① 求和眼睛有關的所有部位的英語單詞,帶中文意思。
眼球 - eye balls
眼皮 - eyelid
眼睫毛 - eyelash
眼眶 - eye socket
瞳孔 - pupil
眼角膜 - cornea
眼神經 - ophthalmic nerve
② 需要有關身體部位的英語單詞
頭頂:the top (或:crown)of the head
發:hair of the head
耳膜鼓:ear drum
聽道:auditory canal
鼻腔:nasal cavity
鼻樑:brdge of the nose
硬齶:hard palate
軟齶:soft palate
聲帶:vocal cords
項;頸背:nape(或:scruff)of the neck
肚臍:navel;belly button
上腹:the upper abdomen
下腹;the lower abdomen
生殖器:genitals;genital organ
上臂:upper arm
前臂:fore arm
胳膊彎:bend (或:crook)of the arm
手背:back of the hand
手掌:palm of the hand
食指:forefinger;index finger
中指:middle finger
無名指:ring finger
小指:little finger
指甲:finger nail
小腿:lower leg;shank
膝關節:knee joint
膝彎:hollow of the knee;back of the knee
腳掌:sole of the foot
胸肌:pectoral muscle
腹肌:abdominal muscle
三角肌:deltoid muscle
bone 骨
cartilage 軟骨
bone marrow 骨髓
vertebra 椎骨
cervical vertebrae 頸椎
thoracic vertebrae 胸椎
lumbar vertebrae 腰椎
sacrum 骶骨
coccyx 尾骨
rib 肋
costal bone 肋骨
sternum 胸骨
sternal angle 胸骨角
cranium, skull 顱
orbit 眶
paranasal sinus 鼻旁竇
frontal sinus 額竇
maxillary sinus 上頜竇
sphenoidal sinus 蝶竇
ethmoidal sinus 篩竇
pterion 翼點
cranial fontanelles 顱囟
clavicle 鎖骨
humerus 肱骨
scapula 肩胛骨
radius 橈骨
ulna 尺骨
carpal bones 腕骨
metacarpal bones 掌骨
phalanges 指骨/趾骨
hip bone 髖骨
ilium 髂骨
ischium 坐骨
pubis 恥骨
acetabulum 髖臼
femur 股骨
patella 髕骨
tibia 脛骨
fibula 腓骨
tarsal bones 跗骨
metatarsal bones 跖骨
arthrology 關節學
fibrous joint 纖維連結
cartilaginous joint 軟骨連結
synosteosis 骨性結合
joint, articulation 關節
vertebral column 脊柱
intervertebral disc 椎間盤
thoracic cage 胸廓
temporomandibular joint
shoulder joint 肩關節
elbow joint 肘關節
radiocarpal joint/wrist joint
pubic symphysis 恥骨聯合
pelvis 骨盆
terminal line 界線
sarotuberous ligament
sarospinous ligament骶棘韌帶
greater sciatic foramen
hip joint 髖關節
knee joint 膝關節
ankle joint 踝關節
transverse tarsal joint
meniscus 半月板mycology 肌學
muscle 肌肉
tendon 肌腱
aponeurosis 腱膜
fascia 筋膜
trapezius m. 斜方肌
latissimus dorsi m. 背闊肌
erector spinae m. 豎脊肌
sternocleidomastoid m.
pectoralis major m. 胸大肌
serratus anterior m. 前鋸肌
intercostal m. 肋間肌
diaphragm 膈
obliquus externus abdominis m.
inguinal ligament 腹股溝韌帶
sheath of rectus abdominis
linea alba 腹白線
inguinal canal 腹股溝管
inguinal triangle 腹股溝三角
deltoid m. 三角肌
biceps brachii m. 肱二頭肌
triceps brachii m. 肱三頭肌
gluteus maximus m. 臀大肌
sartorius m. 縫匠肌
quadriceps femoris m.股四頭肌
adctor magnus m. 大收肌
triceps surae m. 小腿三頭肌
splanchnology 內臟學
alimentary system 消化系統
digestive tube/digestive tract
oral cavity 口腔
palate 齶
tongue 舌
cheek 頰
tooth 牙
tonsil 扁桃體
salivary glands 唾液腺
sublingual gland 舌下腺
parotid gland 腮腺
submandibular gland 下頜下腺
pharynx 咽
esophagus 食管
stomach, gaster 胃
cardia 賁門
pylorus 幽門
small intestine 小腸
odenum 十二指腸
jejunum 空腸
ileum 回腸
caecum 盲腸
vermiform appendix 闌尾
colon 結腸
sigmoid colon 乙狀結腸
rectum 直腸
anal canal 肛管
anus 肛門
liver, hepar 肝
porta hepatis 肝門
gall bladder 膽囊
pancreas 胰
respiratory system 呼吸系統
nose 鼻
nasal cavity 鼻腔
larynx 喉
trachea 氣管
bronchus 支氣管
lung 肺
pleura 胸膜
pleural cavity 胸膜腔
pleural recesses 胸膜隱窩
costodiaphragmatic recess
mediastinum 縱隔
urinary system 泌尿系統
kidney 腎
renal hilum 腎門
renal pedicle 腎蒂
ureter 輸尿管
urinary bladder 膀胱
urethra 尿道
reproctive system生殖系統
testis 睾丸
epididymis 附睾
ctus deferens 輸精管
ejaculatory ct 射精管
spermatic cord 精索
prostate/prostate gland前列腺
seminal vesicle 精囊
bulbourethral gland 尿道球腺
scrotum 陰囊
penis 陰莖
ovary 卵巢
uterine tube 輸卵管
uterus 子宮
vagina 陰道
mamma, breast 乳房
perineum 會陰
pelvic diaphragm 盆膈
urogenital diaphragm尿生殖膈
peritoneum 腹膜
greater omentum 大網膜
omental burse 網膜囊
mesentery 腸系膜
subphrenic space 膈下間隙
rectovesical ponch
rectouterine pouch
angiology 脈管學
cardiovascular system
lymphatic syatem 淋巴系統
heart 心
cardiac atrium 心房
cardiac ventricle 心室
tricuspid valve 三尖瓣
mitral valve 二尖瓣
conus arteriosus 動脈圓錐
pulmonary orifice 肺動脈口
aortic sinus 主動脈竇
interatrial septum 房間隔
interventricular septum 室間隔
sinuatrial node 竇房結
atrioventricular node 房室結
atrioventricular bundle房室束
coronary artery 冠狀動脈
pericardium 心包
pulmonary trunk 肺動脈干
arterial ligament 動脈韌帶
common carotid a.
carotid glomus 頸動脈小球
internal carotid a. 頸內動脈
facial a. 面動脈
superficial temporal a.
subclavian a. 鎖骨下動脈
axillary a. 腋動脈
brachial a. 肱動脈
ulnar a. 尺動脈
radial a. 橈動脈
superficial palmar arch 掌淺弓
thoracic aorta 胸主動脈
abdominal aorta 腹主動脈
coeliac trunk 腹腔干
left gastric a. 胃左動脈
common hepatic a. 肝總動脈
splenic a. 脾動脈right gastroepiploic a.
superior mesenteric a.
common iliac a. 髂總動脈
external iliac a. 髂外動脈
femoral a. 股動脈
popliteal a. 腘動脈
posterior tibial a. 脛後動脈
peroneal a. 腓動脈
dorsal artery of foot 足背動脈
uterine a. 子宮動脈
superior vena cava 上腔靜脈
brachiocephalic vein頭臂靜脈
internal jugular v. 頸內靜脈
cephalic v. 頭靜脈
basilic v. 貴要靜脈
median cubital v. 肘正中靜脈
azygos v. 奇靜脈
great saphenous v. 大隱靜脈
portal v. 門靜脈
paraumbilical v. 附臍靜脈
thoracic ct 胸導管
superficial inguinal lymph nodes
spleen 脾
thymus 胸腺
sensory organs 感覺器
visual organs 視器
eye 眼
cornea 角膜
sclera 鞏膜
iris 虹膜
pupil 瞳孔
ciliary body 睫狀體
choroid 脈絡膜
retina 視網膜
optic disc 視神經盤
macula lutea 黃斑
aqueous humor 房水
lens 晶狀體
vitreous body 玻璃體
conjunctiva 結膜
lacrimal apparatus 淚器
ophthalmic a. 眼動脈
ear 耳tympanic membrane 鼓膜
tympanic cavity 鼓室
auditory tube 咽鼓管
vestibule 前庭
cochlea 耳蝸
semicircular canal 半規管
peripheral nervous system
spinal nerve 脊神經
spinal ganglia 脊神經節
cervical plexus 頸叢
phrenic n. 膈神經
brachial plexus 臂叢
median n. 正中神經
musculocutaneous n. 肌皮神經
intercostal n. 肋間神經
lumbar plexus 腰叢
obturator n. 閉孔神經
sacral plexus 骶叢
sciatic n. 坐骨神經
tibial n. 脛神經
common peroneal n. 腓總神經
cranial n. 腦神經
olfactory n. 嗅神經
optic n. 視神經
oculomotor n. 動眼神經
trochlear n. 滑車神經
trigeminal n. 三叉神經
ophthalmic n. 眼神經
maxillary n. 上頜神經
mandibular n. 下頜神經
abcent n. 展神經
facial n. 面神經
vestibulocochlear n.
glossopharyngeal n. 舌咽神經
vagus n. 迷走神經
accessory n. 副神經
hypoglossal n. 舌下神經
chorda tympani 鼓索
autonomic nervous system
sympathetic nerve 交感神經
parasympathetic nerve
central nervous system
spinal cord 脊髓
gray matter 灰質
cortex 皮質
nucleus 神經核
white matter 白質
mella 髓質
fasciculus 纖維束
ganglion 神經節
reticular formation 網狀結構spinal cord 脊髓
anterior horn 前角
posterior funiculus 後索
anterior white commissure
fasciculus gracilis 薄束
fasciculus cuneatus 楔束spinothalamic tract脊髓丘腦束
corticospinal tract 皮質脊髓束
corticonuclear tract 皮質核束
brain, encephalon 腦
brain stem 腦干
mella oblongata 延髓
pyramid 錐體
pyramidal decussation
pons 腦橋
midbrain, mesencephalon中腦
red nucleus 紅核
substantia nigra 黑質
cerebellum 小腦
diencephalon 間腦
thalamus 丘腦
hypothalamus 下丘腦
optic chiasma 視交叉
medial geniculate body
telencephalon 端腦
lateral ventricle 側腦室choroid plexus 脈絡叢
internal capsule 內囊
corpus callosum 胼胝體
corpus striatum 紋狀體
cerebral cortex 大腦皮質
hippocampal formation
limbic system 邊緣系統
extrapyramidal system
cerebral ra mater 硬腦膜
cavernous sinus 海綿竇
epiral space 硬膜外隙
subarachnoid space
spinal pia mater 軟脊膜
cerebrospinal fluid 腦脊液
endocrine glands 內分泌腺
thyroid gland 甲狀腺
parathyroid gland 甲狀旁腺
suprarenal gland 腎上腺
hypophysis 垂體
pineal corpus 松果體
③ 眼鏡的一些英語單詞請問,做銷售眼鏡這
眼科-青光眼Glaucoma Clinic
眼科-斜弱視Strabismus and Amblyopia
眼科-視網膜Retina Section
眼科-一般門診Optometry-General Clinic
眼科-兵役檢查Military Service Eye Exam
眼科-視 保健Vision Protection Clinic
床科部眼科-螢光攝影Fluorescent Photography
眼科 射Ophthalmologic Laser Therapy
眼角膜 cornea
眼瞼 eyelid 晶狀體 lens
虹膜 iris
Abction 外展
Accommodation 調節
achromatopsia 色盲
adaptation 適應
adction 內收
After-cataract 後發性白內障
amaurosis 黑朦
amblyopia 弱視
Angle of anterior chamber 前房角
narrow 窄角
wide 寬角
Angle visual 視角
anisometropia 屈光參差
aphakia 無晶狀體
aqueous 房水
Arcus senilis 角膜老年環
Artificial eye 假眼,義眼
asthenopia 視力疲勞
astigmatism 散光
compound 復性散光
irrgular 不規則散光
regular 規則散光
simple 單純散光
Atrophy of iris 虹膜萎縮
blepharitis 瞼緣炎
Blind spot 盲點
Capsule ,Tenon』s 眼球筋膜囊
capsulotomy 晶狀體囊切開術
Carsinoma of tarsal gland 瞼板腺癌
caruncle 淚阜
cataract 白內障
complicated 並發性白內障
congenital 先天性白內障
hypermature 過熟期白內障
immature 未成熟白內障
mature 成熟期白內障
secondary 繼發性白內障
senile 老年性白內障
Cataract extraction 白內障摘除術
Central retinal vein 視網膜中央靜脈
Central retinal artery 視網膜中央動脈
catarrh 卡他結膜炎 spring 春季卡他,
Cavernous sinus, 海綿竇血栓形成
Thrombosis of chalazion 瞼板腺囊腫
Chamber,anterior 前房
Chamber,posterior 後房
chemosis 結膜水腫
Chiasm optic 視交叉
Choroids 脈絡膜
Coloboma of 脈絡膜缺損
Rupture of 脈絡膜破裂
choroiditis 脈絡膜炎
Choroiditis ,disseminated 播散性脈絡膜炎
choroiretinitis 脈絡膜視網膜炎
cilia 睫毛
Ciliary body 睫狀體
Ciliary artery 睫狀動脈
Ciliary ganglion 睫狀神經節
Ciliary injection 睫狀充血
Ciliary muscle 睫狀肌
paralysis 睫狀肌麻痹
Color blindness 色盲
Color sense 色覺
Color field for 色視野
Concave lens 凹透鏡
conjunctiva 結膜
Bulbar 球結膜
folliculosis 結膜濾泡增生症
Fornix of 穹窿部結膜
Hyperemia of 結膜充血
palpebral 瞼結膜
conjunctival 結膜的
In jection 結膜充血
lithiasis 結膜結石
papillae 結膜乳頭
sac 結膜囊
conjunctivitis 結膜炎
epidemic hemorrhagic 流行性出血性結膜炎
epidemic kerato- 流行性角結膜炎
follicular 濾泡性結膜炎
Contact lens 接觸鏡
convergence 集合,輻輳
cornea 角膜
conical 圓錐角膜
foreign body of 角膜異物
perforation of 角膜穿孔
protrusions of 角膜膨出
corneal 角膜的
epithelium 角膜上皮層
fistula 角膜瘺
leucoma 角膜白斑
macula 角膜斑翳
nebula 角膜雲翳
staphyloma 角膜葡萄腫
crescent 近視弧形斑
cyclitis 睫狀體炎
cycloplegia 睫狀肌麻痹
cycloplegics 睫狀肌麻痹劑
Cyst,meibomian 瞼板腺囊腫
Cystoid degeneration 囊樣變性
dacryoadenitis 淚腺炎
Dacryocy stectomy 淚囊摘除術
Dacryocy stitis 淚囊炎
Dacryorhinocy stotomy 淚囊鼻腔吻合術
Dendritic keratitis 樹枝狀角膜炎
Descemet』s membrane 角膜後彈力層
descemetocoele 後彈力膜膨出
Dilator pupillae 瞳孔開大肌
diplopia 復視
ectropion 外翻,瞼外翻
emmetropia 正視
endophthalmitis 眼球內容炎
endothelium 內皮層
entropion 內翻
epicanthus 內眥贅皮
epiphora 溢淚
episcleritis 表層鞏膜炎
esophoria 內隱斜視
esotropia 內斜視
Excavation of optic disk 視盤凹陷
Exenteration of orbit 眶內容剜除術
exophoria 外隱斜
exophthalmometer 眼球突出計
exophthalmos 眼球突出
exotropia 外斜視
Extra-ocular muscles 眼外肌
eyeball 眼球
Eye glasses 眼鏡
Eye lids margin 瞼緣
Eye strain 視力疲勞
Far point 遠點
farsightedness 遠視
fluorescein 熒光素
Focal distance of lens 透鏡焦距
follicle 濾泡
Form sense 形覺
fornix 穹隆
Fovea centralis 黃斑
funs 眼底
glaucoma 青光眼
absolute 絕對青光眼
Activa stage of 急性發作期青光眼
Angle-closure 閉角型青光眼
congestive 充血性青光眼
congenital 先天性青光眼
hemorrhagic 出血性青光眼
malignant 惡性青光眼
primary 原發性青光眼
secondary 繼發性青光眼
Prodromal stage of 前驅期青光眼
Glaucomatous cup 青光眼杯
gonioscope 前房角鏡
hemianopia 便盲
Hemorrhage ,subconjunctival 結膜下出血
Herpes corneae 角膜皰疹
Heterophoria 隱斜視
Heterotropia 斜視
Hole macular 黃斑裂孔
Hordeolum external 外麥粒腫
internal 內麥粒腫
Hydrophthalmos 水眼
Hypertopia 遠視
Hypertropia 上斜視
Hyphema 前房出血
Hypopyon 前房積膿
Interstitial keratitis 角膜基質炎
iridectomy 虹膜切除術
iridocyclitis 虹膜睫狀體炎
traumatic 外傷性
iridodialysis 虹膜根部斷離
Iridodonesis 虹膜震顫
Iris bomb』s 虹膜膨隆
Iris coloboma of 虹膜缺損
Iritis 虹膜炎
Ischemic optic neuropathy 缺血性視神經病變
keratoplasty 角膜移植術
Keratic precipitates 角膜後沉澱物
keratitis 角膜炎
disciformis 盤狀角膜炎
herpetic 皰疹性角膜炎
Superficial punctate 淺層點狀角膜炎
xerotic 角膜後彈力層膨出
keratoconjunctivitis 角膜結膜炎
keratoconus 圓錐形角膜
keratomalacia 角膜軟化症
keratomycosis 角膜真菌病
lacrimation 流淚
Lacrimal gland 淚腺
Lacrimal passage 淚道
Lacrimal punctum 淚小點
Lacrimal sac 淚囊
Lacrimonasal ct 鼻淚管
Lagophphalmos 兔眼(瞼閉和不全)
Lamina cribrosa 篩板
Lamp slit 裂隙燈
Lash 睫毛
Lens 晶狀體
Dislocation of 晶狀體脫位
lenses 透鏡
cylindrical 圓柱鏡
Axis of 圓柱軸鏡
magnifying 放大鏡
spherical 球面鏡
Leucoma adherrent 粘連性角膜白斑
Light 光
perception 光覺
projection 光定位
sense 光感
Limbus 角鞏緣
Macula lutea 黃斑
Macular fibres 黃斑纖維
metamorphopsis 視物變形
Microphthalmous 小眼球
Micropsia 視物變小
Miosis 瞳孔縮小
Miotics 縮瞳劑
Muscae volitantes 飛蚊症
Muscles ,eye ,advancement 眼肌徒前術
Mydriasis 瞳孔散大
Mydriatics 散瞳劑
Myopia 近視
Neuroretintis 視神經視網膜炎
Night-blindness 夜盲
Nyctalopia 夜盲
Nystagmus 眼球震顫
Obstruction of central rentinal artery 視網膜中央動脈阻塞
Obstruction of central rentinal vein 視網膜中央靜脈阻塞
Occlusio pupillae 瞳孔閉鎖
Old sight 老視
Opacity vitreous 玻璃體混濁
Ophthalmalgia 眼痛
Ophthalmia 眼炎
electic 電光性眼炎
sympathetic 交感性眼炎
Ophthalmitis 眼炎
Ophthalmologist 眼科醫生
Ophthalmoplegia 眼肌麻痹
external 眼外肌麻痹
Interna; 眼內肌麻痹
total 全眼肌麻痹
Ophthalmoscope 檢眼鏡
Optic disc 視盤
Congestion of 視盤充血
Excavation of 視盤凹陷
Physiological depression of 視盤生理性凹陷
Optic foramen 視神經孔
Optic nerve 視神經
Atrophy of 視神經萎縮
Consecutive of 繼發性視神經萎縮
Primary of 原發性視神經萎縮
Optic tract 視束
Ora serrata 鋸齒緣
Orbicularis oculi 眼輪匝肌
Orbit 眼眶
Apex of 眶尖
Palpebral 眼瞼的
fissure 瞼裂
Pannus 角膜血管翳
Panophthalmitis 全眼球炎
Papillitis 視神經乳頭炎
Palilledema 視乳頭水腫
Paralytic strabismus 麻痹性斜視
Pars plana 睫狀體扁平部
Perimeter 視野計
Photophobia 怕光
Physiologic cup 視盤生理凹陷
Preretinal hemorrhage 視網膜前出血
Presbyopia 老視眼
Prism 三棱鏡
Pseudoneuritis 假性視神經炎
Pseudopterygium 假性翼狀胬肉
Pterygium 翼狀胬肉
Ptosis 瞼下垂
Pupil 瞳孔
Dilator of 瞳孔開大肌
Sphincter of 瞳孔括約肌
Rays 射線
Convergent 會聚光線
divergent 散開光線
parallel 平行光線
Refraction of 屈光
Reflection 反射
Refracting media of the eye 眼的屈光間質
Refraction 屈光
Errors of 屈光不正
Retina 視網膜
Detachment of 視網膜脫離
leopard 豹紋狀眼底
Contusion of 視網膜挫傷
Retinitis 視網膜炎
diabetic 糖尿病性視網膜病變
proliferans 增殖性視網膜病變
Retinoblastoma 視網膜母細胞瘤
Retinochoroiditis 視網膜脈絡膜炎
Retrobulbar neuritis 球後視神經炎
Retrobular injection 球後注射
Schlemm』s canal 鞏膜靜脈竇
Sclera 鞏膜
Staphyloma of 鞏膜葡萄腫
Scleritis 鞏膜炎
posterior 後鞏膜炎
Seclusion pupillae 瞳孔閉鎖
Serpent ulcer of cornea 匍行性角膜潰瘍
Shadow-test 檢影法
spectacles 眼鏡
Speculum 開瞼器
Sphenoidal fissure 眶上裂
Sphenomaxillary fissure 眶下裂
Squint angle 斜視角
Strabismus 斜視
alternating 交替性斜視
concomitant 共轉性斜視
convergent 集合性斜視
latent 隱斜視
Sty 瞼腺炎
Synechia 虹膜粘連
anterior 虹膜前粘連
posterior 虹膜後粘連
Synchysis 玻璃體液化
Syringing of the lacrimal passges 淚道沖洗
Tarsus 瞼板
Tenderness cillary 睫狀體區壓痛
Tension of eyeball 眼壓
Test types 視力表
distance 遠視力表
For near vision 近視力表
Thrombosis of cavernous sinus 海綿竇血栓形成
Tonometer 眼壓計
Trachoma 沙眼
cicatrica 疤痕性沙眼
follicular 濾泡性沙眼
papillary 乳頭狀沙眼
Trabeculae 濾簾
Transillumination 透照法
Trichiasis 倒睫
Scotoma 暗點
absolute 絕對性暗點
central 中心性暗點
negative 陰性暗點
paracentral 旁中心暗點
positive 陽性暗點
relative 相對性暗點
Trochlea 滑車
Tubular vision 管狀視野
Uvea 葡萄膜
uveitis 葡萄膜炎
anterior 前葡萄膜炎
exudative 滲出性葡萄膜炎
Vernal catarrh conjunctivitis 春季卡他性結膜炎
Vortex vein 渦狀靜脈
Viral ulcer of cornea 病毒性角膜炎
Vision 視力、視覺
achromatic 全色盲
binocular 雙眼視力
Binocular single 雙眼單視
blurred 視物模糊
central 中心視力
chromatic 色覺、色視症
defective 視覺障礙
halo 虹視
peripheral 周邊視力
monocular 單眼視力
Visual area of cerebral cortex 大腦皮質視區
Visual axis 視軸
Visual field 視野
vitreous 玻璃體
hemorrhage 玻璃體出血
Xerophthalmia 乾眼病
xerosis 乾燥病
Of conjunctiva 結膜乾燥
Of cornea 角膜乾燥
Zona 區
ciliaris 睫狀區
Zonule 小帶
④ 眉毛的英語單詞
眉毛[méi mao]
eyebrow; brow; valla
[brow] 眼眶上緣長的毛
⑤ 關於身體部位的英語單詞21個,相對來說比較常用的!
elbow 手肘- Don't jab your elbow into me. It hurts! 別拿你的手肘戳我,很痛的!
finger 手指- He pointed his finger at her and shouted "I love you!" 他指向她,大喊了一聲「我愛你!」
index /middle/ring/little finger 食指/中指/無名指/小指- Many people wear their marriage band on their ring finger. 許多人把婚戒戴在無名指上。
finger nail 指甲 - How long is the finger nail? 這個指甲有多長?
fist 拳,拳頭 - I struck him with my fist. 我用拳頭揍了他。
forearm 前臂 - You should put some sunscreen on your exposed forearm. 你應該給你露在外面的前臂塗點防曬霜。
left/right hand 左手/右手 - I write with my right hand. 我用右手寫字。
palm 手掌 - A bird settled on his palm. 一隻鳥停落在他的手掌上。
thumb 拇指- The thumb can be opposed to any of the fingers. 大拇指能與任何一個手指相對。
wrist 手腕- That's a beautiful bracelet on your wrist. 你手腕上的手鐲很漂亮。
chin 下巴- Orange juice dribbled down his chin. 橙子汁沿著他的下巴往下滴。
cheek 面頰- He pecked her on the cheek. 他輕輕地吻了一下她的面頰。
ear 耳朵- You need to clean out your ears! You can't hear anything. 你需要清理一下你的耳朵! 你什麼也聽不到!
eye 眼睛- Does she have blue eyes or green? 她的眼睛是藍色的還是綠色的?
eyebrow 眉毛- Jennifer spends a lot of time making her eyebrows stand out. 珍妮弗花了大把時間把眉毛畫得立體。
eyelash 睫毛- She has very thick eyelashes. 她的睫毛很濃密。
forehead 額頭- Look at that forehead. He must be a genius. 看看他這額頭。 他一定是個天才。
hair 頭發- Susan has light brown hair and blue eyes. 蘇珊有一頭淺棕色的頭發和藍色的眼睛。
head 頭- His head is rather large, isn't it? 他的頭特別大,不是嗎?
lip 嘴唇- Her lips are like soft pillows. 她的嘴唇像枕頭一樣柔軟。
mouth 嘴巴- He's got a big mouth! 他有個大嘴巴!
neck 頸部,脖子- I love her long neck. 我愛她的纖長的脖子。
nose 鼻子- She's got a beautiful petite nose. 她有個漂亮小巧的鼻子。
nostril 鼻孔- The Indian princess wore a diamond in her right nostril. 印第安公主在右鼻孔中戴了一顆鑽石。
jaw 下巴,下頜- You chew your food with your jaw. 你用下頜咀嚼食物。
shoulder 肩膀- Dennis had broad shoulders. 丹尼斯有寬闊的肩膀。
tooth (teeth) 牙齒- I have a loose tooth. 我的一顆牙齒松動了。
tongue 舌頭- He protruded his tongue. 他伸出了舌頭。
throat 喉嚨- This medicine will quell your sore throat. 這種葯可減輕你的喉痛。
ankle 腳踝- Your ankle connects your foot to your leg. 腳踝連接腳和腿。
calf 小腿- Her calf muscles are very strong . 她的小腿肌肉非常強壯。
foot (feet) 腳- Put your shoes on your feet and let's go. 穿上鞋子,出發啦。
heel 後腳跟- His heel is raw because his shoe does not fit well. 因鞋子不合適,他的腳後跟擦破皮了。
hips 臀部- I think I've put some weight onto my hips. 我想我的臀部長胖了。
knee 膝蓋- My book slid off my knee. 書從我的膝蓋上滑落了。
leg 腿- Put on your pants one leg at a time. 穿褲子的時候,一條腿一條腿的穿。
shin 脛骨- Be sure to protect your shins when you play soccer. 踢足球的時候,一定要保護好你的脛骨。
thigh 大腿- His thighs are huge! 他的大腿特別粗。
toe 腳趾- Each foot has five toes. 每隻腳有五個腳趾頭。
toenail 腳趾甲- She likes to paint her toenails pink. 她喜歡把腳趾甲塗成粉色。
bottom 臀部- Your bottom is used for sitting. 你的臀部是用來坐的。
chest 胸腔- He has a broad chest because he swims a lot. 因為他常游泳,所以他的胸膛很寬廣。
back 背部- Are you experiencing any pain in the back? 你背痛嗎?
stomach 胃,腹部- I'm eating too much and my stomach is growing! 我吃的太多了,肚子都變大了。
waist 腰部- She has a slim waist and will fit into anything! 她的腰很細,什麼衣服都穿得下。
blood 血液- The hospital needs more blood. 醫院需要更多的血液。
bone 骨頭- Our skeleton is made of bone. 我們的骨架由骨頭構成。
hair 頭發- It's amazing how much hair is on the floor after a haircut. 剪完頭發後,地板上頭發的數量太驚人了。
muscle 肌肉- You should always stretch your muscles before you go running. 你應該先拉伸肌肉再跑步。
skin 皮膚- He had brown skin. 他的皮膚是棕色的
六、THE BODY - VERBS 和身體部位有關的動詞
blink(eyes) 眨眼睛-Why do you blink? 為什麼人會眨眼睛?
glance (eyes) 一瞥-I gave her a glance. 我看了她一眼。
stare (eyes) 凝視-They all stared with astonishment. 他們全都驚訝地瞪著眼。
wink (eye) 眨眼,使眼色-The strong wind made me wink. 大風吹得我直眨眼。
point (finger)指-Don』t point at me. 別拿手指著我。
scratch (finger) 擦傷,抓痕-The dog is scratching at the door. 狗正在抓門。
kick (foot) 踢-The football fans hissed when he didn't kick the ball. 當他踢空了一腳球時,球迷們發出了一陣噓噓聲。
clap(hands) 拍手,鼓掌-Let everyone clap hands like me. 讓每一個人像我一樣拍手。
punch(hands)用拳頭猛擊-He blacked her eye with that one punch. 他用那一猛拳把她的眼眶打得發青。
shake (hands)握手-And they do not expect just to shake hands with him. 這些領導人期望的不僅僅是和他握握手。
slap (hands)擊掌,拍擊-She fetched him a terrific slap in the face. 她狠狠地打了他一記耳光。
smack (hands)摑-If you smack someone in the face, what would they do? 如果你摑了某人一巴掌,他們會怎麼辦?
nod (head)點頭-She noticed him merely with a nod. 她僅以點頭向他打招呼。
kiss (lips)親,親吻-She planted a kiss on his cheek. 她在他的臉頰上使勁地吻了一下。
whistle (lips/mouth) 吹口哨-The dog came to his whistle. 狗聽到他的哨聲就來了。
eat (mouth)吃-Do you have something to eat? 你有什麼可吃的東西嗎?
talk (mouth)說,談話-What should I talk to her? 我該對她說什麼呢?
taste (mouth)嘗-Can you taste pepper in the pudding? 你能吃出布丁里胡椒的味道嗎?
whisper (mouth)耳語,低聲說-She said it in a whisper, so I didn't hear. 她是悄聲說的,所以我沒有聽見。
breathe (mouth/nose)呼吸-The patient began to breathe normally. 病人開始正常呼吸了。
smell (nose)聞-I could smell that the milk was not fresh. 我聞得出牛奶不新鮮。
sniff (nose)嗅-The dog was sniffing at the lamppost. 那條狗在街燈柱旁嗅來嗅去。
shrug (shoulders) 聳肩-I shrug my shoulders when people tell me that their first impressions of a person are always right. 每當有人跟我說他對一個人的首次印象向來不錯的時候,我就聳聳肩。
bite (mouth)咬-Their dog bit a hole in my trousers. 他們的狗把我的褲子咬了個窟窿。
lick (tongue)舔-The kitty licked up the milk. 小貓舔光了牛奶。
swallow (throat) 吞下,咽下-He took the medicine at one swallow. 他一口把葯吞了下去。
⑥ 描寫五官的詞語英文
眼睛 piercing, perating, sharpamber, blue, brown, dark, golden, green, grey, hazel 琥珀色/ 藍色/ 棕色/ 黑色/ 金色/ 綠色/ 灰色/ 淡褐色眼睛 big, huge, large, enormous, wide 大眼睛;巨大的眼睛;瞪大的眼睛:She just looked at me with those big blue eyes of hers. 她只是用那雙大大的藍眼睛看著我。His eyes were wide with horror. 他驚恐地瞪大了眼睛。
narrow眯縫的眼睛close-set 兩眼距離近的眼睛wideapart, wide-set 兩眼距離寬的眼睛deep/deep-set, heavy-lidded, hollow, hooded, sunken 深陷的眼睛;眼皮重垂的眼睛;凹陷的眼睛protuberant 凸出的眼睛beady, piggy 亮晶晶的小眼睛;豬眼似的小眼睛baggy, puffy, swollen 浮腫的眼睛;腫脹的眼睛bleary, bloodshot, dark-ringed, exhausted, red, red-rimmed, sleepy, tired, weary 視線模糊的/ 充血的/ 帶 黑眼圈的/ 疲憊的/ 紅紅的/ 紅眼眶的/ 睏倦的/ 疲倦的/ 疲睏的眼睛:Her dark-ringed eyes showed that she hadn't slept. 從她的黑眼圈可以看出她沒有睡覺。bright, brilliant, luminous, lustrous, sparkling, starry 明亮的眼睛;炯炯有神的眼睛;亮晶晶的眼睛clear, limpid, liquid 明亮的眼睛;清澈的眼睛;水靈靈的眼睛soft, velvety, warm 目光溫柔的眼睛cloudy, misty, moist, rheumy, tear-filled, tearful, watery 迷濛的眼睛;濕潤的眼睛;噙著淚水的眼睛 dry 乾的眼睛sightless, unseeing 沒有視力的眼睛;看不見的眼睛short-sighted 近視眼half-closed, narrowed半閉的眼睛;眯縫的眼睛unblinking 一眨都不眨的眼睛dazed, unfocused 目光茫然的眼睛;渙散的眼神mad, staring, wild 發狂的眼神;緊盯的目光angry, cruel, fierce 憤怒的眼神;殘酷的眼神;兇狠的眼神anxious 焦慮的目光greedy, hungry 貪婪的目光;飢渴的眼神:鼻子big, bulbous, enormous, huge, large, long, prominent, strong 大鼻子;蒜頭鼻;長鼻子;高鼻子;有型的鼻子little, *** all, stubby, tiny 小鼻子;窄鼻子;短鼻子straight 筆直的鼻子aquiline, curved, Roman 鷹鉤鼻; 高鼻樑鷹鉤鼻beaky, crooked, hooked 尖鼻子;鷹鉤鼻子snub, tip-tilted, turnep, upturned 短平而上翹的鼻子;向上翹的鼻子;朝天鼻pointed, sharp 尖鼻子:The sharp nose and thin lips gave his face a very harsh look. 他的尖鼻子和薄嘴唇使他的模樣看起來很嚴厲。
narrow, thin 窄鼻子;小鼻子:She had dark eyes and a long narrow nose. 她長著黑色的眼睛和細長的鼻子。flat, flattened 扁平的鼻子;塌鼻子aristocratic, elegant 高貴的鼻子;優雅的鼻子pink, red, shiny 粉紅鼻子;紅鼻子;發亮的鼻子:He stuck his bulbous red nose back into his pint of beer. 他又把紅紅的蒜頭鼻浸到了啤酒里。
She dressed up as a clown with a white face and red nose. 她打扮成小丑,雪白的臉,紅紅的鼻子。blocked, congested, dripping, runny, snotty 阻塞的鼻子;不通氣的鼻子;流鼻涕的鼻子:a child with a runny nose 流著鼻涕的孩子bleeding, bloodied, bloody, broken, swollen 流血的/ 帶血的/ 血淋淋的/ 破損的/ 腫脹的鼻子wet 濕潤的鼻子:The dog pushed its wet nose into my palm. 小狗用它濕濕的鼻頭蹭我手心。
sensitive 靈敏的鼻子:嘴巴big, cavernous, enormous, generous, huge, large, wide 大嘴; 巨口; 寬口 *** all 小嘴; 小口beautiful, chiselled, handsome, lovely, pretty, sensual, sensuous, well-shaped 漂亮的嘴巴;輪廓鮮明的嘴;可愛的嘴巴;性感的嘴巴;好看的嘴巴firm, hard, strong 堅毅的嘴;堅定的嘴:A *** ile played around his strong mouth. 他堅毅的嘴角掛著一絲微笑。soft 柔軟的嘴hot, warm 灼熱的嘴;溫暖的嘴loose, slack 嘴不嚴full, full-lipped 唇形豐滿的嘴lipless, thin 無唇的嘴巴;唇形單薄的嘴toothless 無牙的嘴lopsided 歪嘴wet 濕潤的嘴dry, tight 發乾的嘴巴;綳緊的嘴:耳朵big, large 大耳朵long 長耳朵:a rabbit with long floppy ears 耷拉長耳朵的兔子 pointed/ pointy 尖耳朵floppy 下垂的耳朵torn 被撕裂的耳朵:Blood from his torn ear was soaking his collar. 他的耳朵被撕裂,流出的血浸濕了衣領。
sharp 靈敏的耳朵:眉毛 heavy, thick thin heavy, thick 濃密的眉毛thin 細的眉毛bushy, shaggy, unkempt 濃密的眉毛;亂糟糟的眉毛plucked, shaped 修過的眉winged 彎彎的眉毛dark, jetblack黑的眉毛;烏黑的眉毛lifted, raised 揚起的眉毛surprised 因吃驚揚起的眉毛amused 因覺得好笑挑起的眉毛derisive, mocking 帶著嘲弄神情的眉梢 cynical, sardonic, sceptical 眉梢帶著諷刺;眉梢帶著輕慢;眉梢帶著懷疑 enquiring, querying, questioning, quizzical 帶著探詢意味揚起的眉毛。
The so-called "features" refers to the "ears, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth" and other five human ans. Study on in-phase and were given a term as follows:
(1) ear and entitled: "Mining hearing officer."
(2) eyebrow and entitled: "Paul Shouson officer."
(3) eyes and entitled: "Ombud *** an."
(4) nose and entitled: "presiding officer identified."
(5) I: called "cashier's official."
short 矮
tall 高
overweight 胖
plump 豐滿
thin 瘦
slim 苗條
medium height 不胖不瘦
tubby 矮胖
muscular 強壯
elegantly 優雅
good-looking 長的好看
plain 長的一般
*** artly dressed 穿著得體
well dressed 穿的漂亮
neatly dressed 衣著干凈整潔
scrufily dressed 衣著不整潔
外貌:身材體形:overweight 超重
thin,slim 瘦
fat,stout 肥胖的
slender 苗條的
發型:dark hair
blonde 金發
cury,wavy hair 卷發
pony tail 馬尾
臉部:freckle 雀斑
dimple 酒窩
oval face 鴨蛋臉
bald 禿頂的
Big-featured 五官較大的
Double-chinned 雙下巴的
High-cheekboned 顴骨很高
Slender 苗條的
Sharp-featured 五官分明的
Well-featured 五官端正的
Pimpled 有粉刺的
Freckled 有雀斑的
Wrinkled 起皺紋的
Double-faced 兩面派的
Well-Shaped 好看的
Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的
女性外表:blond 金發碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗條的 well-shaped body 體形豐滿的 plump 豐滿肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容華貴的 graceful 優美的 thin hair頭發稀疏的 trendy時髦的 tanned 皮膚黝黑的 陽光肌膚的 natural-looking 長相一般的 pale 面色蒼白的 dimple 有酒窩的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 捲毛的 oval face 鵝蛋臉型的 up-turn nose 朝天鼻的
男性外表:bald 禿頂的 disheveled hair 頭發凌亂的 bright eye 眼神明亮的 broad face 寬臉的 clean-shaven face 面龐清爽干凈的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 muscular肌肉健美的 robust 強壯的 chubby 肥壯敦實的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有紳士風度的
I think I am a pretty girl/a handsome ball. I have a round face with o big eyes. My nose is neither too big nor too *** all. I have a medium mouth. I have short/long straight black hair. (I have shoulder-length hair). My teeth is white and healthy.給個採納唄。
face:well-featured五官端正的/handsome英俊的/bony 瘦的/rosy 紅潤的/long 長的/broad 寬的/beautiful 美麗的
eyes:sexy 性感的/sharp 銳利的/slitty細長的/watery水汪汪的/deep-sunken深陷的/big大的/bright 明亮的
mouth:fine 好看的 sensuous有美感的 *** all小的 big 大的 mean薄的
ears:angular尖的 thick厚實的 cauliflower招風的 long-lobed耳朵很長的 drooping 耷拉的
figure:slender苗條的 *** all 細的 plump非常豐滿的 fat胖的 muscularity肌肉發達的
6.描寫人的外貌特徵的英語單詞 頭發啦五官啦 身型啦
short 矮
tall 高
overweight 胖
plump 豐滿
thin 瘦
slim 苗條
medium height 不胖不瘦
tubby 矮胖
muscular 強壯
elegantly 優雅
good-looking 長的好看
plain 長的一般
*** artly dressed 穿著得體
well dressed 穿的漂亮
neatly dressed 衣著干凈整潔
scrufily dressed 衣著不整潔
lazy 懶的
punctual 守時的
kind 善良的
efficient 辦事高效率的
strict 嚴厲的
generous 慷慨的,大方的
patient 有耐心的
fetful 健忘的
reliable 可靠的
boring 令人乏味的
open-minded 思想開放的
traditional 思想保守的,傳統的
bald 禿頂的
Big-featured 五官較大的
Double-chinned 雙下巴的
High-cheekboned 顴骨很高
Slender 苗條的
Sharp-featured 五官分明的
Well-featured 五官端正的
Pimpled 有粉刺的
Freckled 有雀斑的
Wrinkled 起皺紋的
Double-faced 兩面派的
Well-Shaped 好看的
Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的