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發布時間: 2025-02-23 03:14:39

Ⅰ 金屬的英語單詞




英['metl] 美['metl]




1、Wood floats on the water but metal sinks.


2、They cut holes on the sheet of metal with a punch press.





英[mə'tælɪk] 美[mə'tælɪk]


例句:This is a kind of metallic paint.



英['metlz] 美['metlz]


例句:Various metals are used to make the parts of this machine.


Ⅱ 請問鐵礦石交易中的等級「品位」用英文怎麼說


alloy 合金
alloy steel 合金鋼
alumina 鋁
amalgamation 汞齊化
angle iron 角鋼
annealing 退火
arc welding 電弧焊
autogenous welding, fusion welding 氧炔焊
bauxite 鐵釩土
bed 底座
belly 爐腰
billet 坯錠,鋼坯
blast furnace 鼓風爐
bloom 初軋方坯
blooming mill 初軋機
blowhole 氣孔
blowlamp 吹炬(美作:blowtorch)
bosh 爐腹
burner 燒嘴
calcination 煅燒
carburization 滲碳
case hardening 表面硬化
cast iron 鑄鐵
cast iron ingot 鑄鐵錠
cast steel 坩堝鋼,鑄鋼
casting 出鐵
cementation 滲碳
cementite 滲碳體,碳化鐵
charger 裝料機
charging, loading 裝料,爐料
coiled sheet 帶狀薄板
coke 焦炭
coking 煉焦
coking plant 煉焦廠
compressor 壓縮機
converter 轉爐
cooling 冷卻
corrugated iron 瓦壠薄鋼板
crucible 爐缸
crude steel 粗鋼
crusher 破碎機
cryolite 冰晶石
cupola 化鐵爐,沖天爐
decarbonization, decarburization 脫碳
die 拉模
die casting 拉模鑄造
drawbench 拔管機,拉絲機
drawing 拉拔
drawplate 拉模板
drop hammer 落錘
st catcher 除塵器
electric steel 電工鋼,電爐鋼
electrolysis 電解
electrometallurgy 電冶金學
elinvar 鎳鉻恆彈性鋼
emptier 排空裝置
extrusion 擠壓
ferrite 鐵氧體,鐵醇鹽
ferronickel 鎳鐵
ferrous procts 鐵製品
finished proct 成品,產品
firebrick lining 耐火磚襯
floatation, flotation 浮選
floor 平台
flux 熔劑
forge 鍛造
forging 鍛造
foundry 鑄造車間
frit 燒結
fritting, sintering 燒結
fusion, melting, smelting 熔煉
gangue 脈石
gas purifier 煤氣凈化器
haematite 赤鐵礦(美作:hematite)
hard steel 硬鋼
hardening 淬水
hearth 爐底
hearth furnace 床式反射爐
heat exchanger 熱交換器
heating 加熱
high-speed steel 高速鋼
hoist 卷揚機
hopper, chute 料斗
ingot mould 錠模(美作:ingot mold)
iron and steel instry 鋼鐵工業
iron ingot 鐵錠
iron ore 鐵礦石
ironworks 鐵廠
ladle 鐵水包,鋼水包
limestone flux 石灰石溶劑
machining, tooling 加工
metal strip, metal band 鐵帶,鋼帶
mild steel, soft steel 軟鋼,低碳鋼
milling 銑削
mould 鑄模(美作:mold)
moulded steel 鑄鋼
moulding 成型(美作:molding)
mouth, throat 爐口
muffle 馬弗爐
nitriding 滲氮
patternmaking 制模
pearlite 珠光體
pig bed 鑄床
pig iron 生鐵
pile hammer 打樁錘
plate, sheet 薄板
powder metallurgy 粉末冶金學
preheating 預熱
press 壓鍛
profiled bar 異型鋼材
puddled iron 攪煉熟鐵
puddling 攪煉
pulverization 粉化,霧化
rection 還原
refining 精煉
refining furnace 精煉爐
refractory steel 熱強鋼,耐熱鋼
regenerator 蓄熱室
remelting 再熔化,重熔
retort 反應罐
reverberatory furnace 反射爐
roller 輥
rolling 軋制
rolling mill 軋機,軋鋼機
rolling-mill housing 軋機機架
roof, arch 爐頂
round iron 圓鐵
scrap iron 廢鐵
semifinished proct 半成品,中間產品
shaft furnace 豎爐
shape, section 型鋼
shavings 剃邊
skip 料車
slag 爐渣
slag tap 放渣口
slagging, scorification 造渣
soft iron 軟鐵
stack 爐身
stainless steel 不銹鋼
stamping, pressing 沖壓
steel 鋼
steelworks, steel mill 鋼廠
taphole 出鐵口,出渣口
tapping 出渣,出鋼,出鐵
temper 回火
tempering 回火
tilting mixer 可傾式混鐵爐
tinplate, tin 馬口鐵
to cast 出鐵
to insufflate, to inject 注入
trimming 清理焊縫
trough 鐵水溝,排渣溝
turbocompressor 渦輪壓縮機
turning 車削
tuyere, nozzle 風口
washer 洗滌塔
wire 線材
wiredrawing 拉絲
wrought iron 熟鐵
1.塊度應該是「block degree」
Calculation model of forecasting natural block degree of rock

The hardness increases at fusion depth direction.

Ⅲ 求有關電子物理類的常用英語單詞!

Newton''s first law of motion 牛頓運動第一定律

Newton''s law of gravitation 牛頓萬有引力定律

Newton''s ring 牛頓環

Newton''s second law of motion 牛頓運動第二定律

Newton''s third law of motion 牛頓運動第三定律

Newtonian fluid 牛頓流體

Newtonian mechanics 牛頓力學
-type semiconctor n型半導體

NAND gate 「與非」門,「非與」門

natural frequency 固有頻率,自然頻率

Ⅳ 廣交會關於閥門的英語對話

Applicable medium 適用介質

Applicable temperature 適用溫度

Butt Clamp 對夾

Chemical analysis 化學成份

Connecting format 連接形式

Double disc 雙閘板

Flexible disc 彈性閘板

Flange 法蘭 Hoop 卡箍

Inside thread 內螺紋

Jacket 夾套

Mains 電源

Material chemical analysis and mechanical capacity材料化學成份和機械性能

materials 材料 Materials for main parts 主要零件材料

Mechanical capacity 機械性能

Max. Discharging Capacity 最大排水量

Max. Operating Temperature 最高工作溫度

Max. Allowable Temperature 最高允許溫度

Max. Allowable Pressure 最高允許壓力

Model 型號

Name of parts 零件名稱

nitrogen (N) 氮

Nominal bore 公稱通徑

Nominal Pressure 公稱壓力

Nozzle 排氣口

Outside thread 外螺紋

Oxidant 氧化性介質

Parallel 平行

Piping 管路

Piston 活塞

Rectant 還原性介質

Rising stem 明桿

Seal 閥座,密封面

Seat testing pressure 壓力氣密封試驗壓力

Socket 卡套

Specifications 性能規范

Single disc 單閘板

Solid 剛性

Strengh testing pressure 強度試驗壓力

Steam , condensate 蒸汽,凝結水

Stroke 沖程,行程

Water,oil,steam 水,溫度,氣

Wedge 楔式 Welding 焊接

Air valves 空氣閥門
Angle Stop valves 角式截止閥
Angle Throttle Valves 角式節流閥
Angle Type Globe Valves 門角式截止閥
Ash valves 排灰閥
Aspirating valves 吸(抽)氣閥
Auxiliary valves 輔助(副)閥
Balance valves 平衡閥
Bellows valves 波紋管閥
Blowdown valves 泄料(放空,排污)閥
Brake valves 制動閥
Butterfly Type Non-slam Check 蝶式緩沖止回閥
Butterfly Valves with Gear Actuator 蝸輪傳動蝶閥
Buttwelding valves 對焊連接閥
Clamp valves 對夾式閥門
Cock 二通
Combination valves 組合閥
CQ Thread Ball Valves CQ螺紋球閥
Culvert valves 地下管道閥
Deceleration valves 減速閥
Diaphragm Valves 隔膜閥
Decompression valves 泄壓閥
Double Disc Flat Gate Valves 雙閘板平板閘閥
Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves明桿平行式雙閘板閘板
Double Opening Exhaust Valves 雙口排氣球
Drainage valves 排水閥
Electric Actuated Stop Valves 電動截止閥
Electric Actuated Wedge Gate Valves電動楔式閘閥
Electric Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves電動平行式雙閘板閘板
Emergeny Cut-off Valves 緊急切斷閥
Exhaust valves 排氣閥
Free Float Type Steam Trap 浮球式疏水閥
Flange Ball Valves 法蘭球閥
Flange Gate Valves 法蘭閘閥
Flange Globe Valves 法蘭截止閥
Gauge Valves 儀表閥
Hand-operated valves 手動閥
Hard Seal Butterfly Valves 金屬密封碟閥
High Temperature Pressure Power Station Gate Valves 高溫高壓電站閘閥
High Temperature Pressure Power Station Globe Valves 高溫高壓電站截止閥
Hydraulic relay valves 液壓繼動閥
Lift Check Valves 升降式止回閥
Lift Check Valves 升降式止回閥
Limit valves 限位閥
Lining Ball Valves 襯里球閥
Lining Butterfly Valves 襯里碟閥
Lining Check Valves 襯里止回閥
Lining Cock 襯里二通
Lining Globe Valves 襯里截止閥
Lining T-Cock Valves 襯里三通旋塞閥
Liquid Indicator 液位計
LPG Pipe Fitting 液化氣管件
Magnetic Co-operate Globe Valves磁耦合截止閥
Magnetism Forle Pumps 磁力泵
Manual Oil Pumps Valves 手搖油泵(閥)
Meter Needle Type Globe Valves 儀表針形截止閥
Oblique Stop Valves 直流式截止閥
Parallel Slide Valves 漿液閥
Pintle valve 針形閥
Piping Centrifugal Pumps 管道離心泵
Plunger valves 柱塞閥
Pressure valve 壓力(増壓)閥
Piping Pumps 管道泵
Piping Safety Valves 管道安全閥
Plunger Globe Valves 柱塞截止閥
Quick Draining Valves 快速排污閥
Restrictor Valves 過流閥(或節流閥)
Safety Valves 安全閥
Screw Pumps 螺桿泵
Scum Gate Valves 排渣閘閥
Solenoid valves 電磁閥
Single Disc Flat Gate Valves 單閘板平板閘閥
Single Opening Exhaust Valves 單口排氣球
Slurry Pumps 泥漿泵
Stop Valves 截止閥
Strainer 過濾器
Submerged Motor Pumps 潛水電泵(排污泵)
Swing Check Valves 旋啟式止回閥
Swing Check Valves 旋啟式止回閥
Tank Lorry Ball Valves 槽車球閥
T-Cock 三通
Thin Gate Valves 薄型閘閥
Throttle Valves 節流閥
Tiny Drag Slow Shut Check Valves 微阻緩閉止回閥
Triple (tee) valves 三通閥
Two-way valves 二通閥
Under Water Pumps 液下泵
Vacuum Pumps 水力噴射器(真空泵)
Vertical Lift Check Valves 立式止回閥
Wafer Check Valves 對夾式止回閥
Wafer plate valves 對夾蝶板閥
Wafer Type Butterfly Valves with Rubber Itning對夾式襯膠蝶閥
Waste Valves 排污箱(閥)
Water Seal Gate Valves 水封閘閥
Wedge Gate Valves 楔式閘閥
Y Type and Cylinder Filters Y型筒型過濾器
Axis Guide 軸套
Ball 球、球芯
Ball seat 密封圈
Blowdown Sealing Face 啟、閥件密封面
Body 閥體
Bonnet 閥蓋
Disc 閥瓣
Mut 螺母
Screw 螺栓
Sealing 密封件
Spring 彈簧
Stem 閥桿
Stem Mut 閥桿螺母
Stem seal 填料
Wedge Disc 閘板
Applicable medium 適用介質
Applicable temperature 適用溫度
Butt Clamp 對夾
Chemical analysis 化學成份
Connecting format 連接形式
Double disc 雙閘板
Flexible disc 彈性閘板
Flange 法蘭 Hoop 卡箍
Inside thread 內螺紋
Jacket 夾套
Mains 電源
Material chemical analysis and mechanical capacity材料化學成份和機械性能
materials 材料 Materials for main parts 主要零件材料
Mechanical capacity 機械性能
Max. Discharging Capacity 最大排水量
Max. Operating Temperature 最高工作溫度
Max. Allowable Temperature 最高允許溫度
Max. Allowable Pressure 最高允許壓力
Model 型號
Name of parts 零件名稱
nitrogen (N) 氮
Nominal bore 公稱通徑
Nominal Pressure 公稱壓力
Nozzle 排氣口
Outside thread 外螺紋
Oxidant 氧化性介質
Parallel 平行
Piping 管路
Piston 活塞
Rectant 還原性介質
Rising stem 明桿
Seal 閥座,密封面
Seat testing pressure 壓力氣密封試驗壓力
Socket 卡套
Specifications 性能規范
Single disc 單閘板
Solid 剛性
Strengh testing pressure 強度試驗壓力
Steam , condensate 蒸汽,凝結水
Stroke 沖程,行程
Water,oil,steam 水,溫度,氣
Wedge 楔式 Welding 焊接
Atbas metal 鎳鉻鋼
Buna-N rubber 丁晴橡膠
Casting aluminium brass 鑄鋁黃銅
Casting aluminium bronze 鑄鋁青銅
Ceramic metal 陶瓷金屬
Chromel alloy 鎳鉻合金
CHR rubber 氯晴橡膠
Chrominm-molybdenum-vanadium steel 鉻鉬釩鋼
Chromium stainless steel 鉻不銹鋼
Chromium-molybdenum steel 鉻鉬鋼
Corrugation pad 波形墊
Cuprum alloy 銅合金
Ductile Cast iron 球墨鑄鐵
Expanded graphite 柔性石墨
Fine Steel Casting iron 優質碳素鋼
Fluorous rubber 氟橡膠
Gray Cast iron 灰鑄鐵
Hayne"s alloy 鈷鉻鎢合金
High tem perature steel 高溫鋼
Monel 蒙乃爾合金
Low temperature steel 低溫鋼
Nylon 尼龍塑料
Polytetrafluoroethylene(PTEF) 聚四氟乙烯
Polythene 聚乙烯
Pure aluminium 純鋁
Pure cupper 純銅
Rubber graphite board 橡膠石墨板
Spring steel 彈簧鋼
Stainless acid-resisting steel 不銹耐酸鋼
Stainless and Graphite 不銹鋼/石墨
Stainless steel 不銹鋼
Steel Casting iron 碳素鋼鑄件
Shell Test Pressure 殼體試驗壓力
Service Fluid 工作介質

Ⅳ 鎳片保質期









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