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發布時間: 2025-03-12 09:53:00

A. 外貿的英語單詞是什麼

外貿: [ wài mào ]

foreign trade

B. 幫忙總結下相關外貿出口的專業英語單詞術語,謝謝啦。

1.Trade-related Terms 貿易相關術語
Foreign Trade 對外貿易
Entrepot Trade F。) 轉口貿易
Home (Domestic)Trade 內貿
Coastal Trade 沿海貿易
Cross-border Trade 邊境貿易
Barter Trade 易貨貿易
Compensation Trade 補償(互補)貿易
Bilateral trade (between China and the US) (中美)雙邊貿易
Multilateral Trade ( Multilaterism ) 多邊貿易
Trading House/Corporation/Firm/Company 貿易公司
Liner Trade 集裝箱班輪運輸

Contract 合同
Active service contracts on file 在備有效服務合同
Sales Contract 銷售合同
Sales Confirmation 銷售確認書
Agreement 協議
Vessel sharing Agreement 共用艙位協議
Slot-sharing Agreement 共用箱位協議
Slot Exchange Agreement 箱位互換協議
Amendment 修正合同
Appendix 附錄
Quota 配額

Service Contract as provided in the Shipping Act of 1984, a contract between
a shipper (or a shippers association) and an ocean carrier
(or conference)in which the shipper makes a commitment
to provide a certain minimum quantity of cargo or freight revenue
over a fixed time period,and the ocean common carrier or
conference commits to a certain rate or rate scheles as well
as a defined service level (such as assured space,transit time,
port rotation or similar service features)。The contract may
also specify provisions in the event of non-performance on the
part of either party 服務合同

A service contract is a confidential contract between a VOCC and
1 or more shippers in which the shipper(s) make a cargo commitment,
and the carrier makes a rate and service commitment.
Only a VOCC (or agreement of VOCCs) may enter into a service
contract as carrier.
NVOCCs may enter into service contracts as shippers, but not as carrier.
Allows a carrier to lawfully charge a negotiated, non-tariff rate.
Allows parties to keep the negotiated rate confidential.
Today, the vast majority of liner cargo in the U.S. trade moves under
confidential service contracts.
Must be with qualified shipper(s).
Must include shipper cargo commitment and carrier rate and service commitments.
Must include shipper certification.
Must be signed by the carrier and the shipper.
Must be filed with the FMC.
Electronic filing is permitted.
Rates kept confidential - certain 「essential terms」 published.
運價保密 -一些「基本條款」公布
Service Contract Form
Term 1 = origin. 條款1 = 啟運地
Term 2 = destination. 條款2 =目的地
Term 3 = a list of commodities. 條款3 = 商品類別
Term 4 – MQC 條款4 = 最低箱量
Term 5 = Service Commitments 條款5 = 服務承諾
Term 6 = Rate Schele 條款5 = 費率表
Term 7 - Liquidated Damages Clause 條款7 = 清算損失條款
Term 8 – Contract Term 條款8 = 合同期限
Term 9A = Legal names of contract parties. 條款9A = 合同方的法定名稱
Term 9B = Identity of contract signatories. 條款9B = 簽字人的身份
Term 9C = Date the contract was signed. 條款9C = 合同簽字日
Other Provisions 其它條款
Term 10 = shipper certification. 條款10 = 托運人的身份
Term 11 = contract records. 條款11 = 合同記錄
Term 12 = other provisions (including force 條款12 = 其它條款(包括不可
majeure, cancellation, arbitration, and 抗拒力,終止,仲裁和
assignment clauses). 轉讓 條款)

Signature Block 簽字欄

The Shipper Party 托運方
Is the Shipper Party qualified? 托運方是否合格?
Must be cargo owner, NVOCC, or shipper』s 必須是貨主,無船承運人和托運人協會association.
Cannot be freight forwarder. 不可以是貨運代理人
Is the shipper party the party that will use 托運方是否為合同的使用方?
the contract?
Cannot be agent or affiliate of shipper party. 不可以是托運方的代理和附屬公司
Exception: Affiliate of BCO may be shipper 特殊情況:如果直接貨主的附屬
party if it will be responsible for the freight. 公司負責運費,其可以是托運方。
Must Use Full Legal Name 必須使用法定的全稱
The full legal name and business address 服務合同中必須顯示
of the shipper party must appear on the 托運方的法定全稱和營業地址。
service contract.
Should usually include a corporate identifier 通常必須包括公司的標志符
(Inc., Ltd., Co.). (Inc., Ltd., Co.)
Contract heading, Term 9, and signature 合同的標題,第9條款
block should match. 和簽字欄必須一致。

Affiliates 附屬公司
Shipper party may list affiliates entitled to use 托運方可以在合同第9條款中
the service contract in Section 9. 列入有權使用服務合同的附屬公司。
An affiliate is a person that controls, is 附屬公司是指擁有托運方,
controlled by, or is under common control 被托運方擁有或被同一公司擁有的實體。
with, the shipper party.
The full legal name and business address of 必須包括每一個附屬公司
each affiliate must be included. 的法定全稱和營業地址。
Trade names may also be indicated in 除法定全稱外,也可列入商號。
addition to the full legal name.
NVOCCs may not list affiliates. 無船承運人不可列入附屬公司。
When the Service Contract May be Used 何時可以使用服務合同?
A service contract may not be used until the 只有在SECAUCUS辦公室
Secaucus office notifies the agent that the 通知代理服務合同已經向FMC
service contract has been filed with the FMC. 登記後,服務合同才可以使用。

The Secaucus office will issue Daily Filing Notices. SECAUCUS辦公室將發出「每日登記通知」。
Enforcement of Service Contract Terms 服務合同條款的執行
not to deviate from the service contract terms. 不可以偏離服務合同條款。
A contract may be amended to rece MQC or 服務合同可進行修改減少
extend the contract term. 最低箱量或延長服務合同
If the MQC (as amended, if applicable) is not 如果最低貨量沒有完成,
satisfied, an invoice for liquidated damages 在合同到期後30天內
must be issued within 30 days of the end of 發出清算損失發票。
the service contract term.
Service Contract must be with qualified shipper. 服務合同必須與合格的托運人簽訂。
Shipper Party is person that will use the contract. 托運方為將會使用合同的人。
Full name (and trade name, if any) and address of 條款9中必須顯示托運方和
shipper party and any affiliates entitled to use the 任何有權使用合同的附屬公司的
contract must appear in Term 9. 全稱(和商號,如果有)和營業地址。
If contract is with Shipper』s Association, Members 如果與托運人協會簽訂合同,
entitled to use the contract must be listed. 合同中必須列入有權使用合同的成員公司。
All parties entitled to use contract must certify status. 所有有權使用合同的各方必須證明其身份。
Contract may not be used until filed with the FMC. 在沒有向FMC登記前,合同不可以使用。
Only shipper party and named affiliates (or listed 只有托運方和指名的附屬公司
members if SA) may use the contract. (或列入的托運人協會的成員公司)

Contract Terms (and conditions ) 合同條款
Article 條
Section 節/項
Item 款
Stipulation 規定
Essential terms 必備(主要)條款
Revision 修改
Alteration 更改
Contract Signatory 合同簽署方(人)
Merchant 簽約方
Head-Contractor 總承包商
Sub-Contractor 分包商
Parties to the contract 合同(協議簽約)有關各方

E. 買賣方、中介
Manufacturer 製造(廠)商
Buyer 買方
Seller 賣方
Broker 中間人/ 掮客(跑街先生)
Middle-man 中間人(商)

OTI 遠洋運輸中介公司

NVO (NVOCC) Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier 無船承運人
NVOCC Services may include but are not limited to: 無船承運人提供的服務包括但不局限於:
1) purchasing transportation services from a VOCC and offering 向船舶承運人購買再向
such services for resale to other persons 他人轉售運輸服務
2) payment of port to port or multi-modal transportation charges 支付港到港或全程
3) entering into affreightment agreements with underlying shippers 與大貨主簽訂運輸合同
4) issuing bills of lading or equivalent documents 簽發提單或相同效用單證
5) arranging for inland transportation and paying for inland freight 安排內陸運輸,從全程
charges on through transportation movements 運費中支付內陸運費
6) paying lawful compensation to ocean freight forwarders 向貨代支付合理傭金
7) leasing containers 負責租用(集裝箱)貨櫃
8) entering into arrangements with origin or destination agents 與始發地、目的地代理簽
Any person operating in the US as an NVOCC shall furnish evidence 在美國經營無船承運人
of financial responsibility in the amount of USD 75000 必需提供保證金75000美元

Ocean Freight Broker 遠洋攬貨代理( 船東訂艙/營銷代理 )

Ocean Freight Broker is an entity 遠洋攬貨代理系
which is engaged by a carrier to secure cargo for such carrier 由船東經營,專事為本公司攬貨,
and/or offer for sale ocean transportation services 提供遠洋運輸服務的機構。對外
which holds itself out to the public as one who negotiates 負責與收、發貨人洽談運輸條款
between shipper or consignee and carrier for the purchase, 出售艙位等事宜。
sale,conditions and terms of transportation。
An Ocean Freight Broker is not required to be licensed to 遠洋攬貨代理無需專辦經營
perform those services。 執照

Cargo Forwarding Agent / Cargo Forwarder 貨運代理
Freight Forwarding / Forwarder 貨運代理

Ocean Freight Forwarder 遠洋貨運代理人
Freight Forwarding services may include,but are not limited to: 貨代服務包括但不局限於:
1) ordering cargo to port 安排將貨物運送至港區(口)
2) preparing and/or processing export declarations 安排出口報關
3) booking,arranging for or confirming cargo space 安排訂艙,確認艙位
4) preparing or processing delivery orders or dock receipts 安排裝貨單證(場站收據)
5) preparing and/or processing ocean bills of lading 安排海運提單
6) preparing or processing consular documents or 安排出口單證及
arranging for their certification 貨物出口相關證書
7) arranging for warehouse storage 安排倉庫儲放
8) arranging for cargo insurance 安排貨運保險
9) clearing shipments in accordance with Government 根據政府有關出口規定
export regulations 辦理貨物出口清關手續
10) preparing and/or sending advance notifications of 繕制貨運通知單及相關單證
shipments or other documents to banks,shippers,or 並按要求分送銀行、貨主
consignees,as required 或收貨人
11) handling freight or other money advanced by shippers, 安排支付發貨人應付海運費
or remitting or advancing freight or other money or credit 和其它費用;支付、電匯
in connection with the dispatching of shipments 海運費、及運輸相關費用
12) coordinating the movement of shipments from origin to vessel 協調貨物自出運地至船舶
13) giving expert advice to exporters concerning letters of credit, 為出口商提供有關信用證、
other documents,license or inspections,or on problems 其它單證、執照、檢驗及
about cargoes dispatch。 其與貨物出運相關問題的專業咨詢服務
Any person operating in the US as an Ocean Freight Forwarder 在美國經營貨代必需提供
shall furnish evidence of financial responsibility in the amount 保證金50000美元
of USD 50000。
Shipping Agency / Agent 船務代理
Supplier / Provider 供方

Head Office (Headquarters) 總公司
Board of Directors 董事會
Director 董事
CEO 首席執行官(總裁)
CFO 財務總監
Regional Office 區域性公司
Local Office 地區公司
Affiliate 附屬(子)公司
Branch Office 分公司
Sub-office 支公司
Subsidiaries 下屬公司
Liaison Office 聯絡處
Rep. Office (Representative Office) 代表(辦事)處
Chief Representative 首席代表
Group Company 集團公司
Conglomerate 集團公司(企業集團)

Shipper SPR 發貨人/托運人
Shipper may mean : 發貨人可以是:
1) a cargo owner 貨物持有者(真正意義上的貨主)
2) the person for whose account the ocean
transportation is provided 遠洋運輸費用支付人
3) the person to whom delivery is to be made 收貨人
4) a shippers』 association 貨主協會
an NVOCC that accepts responsibility for 承擔支付運價本費率或服務
payment of all charges applicable 合同費用的無船承運人
under the tariff or service contract
Consolidator A company that consolidates freight owned by various parties
into one container. 拼箱貨發貨人
Consignor 發貨人
Consignee 收貨人
Notify Party 通知方
Second Notify Party 第二通知方

C. 英語單詞commerce的用法和辨析





貿易;商業;交易 [U]


Our country has been trying to broaden its commerce with other nations.



They dignified and decorated commerce with the splendid virtues of honor and loyalty.




I have little commerce with my neighbors.




這些名詞均含「貿易,交易」之意。 business指包括售貨、購貨、換貨在內的綜合商業活動,方式可以是批發或零售。 commerce多指大規模的買賣或易貨關系。 trade普通用詞,含義廣。既可指某種具體的商業又可指廣泛的`貿易。 bargain多指買賣雙方通過談判、協商就商品質量、數量、價格等項達成協議所成的生意。 deal口語用詞,指買賣雙方經過交涉達成協議成交。


chamber of commerce

n. 商會

commerce department

【經】 商業部

department of commerce

【經】 商業系(科), 商務部

interstate commerce commission

【經】 州際商務委員會


Commerce enriches a nation.


Banks are the nerves of commerce.


We must promote commerce with neighbouring countries.


Commerce binds the two countries together.


We must promote commerce with neighboring countries.


I have little commerce with my neighbors.


Commerce binds the two countries together.


Alibaba has changed commerce in China.


Commerce is paralysed in consequence of a severe earthquake.


The chamber of commerce is an important commercial body.



D. "區域"的英語單詞是什麼啊,請指教


a series of,一系列

E. 英語The Twilight Zone怎麼翻譯

The Twilight Zone可以翻譯為「陰陽魔界。」

音標:英 [ðə ˈtwaɪlaɪt zəʊn] 美 [ðə ˈtwaɪlaɪt zoʊn]



  • n. 黃昏,薄暮時分;暮光,暮色;衰退期,朦朧狀態

  • adj. 朦朧的,模糊的,虛幻的


The Twilight Zone Season迷離時空

The Twilight Zone Magazine陰陽魔界雜志

The New Twilight Zone菲爾·歐克斯








F. 英語restricted area怎麼翻譯

英語restricted area的翻譯是禁區。




Restrict Lock禁錮枷鎖 ; 束縛鎖定。

confine restrict限制。

to restrict禁制 ; 制約 ; 牽制。

restrict confine局限。

Restrict Author限製作者。

legal restrict法律約束力。

Restrict Weapons保留武器。

restrict trade限制貿易。


1、We do not restrict you to one lodge or price range.


2、How to restrict your application to one instance only?


3、Their policy was to restrict our growth.


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