當前位置:首頁 » 英文單詞 » 我們都喜歡收集東西用英語怎麼說


發布時間: 2025-02-06 08:00:29

❶ 他們都喜歡收集各種東西英語

1.The most likes to collect
2 in the * *
3.Good exercise

❷ 鏀墮泦鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇

浣犲ソ鏀墮泦 緲昏瘧鎴愯嫳璇鏄痗ollect錛宑ollect璇婚煶鐨勬眽璇璋愰煶鏄鍏嬭幈鍏嬬壒甯屾湜甯鍒頒綘錛屾弧鎰忚烽噰綰熾

琛ュ厖褰撴敹闆嗗仛鍚嶈瘝鏃惰佹敞鎰忓畠浠鐨勫艦寮忥紝姣斿傝碿ollectcollection 鑰実et together 鍒欏氫綔涓哄姩璇嶇敤渚嬪侷t#39s Midautumn today 錛宻o 錛宎ll of the students got together銆
1 to gather 2 to collect 1 鎴戣姳浜嗘暣鏁翠竴鏄熸湡鏃墮棿錛屾壘閬嶅浘涔﹂嗘敹闆嗚祫鏂橧 have spent the whole week gleaning through the library2 浠栧枩嬈㈠氱嶅氭牱鐨勬敹闆咹e likes to have miscellaneous collection3銆
gather information information collection 緗戠粶鐭璇鏀墮泦淇℃伅gather information錛宑ollect information on錛宨nformation collection 鍦ㄧ綉涓婃敹闆嗕俊鎮疌ollect information on the Internet錛孫nline collection of information 涓哄崗鍔╂敹闆嗕俊鎮疶o銆
collect k#601#39lekt寤鴻妤間富涓嬩竴涓璋鋒瓕閲戝北璇嶉湼錛屾墍鏈夌殑鍗曡瘝閮藉彲浠ュ彂闊籌紝寰堝ソ鐢▇銆

鍦h癁鏍戣呴グ鐢ㄧ硸鏋 Confectionery for decorating Christmas trees 瑁呴グ鍦h癁鏍戠敤緋栨灉 Christmas trees Confectionery for decorating 鈥撹杽鑽風硸 Peppermint sweets 緋栨灉 Sweetmeats 鐗涘ザ紜鍧楃硸 Caramels 闈炲尰鐢ㄥ彛棣欑硸 Chewing gum錛 not銆
20090120 鑻辮璇嶇粍 144 20150309 鏀墮泦20涓鑻辮鍚嶈█璀﹀彞鍜屼紭緹庡彞瀛愪粈涔堟剰鎬 204 20121228 甯哥敤鑻辮鐭璇錛 1200 20171017 鏁版嵁鏀墮泦鐨勮嫳璇緲昏瘧 鏁版嵁鏀墮泦鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇 鏇村氱被浼奸棶棰 涓恆
鎮ㄥソereaser collecting 濡傛灉瀵逛綘鏈夊府鍔╋紝璇烽噰綰崇濅綘瀛︿範鏇翠笂涓灞傛ゼ錛屾暟瀛﹁緟瀵煎洟涓轟綘瑙e喅鐤戦棶銆

❸ 你喜歡收集什麼用英語怎麼說

What do you like to collect?你喜歡收集什麼?

❹ 我們喜歡收集貝殼英文

1. because shell is beautiful ,so I
like to collect shell
2. since ten-year-old, he begins to
collect the kite
3. because I run out off my money,so I sotp touring

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