㈠ 「夏天,我最喜歡太陽」的英語怎麼說
i love the sun best in summer
i love the hot sun best
㈡ 你喜歡太陽嗎用英語怎麼說
Do you like the sun?
㈢ 寫喜歡的天氣(英語作文)最少五句
㈣ 我喜歡曬太陽 英語怎麼說
1 我喜歡曬太陽
I like to bask in the sun.
2 我喜歡在太陽光下看書
I like to read in the sunlight.
3 海邊的紫外線很強,游泳的話,一定要做好防曬准備。
The ultraviolet rays are very strong at the beach. If you want to swim, you must prepare well to prevent sun burn.
4 月光照在閣樓上,兩個心愛的人,手牽著手看著遠方的湖面,一陣微風吹過,月色朦朧,一切都那麼的美好
The moonlight shines/beams on the attic. The loving couple, hand in hand, are gazing at the lake in the distance. With a hint of breeze, the moonlight becomes slightly hazy. It's all so beautiful.
5 風越來越大 / 越來越小 ,
The wind picks up. The wind dies down.
6 雪變大了 / 變小了
The snow becomes heavier/lighter.
風和雪, 大,小,一般用那些詞來翻譯常用的
以上提供了兩種常見的譯法。風雨雪用heavy 和 light 分別表示 大 小 就行。
7 這台車在加滿油 / 充滿電後可以行使300公里
After fully filled with gas / charged with electricity, the car can go 300 kilometers.
8 剩餘汽油 / 電量 可以行使50公里
The remaining gas / electricity can go 50 kilometers.
㈤ 我非常喜歡太陽英語怎麼說
I love the sun very much
㈥ I love three things:thesun,themoonandyouthesunfortheday,。翻譯...
I love three things in this world,the sun ,the moon and you.The sun for the day,the moon for the night,and you forever!
For the world you are somebody,but for somebody you are the world!
I opend my wallet and found it empty,reached into my pocket and found a few coins,searched my life and I found you!Then I realized how rich I am.
I drop a tear in the ocean and the day you find it is the day I will stop loving you !
People laugh and people cry,some say hi while some bye,some give up and some always try,others may forget you but never will I.
《暮光之城》是美國作家斯蒂芬妮·梅爾(Stephanie Meyer)寫的系列小說,包括《暮色》、《新月》、《月食》、《破曉》以及番外《午夜陽光》。《暮光之城》系列以伊莎貝拉·斯旺和愛德華·卡倫一對苦命鴛鴦的情感糾葛為主線,融合了吸血鬼傳說、狼人故事、校園生活、恐怖懸念、喜劇冒險等各種元素,而凄美動人的愛情則是全書「最強烈的情緒」。
該系列被稱謂後「哈利波特時代」的魔幻巨著,成為《魔戒三部曲》《哈利波特系列》《納尼亞傳奇》之後的國際魔幻系列代表。作品獲得紐約時報主編精選、出版者周刊 「年度最佳好書」、亞馬遜網站 「最近十年來最佳好書」、美國圖書館協會「十大青少年優良讀物」及「十大最佳叢書」等榮譽。
㈦ 我喜歡有太陽的天氣英語作文80詞
Here's the…15 In shenzhen it should be pretty freezing it's sunny &cloudy But in PecKing even though it'll snow tommorow it's warmer than in shenzhen . It's going to be cloudy in Nanjing & raning in shanghai . However it doesn't mean that it'll be temperate Remember to put on more clothes to avoid catching colds
Thx fr…ing
㈧ 我喜歡太陽,藍天,白雲,花草,樹木怎麼翻譯
I like the sun,the blue sky,the white clouds,the flowers,the grass and the trees.