1. 紙品行業英語
壓敏紙 pressure-sensitive paper
瀝青牛皮紙 asphalt kraft paper
石蠟紙 paraff in paper
聚乙烯塗覆紙 polyethylene coated paper
不規則聚丙烯防潮牛皮紙 atactic polypropylene coated moisture proof kraft paper
玻璃紙 cellophane (regenerated cellulose film)
聚乙烯加工玻璃紙 polyethylene extrusion-coated cellophane
氯乙烯加工紙 vinylidene chloride treated paper
印刷用膠粘紙 pressure sensitive adhesive papers for printing
紙繩 paper string
紙膠帶(包裝用)gummed paper tapes(for packaging)
牛皮紙袋 kraft paper sacks
包裝水泥用牛皮紙袋 sewn kraft paper sacks for cement
可延伸牛皮紙袋 extensible kraft paper sacks
鋁箔防水包裝紙 aluminium foil laminated package paper
光纖維加固的牛皮紙袋 fiber reinforced kraft paper sacks
布袋 woven bag
黃麻袋 jute bag
牛皮紙襯墊、合成樹脂布袋 kraft lined, synthetic resin woven bag
甘薯澱粉包裝用牛皮紙袋 kraft paper sacks for sweet potato starch
馬鈴薯澱粉包裝用牛皮紙袋 kraft paper sacks for potato starch
揮發性防腐紙 volatile corrosion inhibitor
紙幅面尺寸 trimmed size of paper
砂紙 abrasive paper
砂紙原紙 abrasive base paper
吸收性紙 absorbent paper
吸水紙,吸收性紙 absorbing paper
帳簿紙 account book paper
計算機用紙 accounting machine paper
無酸紙 acid free paper
耐酸紙 acid proof paper,acid resistant paper
隔音紙 acoustic paper
溴化銀印相紙 actinometer paper
吸濕紙 active paper
計算機用紙 adding machine paper
地址標簽紙 address label paper
膠粘紙 adhesive paper
廣告紙,招貼紙 advertising paper
仿大理石紙 agate paper
仿瑪瑙大理石紋紙 agate marble paper
耐老化紙 age resistant paper
航空信紙 air paper
名片紙 alabaster paper
相簿紙 alabaster paper
蛋白膠紙 albumenized paper
蛋白膠紙 albumin paper
地圖紙 aligning paper
耐鹼紙 alkali-proof paper
全棉纖維紙 all rag paper
全木漿紙 all wood paper
仿鱷皮紙 allogator imitation paper
西班牙草漿印刷紙 alpha printing paper
鋁紙 aluminum paper
鋁襯紙 aluminum casting paper
鋁塗布紙 aluminum coated paper
鋁粉紙 aluminum sted paper
鋁箔襯紙 aluminum foil backing paper
鋁箔夾層紙 aluminum laminated paper
琥珀條紋紙 amber laid paper
彈葯筒紙 ammunition paper
頻率感應記錄紙 amplitude response recording paper
分析化學用濾紙 analytical filter paper
斜面紙 angle paper
斜截面紙 angle-cut paper
斜角紙 angular paper
動物膠表面施膠紙 animal tub-sized paper
耐酸紙 anti-acid paper
耐酸馬尼拉紙 anti-acid manila paper
防偽造紙 anti-falsification paper
防霉紙 anti-fungicide paper
防銹紙 anti-rust paper
防銹原紙 anti-rust base paper
防銹紙 anti-tarnish paper
低光澤紙,仿古紙 antique paper
仿古書籍紙 antique book paper
殺菌紙 antiseptic paper
保光澤紙 antitarnish paper
水彩圖畫紙 aquare(le) paper
檔案紙 archival paper
絕緣紙 armature paper
香料紙 aromatic paper
含砷紙 arsenical paper
美術紙 art paper
美術裝飾紙 art cover paper
水彩畫紙 art drawing paper
美術廣告紙,美工宣傳紙 art poster paper
牙科用紙 articulating paper
人造革紙 artificial leather paper
仿羊皮紙 artificial parchment paper
石棉紙 asbestos paper
石棉(電)絕緣紙 asbestos (electrical)insulating paper
消毒紙,防腐紙 aseptic paper
無灰紙 ashless paper
無灰濾紙 ashless filter paper
防潮紙,瀝青紙 asphalt paper
瀝青原紙 asphalt base paper
防喘紙 asthma paper
地圖紙 altas paper
彩色印刷紙 autochion printing paper
壓感復寫紙 auto paper
紀念冊紙 autograph paper
自動(劃線)記錄紙 autographic register paper
復印紙 autographic transfer paper
汽車袋用紙 automobile-bag paper
復制紙,影印紙 autotype paper
食品包裝紙 avenized paper
藍條紋書寫紙 azure laid(writing) paper
書籍襯里紙 back-lining paper
裱糊紙 backing paper
臘肉包裝紙 bacon paper
(紙)袋紙 bag paper
蔗渣漿紙 bagasse paper
浸漬絕緣紙 bakelite paper
浸漬絕緣紙 bakelized paper
麵包紙 bakers paper
層合平衡紙 balance sheet paper
單面瀝青包裝紙 baling paper
氣球用紙 balloon paper
鮑爾斯唐紙 balston』s paper
竹漿紙 bamboo paper
綳帶紙 bandage paper
高級書寫紙 bank paper
鈔票紙 banknote paper
餐桌紙 banquet table cover paper
理發頭枕紙 barber』s headrest paper
抗滲透紙 barrier paper
鋇地紙 baryta paper
原紙 base paper
(彈筒)裝葯用紙 basewad paper
韌皮紙 bast paper
高級信紙 bath paper
塗蠟裝飾紙 batlk paper
蓄電池用紙 battery paper
塗蠟裝飾紙 battik paper
曲折紙板 beaming paper
床包裝紙 bedsted-wrapping paper
啤酒過濾紙 beer-filter paper
夾層紙 between-lay paper
字典紙 bible paper
吸水性紙張 bibulous paper
帳目紙 bill paper
光澤廣告紙 billboard paper
自動記錄紙 billing machine paper
裝訂用紙 binder』s paper
生物紙 biochargeable paper
餅干包裝紙 biscuit paper
餅干包裝紙 biscuit cap paper
蠟筆畫紙 bistered paper
防潮紙,瀝青紙 bituminized paper
相冊黑色襯紙 black album paper
防潮紙 waterproof paper
防空紙 blackout paper
刮刀塗布紙 blade coated paper
空白書籍紙 blank book paper
毛毯袋用紙 blanket bag paper
空白書籍紙 blanking paper
彈葯用紙,礦工用紙 blasting paper
耐漂紙 blach resistant paper
鮮肉包裝紙 blood proof paper
吸墨紙blotting paper
蘭色洋蠟包裝紙 blue candle wrapping paper
藍印紙 blueing paper
曬圖紙 blueprint paper
蘭色描圖紙 bluetracing paper
扉頁紙 board paper
單面光扉頁紙 boardglazed paper
紗管紙,盤紙 bobbin paper
原紙 body paper
塗布原紙 bodystock paper
仿製紙 bogus paper
證券紙,高級書寫紙 bond paper
書籍紙 book paper
帳簿紙 booking paper
瓶簽紙 bottle labelling paper
壓光輥用紙 bowl paper
紙盒糊面紙 boxcover paper
箱裝書寫紙 boxed writings paper
盲文印刷紙 braille(printing) paper
麵包袋紙 bread bag paper
麵包標簽紙 bread label paper
光澤紙 bristel paper
錦紋紙,壓印花紙 brocade paper
小冊子用印刷紙 brochure paper
破損紙張 broken paper
溴素紙,照相放大紙 bromide paper
金色皺紋紙 bronze crepe paper
金色紙 bronze paper
棕色曬圖紙 brown print paper
刷輥塗布紙 brush(coated) paper
植物幼苗防風紙 brushing kraft paper
泡沫塗布紙 bubble coated paper
淺黃的復寫紙 buff ing paper
(製革用)磨光紙 buff(ing) paper
暗色繪圖紙buff drawing paper
建築用紙 building paper
松厚書籍紙 bulking(book) pape
松厚紙 bulky paper
染色加工紙 bunt paper
布紋紙 burlap lined paper
高光澤紙 burnished paper
染色加工紙,過干紙 burnt paper
包肉紙 butcher』s paper
黃油包裝紙 butter paper
(電力)電纜紙 cable paper
含毛壁紙 caffoy paper
糕點包裝紙 cake wrapping paper
日歷紙 calenday paper
壓光輥用紙 calender bowl paper
壓光處理的紙張 calendered paper
仿革紙 calf paper
布紋紙 calico paper
布紋紙 cambric paper
聖經紙 combridge bible paper
寶石花紋塗布紙 cameo paper
蠟燭包裝紙 candle paper
糖果袋紙 candy bag paper
布紋書寫紙 canvas note paper
有光紙 cap paper
電容器紙 capacitor(tissue) paper
植物防護紙 capping paper
貨車包覆紙 carlining paper
砂糖包裝紙 caramel paper
石碳酸紙 carbolic paper
復寫紙 carbon paper
復寫紙原紙 carbon body paper
復寫紙原紙 carbon raw paper
復寫紙原紙 carbonizing paper
壓感復寫紙 carbonless () paper
打光用紙,研磨紙 carborunm paper
卡片紙 card paper
地圖記錄紙 cardiographic paper
地毯紙 carpet lining paper
車箱頂棚用紙板 carriage pahel paper
地圖紙,圖表紙,記錄紙 carte paper
地圖記錄紙,心電圖記錄紙 cartographic paper
紙盒襯紙 carton liner paper
彈殼紙,彈葯用紙 cartridge paper
紙箱標簽紙 case labels paper
運輸包裝紙 case lining paper
現金收支記錄帶紙 cash control tape paper
(現金收支)票據紙 register paper
運輸包裝紙 casing paper
帆布箱襯里用紙 casket paper
高光澤印刷紙,塗布美術紙 cast coated paper
(塑料薄膜用)澆鑄紙 casting paper
目錄紙 catalog (ue) paper
封面紙,繪圖紙 catridge paper
松油紙 cedarized paper
芹菜培育紙 celery bleaching paper
賽璐珞原紙 celluloid paper
水泥袋紙 cement bag paper
陶瓷貼花紙 ceramic transfer paper
穀物箱襯紙 cereal box liners paper
白堊塗布紙 chalk transfer paper
辦公紙 chancery paper
炭畫書籍紙 charcoal book paper
木炭畫紙 charcoal(drawing) paper
圖表紙 chart paper
支票用紙 check paper
化學漿製成的紙張 chemical paper
支票紙,防偽紙 cheque paper
手工竹紙 china paper
模造紙 chintz paper
2. 有什麼C開頭的英語單詞
cab n. (美)計程車 cabbage n. 捲心菜,洋白菜 cafe n. 咖啡館; 餐館 cafeteria n. 自助餐廳cage n 籠;鳥籠 cake n. 蛋糕,糕點;餅 call n. 喊,叫;電話,通話 v. 稱呼;呼喚;喊,叫 calm a. 鎮靜的; 沉著的 v. 鎮靜; 沉著 camel n. 駱駝 camera n. 照相機;攝像機camp n. (夏令)營 vi. 野營; 宿營 can1 (could) can't = can not modal v. 可能;能夠;可以 不能 can2 a garbage can a can opener n. (美)罐頭;罐子 (美)垃圾桶 開罐器 Canada* n. 加拿大 Canadian a. 加拿大的;加拿大人的 n. 加拿大人 canal n. 運河;水道 cancel vt. 取消 cancer n. 癌 candle n. 蠟燭 candy n. 糖果 canteen n. 餐廳;食堂 cap n. (無檐的或僅在前面有檐的)帽子;(瓶子的)蓋;(鋼筆等的)筆套 capital n. 首都,省會;大寫;資本 captain n. (海軍)上校;船長,艦長;隊長 car n. 汽車,小卧車〖〗 carbon card n. n. 碳 卡片;名片;紙牌 card games紙牌游戲 care n. 照料,保護;小心v. 介意……,在乎;關心 careful a. 小心的,仔細的,謹慎的 careless a. 粗心的,漫不經心的 carpet n. 地毯 carriage n. 四輪馬車;(火車)客車廂 carrier carrot n. n. 搬運者;媒介;(自行車等的)置物架;(車的)貨架 胡蘿卜 carry vt. 拿,搬,帶,提,抬,背,抱,運等 cartoon n. 動畫片,卡通;漫畫 carvevt.刻;雕刻case1n. 情況;病例;案件;真相 case2 n. 箱;盒;容器 cash n. 現金,現鈔 v. 兌現 cast (cast, cast) v. 扔,拋,撒 castle n. 城堡 cat n. 貓
3. 留學生活常用英語單詞
Buffet 自助餐
Napkin 餐巾紙
Fries 薯條
Appetizer 開胃菜
Straw 吸管
Plain rice 白飯
Fried rice 炒飯
Chow mein 炒麵
Boba milk tea 珍珠奶茶
Cheeseburger 芝士漢堡
Regular/Large Drink 標准/大杯飲料
All-you-can-eat 自助餐
Sunny side up 煎一面的荷包蛋
Over-hard 全熟蛋
Scrambled 炒蛋
Ranch 田園沙拉醬
Thousand Island 千島醬
Mayo 美乃滋
Blue Cheese 藍乳酪醬
Italian Dressing 意式沙拉醬
Honey Mustard 蜂蜜芥末醬
Whole Wheat Bread 全麥麵包
White bread 白麵包
Toast 烤土司
Instant noodles 方便麵
Chicken nuggets 雞塊
Mashed potatoes 土豆泥
Chicken Drumsticks/ Chicken thighs 雞腿
Lettuce 生菜
Pickles 腌黃瓜
Onion 洋蔥
Jalapenos 墨西哥青椒
Celery 芹菜
Coriander/Cilantro/Chinese parsley香菜
Green onion 蔥
Ginger 姜
Gallic 蒜
Let's grab something to eat! 我們隨便找點東西填肚子吧!
May I see your menu, please? 可以讓我看眼菜單嗎?
What would you recommend? 有什麼推薦的嗎?
I prefer something light. 我想吃清淡點.
What's today's special? 今日特餐是什麼?
Please take my order. 我要點菜了.
I'd like this combo. 我要點這個套餐.
I'll have the same as that one. 跟那個一樣的'給我來一份.
For here or to go? 這里吃還是外帶?
Is that all? 就這些了嗎?
That's all. / That would be all. 夠了,就這些.
Cream or sugar? 要奶精還是糖? Both 都要. The black will do 黑咖啡就行.
Would you like a refill? 要不要再來一杯?
Have you finished or still working on it? 用完了嗎? 還是要繼續用?
Could we have checks? Separate. 埋單,分開付.
Let's split the bill. 我們各付各的.
It's on me. 我請客.
I'll take care of it. 我會付賬的.
How would you like your steak cooked? 肉要幾分熟? Well done 全熟;Medium 五分熟;Rare 三分熟.
What sauce for your steak?
Mustard (黃芥末) 、Honey Mustard (蜂蜜芥末) 、Sweet Onion (甜蔥醬) 、Vinegar (紅醋) 、Mayonaise(美乃滋) 、Ranch(酸奶蛋黃混蒜味兒)
Currency 貨幣
Balance 結余
Overdraft/overdraw 透支: What if I overdraw? 透支了咋辦?
Credit card 信用卡
Debit card 借記卡
Due date 信用卡還款日
Checkings account 支票儲蓄賬戶
Check 支票: cash a check 兌現支票
Money order/Cashier's Check 匯票/本票 (租房很多時候會用來交押金,需要先存指定金額才能拿到)
Savings account 定期賬戶
Service charge 服務費
Interest rate 利率
Deposit your money (in the account/ with the bank) 存錢
Pay my bills 付款
Withdraw 支取: withdraw 100 dollars from my savings account 從定存中支取100刀
Invoice 發票
Refund 退款
Receipt 收據
Counter 櫃台
Small change 零錢
Promotion Code 促銷碼
BOGO 買一贈一
BOGO 50% OFF 第二件半價
Mix and match 混合搭配(以滿足獲得優惠的條件)
Free shipping 包郵
Return policy 退貨政策
Would you like to pay by cash or card? 您用現金還是刷卡?
Can I use VISA? 我可以用VISA卡嗎?
Credit or Debit? 您是用借記卡還是信用卡?
Parcel 包裹:I want to mail this parcel to Los Angeles.
C.O.D.= Cash on delivery 貨到付款
Sender 寄件人 (= addressor)
Recipient 收件人 (= addressee)
Postcard 明信片
Surface mail 非航空的平寄郵件
Universal postcard 國際明信片
Postal packet 小包裹
Bulky packet 大宗包裹
P.O.Box 郵政信箱 =post office box
Zip code 郵政編碼
Ordinary letter 平信
Registered letter 掛號信
Weigh a parcel 稱包裹
Pay postage 付郵資
I'd like to insure this package for 50 dollars. 我想給這包東西保險五十美元.
How long will it take to get there?幾天能到?
Mask 面膜
Mascara 睫毛膏
Scrub 磨砂膏
Acne/Blemish/Breakouts 青春痘
Primer 妝前乳
Blush 腮紅
Concealer 遮瑕膏
Essence 精華液
Foundation 粉底
Toner 化妝水
Lotion 乳液
Cream 乳霜
Eye Liner 眼線
Eye Shadow 眼影
Eyebrow Pencil 眉筆
Nail polish 指甲油
Lipstick 口紅
Lip Gloss 唇彩
Lip Balm 護唇膏
Fragrance 香水
Gift with Purchase 滿額贈禮
Samples 小樣
Iron 熨斗
Oven 烤箱
Refrigerator 冰箱
Rice cooker 電飯鍋
Vacuum cleaner 吸塵器
Air conditioning 空調
Hair dryer 吹風機
Blender 攪拌機
Washer 洗衣機
Dryer 烘乾機
Toaster 烤麵包機
Ventilator 油煙機
Stove 灶台
Calculator 計算器
Controller 遙控
Laundry 洗衣店
Bakery 麵包店
Occupied (廁所)有人
Vacant (廁所)無人
Business Hours 營業時間
Office Hours 辦公時間
Lost and Found 失物招領處
Toll Free 免費通行
Ticket Office(Booking Office) 售票處
Blazer 西裝外套
Lingerie 女式內衣
Pajamas 睡衣褲
Hoodies 帽衫
Cardigan 開衫
Belt 腰帶
Briefs 短內褲,三角褲
Panties 女短內褲
Apron 圍裙
Fitting room 試衣間
Shopping cart 購物車
On sale 特價中
Tote 容積比較大的包包
Hobo 單肩背包
Satchel 橫向長方形包包
Drawstring bag 水桶包
Duffel bag 軟質旅行包
;4. 辦公室常用英語詞彙大全
executive 高中級管理人員
Executive Manager 總經理
Executive Vice-President 執行副總裁
expanding file 文件袋
Export Department 出口部
felt-tip marker 氈制粗頭筆
Finance Department 財會部
floppy disk 磁碟
Bonuses 獎金
book 賬本
adhesive notes 可粘便箋
Advertising Department 廣告部
After-sale Service Department 售後服務部
ashtray 煙灰缸
Assistant Manager 助理經理 (副經理)
blotter 吸墨紙
diary book 日記簿
document 公文
drawer 抽屜
book stand 書立
Branch Office 分公司
Business Office 營業部
cabinet 文件櫃
cellophane tape 玻璃紙、透明膠
Chairman of the Board 董事長
cigarette 香煙
clasp envelope 搭扣信封
clerk 職員
clip 彈簧夾子
Commissions 傭金
copier 復印機
correction tap 修改膠帶 (修正液為correction fluid, 修正筆為correction pen)
cutter 美工刀
Dections 扣除
department manager 部門經理
Deputy General Manager 副總經理
General Accounting Department 財務部
General Affairs Department 總務部
Gross 薪水總額
Head Office 總公司
Human Resources Department 人力資源部
Import Department 進口部
Income tax 個人所得稅
inkpad 印泥
intercom 內部通話系統
International Department 國際部
locker 鎖櫃
Manager 主任
Managing Director 行政董事
Marketing Department 市場部
Medical 醫療保險
memo pad 備忘錄
business card holder 名片夾
Net 凈工資
office 辦公室
office girl 女勤雜員
office pin 辦公用大頭針
paper cutter 切紙刀
paper fastener 工字針
paper shredder 碎紙機
paperweight 鎮紙,紙壓
Pay check 工資支票
Pay rate 工資標准
Pay stub 工資存根
Pension 醫療保險
personal computer 個人電腦
Personnel Department 人事部
Planning Department 企劃部
planning document 規劃文件
pocket calculator 袖珍計算器
President 總裁
Proct Development Department 產品開發部
Public Relations Department 公共關系
punch 打孔機
Purchasing Department 采購部
Quality Control Department 品管部
report 報告
Research and Development Department(R&D) 研發部
rubber band 橡皮帶
Salary 薪水
Sales Department 銷售部
Sales Manager 銷售部經理
Sales Promotion Department 促銷部
Sales Representative 銷售代表
Secretarial Pool 秘書室
secretary 秘書
Section Manager 部門經理,科長
stamp 印章
stationery 文具和辦公用品
Supervisor 總管
telephone directory 電話薄
tray 文件盒
typewriter 打字機
typist 打字員
Wage 時薪
pay raise 加薪
printer 列印機
photocopier 復印機
fax 傳真
paper clip 夾紙的回形針
stapler 訂書機
highlight 熒光筆
scissors 剪刀
ty manager 值班經理
business card 名片