⑴ 寫一篇英語作文 美食節上有各種各樣的食物,真是讓人垂涎三尺啊,你最喜歡的食物是什麼,向我們介紹一下吧
My Favourite Food.
I love to eat. The food i love most is my mum's cooking. She is a great cook. My mum used to study overseas so she can cook various types of cuisine, such as chinese food, western food and indian food. She can bake as well.
We are cantonese so it is essential to have soup ring our meal time, especially ring dinner time. My mum's soup taste the best. She put a lot of fresh ingredient and stewed the soup to perfection. My second favourite dish is potato braised chicken wings. I can eat two bowl of rice, whenever this dish is on the dinning table. I love to hang out in the kitchen and help my mum to cook. Now i can cook scrambled eggs with tomato all by myself. I wish someday i can be like my mum, has good culinary skills.
⑵ 最喜愛的英文
Fried eggs are my favorite dish.
⑶ 美味的食物用英文怎麼說
當提到令人垂涎欲滴的美食,用英文可以這樣表達:“Delicious food”。這個片語在英語中的發音為英式['diːlɪʃəs fuːd]和美式['dɪlɪʃəs fud],直譯為“美味的食物”。在詞典中,delicious food被定義為口感極佳、令人愉悅的食品,是形容詞delicious(美味的)與名詞food(食物)的組合。無論是家庭聚餐還是國際交流,這個詞都能准確傳達出對美食的贊賞與享受。
在英語的世界裡,享受美食並不僅僅是一種口腹之慾,更是一種生活品質的體現。當你在餐廳中想要贊美一道菜餚時,可以說“This dish is incredibly delicious”(這道菜非常美味),或者在描述你的最愛時說“I just love delicious food”(我特別喜歡美味的食物)。這樣的表達方式,不僅能夠吸引他人的注意,還能增進人們之間的交流與理解。