當前位置:首頁 » 英文單詞 » 應到的英語怎麼說英語單詞


發布時間: 2020-12-29 00:39:02

⑴ 一月到十二月的英語單詞是什麼

一月:January 二月:February

三月:March 四月:April

五月:May 六月:June

七月:July 八月:August

九月:September 十月:October

十一月:November 十二月:December



一月:Jan. 二月:Feb.

三月:Mar. 四月:Apr.

五月: May 六月:June

七月: July 八月:Aug.

九月: Sept. 十月: Oct.

十一月: Nov. 十二月:Dec.

⑵ 一到一百的英語單詞怎麼寫

1one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten

11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 ninetee 20 twenty

21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven sixty 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty

31thirty-one 32 thirty-two 33 thirty-three 34 thirty-four 35 thirty-five 36 thirty-six 37 thirty-seven 38 thirty-eight 39 thirty-nine 40 forty

41 fourty-one 42 fourty-two 43 fourty-three 44 fourty-four 45 fourty-five 46 fourty-six 47 fourty-seven 48 fourty-eight 49 fourty-nine 50 fifty

51 fifty-one 52 fifty-two 53 fifty-three 54 fifty-four 55 fifty-five 56 fifity-six 57 fifity-seven 58 fifty-eight 59 fifity-nine 60 sixty

61 sixty-one 62 sixty-two 63 sixty-three 64 sixty-four 65 sixty-five 66 sixty-six 67 sixty-seven 68 sixty-eight 69 sixty-nine 70 seventy

71 seventy-one 72 seventy-two 73 seventy-three 74 seventy-four 75 seventy-five 76 seventy-six 77 seventy-seven 78 seventy-eight 79 seventy-nine 80 eighty

81 eighty-one 82 eighty-two 83 eighty-three 84 eighty-four 85 eighty-five 86 eighty-six 87 eighty-seven 88 eighty-eight 89 eighty-nine 90 ninety

91 ninety-one 92 ninety-two 93 ninety-three 94 ninety-four 95 ninety-five 96 ninety-six 97 ninety-seven 98 ninety-eight 99 ninety-nine 100 a/one hundred



101:one hundred and one
102:one hundred and two
103:one hundred and three...
111:one hundred and eleven
133:one hundred and thirty-three..
201:two hundred and one
一般都是在幾百之後加and 之後就像平常說的一樣。(...hundred and )

⑶ 一到六十英語單詞


⑷ 一到二十的英語單詞怎麼寫


1、英語數字的命名較中文數字的命名為復雜;在中文來說,只有1至10,百,千,萬和億有各自的命名。在英語來說,除了1至10外,11 至20和以後的每個十位都有各自的命名;另外還有百,千,百萬,十億和萬億的命名。




2、由於在英語沒有 萬 這個單位,中文說的一萬在英語會說做 十千 ten thousand, 250,000 說為 二百五十千 two
hundred and fifty thousand, 954,300 說為 九百五十四千三百 nine hundred and
fifty-four thousand and three hundred, 如此類推。


⑸ 到…時為止英語怎麼說四個單詞

so far

⑹ 1到 99 英語怎麼說

1 one

2 two

3 three

4 four

5 five

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine

10 ten

11 eleven

12 twelve

13 thirteen

14 fourteen

15 fifteen

16 sixteen

17 seventeen

18 eighteen

19 nineteen

20 twenty

21 twenty-one

22 twenty-two

23 twenty-three

24 twenty-four

25 twenty-five

26 twenty-six

27 twenty-seven

28 twenty-eight

29 twenty-nine

30 thirty

31 thirty-one

32 thirty-two

33 thirty-three

34 thirty-four

35 thirty-five

36 thirty-six

37 thirty-seven

38 thirty-eight

39 thirty-nine

40 forty

41 forty-one

42 forty-two

43 forty-three

44 forty-four

45 forty-five

46 forty-six

47 forty-seven

48 forty-eight

49 forty-nine

50 fifty

51 fifty-one

52 fifty-two

53 fifty-three

54 fifty-four

55 fifty-five

56 fifty-six

57 fifty-seven

58 fifty-eight

59 fifty-nine

60 sixty

61 sixty-one

62 sixty-two

63 sixty-three

64 sixty-four

65 sixty-five

66 sixty-six

67 sixty-seven

68 sixty-eight

69 sixty-nine

70 seventy

71 seventy-one

72 seventy-two

73 seventy-three

74 seventy-four

75 seventy-five

76 seventy-six

77 seventy-seven

78 seventy-eight

79 seventy-nine

80 eighty

81 eighty-one

82 eighty-two

83 eighty-three

84 eighty-four

85 eighty-five

86 eighty-six

87 eighty-seven

88 eighty-eight

89 eighty-nine

90 ninety

91 ninety-one

92 ninety-two

93 ninety-three

94 ninety-four

95 ninety-five

96 ninety-six

97 ninety-seven

98 ninety-eight

99 ninety-nine



().1——10 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten.

(2). 11——19 eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen, nineteen.

(3).從 20——99 整數幾十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty為特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其個位數形式後添加後綴-ty構成。表示幾十幾時,在幾十和個位基數詞形式之間添加連字元「-」 21 twenty-one 76 seventy-six.


(5).千位數以上 從數字的右端向左端數起,每三位數加一個逗號「,」。從右開始,第一個「,」前的數字後添加 thousand,第二個「,」前面的數字後添加 million,第三個「,」前的數字後添加 billion。

⑺ 應到人數和實到人數 英語怎麼說 最好是用單詞或片語表示

The number of people Should be to
The number of people actually be to

⑻ 1到10的英語單詞

1-one— first (第一)

2-two— second(第二回)

3-three— third(第三答)


5-five— fifth(第五)

6-six— sixth(第六)

7-seven— seventh(第七)



10-ten— tenth(第十)








萬ten thousand


千萬ten million

億one hundred million


⑼ 1到10的英語單詞怎麼寫

1、one— first (第一)


3、three— third(第三)










英語中有「百」和「千」的計數單位,所以直接用數字+計數單位+數字就可以。比如:105讀作 one hundred (and) five,245讀作two hundred (and) forty-five,3,286讀作three thousand two hundred (and) eighty-six。

2、四位數字也可以讀作thirty-two, eighty-six,也就是說兩個兩個的讀出來。

3、 5-6位的數字讀法:


你的名字叫李麗嗎英語怎麼翻譯 發布:2024-12-30 03:07:36 瀏覽:15
英語書信作文最後日期怎麼寫 發布:2024-12-30 03:06:53 瀏覽:946
英語發音單詞怎麼讀 發布:2024-12-30 03:02:38 瀏覽:941
愛好英語運動單詞怎麼寫 發布:2024-12-30 03:02:36 瀏覽:417
背單詞和課文英語怎麼說 發布:2024-12-30 02:59:00 瀏覽:35
他喜歡在家裡工作英語怎麼說 發布:2024-12-30 02:44:45 瀏覽:898
圖一用英語怎麼寫作文 發布:2024-12-30 02:38:51 瀏覽:663
勿相忘英語怎麼翻譯 發布:2024-12-30 02:38:18 瀏覽:515
我喜歡法國用英語怎麼讀 發布:2024-12-30 02:38:09 瀏覽:643
我喜歡玩沙子用英語怎麼說 發布:2024-12-30 02:26:15 瀏覽:772