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發布時間: 2024-12-12 11:28:39

Ⅰ 英語翻譯下,,幫幫忙..給賞分哦!


Ⅱ 我非常喜歡上她的課用英語怎麼說


I like her lessons very much.

Ⅲ 大家都很喜歡上他的課用英語怎麼說

His classes are full of fun.We all like him.
His classes are fill with fun.We all love him.

Ⅳ 她的英語說的很好以至於我們都很喜歡上她的課的英文


Ⅳ 我爸爸的學生很喜歡上他的課 用英語怎麼說

1、The students of my father favor his lessons that much.
2、My dad's students are fond of the classes he teaches.
3、My dad's lessons are liked very much by the students of him.
4、The students of my father enjoy having his classes so much.

2、lesson通常是指上課的內容或者課文本身,范圍非常小,比如最常見的lesson one。除此之外,lesson還可以指教訓的意思。


Ⅵ 喜歡上他的英語課.的翻譯是:什麼意思

喜歡上他的英語課.的翻譯是:Like his English class

Ⅶ 翻譯:1.我的英語老師上課非常有趣,我喜歡她上的課。2.他對學生要求很嚴格。

My Enlish teacher makes her lessons very interesting. I like her lessons.
He is strict with his students.

請及時採納,不懂繼續問( 天天在線 )
(*^__^*) 祝學習進步! 謝謝!

Ⅷ 我最愛的老師是李老師,她是教英語的,她上課非常有趣。所以我很喜歡上她的課。她為人友善。經常利用休息

My favorite teacher is Mrs Li.She teaches us English and her class is really amusing .So I like to take her lessons.She is kind and she often spend her free time to help those students who have trouble with study.Therefore we all like her very much.

Ⅸ 用英文介紹自己的英語老師。老師的特點是上課幽默。我很喜歡上他的課

My dear teacher Mr.*** He is the best teacher i ever met before . From his funny lesson ring class to his humorous tone that he taught us. I like the way he teach us therefore i like his class.

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