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發布時間: 2025-03-11 12:33:11

❶ 他們很愛我,我也很愛他們。用英語怎麼說

英語是:They love me very much, and I love them too.


1、love 英[lʌv] 美[lʌv]

vt. 喜歡; 愛,熱愛; 愛戴; 贊美,稱贊;

vt. 喜歡; 喜愛; 喜好; 愛慕;

n. 熱愛; 愛情,愛意; 疼愛; 愛人,所愛之物;

[例句]Ourlovefor each other has been increased by what we've been throughtogether.


2、too 英[tu:] 美[tu:]

adv. 太; 也; 很; 非常;

[例句]'Nice to talk to you.' — 'Nice to talk to youtoo.'





① We love our motherland. 我們熱愛祖國。

② Love me, love my dog. (諺語)愛屋及烏。


① He likes swimming, but he doesn't like to swim this afternoon.


② I hate to trouble the old man today because I hate troubling old people.


另外,would/should love to= would like to。如:

③ I'd love to attend the meeting, but I'm too busy now.


love也可以用作名詞,意為「愛情;熱愛;愛戴 」,如:

My mother『s love for me was very great. 我母親對我的愛是很深的。

John and Mary are in love. 約翰和瑪麗在相愛。

❷ favourite和favorite的區別是什麼





1、favourite:favourite confines偏好范圍。

2、favorite:favorite kind of最喜愛的…種類;new favorite新寵;新歡。





例句:I'vealwaysbeenfondofpoetry迅寬畢and one piecehasalways stuck inmymind.


❸ 英語「喜歡」(like)和have的用法

一、作及物動詞,意為「喜歡」,後接名詞或代詞,表示對某一事物的興趣或愛好。例如: I like fish and vegetables very much. Jack doesn't like his work. 二、常與would,should連用,表示「想要、願意、希望」,語氣較為客氣委婉。例如: Would you like something to drink?你想要喝點什麼嗎? I would like a bottle of orange and two cakes, please.我想要一瓶桔子汁和兩塊蛋糕。 三、like後接動詞不定式作賓語,表示喜歡某項特定的或具體的活動。例如: Do you like to play basketball? No. I like to paly table tennis. His mother doesn't like to see a film. 四、like後也可跟動詞的ing形式作賓語,強調喜歡和愛好的是一般性的行為或事實。例如: Do they like playing games? No. They like watching TV. The girl doesn't like doing housework. 五、How do you like…?句型主要用以詢問對方對某個地方或某件事物等的看法,意為「你覺得…怎麼樣?」例如: How do you like the city?你覺得這座城市怎麼樣? How do you like the film?你認為這部電影怎樣? How do you like…?和What do you think of …?意義相近,它們在口語中常用How about …?或What about…?代替。還要注意別和What do you like…?相混,該句型主要用以詢問對方的興趣愛好,意為「你喜歡什麼?」例如:What do you like? I like swimming. 六、like作介詞,意為「像」、「和……一樣」。例如: She looks like her mother. The boy jumps like a monkey. It looks like rain. We don't need a man like him have AHD:[hv] D.J.[h#v] K.K.[h#v] v.(動詞) had[hd] hav.ing, has[hz] v.tr.(及物動詞) To be in possession of: 擁有: already had a car. 已經有一輛車 To possess as a characteristic, quality, or function: 氣質:有…的特徵、性質或功能: has a beard; had a great deal of energy. 蓄著鬍子;精力充沛 To possess or contain as a constituent part: 包含:作為某物的組成部分而含有或包含: a car that has an automatic transmission. 有自動傳動系統的汽車 To occupy a particular relation to: 有特殊關系: had a great many disciples. 有很多信徒 To possess knowledge of or facility in: 具有某方面的知識或才能: has very little Spanish. 懂很少一點西班牙語 To hold in the mind; entertain: 保持在腦中;懷抱: had doubts about their loyalty. 對他們的忠誠懷有疑慮 To use or exhibit in action: 發揮:通過行動來運用或顯示: have compassion. 發揮同情心 To come into possession of; acquire: 佔有;獲得: Not one of the book was to be had in the entire town. 整個城鎮都沒有這本書 To receive; get: 收到;得到: I had a letter from my cousin. 我收到堂弟寄來的信 To accept; take: 接受;收納: I'll have the green peas instead of the spinach. 我想要份青豆而不是菠菜 To suffer from: 經受,遭受: have defective vision. 視力不好 To be subject to the experience of: 經歷,經驗: had a difficult time last winter. 去年冬天日子不好過 To cause to, as by persuasion or compulsion: 促使:通過勸說或強迫導致…: had my assistant run the errand. 讓我的助手跑腿 To cause to be: 使…成為: had everyone fascinated. 把每個人都吸引住了 To permit; allow: 允許;許可: I won't have that kind of behavior in my house. 在我家中我可不允許做那種事 To carry on, perform, or execute: 執行,做,實行: have an argument. 進行爭吵 To place at a disadvantage: 把…置於不利狀態: Your opponent in the debate had you on every issue. 你的對手在爭論中使你在每個問題上都處於下風 Informal To get the better of, especially by trickery or deception: 【非正式用語】 利用:尤指通過詭計或欺騙利用: They realized too late that they'd been had by a swindler. 他們發現被一個騙子耍了,但為時已晚 Informal To influence by dishonest means; bribe: 【非正式用語】 賄賂:通過不正當手段影響;賄賂: an incorruptible official who could not be had. 一位不為賄賂所動的廉潔官員 To procreate (offspring): 繁殖(後代): wanted to have a child. 想要一個孩子 To give birth to; bear: 生;生育: She's going to have a baby. 她就要生孩子了 To partake of: 吃喝: have lunch. 吃中飯 To be obliged to; must: 被迫:必須: We simply have to get there on time. 我們不得不準時趕到那裡 To engage in sexual intercourse with. 性交:與…產生性關系 v.aux.(助動詞) Used with a past participle to form the present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses indicating completed action: 與過去分詞連用構成現在完成時、過去完成時或將來完成時以表示結束的行為: The troublemaker has gone for good. I regretted that I had lost my temper. They will have finished by the time we arrive. 那搗蛋鬼已走上了正路。我對我曾大發脾氣感到後悔。他們會在我們到那裡的時候完成的 n.(名詞) One enjoying especially material wealth: 富人:尤指享受物質財富的人: 「Almost overnight, there was a new and widespread hostility on the part of the haves toward the have-nots」(Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr.) 「幾乎是一夜之間,富人們就對窮人們滋生出一種新的和的仇恨」(小托馬斯P.奧涅爾) have at To attack. 攻擊 have on To wear: 穿戴: had on red shoes. 穿紅色鞋子 To be scheled: 策劃:被安排在計劃之內: We have a dinner party on for tomorrow evening. 明天晚上我們打算參加晚宴 have done with To stop; cease: 停止;結束: Have done with your foolish quibbling 結束你那愚蠢的詭辯 have had it【非正式用語】 To have enred all that one can: 忍無可忍:盡一個人最大的努力忍受: I've had it with their delays. 對他們的拖拉我已忍到頭了 To be in a state beyond remedy, repair, or salvage: 無法恢復:處於一種無法治療、修補或拯救的狀態: That coat has had it. 那件上衣已經破爛不堪了 To have done everything that is possible or that will be permitted. 已做完可能做的或被允許的一切事情 have it in for (someone) To intend to harm, especially because of a grudge. 尤指由於嫉恨而想傷害 have it out To settle decisively, especially by means of an argument or a discussion. 尤指通過爭辯或討論的手段最終解決 have (something) coming To deserve what one receives: 得到某人應得之物: You had that reprimand coming for a very long time. 你早該挨罵了 have to do with To be concerned or associated with. 與…有聯系或關聯 Middle English haven 中古英語 haven from Old English habban * see kap- 源自 古英語 habban *參見 kap- have [hAv; hEv, Ev, v; hAf] v.aux. (過去式和過去分詞為had [hAd]; 第三人稱單數現在式為 has [hAz; hEz, Ez]) [構成各種完成形式]業已, 曾經 You haven't been abroad before, have you? 你以前沒出過國, 是吧? ②[用於虛擬語氣] If they had [had they] time, they would certainly come and help us. 如果他們有時間, 他們一定會來幫助我們。 have vt. 有, 懷有, 含有 知道, 了解, 懂得 吃; 吸(煙) 得到, 收到; 拿 允許, 容忍 體驗; 享受; 經[遭]受; 碰到 [賓語補足語用不帶 to 的不定式表示]使[讓、 叫]某人做某事 [賓語補足語用過去分詞等結構表示]使(在)某方面出現某種狀態 不得不, 必須(to) 從事, 進行, 作(某事) 顯示, 表現 表明, 說, 主張 [英俚]欺騙; [口]打敗, 勝過 生 have one's hair cut (請人)理發 H-a cup of tea? 喝杯茶嗎? I had a parcel yesterday. 我昨天收到了包裹。 You were had! 你受騙了。 He had his hands burned. 他把手燒壞了。 I had to walk very fast to overtake you. 我不得不快走才能趕過你。 I won't have it. 我受不了。 As he has it. 據他所說。 have n. [常用復][口]有產者, 有錢人; (天然資源多的)富國 [英俚]欺詐, 詐騙 the haves and the have-nots 有錢人和窮人; 富國和窮國 be had 受騙, 上當 had rather 寧願, 寧可 had sooner 寧願, 寧可 I won't have it. [口]我不能容忍這樣的事。 Let him have it. 給他一點顏色看看; 狠狠地收拾他; 給他一槍。 not having any [口]不同意; 不感興趣 to have and to hold 【律】享有, 永遠保有 What a have! [口]真會騙人! what have you 諸如此類的事物, 等等 have about one 隨身帶 have at sb. [口]撲向(某人); 襲擊(某人); 與(某人)比高低 have back (have sth. back)要回, 收回 (have sb. back)允許(分離後的配偶或情人)回到自己身邊 have by 同(某男人)生了(小孩) have had it 受夠了, 忍無可忍了 錯過機會; 完蛋了; 沒希望了 (女人)被誘奸 have in (=have got...in) (have sb. in)邀請某人到家裡來 (have sth. in)貯存[備] have it 優越, 有利 挨罵; 遭殃; 受懲罰 (亦作 have "it")有性感, 有性的誘惑力 戀愛 have it away [俚](同某人)亂搞男女關系, 私通 have it off [俚](同某人)亂搞男女關系, 私通 have it away with sb. [俚](同某人)亂搞男女關系, 私通 have it off with sb. [俚](同某人)亂搞男女關系, 私通 have it coming (to one) [美](某人受獎, 受罰等)是應得的, 是理所當然的 have it good [口]生活好過[優裕] have it easy [口]生活好過[優裕] have it soft [口]生活好過[優裕] have it in for sb. [美, 口] 對某人懷恨在心, 伺機報復 have it in one [口]有本領, 有氣概 have it out [口](同某人)一決雌雄; (同某人)講個明白 have it out have it out [口](同某人)一決雌雄; (同某人)講個明白 have it over (=have it all over) [口]勝過, 比...強 have it on (=have it all over) [口]勝過, 比...強 have it that... 堅持, 硬說 have not much to do with 與...無多大關系 have on 穿著; 戴著 有(某事)要做; 有(某項)約會 [口]欺騙捉弄 有理由認為(某人)應負責; 掌握(某人)的事實[證據] have sb. 欺騙某人 擊敗[勝過]某人 [口]難住某人; 抓住某人的錯誤 have sb. around 請某人來家做客(一般指請吃飯, 喝茶等) have sb. over 請某人來家做客(一般指請吃飯, 喝茶等) have sb. round 請某人來家做客(一般指請吃飯, 喝茶等) have sb. down 請某人來家做客(常指從城市到鄉下, 從北方到南方) have sb. up 把某人請來作客(通常指從鄉下到城內或從低地到高地) [口]傳喚(某人)到上級面前 [口]傳訊[控告]某人 have sth. to do with 與...有關 have sth. against sb 因某事不喜歡某人 have sth. off (= have got sth. off) 能背誦, 諳記 have sth. on one (或one's person)隨身帶 have sth. about one (或one's person)隨身帶 have sth. out (請牙醫, 外科醫生等)把某物取出[切除] 坦率地討論某事; 把某事講個明白 讓(某人)做完(某事) have to [have got to] 不得不, 只好 have to be [美, 口]肯定是..., 毫無疑問是... have to do with 與...有關; 與...來往 have what it takes 具備成功的必要條件

❹ like to do 和like doing區別

like doing和like to do都表示」喜歡做某事」,其中的區別如下:

1、like doing sth表示長時間的喜歡做某事,指興趣愛好.在意義上比較一般和抽象,時間觀念不強,不指某一次動作;

2、I like watching TV .我喜歡看電視.Do you like singing 你喜歡唱歌嗎?She likes swimming.她喜歡游泳.(經常性的,愛好)I like eating fish .(我喜歡吃魚,個人口味而已,一種愛好,喜歡)

3、like to do sth 想去做某事(表示有個趨向性,好像是要到某處去做某事)like to do sth 則常指某個具體的動作,表示偶爾一次喜歡做某事、或者突然喜歡干某事.

4、She likes to swim this afternoon.她今天下午想游泳.(特指某一次的動作)另外,在搭配(使用方法)上,「 like to do 」一般與 「 would 」 搭配表示意願.

5、I would like to swim with you .我願意和你去游泳.Would you like to skate 你願意去滑冰嗎?


一、like to do例句:









二、like doing例句









❺ 英語enjoydoing是什麼意思

enjoy doing sth. 喜歡/享受襲做某事,比如 I enjoy playing piano.(我喜歡彈鋼琴)
enjoy sth. 喜歡某物/某事,比如 I enjoy the time of playing piano.(我享受彈鋼琴的時光)這句話的主幹是 I enjoy the time,the time就是句型中的sth. ,of後面是對這個sth.的補充說明。
enjoy oneself 玩的開心/過得愉快

注意:沒有enjoy to do sth.的表達

❻ 我喜歡某物的多種英語表達方式

I like sth
i am fond of sth
I love sth
I prefer sth/
I am keen on sth
I enjoy sth
I favor sth
I care for sth
I take最後 一個不是內容

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