⑴ 他非常喜歡睡覺用英語怎麼說
He likes to sleep
⑵ 他更愛睡覺用英語怎麼說
he likes sleeping more
⑶ 他整天睡覺英語
他整天睡覺英語sleep all day 整天睡覺;
例句:Ill sleep all day and Ill stand watch all night.我白天睡覺,晚上站崗放哨。
1,You is in addition to eat and sleep all day, and can be a pig sty.你整天除了吃就是睡,跟豬圈裡的豬沒兩樣。
5,I want to sleep all day. Did not study much at all. So I feel kind of blue today. Because I wasted a whole day.今天一直很困,根本沒有怎麼學習。所以感覺有點郁悶,因為浪費了一整天。
⑷ 「她喜歡睡覺」用英語怎麼說
She likes sleeping
⑸ 它也愛睡覺英語句子怎麼寫
It also loves sleeping
It also loves sleeping
⑹ 他想睡覺 英語兩種
He wants to sleep =He would like to sleep=He feels like sleeping.
實際上就是want to do
woule like to do
feel like doing
也可以將sleep改為go to bed 都是睡覺的意思
⑺ 睡覺的英語怎樣讀寫
Sleep作為一個動詞,可以使用時態或語態的變化,以表示不同的意思。例如,「I sleep」表示現在時態,而「he slept」表示過去時態。
請點擊輸入圖片描述I need to get some
1、He has trouble sleeping at night because he suffers from insomnia. (他晚上無法入睡,因為他患有失眠症。)
2、Every day, I try to get at least seven hours of sleep to stay healthy. (每天,我盡量保證獲得七個小時的睡眠以保持健康。)
3、The baby finally fell asleep after being rocked back and forth for over an hour. (寶寶經過一小時的前後搖晃後終於入睡了。)
4、She can't function properly without enough sleep, so she always makes sure to get a full eight hours. (如果沒有足夠的睡眠,她將無法正常工作,因此她總是確保獲得足夠的八小時睡眠。)