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⑴ 英語單詞"sign"是什麼意思

1. 標記, 符號2. 手勢, 姿勢, 信號3. 徵兆, 跡象4. 示意的動作(或聲音);手勢5. 招牌;標牌;指示牌;標志6. 【語音學】語言符號(指首字母縮寫詞、一個字母表示一個概念等) 7. 形跡,痕跡;足跡,蹤跡,臭跡8. 【醫學】征,體征;症狀9. 【宗教】(《聖經》中表示神的意志或力量的)神跡10. 【天文學】宮

⑵ 從sign這個單詞中可以解說出多少個意思,不止是英語,這一包括文學、哲學。

n. 跡象;符號;記號;手勢
vi. 簽署;簽名
vt. 簽署;示意
sign up 簽約僱用,簽約參加

sign on 開始廣播;簽約僱用

sign for 簽收

sign in 簽到;注冊;登記;簽收

sign up for 注冊,選課;報名參加

sign language 手語;符號語言

sign a contract 簽訂合同;簽合同;簽署合同

signs and wonders 神跡奇事
traffic sign 交通標志

shop sign 店鋪招牌;牌號

warning sign 警告標志;警報信號

stop sign 停車標志;停止信號/標志

star sign 星座

sign off 停止活動;停止廣播

road sign 路標,道路標志

zodiac sign 星座;生肖;黃道十二宮

positive sign n. 正號

sign of the zodiac 星座老虎機;[天]黃道十二宮

sign out 簽名登記離開;用簽名記錄離開的時間

equal sign 等號

symbol, breath, evidence, mark, motion


ink, endorse
sign [sain]
2. 牌,標牌,指示牌;招牌,廣告
3. 標記,標志;表示
4. (手、身體等的)示意動作;手勢;手勢語
5. 形跡,痕跡;足跡,蹤跡,臭跡
6. 證據,預兆,徵兆;跡象
7. 【醫學】征,體征;症狀
8. 【宗教】(《聖經》中表示神的意志或力量的)神跡
9. 【天文學】宮
1. 簽上(名字),署上(姓名):
to sign one's name


2. 在…亮磨上署名,簽字於:
to sign a letter


3. [sign oneself] 在署名中把(自己)稱作:
She signed herself 「A Peace Messenger.」


4. 寫下,記下:
to sign a capital T here


5. 用手勢(或身體姿勢)表示;示意:
He singed me not to say.


6. 預示;表示:
It signs that he will lose his temper.


7. (以簽訂合同)僱用:
to sign a few more white collars


8. 對…劃十字(祝福或祈求等)
1. 簽字,署名:
to sign on the attendance book


2. 簽約受雇;簽字承擔義務;簽合同(with):
to sign with someone


sign [sain]
1. a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened)
he showed signs of strain they welcomed the signs of spring

2. a public display of a (usually written) message
he posted signs in all the shop windows

3. any communication that encodes a message
signals from the boat suddenly stopped

4. structure displaying a board on which advertisements can be posted
the highway was lined with signboards

5. (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided
6. (medicine) any objective evidence of the presence of a disorder or disease
there were no signs of asphyxiation

7. having an indicated pole (as the distinction between positive and negative electric charges)
charges of opposite sign

8. an event that is experienced as indicating important things to come
it was a sign from God

9. a gesture that is part of a sign language
10. a fundamental linguistic unit linking a signifier to that which is signified
The bond between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary

11. a character indicating a relation between quantities
don't forget the minus sign

1. mark with one's signature; write one's name (on)
She signed the letter and sent it off Please sign here

2. approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation
Have you signed your contract yet?

3. be engaged by a written agreement
He signed to play the casino on Dec. 18 The soprano signed to sing the new opera

4. engage by written agreement
They signed two new pitchers for the next season

5. communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs
He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu

6. place signs, as along a road
sign an intersection This road has been signed

7. communicate in sign language
I don't know how to sign, so I could not communicate with my deaf cousin

8. make the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection; consecrate
used of the language of the deaf


⑶ 幾個敏感的英語單詞要注意

2、胖─FAT:說人FAT,是極其粗魯的用詞,即使是背後說人時,也不可用此詞。一般說來,較好避免,實在避免不了,可用hey替代,如:Shes a little hey。順便說一下,千萬不要問女同學的體重,比問年齡還要粗魯。
3、危險區域─惡鄰─bad neighborhood:用bad neighborhood,就有階級歧視之嫌,委婉的說法是tough neighborhood。相信大家都清楚,在美國是窮人越多的地方,階級斗爭越激烈,所以你應該盡快弄清你生活的城市裡哪些地方是窮人聚居地,如果你問老美,較好用tough neighborhood,而應避免使用bad neighborhood。與bad neighborhood相伴的是:窮人─poor people。委婉的說法是the people living under welfare,復雜是復雜一點,但還是不應嫌麻煩。
4、合體─fit:fit這個詞用得不好就是擾。首先要明確一下,任何時候稱贊女衣著漂亮,都是恰當的,但如何措詞卻有講究,簡單一點,nice dress就足夠了。如果某位女─你的學生,穿得比較緊身,渾身上下是S,這當然是賞心悅目,但如果你說:你的衣服很合體,The dress fits you very well,就等於是在說你的眼睛不老實。那麼,如果人家衣著寬松,你能不能用The dress fits you very well呢?不僅不能,而且更可惡;如果你用了,不僅說明你的眼睛不老實,還說明你存心挖苦別人身材不好,沒S。

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