Ⅰ 上海哪裡好
BY 烏雲裝扮者公眾號訂閱用戶
▶ 春天馬路是濕的
▶ 幸福路有一家傷心招待所
▶ 自己有時住靜安寺有時住錦綉路,暗戀對象住肇家浜路,每次乘地鐵往來於兩個家的時候,都莫名感激上海有七號線讓我可以充滿期待,無數次路過那個地方,盡管從來沒有真的巧遇過他。
▶ the faces of decent people walking to work
▶ 我住在靜安區兩天,街上的男人們穿著打扮得體,讓我覺得這里一定是個好地方
▶ 一個很好的朋友,北京分別,目前她在上海生活的很快樂,打電話聽她在那邊笑得像棉花糖一樣!
▶ 背著一個有宋徽宗書法的環保袋,在商場里有導購一眼認出出自誰的筆下……我在地鐵和朋友聊起大猩猩英語該怎麼說,想不起來,旁邊一個大姐說,可能是……
▶ 人活的認真,允許窮人體面。
▶ 陝西南路附近有個小區後院有美麗的粉色山茶
▶ 好基友做得一手好沙拉。
▶ drama能隨處上演,炮也好約。
▶ 第一次約炮,188的帥哥,在星級酒店陽台遠望東方明珠塔,那感覺美妙極了,從此愛上了上海。
▶ 上海馬路上隨處可以見能夠坐下小憩的台階後面還帶花北京沒有,渴望美美的坐在那裡有個凱子把我吊走。
▶ 有次坐公交車,一個滿頭銀發的老先生在讀一本發黃的英文書。
▶ 上次去杏花邨酒樓吃飯,看到幾個六十歲左右的好閨蜜,一起吃下午茶,氣色很好,聊得很開心,是那種到老也很會享受生活的樣子。
▶ 一個大個子金發美女在蘇州河邊上嗚啦嗚啦的對著電話說著法語,掛電話前來了一句:再會哦。
▶ 晚上下班回家,一樓的上海阿姨總是說:你上樓跺跺腳噢,哪一層燈不亮就告訴我,不要摔倒;一個人在家,不管是誰,不認識的,千萬別開門。
▶ 我僅僅到過上海兩次而已,但是,大白兔奶糖從小就讓我發現上海是個好地方。
▶ 一間飯店裡的對聯是「小店名氣大,老酒醉人多」覺得很不錯。還有夜錦路,真是名副其實。
▶ 發現上海博物館的女工作人員好漂亮
▶ 旅遊的時候發現很多地方都有「I ❤ Shanghai」的標語。
@Kong Tsing
▶ 有家咖啡館的wifi密碼是 iloveshanghai
▶ 就在剛才,吃冰淇淋的時候店員怕我們太膩送來的水讓我覺得上海真好。
▶ 梧桐樹病了會有人用錫紙包起來養傷
▶ 很多馬路不寬,綠化很好,是個可以步行的城市。帝都每次紅綠燈馬路只能過一半……
▶ 有很多展覽和演出
▶ 有夢的地方就是好地方,難道不是嗎?
▶ 13歲的時候第一次去上海,在南京路上看見施華洛世奇的水晶覺得很美很美。
@Hxy zaiwuhan
▶ 我最喜歡的地方在於在上海可以拚命地作,或者說可以拚命的追求自己喜歡的事,只要沒有很影響到他人,不會惹來閑人在背後的碎語,因此在這不必太在乎別人的眼光。蛤蛤,或許正應了那句話,別人其實都很忙,懶得管你那麼多。 然而其實讓我印象深刻的是,有一次走在地鐵2號線7號出口,看到一個流浪漢裹著被子睡在那,我像往常一樣懷著敬而遠之的心態經過他。而面對我走過來一個人,他在經過流浪漢身邊時順手,哦不對,是順腳幫流浪漢把他那雙被路人不小心踢到角落的鞋子輕輕移了過來。你看,在這里的人們其實也關注著身邊最微小的事物。
▶ 坐公交時聽到公交司機大爺打電話給交通台,說明他開過的某一條路段被轎車嚴重佔道導致行進困難的問題。其實巴士可以直接開過,大爺卻不放過這個問題,讓我覺得很有公民意識,有社會責任感。
▶ 當辦一件事只要按照規章順序走就能辦成 而不需要走關系拼人脈的時候
▶ 主要是問路都是對的
▶ 地鐵壞了誤點可以打請假條
▶ 虹橋機場安檢,隨身帶了二百毫升高級洗發水。沒想到小姑娘遞給我一個100ml的塑料瓶,讓我倒進去帶。我寸進尺說剰下捨不得扔,她說你等下,我們主管走了再給你一個瓶。按規定每個旅客只能給一個。這樣的服務全世界機場沒遇到過第二家……
▶ 一本名叫《繁花》的小說
▶ 計程車沒有味兒
▶ 在你最落魄的時候,只要你捨得,就有人收拾你的頭發,打扮你的衣著,總可以蹬上高跟鞋,穿上小禮服,找到個得宜的地方,用堂皇的外表治癒內心的傷痛。告訴世界和自己,我活得很好。
▶ 上海譯文說做他那兒的實習生譯文書隨便拿
▶ 一個女孩子晚上十二點在路上走也不會心慌
▶ 隨便一個便利店就有喜歡吃的那種雪糕。
▶ 因為單行道比較多。有個計程車司機很有愛的告訴我們從住的地方出來哪裡打車比較省錢
▶ 你永遠不會在路上碰到你不想碰到的人
@Royal ∇
▶ 陝西南路,巨鹿路,就是整個靜安區吧
▶ 巨鹿路&文明路以及Shanghai Rhapsody&The Shanghai Restoration Project兩張專輯
▶ 2010年去上海看世博會,從下飛機到世博園,24小時之內聽到了無數種普通話口音:飛機鄰座的台灣口音、的哥的上海本地口音、酒店小妹的湖南口音、世博園一起排隊大叔的山東口音、某城市館華裔員工的ABC口音……太有意思了!在那之前從來沒有在這么短的時間內聽到這么多口音!
▶ 小區里有廢舊衣物回收箱
▶ 當我第一次在飛機上看到上海的夜景,正好還是一個地球的弧面,我覺得太漂亮了,而且地上還有等我降落的愛人。
▶ 在思南路附近閑逛的時候,意外發現大學時的戀人的工作室,傻乎乎在門口拍了張自拍po上網,然後,就在這個城市裡,跟他重逢了。
▶ 郭敬明存在,韓寒也可存在
▶ 今天在復旦附屬中山醫院某個花壇旁邊拍繳費單信息的時候,由於有點風,我很難輕易地完成整個拍攝過程。這時候後面傳來一句:我來幫你吧。聲音輕柔而美妙,轉頭一看原來是一位年輕貌美的姑娘。完了後,我連聲說謝謝。她只是微笑,這笑容像春風一樣。我頓時心情大好。
▶ 超市裡打稱大家會排隊
▶ 歐巴來上海開演唱會算嗎→_→
@Peing Chang
▶ 空氣濕度98%時,保潔阿姨站在剛擦完的地板旁邊,小聲提醒路過的每個人「小心地上滑」——其實她滿可以擺上那個黃色塑料牌,自己去一旁休息。
▶ 接連兩個朋友准備畢業去上海工作以及喜歡的作家去年新書簽售只去了北京和上海
▶ 人行紅燈的時長很准確
▶ 到處都是羅森
▶ 去年四月,在魯迅公園欄桿外面碰著一個阿婆,推著手推車,一邊走一邊喚著,往每隔幾米的瓦罐里灑糧食,然後貓兒就來了。有五六隻貓兒呢,阿婆說這些貓兒都是公園的,她看著可憐就每天給它們吃的,現在它們一見著她就來了,可聰明了。
▶ 初中那會世博會,去上海玩有次出去玩累了,上公交的時候就蹲在車上,然後有一個老人硬要給我讓座,很感動
▶ 暑期實習完,在去機場的那天早上,一個人拖著行李箱走在去東昌路地鐵站的路上。那個地方老人很多,尤其是穿著睡衣去買菜的老人家。在跟著他們等紅燈時,一個看似面善的和尚過來說要送我東西並為我祈福,我一時愣了。紅燈轉綠,人群開始沖斑馬線,一位大爺拉著我的手對著和尚說:「別騙這閨女。」然後想把我拉進人群里一起走。當時我反應不過來,還在原地愣著,大爺拉不動,見綠燈要完,放下我就沖過去了。我被和尚忽悠了一陣,最後給了他20元了事。下一個綠燈,大爺跟一群老人家折回來,念叨我傻,被和尚騙了錢。「儂這個小朋友怎麼不聽勸呢,上海騙人的人這么多!」然後邊嘮叨我,邊拉著我跟著他們趕最後幾秒綠燈過了馬路。
▶ 大隱隱於市的高人,比如曾遇到為周旋白光等人做旗袍的老爺爺
▶ 一去上海就特別愛自己,特別肯花錢
▶ 阿姨問媽媽:「你女兒在哪裡工作呢?」 媽媽:「哦在上海呢!」 阿姨:「哎呀真厲害,從小就很優秀,長大了果然出息…」⊙▽⊙
▶ 烏魯木齊路上,晚上飯點,一堆各種國籍的歪果仁排隊買蛋炒飯
▶ 失戀後的我去上海找同樣失戀的男閨蜜,只為了去看泰坦尼克百年展。我要回京時我倆坐在地鐵站旁邊兒的地上抽煙,連再見都不說就告別。矯情做作的故事,但真的讓我覺得上海是個好地方。
@Eta Carinae
▶ 去年4.19去上海看孫燕姿演唱會,和檢票的打了一架,周圍看熱鬧的在我過完癮對方准備予以反擊之時,拉開了兩人。
▶ 不記得了,5年前或更早去的,大概是在外灘附近發現了我姓氏的公館,還假裝是祖業的介紹給夥伴們
▶ 沒有人在上海因為抽大麻被抓過?
▶ 新天地的stayreal小哥長得似乎挺像阿信的。
▶ 小鮮肉層出不窮
▶ 比北京早綠20天
▶ 我在南京讀書,想找在南京的實習,在微博上用關鍵詞南京+實習搜,出來的全是在上海南京西路的實習信息。上海是個好地方,至少資源多多的,所以我現在在上海實習,盡管不是在南京西路。
▶ 四川南路小學里的那座教堂也很棒,周中是孩子們上學的地方,周末開放給教友做禮拜,空地上畫著跳房子的格子,教室還沿用教會的老樓,樓梯又窄又高,教室小巧幹凈,很想體驗一下在裡面上學的感覺。
▶ 五月份去上海,下著小雨,在南京西路上蹓躂,有白發老太太支個雨傘拎個籃筐在路邊賣新鮮茉莉花串成的手環和胸針。只能戴半天吧,但是香香的。
▶ 城市的顏色
▶ 深夜兩點依然營業的全家。南京西路兩旁樹上的裝飾燈。中心城區街角一直播放Rose的汽車音樂攤。
▶ 路過高樓,搭乘周末地鐵,覺得整個城市都在加班奮斗的夜晚。
▶ 夜晚永遠都不會黑,不論何時出辦公室,只要抬頭看一眼夜空,總是有一種溫柔充盈心口。
In Jing'an District, there is a small garden in the city, called the Jingan Park, a small, but very delicate, very beginning I did not know this place, it is e to visit the famous Jing'an Temple was accidentally discovered. Why this place is my favorite? There are many reasons. Like it because it's an oasis in the city, it can provide a physical and mental fatigue open place. Also like its inside Bali restaurant, very local style.
Ⅲ 上海外灘的英語介紹
The bund, located on the huangpu river in the huangpu district of Shanghai, is a historical and cultural block of China.Since 1844, the area of the bund has been divided into the British concession, which is a true reflection of Shanghai's ten-mile western concession and also the starting point of the old Shanghai concession area and the whole modern city of Shanghai.
The total length of the bund is 1.5km, starting from yan 'an east road in the south to wai ferry bridge on the suzhou river in the north, huangpu river in the east and the old Shanghai financial and foreign trade institutions in the west.
There are 52 classical revival buildings of different styles on the bund, which is known as the bund international architecture exhibition group. It is one of the important historical relics and representative buildings in modern China and one of the landmarks of Shanghai.
拓展資料 :
外灘(英文:The Bund;上海話拼音:nga thae),位於上海市黃浦區的黃浦江畔,即外黃浦灘,為中國歷史文化街區。1844年(清道光廿四年)起,外灘這一帶被劃為英國租界,成為上海十里洋場的真實寫照,也是舊上海租界區以及整個上海近代城市開始的起點。
外灘全長1.5公里,南起延安東路,北至蘇州河上的外白渡橋,東面即黃浦江攜液亂,西面是舊上海金融、外貿機構的集中地。上海辟為商埠以後,外國的銀行、商行、總會、報社開始在此雲集,外灘成為全國乃至遠東的金融中心。民國三十二年(1943年)8月,外灘隨交還上海公共租界於汪偽國民 *** ,結束長達百年的租界時期,於民國三十四年(1945年)擁有正式路名中山東一路。
The bundShanghai's bund night was charm and attractive.Shanghai is a *** art city,if you were not a very *** art person,you aren't a local person you shouldn't be have more chance to stay in Shanghai.Look at Shanghai's flourishing you should be have a look the bund and Pudong's develop. I like bund very much.I like see the night scene in the evening.I always with my friends goes to the bund to see around.I think that Shanghai's night just like London's big ben.Very beautiful and shining,shimming.Accept the Shanghai's bund,Hu bei and Ningbo also have got the bund.Shanghai's bund is beautiful than Ningbo's bund.Ning bo's bund not very beautiful than Shanghai.Shanghai is a fast pace city.If you were see the bund you will know this.外灘上海外灘的晚上是迷人並且富有吸引力的。
英語作文60詞 去上海,寫外灘城隍廟 急需 感謝!
The Bund (Wai Tan) is one of the symbols of Shanghai.Located along the Huangpu River, the Bund shows off Shanghai's outstanding foreign buildings, most of which were erected before 1937. To the Europeans, the Bund was Shanghai's answer to Wall Street. 大概意思就是指外灘是上海的標志之一。
【英語作文】幫忙寫一篇關於和家人一起去上海旅遊的 英語作文 在線...
開頭省略了my parents. The weather was bad. It was raining all day long. We tried to go to some places of interest such as the Bund and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.However, it was very crowded. Because of the rain, we couldn't see things clearly. We went shopping later. The things were also very expensive, so we didn't buy anything. We didn't do a lot of things ring the trip. The trip was boring and I didn't have a good time.天氣很糟糕,整天都下雨。
ShanghaiShanghai is in the east of China. Many years ago, it was a *** all fishing village. Only a few thousand people lived there. People were fishermen. But today Shanghai is a big modern city. It is the biggest city in China. And it is also one of the largest cities in the world. It has an area of about six thousand, three hundred and forty square kilometers. More than thirteen million people live there. They do many different jobs. There are workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, engineers, artists and so on. Shanghai is also more beautiful than before. There are now many tall buildings and green areas. Shanghai is developing very fast. People there are living a happy life.
Shanghai Brief IntroctionThroughout the past century, Shanghai has had numerous name tags attached to it; like "Paris of the Orient" and "Pearl of China". Images of Shanghai more than any other Chinese city, are bountiful in the west. A visit here therefore, is naturally tainted to some extent, with a preconception of how the city will be.As the largest and most prosperous city in the nation, Shanghai is the economic, financial and cultural center of China, while Beijing is the political heart. And this image of Shanghai as a fast and modern metropolis is certainly the one that most visitors take away. Those old preconceptions of Shanghai as the home of crime vice and prostitutes are wiped away, as the city successfully projects an image of itself as young, vibrant and cool.Shanghai is a modern and fast paced city, rich in history and culture and with a wealth of areas and sites just waiting to be explored. One of the nicest aspects of Shanghai is that the crowds here are much more manageable than in a city like Beijing. This is largely because there are no great ancient sites which people flock to. Rather, this is a city to be walked, wandered, explored and discovered in your own time and, in your own style.What makes Shanghai particularly attractive are the many different styles of architecture and design throughout the city. Shanghai was once divided up into different "Concessions" or districts and the boundaries of these areas still remain today. The famous, Bund was home to the "British Public Park" and this boulevard has a plethora of colonial structures to visit, all reminders of Shanghai's days of decadence. The Japanese and the French Concessions too, are fascinating areas to explore. The French Quarter is a particularly charming district to wander, and there are many former residences to look at and discover something about old Shanghai and the people who lived here. The area known as the "Chinese City" is also worthy of a visit. Take a break from the tourists around the Yuyuan and do some serious antique shopping or just lose yourself amidst the old alleys and streets.But perhaps most of all today, Shanghai is a spectacularly modern city. The pace of development here is unbelievable. Currently, seventeen percent of the world's cranes are in the city and developers boast that the city is changing at a rate inparable to anywhere else in the world ever. The newest area of the city, Pudong, has just celebrated its 10th anniversary and is almost unrecognizable from the way it was when development began here. Two of the most impressive city structures can be found here, the Jinmao Tower and the Oriental TV Tower.For any visitor to China, perhaps the most attractive thing about this city is just how fashionable it is. Museums, galleries, restaurants and bars have emerged in the past few years. This co *** opolitan cultural scene which harks back to the heydays of the 1920s and 30s and the new found wealth in the city are helping to reinvent Shanghai as a place with a fabulous and optimistic style and attitude. 上海簡介 在過去的世紀,上海已經有多次的名字給它附加標簽,如「東方巴黎」和「中國珍珠」。
上海的這些作為犯罪和賣淫 *** 家裡的舊偏見被消滅了,作為一個城市的成功項目本身的形象,年輕,充滿活力和涼爽。
初中英語作文去年暑假,Mary 和她的父母去了上海度假,他們去了東...
Last Summer, Mary went to Shanghai with her parents for the summer vocation. Mary's family had a great time in Shanghai. They went to many famous tourist attractions in Shanghai. For example, they went to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the Bund, the Town God's Temple, and the Century Park. They took a lot of pictures and bought many souvenirs. Mary showed the pictures to her friends and they all wanted to go to Shanghai. 去年暑假 Mary和她爸媽去上海度假。
讓我們踏著石 階一層層地盤旋而下,到達碑底。
轉載請註明出處 » 上海外灘的英語介紹
Ⅳ 你最喜歡的地方(英語版)
My favorite place is XI'AN. It lies in the Northwest of China. And it is not only a historical city but also a modern city. There are a lot of beautiful and historic scenery, such as the Terra Cotta Warriors. Many domestic and foreign travellers come to visit it. In additional, there are many delicious food in XI'AN. It's a good choice to travel there because you can enjoy the wonderful historic scene and the fine traditional food.
Ⅳ 高中英語作文精選:我最喜歡的城市
無 為大家整理的《高中英語作文精選:我最喜歡的城市》,供大家參考。
Shanghai is my favorite city. I like it because I was born in there, and a lot of my family members and my friends live there. The shopping in Shanghai is cheaper than here, but it』s expensive in China. I have a lot of things to do there, like: shopping, playing, going to my friend』s home… And there』re also a lot of places that are interesting. In Shanghai, people speak the same language as I do. I was there for 13 years! I left there on August, 18th, 2005. And I was there because I was born in there and I lived there.
There』re a lot of people in Shanghai. The people are like me. We all speak the same language. The people in Shanghai are busy and friendly. And Shanghai is also and international city. It』s beautiful and fancy. There』re a lot of tall buildings. That』s why Shanghai is my favorite city. It』s my home city. I love Shanghai!!!
有很多人在上海。像我這樣的人。我們都說同樣的語言。上海的人都很忙也很友好。上海也是一個國際城市。它美麗和令人嚮往。那裡有很多高大的建築物。這就是為什麼我最喜歡的城市是上海。這是我的家鄉。我愛上海! ! !
I』d like to go back to Shanghai, but just for a visit. Although Shanghai is good, I』d like to live here because I』d like to study here. I only get a little homework and the air here is flasher than Shanghai. The weather is hot in Shanghai. And the best time of year to go there is spring, because in spring, the weather is cool and warm. But some people asked me:」 Why don』t we go there in the fall? The fall is also cool and warm.」 I don』t think so, because in Shanghai, the fall is still very hot. I』d like to recommend this place to other because I want more and more people to know and visit my hometown. I hope if I ask my friends:」 Have you ever been to Shanghai? Do you like Shanghai?」 The answers shouldn』t be:」 No, I haven』t been to Shanghai. And I don』t even know anything about Shanghai!」 Now, I』ll recommend you to go to visit Shanghai in summer vacation or winter vacation or spring break or every time you』d like, you』d want, because Shanghai is a very nice city. If you go there, you』ll soon like it!
Ⅵ 描寫上海的六年級英語作文
i have been to many interesting places.but i love shanghai best.last summer,i went to shanghai for vacation.shanghai is a very beautiful city.there are many tall buildings,cars,amusement parks and people in shanghai.
i had been to a big amusement park,it was very interesting!and i had a good time in the amusement park.i had been to a space museum,it was very great.and i also went shopping in shanghai.i would like to go to shanghai again.