⑴ 哪一個數字是我最喜歡的數字用英語怎麼說大神們幫幫忙
Which number is my favourite?
⑵ 浣犱笉鍠滄㈠摢涓鏁板瓧鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇
浣犱笉鍠滄㈠摢涓鏁板瓧鐢ㄨ嫳璇鐨勮存硶錛"What number don't you like?"
3. 8錛圗ight錛夛細
鍦ㄤ腑鍥芥枃鍖栦腑錛8 琚璁や負鏄涓涓鍚夊埄鐨勬暟瀛楋紝鍥犱負瀹冪殑鍙戦煶涓庘滃彂璐⑩濓紙wealth錛夌殑鍙戦煶闈炲父鐩鎬技銆傚湪涓鍥斤紝浜轟滑寰寰鎰挎剰鏀浠橀濆栫殑璐圭敤鏉ヨ幏鍙栧寘鍚 8 鐨勭數璇濆彿鐮侊紝杞︾墝鍙風爜絳夈
4. 666錛圫ix Hundred Sixty-Six錛夛細
666 鍦ㄥ熀鐫f暀鏂囧寲涓琚縐頒負鈥滈瓟楝肩殑鏁板瓧鈥濇垨鑰呪滈瓟鏁扳濄傝繖鏄鍥犱負鍦ㄣ婂湥緇忓惎紺哄綍銆嬩腑錛666 琚鎻忚堪涓衡滃吔鈥濈殑鏍囧織銆傚洜姝わ紝榪欎釜鏁板瓧甯稿父涓庨偑鎮跺拰涓嶇ゥ鐨勪簨鐗╄仈緋誨湪涓璧楓
5. 0錛圸ero錛夛細
0 鍦ㄦ暟瀛︿腑鏄涓涓闈炲父閲嶈佺殑鏁板瓧錛屼唬琛ㄧ潃鈥滅┖鈥濇垨鈥滄棤鈥濄傚畠鍦ㄦ暟瀛﹁繍綆椾腑鏈夌壒孌婄殑浣滅敤錛屾瘮濡傚姞娉曚腑鐨勬亽絳夊厓緔狅紝涔樻硶涓鐨勫惛鏀跺厓緔犵瓑銆傛ゅ栵紝鍦ㄨ$畻鏈虹戝︿腑錛0 鍜 1 琚鐢ㄦ潵琛ㄧず浜岃繘鍒剁郴緇熶腑鐨勨滃紑鈥濆拰鈥滃叧鈥濄
⑶ 英語作文我最喜歡的數字是什麼
My favrite number is "one".I was born on 1,1st,1998.So I like "1"best. And nowI study in Class I,Grade 1. I studied in Class 1 from grade 1to grade 6 druing my primary school .My teacher and my parents often ask me to become "No. 1" student in class in school. I must get the best ! I must work hard to win "No.1" !
⑷ 鑻辮浣滄枃錛氭垜鍠滄㈡暟瀛楀叓銆
My favorite number is eight.
Do many other people think the number 8 is lucky? Absolutely.
The number 8 was and is considered a very lucky number. It explains that why the Beijing Olympics was scheled to open on August 8th, 2008, making the date read 888. Because I enjoy feng-shui, I did know a bit about the auspicious number 8 and have already been aware of the connection to the opening date for the Beijing Olympics.
When the opening day of the Olympics came on that date, many people begin to analyze the meaningful message it provides to China. Because of that, I also decide to use the number 8 as often as possible even in choosing my phone number. I told a lot of my friends about the lucky meaning behind the 8, that is, In China the number eight stands for boom and prosperity.
⑸ 我喜歡的數字是8英語
⑹ 翻譯成英語 他最喜歡的數字是多少
what's his favorite number ?
⑺ 用英語的六句話介紹一下自己
All along, hard work, positive, optimistic and hard work are my life creed. I believe I will always work hard, do myself well and contribute to the society.
Dare to do and work hard, down-to-earth; Work seriously and responsibly with a strong sense of responsibility; The motto is "excellence is a habit". My expectation is to engage in management, finance, administration, assistant and other professional related work in enterprises and institutions.
Strong initiative, self-study ability, team cooperation consciousness and certain organizational ability; Strong pressure resistance and can quickly adapt to the surrounding environment.
Love the major and be willing to learn new knowledge; Have a sense of responsibility for work; Down - to - earth, enthusiastic and passionate about life.
⑻ 我最喜歡的數字是7用 英語怎麼說
My favorite number is 7
⑼ 我最喜歡的數字是什麼用英語怎麼說
What is my favorite number
⑽ 「我喜歡灰色,我喜歡數字五,我喜歡藍寶石」的英語怎麼說呢
I like gray, I like number five, I like sapphire