankrupt 破產 beneficiary 受益人
bilateral trade 雙邊貿易 bill of landing 提單 bill of exchange匯票
billing 開發票 blind competition惡性競爭 boom 生意興隆
delay延誤 shoes store 鞋子專賣店 breakage破損
air cargo 航空貨運 certificate of origin原產地證明 bulk cargo 散裝貨
discount折扣 business is inactive 市面蕭條 buyer買主
cancel 取消 can not afford 買不起 capacity 容積
capture market 爭取市場 certificate fee 簽證費 certificate of inspection檢驗證
claim 索賠 close 結關 close date 結關日
close door 歇業 collection 托收 confirm 確認
commercial credit 商用信用 commission 傭金 consignee 收貨人
consumer 消費者 contract 合約 container 貨櫃
costprice 成本價 cost & freight 貨運及運費 cost & insurance 貨價及保險
cost insurance & freight (CIF)成本保險費加運費價 counter 貨櫃台
counterfeit 仿冒 customer 顧客 customs 海關
customer broker 報送行 dealer 販賣商 deferred payment 延遲付款
deficit 虧空 delivery date 交貨期 deliver from go down 出倉
department store 百貨公司 depression 不景氣 destination 目的地
direct trade 直接貿易 distribution 分銷 documentary 押匯
documentary acceptance bill 承況匯單 documentary payment bill 付款匯單
double check 復查 drawee 付款人 mping 傾銷
enlarge 擴充 export 出口 exporter 出口商
export declaration 出品申請書 faulty goods 劣足跡 foreign exchange 外匯
free on board (FOB,離岸價) gross weight 毛重 handle with care 小心輕放
horizontal competition 同業競爭 import 進口 importer 進口商
import permit 進品許可證 indirect trade 間接進口 inquiry sheet 詢價單
inspector 驗貨員 inspection sheet 檢驗單 instalment 分期付款
international trade foreign trade 國際貿易 invoice 發票
limited price 限價 loading port 輸出口岸 main mark 正嘜
manufacture 製造 marg in profit 利潤 managenment 管理制度
manufacturer 製造商 market 市價 mass proction 大量生產
multilateral trade 多邊貿易 negotiated purchase 議價 netback price 廠價
net weight 凈重 no transshipment permitted 不準轉運
nominal price 標價 notary 公證人 offer 報價
on board 已裝船 only one price 不二價 open tender 公開投標
order 訂單 output 產量 packing list 包裝單
partialloss 部分損失 payee 收款人 penalty 違約金,罰金
paying bank 付款銀行 peak season 旺季 place of delivery 交貨地點
post office 郵局 price bargain 討價還價 price cutting 減價,削價
price list 價目表 process 流程 proction control 生產管制
proforma invoice(一般譯為「形式發票」簡寫為「PI」) purchase 購買
quality control 品質管制 received for shipment 待裝船 reced price 減價
regular customer 老主顧 reorganization 改組 repacking 改裝
restricted tender 比價 resume business 復業 retail 零售
returned check 退票 retailer 零售商 sale 銷售
rock bottom price 最低價 sale on credit 賒賬 salesman 推銷員
sea port 港口 service 服務 segment delivery 分批交貨
shipper 貨主 shipping advice 裝船通知 shipping company 船務公司或海運公司 shipping date 裝船日期 shipping dock 裝船碼頭
shipping document 裝船文件 shoddy 粗製濫造 unpacking開箱
shopping rush 搶購 shortage 缺量 yielding 獲利
show window 櫥窗 slack season 淡季 special customs invoice 海關特種發票 specification 規格 standard brand 正牌子
steady 穩定 stock 存貨 stylist 款式設計師
supplier 供應商 supply & demand 供求 terminal market 批發市場
telegraphic transfer 電匯(T/T) time of delivery 交貨日期 trade company 貿易公司
travelers checks 旅行支票 title 抬頭 top quality 上等貨
total loss 全部損失 trade mark 商標 trial order 試銷貨
unfavorable trade balance 逆差 uniform invoice 統一發票 unilateral trade 單邊貿易
warehouse 倉庫 unsaleable 滯結 upset price 底價
useful load 裝載量 wholesaler 批發商 letter of credit 信用狀
revocable letter of credit 取消信用狀 irrevocable letter of credit 不可取消信用狀
sight letter of credit 即期信用狀 usance letter of credit 遠期信用狀
assignable letter credit 可轉讓信用狀 unassignable letter of credit 不可轉讓信用狀
destination 到達口岸 export declaration 出口申請表 quotation form 行情表

㈢ 尋查英語單詞

KK: []
DJ: []
1. 市場;股票市場;市集[C]
They put a new proct on the market.
2. (集)市;菜市(場);市場中買賣的人群[C]
3. 銷路[U][S],需求
There's no market for these goods.
4. 行情,市況[C]
1. (在市場上)銷售
The firm markets various kinds of household appliances.
1. (在市場上)購買(或賣出)

㈣ worth,worthwhile,worthy的區別





This second-hand car is worth $2000 at the most.

The exhibition is worth a visit/visiting.

2、worthy可作表語,也可作定語。作定語時意思為「有價值的」、「值得尊敬的」、「應受到賞識的」;用作表語時意思為「值得……的」、「應得到……的」,其後接of sth.,也可以後接to do sth.。


①That is worthy of note.那件事值得注意。

②This phenomenon is worthy of being studied.這種現象值得研究。



The Summer Palace is worthwhile going / to go to have a visit.

Helping old people is a worthwhile activity.




1、Or any number of other quiet and worthwhile activities.


2、But I am pretty sure about one thing---it will probably be the most worthwhile.


3、Investing more thought and cash in the better use of the world's most valuable commodity is surely worthwhile.


4、But my job is to tell you that if you are going to do anything worthwhile,you will face periods of grinding self-doubt and failure.


5、Consequently,it is often more worthwhile for ship owners to forfeit their deposits and pay compensation than to go through with deals on which they would never earn are a sonable return.


㈤ 請寫出30個關於價格的英語單詞

便宜 cheap
昂貴 expensive/dear/valuableness/costliness
合理的價格 a reasonable price
價格條price tag
打折at the sale
合理的價格 a reasonable price
priceterms 價格條款
F.O.B.Free On Board "船上交貨價"或稱"離岸價格"
C.I.F.Cost, Insurance and Freight "成本加保險費、運費"或"到岸價格"
C&FCost and Freight "成本加運費"或"離岸加運費"價格
F.O.B.Liner Terms F.O.B. 班輪條件
F.O.B.Stowed 船上交貨並理艙
F.O.B.Trimmed 船上交貨並平艙
F.O.B.Under Tackle F.O.B.吊鉤下交貨
C.I.F.Liner terms C.I.F.班輪條件
C.I.F.Ex Ship's Hold C.I.F.艙底交貨
F.O.B.plane 飛機離岸價(用於緊急情況)
FOR-Freeon Rail 火車交貨價
FOT-Freeon Truck 汽車交貨價
FAS-FreeAlongside Ship 船邊交貨價
ExFactory 工廠交貨價
ExPlantation 農場交貨價
ExWarehouse 倉庫交貨價
Ex Ship目的港船上交貨價
Ex DockDuty Paid 目的港碼頭完稅交貨價
Ex DockDuty Unpaid 目的港碼頭未完稅交貨價
AdditionalWords and Phrases
buyingprice 買價
sellingprice 賣價
newprice 新價
oldprice 舊價
presentprice 現價
originalprice 原價
currentprice 時價,現價
prevailingprice 現價
rulingprice 目前的價格
goingprice 現價
openingprice 開價,開盤價
closingprice 收盤價
exceptionalprice 特價
specialprice 特價
nominalprice 有行無市的價格
moderateprice 公平價格
wholesaleprice 批發價
retailprice 零售價
marketprice 市價
netprice 凈價
costprice 成本價
grossprice 毛價
priceeffect 價格效應
pricecontract 價格合約
pricecalculation 價格計算
pricelimit 價格限制
pricecontrol 價格控制
pricetheory 價格理論
priceregulation 價格調整
pricestructure 價格構成
pricesupport 價格支持
extraprice 附加價
priceratio 比價
priceper unit 單價
priceindex或price indices 物價指數
priceof factory 廠價

㈥ 價位的60個英語單詞有哪些英語


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