A. 雅龍藏布江景點英語介紹
Fold on the Milky way
Yajiang source
The Yarlung Zangbo River Nantong Sieg Ma Jie yangzom song, the source for the Himalayas on the north slope of a series of glaciations, from west to East, through Xigaze, Tibet, Lhasa, Shannan, Nyingchi and four cities in 23 counties, has accepted Cameroon possession of cloth and Nianchu River, Lhasa River, Niyang River and main tributaries, cut at the eastern end of the Himalayan Mountains Luo Yu area, southward to the Indian sadiya, said the Brahmaputra River, flows into Bangladesh and renamed Jia wood of the Seine River. The river in Bangladesh goas Rondo near the city and Ganges RIver convergence, and finally into the India ocean to the bay of bengal. The river is mostly in the height of 3000 meters above sea level, is the highest in the world the Milky way.
On the south side of the Yarlung Zangbo River stands the world highest, most young Himalayas, north of Mount Kailash and Nyainqentanglha mountains. Between the north and the South Valley in southern Tibet, Tibetan for "Rocca", meaning "southern". Guchi Chi from east to West broad Dihuan zone, the Yarlung Zangbo River is quietly flowing in the valley. Consistent with the valley of the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin landform, narrow, narrow and short. The largest length of the thing is about 1500 kilometers, while the maximum width of the north and south is only 290 kilometers.
The source of the Brahmaputra River where? From the end of nineteenth Century, many domestic scholars have been to the Heyuan area. Because of the limitations of the conditions, the conclusion was very inconsistent. In 1975, Chinese Academy of Sciences organized Qinghai Tibet Plateau comprehensive scientific expedition again into the source region, finally proven Ma Jie yangzom music is the source of the Brahmaputra.
The source of 5590 meters above sea level, Heyuan area is composed of Jie horse yangzom Qu and sink Zangbo river. The source of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers Ma Jie central Zong glacier, linen GA glacier, ang if glacier, a color fruit ice, constitute a huge solid reservoir. As the glaciers retreat into large area moraine, shallow valley with a "U" shape. After measurement, whether the basin area, river length or traffic, the main source of the main stream of the main. Ma Jie Qu yangzom Bingfeng forest, embrace the valley. The thrill of climbing above, the rising clouds, like the transparent camlet gently fluttering in the air.
The shallow water of the river upstream
From the main source Ma Jie yangzom song to Zi for upstream, 268 kilometers in length, catchment area 26570 square kilometers, wide valley of 1-10 km, the annual flow of the river width only 30 to 40 meters, lack of depth 1 m, the river clear. In a confluence of mulberry wood south of source sink Zangbo said Ma Quan, east to saga County in uzbekistan.
The upper section of the waterway twists and turns scattered, dotted Hutang, the water is very shallow, clear. The lush grass on both sides of the valley, ring the bloom season, very beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Here sparsely populated, is the land of idyllic beauty of wild animal. Qunju wild yak, often with hundreds of foraging near the snow line. Good at running the Tibetan antelope, blue sheep everywhere. In addition, Tibetan wild ass, used the jackal, fox plateau, snow leopard, Pika and marmot some rare animals in the valley leisurely and peaceful coexistence. Ma Quan River Valley is also home to a number of rare birds can be viewed. Clear water, fine cruising with many unique fish scales on the plateau.
Numerous tributaries of the river
In Zi, the Lazi, Xigaze, Qushui, Zetang to mainling County, the village school for the middle section, 134 kilometers in length, numerous tributaries, the catchment area of 163951 square kilometers. The middle reaches of the valley width and white, a bunch of them, like beads. In this section, the bottom width of 2~8 km, a floodplain, also have high out of the water 10~20 meters terrace. Flat water, the average gradient of river below 1 per thousand. In the canyon, the valley was "V" type, both sides of the mountain steep valley, 50~100 meters wide, fast flowing. Create favorable conditions for the width and white river valley hydropower resources development.
Middle reaches of the river brings together the chief tributary of the Yarlung Zangbo River, abundant water, the river is wide and deep, to the plateau shipping provides favorable conditions. Kayak and canoe from the West Lazi, pass to the east of the Zetang, about 400 kilometers is the world's highest navigable. From the tributaries of the Lhasa River, Shigatse and other river valleys, the altitude is below 4100 meters, the general wide 2~3 km or 6~7 km, long, up to tens of kilometers. Where abundant sunshine, good irrigation condition, frost free period of 120 to 150 days, densely populated, is Tibet's most important, the richest agricultural region, known as the Tibetan "granary," said. Crops to wheat, barley, potato.
Downstream of the canyon
From mainling County Township sent to Pakistan in the past card is near the Yarlung Zangbo River on the downstream section, 496 km long river, watershed area 49959 square kilometers. Torrential river water from the vicinity of the mainling county dragon began to graally break to the Northeast flow and sent Xiang Zhuan for north east direction, import to Palongzangbu flash ash turns sharply south flow, into the continuous narrow canyon. After the Pakistan past card into India. Turn on both sides of the top, with an altitude of 7151 meters and 7756 meters of Gallas and white barrier at namjagbarwa. From Namjagbarwa to Yarlung Zangbo River water vertical high amounted to 71 meters can be referred to as the world on cutting the deepest canyon, which is famous of the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon. Here the narrow river, river beach reef Qibu, river flow waves, rumbling noise, spectacular.
雅魯藏布江的南面聳立著世界上最高、最年輕的喜馬拉雅山,北面為岡底斯山和念青唐古拉山脈。南北之間為藏南谷地,藏語稱之為「羅卡」,意為「南方」,谷地呈一東西走向的寬闊低緩地帶,雅魯藏布江就靜靜地流淌在這一谷地里。與谷地的地貌相一致,雅魯藏布江流域東西狹長,南北窄短。東西最大長度約1500千米,而南北最大寬度只有290千米。 雅魯藏布江的源頭在哪裡?從19世紀末開始,不少國內學者就曾前往河源區考察。由於當時條件的限制,結論很不一致。1975年,中國科學院組織了青藏高原綜合科學考察隊再次進入河源區,終於探明傑馬央宗曲為雅魯藏布江的正源。
整個上游段水道曲折分散,湖塘星羅棋布,水很淺,清澈見底。河谷兩側草類茂盛,每逢花開時節,顯得分外艷麗悅目。這里人煙稀少,卻是野生動物的世外桃源。性喜群居的野氂牛,往往結伴上百隻在雪線附近覓食。善於奔跑的藏羚羊、岩羊等比比皆是。此外,藏野驢、藏豺、高原狐、雪豹、鼠兔和旱獺等一些珍貴動物在谷地悠然自得,和平共處。馬泉河谷地還棲息著許多可供觀賞的名貴鳥類。清澈的河水中,游弋著許多高原上特有的細鱗魚。 支流眾多的中游
B. 外貿紡織品材料英語詞彙總,附紡織品外貿英語知識
氨綸-spandex、奧綸-orlon、白布;本布-calico、嗶嘰-serge、編織物-braided fabric、變形;走樣-deformation、不褪色;色澤牢固-fast colours、長毛駱駝絨-camel hair cloth、長毛絨-plush、抽綉-punch work、刺綉品-embroidery、粗(花)呢-tweed、醋酯纖維-acetate fibre、水師呢-admiralty cloth、鉤編編織物-crochet、光芒-gloss, lustre、合成纖維-synthetic fibre、卡普綸-capron, kapron、卡其布-khaki drills、開司米-cashmere、抗拉力絨-anti-pressing standing velvet、闊幅平布;被單布-sheetings、羅緞-faille, bengaline, tussore、麻織物-linen、麥爾登呢-melton、毛嗶嘰-wool serge、毛滌綸-modelon、毛織物(品)-woolen fabrics、棉嗶嘰-cotton serge、棉布-cotton cloth、棉滌綸-trueran、棉緞-cotton sateen、棉紡織品-cotton textiles、棉府綢-cotton poplin、棉繭綢-cotton pongee、棉絨-cotton velvet、棉織長毛絨-cotton plush、棉織華達呢-cotton gabardine、棉織物(品)-cotton fabrics、絨布-flannelette、絨線刺綉-crewel work、桑蠶絲, 家蠶絲-mulberry silk、手帕亞麻紗-linen cambric、雙面卡-reversible khaki、絲紡-silk spinning、絲織物-silk fabrics、素色-plain、維尼綸-vinylon、蚊帳紗-mosquito netting、無紡織物-bonded fibre fabric、夏布-grass cloth、橡膠防雨布-mackintosh cloth、斜紋布-drills、綉花紗羅-embroidered gauze、綉花織物-embroidered fabric、針織-knitting、針織品-knitwear、針織物-hosiery、薴麻-ramee、大麻-hemp、大衣呢-overcoating、的確良-dacron、terylene、燈芯絨-corroy、滌綸-terylene、緞子-satin、法蘭絨-flannel、帆布-canvas、凡立丁-valetin、防潮-damp proof、防縮-sanforizing、pre-shrunk、紡織品-textiles、格子呢-tartan、花布-cotton prints、華達呢-gabardine、化學纖維-chemical fibre、黃麻-jute、黃麻布(袋)-gunny cloth (bag)、混紡織物-mixture fabric、blend fabric、機織織物-woven fabric、絹絲-spun silk、繭綢-pongee、錦緞-brocade、錦綸(耐綸)-nylon、腈綸-acrylic fibres、精紡法蘭絨-worsted flannel、耐縐的-non-crushable、尼龍薄綢-nylon chiffon、黏膠纖維-viscose acetal fibre、派力斯-palace、配色-matching、colour combinations、漂白棉布-bleached cotton cloth、喬其紗-georgette、人造毛-artificial wool、人造棉-artificial cotton、人造絲-artificial silk、rayon、人造絲織物-rayon fabrics、人造纖維-artificial fibre、人字呢;海力蒙-herringbone、塔夫綢-taffeta、泰西緞-cotton venetians、提花床單布-broche quilts、提花絲織物-figured silk、提花織物-jacquard、貼花刺綉-applique embroidery、褪色-discolourization、網眼織物-mesh fabric、亞麻-flax、亞麻布-linen、亞麻帆布-linen canvas、亞麻格子布-linen checks、亞麻紗-linen yarn、陰丹士林布-iondanthren cloth、羽紗-camblet、織錦緞-tapestry satin、織物-textile fabric、縐(背)緞-crepe satin、珠羅紗-bobbin net、柞蠶絲 tussah silk、Indigo chambray、Rayon cloth flocking、PVC flocking、PVC 植絨、Knitting cloth flocking、Claimond veins、倒毛 velveteen、平絨、Micro suede、仿麂皮、Jeans flocking、牛仔皮植絨、Nylon taffeta、Nylon seersucker taffeta、plain flocking、素麵植絨、flocking(flower)、印花植絨、Embossing flocking、雕印植絨、Leather imitation flocking、皮革溝底植絨、Embossing jeans flocking、牛仔植絨雕印、Angora cachmere overcoating、兔羊絨大衣呢、double-faced woolen goods、羊毛、double-faced goods、雙面呢、cut velvet、立絨呢、costume tweed、粗花呢、lycra woolen goods、彈力呢、Nylon taslon、塔絲絨、N/Taslon ripstop、塔絲絨格子、polyester peach skin、桃皮絨、polyester taffeta、滌塔夫、polyester pongee、春亞紡、Micro fiber、超細麥克布、Nylon-cotton fabric、錦棉稠、Nylon-cotton-cotton fabric、重平錦棉稠、Nylon-cotton fabric、人字錦棉紡、Nylon-cotton fabric、斜紋錦棉紡、solid velvet、素色天鵝絨、Rib fleece velvet、抽條磨毛天鵝絨、melange velvet、雪花天鵝絨、ginning velvet、軋花天鵝絨、pellet fleece velvet、粒粒絨布、linen/cotton blended fabric、亞麻棉混紡布、linen/cotton mixed fabric、亞麻棉交錯布、solid terry、素色毛巾布、leece in one side、螞蟻布、solid fleece、素色衛衣布、fleece、魚網布、color-stripes single jersey、彩條汗布、T/R bengaline、T/R彈力布、T/C solid check fabric、T/C色織格子布、Micro suede with spandex、彈力仿麂皮、T/R Micro suede、T/R仿麂皮、100 % polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece、仿麂皮瑤粒絨復合布、100 % polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric、仿麂皮針織布復合、100 % polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur、仿麂皮羊羔絨復合布、蠟光緞、cire satine、全消光尼絲紡、semi-ll nylon taffeta、半消光尼絲紡、Trilobal nylon、亮光尼龍、Full ll nylon taslan、全消光塔絲隆、full ll nylon oxford、全消光牛津布、Nylon rip-stop、尼龍格、Taslan rip-stop、塔絲隆格、Full ll Micro polyester pongee、啞富迪、Full ll polyester pongee、全消光春亞紡、polyester pongee rip-stop、春亞紡格子、Full ll polyester peach、全消光滌綸桃皮絨、Big twill polyester peach、寬斜紋桃皮絨、poly/nylon peach、滌錦復合桃皮絨、polyester taffeta rip-stop、滌綸格子、polyester honey taslan、滌綸蜂巢塔絲隆、Full ll poly textured oxford、全消光滌綸低彈牛津布、Nylon/polyester inter-woven peach、滌錦交錯桃皮絨。
一. 紡織纖維及其分類
二. 紗線的分類
三. 織物的分類
一. 紗線的重要技能指標
二. 織物的重要技能指標
三. 國際商業常用單位
四. 紡織品商業中常用公制、英制單位換算
一. 原棉收支口的品格及數目要求
二. 羊毛纖維收支口的品格及數目要求
三. 生絲的品格及數目要求
四. 化學纖維收支口的品格及數目要求
一. 機織面料的規格表現方法及品格要求
二. 針織面料的規格表現
三. 織物後整理的品格要求
一. 商品包裝的重要性
二. 包裝的種類和包裝質料的選擇
三. 包裝方法及包裝條款
四. 條碼、標簽及吊牌
一. 國際商業術語
二. 國際商業慣例
三. incoterms 2010
四. 相關術語
一. FOB — free on board
二. CFR — cost and freight
三. CIF — cost insurance and freight
四. FAS — free alongside ship
一. FCA — free carrier
二. CPT — carriage paid to
三. CIP — carriage and insurance paid to
四. EXW — ex works
五. DAT — delivered at terminal
六. DAP — delivered at place
七. DDP — delivered ty paid
一. 國際商業條約中的價格條款
二. 作價原則和方法
三. 計價錢幣
四. 計價錢幣的匯率折算
五. 傭金與折扣
一. 價格組成
二. 出口商品的價格核算
三. 三種商業術語的對外報價核算
四. 出口還價核算
五. 三種商業術語的換算
C. 雪尼爾紗用英語怎麼說
Chenille Yarns