1. 英語作文:假如你是一名新生名叫李為,在開學第一堂課英語課上,用英語向大家做自我介紹。
hello, everybody! my name is liwei.i'm graated from No.1primary school. i'm very happy to be a part of this class. i have 3 family members,my father,my mother and i.my father is a doctor,and my mother is a teacher. i like reading,listining muisc and watching movies.in my weekends,i also like play computure.i hope i can make many friands with you.thank you.
2. 我喜歡的放鬆方式英語作文
I like to listen the music when I feel stressful.
Music Will take me the Relaxation and peaceful.
The important way for me to relax is to watch movie with my friends. I like to see movie very much, when I see the movie, I will be immerged myself in the movie world. It looks like I am part of the story and I witness all the things happens. It is such amazing for me and I love this feeling, so I will forget about all the annoyance.
The other way for me to relax is to listen to the music. Music makes me feel easy, every time when I listen to the music, I will wear the microphone and sing with the song. Sometimes I will imagine myself in the video and dance. It sounds crazy but I feel cool.
3. 「我有許多興趣愛好,比如看名著,聽音樂,旅遊,看電影,逛街」這句話用英語怎麼說
你要是在寫作文上用樓上那個答案可以 但是在外國人交流口語方面的話根本不行 。
4. 緲昏瘧錛氣滃枩嬈㈠弬鍔犲ū涔愭椿鍔錛屽惉闊充箰錛岀湅鐢靛獎鈥
Like to participate in recreational activities, listening to music, watching movies
5. 鍠滄㈠仛鏌愪簨鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇達紵
鍠滄㈠仛鏌愪簨鐢ㄨ嫳璇琛屽摢璇存槸 "like to do something"銆
鎴戝枩嬈㈢湅鐢靛獎銆 I like watching movies.
浠栧枩嬈㈠湪鍛ㄦ湯鍘繪暎姝ャ He likes taking a walk on the weekend.
濂瑰枩嬈㈠湪絀洪棽鏃墮棿寮瑰悏浠栥 She likes playing guitar in her free time.
like doing鍜宭ike to do鐨勬渶澶х敤娉曞尯鍒鍦ㄤ簬錛屾倝琛褰撹〃紺哄枩嬈㈡煇浜嬬墿錛岃屼笖浠ュ墠灝卞枩嬈錛岃繕鍙鑳芥寔緇錛岀敤like doing錛涘綋琛ㄧず鎯寵侊紝嬈插仛鏌愪簨鐢╨ike to do銆傚尯鍒嗗備笅錛
1銆乴ike doing sth琛ㄧず闀挎椂闂寸殑鍠滄㈠仛鏌愪簨,鎸囧叴瓚g埍濂.鍦ㄦ剰涔変笂姣旇緝涓妗i檰鐮佽埇鍜屾娊璞,鏃墮棿瑙傚康涓嶅己,涓嶆寚鏌愪竴嬈″姩浣;
2銆両 like watching TV.鎴戝枩嬈㈢湅鐢佃.Do you like singing 浣犲枩嬈㈠敱姝屽悧?She likes swimming.濂瑰枩嬈㈡父娉.錛堢粡甯告х殑,鐖卞ソ錛塈 like eating fish .(鎴戝枩嬈㈠悆楸,涓浜哄彛鍛寵屽凡,涓縐嶇埍濂,鍠滄錛
3銆乴ike to do sth 鎯沖幓鍋氭煇浜嬶紙琛ㄧず鏈変釜瓚嬪悜鎬,濂藉儚鏄瑕佸埌鏌愬勫幓鍋氭煇浜嬶級like to do sth 鍒欏父鎸囨煇涓鍏蜂綋鐨勫姩浣,琛ㄧず鍋跺皵涓嬈″枩嬈㈠仛鏌愪簨銆佹垨鑰呯獊鐒跺枩嬈㈠共鏌愪簨.
6. 我有許多興趣愛好 英文怎麼說
7. 「我喜歡聽音樂,看小說,看電影 」 的英語翻譯
I like listening to music, reading novels and watching movies
8. 把『我的業余愛好是聽音樂和看電影還運動等』翻譯成英文