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A. 英語Retrieving Data怎麼翻譯

  • retrieving data

  • 檢索數據

  • [網路]

  • data retrieving 數據檢索

  • Storing and Retrieving Data 存取數據

  • Retrieving meta data of tables 正在獲取表格的摘要


  • Error encounteredretrievingdata. Click the browser's Refresh button to reload the page.


  • It can be used forretrievingdataas well as updating or deleting rows.


  • References the method to call whenretrievingfielddatafrom a provider.


  • Retrievingfrom computer storage or registering that which was read into adataprocessing machine.


  • The process ofretrievingintelligence(data) from a molated carrier wave; the reverse of molation.


  • Although the subject has yet to be recovered, we have succeeded inretrievingthe Beast'sdata.


  • Thus the key for the AODretrievingwith thedataof satellite is to determine the surface reflectance.


  • Retrievingapplicationdatafrom the mobile device.


  • Text filtering is the procere ofretrievingdocuments relevant to the requirements of specific users from a large-scale textdatastream.


B. 急需!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!120個英語單詞

pact n.協定,條約
panorama n.全景
pants n.長褲
paperback n.平裝本
passerby n.過路人
pathetic a.憐的
patrol n.巡邏
patron n.贊助人
pedestrian n.行人
peer vi.凝視
permeate vt.彌漫,滲透
persevere v.堅持不懈
pharmacy n.葯房,葯劑學
physiology n.生理學
pilgrim n.朝聖客,香客
plea n.請求,懇求
plight n.(惡劣的)情勢
plumber n.水管工
poke vt.戳,刺
polar a.極地的
ponder vi.考慮,沉思
portray vt.描繪,描寫
poster n.海報
posture n.姿勢
practitioner n.從業者(醫生、律師)
precedent n.先例 a.在前的
preclude vt.預防,阻止
predecessor n.前輩,前任
pregnant a.懷孕的;意義深長的
premise n.前提vt.假定
premium n.獎金,保險費
prestige n.威望,聲望
privacy n.隱私,秘密
prone a.易於……的
propaganda n.宣傳
propel vt.推進,推動
prophet n.預言家
prose n.散文
prosecute vt.告發,起訴
prosper v.興隆;昌盛
prosperity n.繁榮,興旺
prototype n.典型,範例
prudent a.謹慎的
pub n.酒館,客棧
quest vt.尋找vi.追求
questionnaire n.問卷
quota n.限額,定額
radiant a.發光的;容光煥發的
rap vt.輕拍;嚴厲指責 n.輕拍;斥責
rape vt.強奸n.強奸
rash a.輕率的;匆忙的
reassure vt.使安心
recede v.退後
recipient n.接受者,接收者
reckless a.魯莽的;不顧危險的
rectangle n.長方形
recur vi.復發,重現
recycle vt.重復利用
rendant a.冗長的
refrain vi.抑制
refugee n.難民
refund vt.退還,償還
relish n.風味;愛好;食慾
remnant n.殘留部分a.剩餘的,殘留的
renaissance n.文藝復興
repertoire n.保留劇目
repression n.鎮壓;抑制
restore vt.恢復,歸還;修補,重建
retention n.保留,保持
retort vi.反擊,反駁
retrieve vt.取回,挽回;檢索
retrospect n.回顧;追溯
revelation n.揭露,泄露;顯示,展示
rigorous a.嚴厲的;徹底的
riot n.騷亂,暴亂
rip vi.扯破,劃破
ritual n.儀式a.儀式的
robust a.強健的;粗野的
salvation n.拯救
sanction n.國際制裁
sane adj.神志清楚的,明智的
sarcastic a.諷刺的
saturate vt.使飽和;使濕透
scandal n.丑聞
scramble vt.攀登;爭奪
script n.手稿
scrutiny n.細看,仔細檢查;監視
sculpture n.雕刻,雕塑
sector n.扇形;部門
seemingly ad.表面上
segregate a.分離的vt.使分離
selfish a.自私的,利己的
serial a.一系列的;分期刊載的n.連載小說
setback n.挫折,失敗
shabby a.襤褸的,破舊的
sham vt.假裝
shatter vt.粉碎,毀壞
shorthand n.速寫
shove vi.推擠,猛推n.推,推開
shrug vt.&vi.聳肩
shuttle n.梭;往返的車(船,飛機)vi.穿梭往返
siege n.包圍,圍攻
sip vt.啜飲n.啜
skeptical a.懷疑的,多疑的
skim vi.瀏覽,略讀vt.掠過,擦過;略讀
skip vi.跳;跳繩;略過
skull n.頭蓋骨,腦殼
slam vt.使勁關,砰地放下
slaughter vt.屠殺,屠宰n.屠殺
slogan n.標語,口號
slot n.縫,狹槽
sneak vt.偷偷摸摸,偷竊
sneeze n.噴嚏v.打噴嚏
sniff vt.聞,嗅n.嗤之以鼻;嗅
soar vi.猛增;翱翔
sociable a.友好的,喜好交際的
sofa n.沙發
solidarity n.團結
solitary n.獨居者a.孤獨的
solo n.獨唱,獨奏;獨唱曲
sovereign n.君主a.統治的
spacious a.廣闊的,廣大的
specialist n.專家
spectrum n.系列,范圍;光譜
spicy a.香的,多香料的,辛辣的,下流的
spine n.脊骨
spiral a.螺旋(形)的,盤旋的
sponsor n.發起者vt.發起
spouse n.配偶,夫妻
sprout v.發芽;生長
stagger vi.蹣跚vt.使搖晃
stalk vt.隱伏跟蹤
staple n.主要產品
statute n.法令,法規
steak n.肉排,牛排
stereotype n.陳腔濫調,老套
stiff a.硬的;拘謹的
strenuous a.費力的
strife n.沖突;斗爭
stroll vi.漫步,閑逛n.散步
stun vt.使昏迷;使發愣 n.暈眩
subsidy n.補助金,津貼
suffice vi.足夠;有能力
suite n.套房
summit n.頂點;最高級會議
superstition n.迷信
surge n.激增vt.激增;洶涌,澎湃
susceptible a.易受影響的;敏感的
tangle vt.使纏結,使糾纏n.糾纏;口角
temperament n.氣質,性格
texture n.質地,紋理
thigh n.大腿,股
thrift n.節約,繁榮
toll n.費用
torment vt.使痛苦n.痛苦,折磨
torture n.拷問,折磨vt.拷打
toxic a.有毒的;中毒的
transcend vt.超越,勝過
trash n.廢物,垃圾
tribe n.部落,宗族
trigger n.扳機vt.觸發,引起
tropic n.熱帶
underlie vt.位於…之下
vein n.靜脈,血管
visa n.簽證;信用卡
vocal a.有聲的
vulgar a.粗俗的,庸俗的
vulnerable a.脆弱的
wardrobe n.衣櫥
weld vt.焊接n.焊接,熔接
whale n.鯨
whatsoever pron.無論什麼
wink v.眨眼
witch n.巫婆,女巫vt.施巫術,迷惑
witch n.巫婆
wizard n.男巫,術士,鬼才a.男巫的,巫術的,有魔力的n.向導
youngster n.兒童,少年
zip n.拉鏈
zoom n.急速上升

C. 英語1starterunit和1unit各是什麼意思


所以,1 stater unit就是一個初級入門單元,1 unit就是一個普通的學習單元。

D. 計算機常用英語單詞


1、message 信息

2、make 接通

3、 dialog 對話

4、right 正確的

5、example 實例

6、index 指數

7、create 創立

8、button 按鈕

9、insert 插入

10、value 值


value讀法 英['væljuː]美['væljuː]




1、This book will be of great value to him in his study.

2、The fall in the dollar's value worldwide sent tremors through the Wall Street.




3、value常用於ofvalueto sb 結構,表示「對某人有…價值」。



E. 【求助】一段有關數碼攝影與膠片攝影對比的文章,請幫忙翻譯成英文

Digital technology's impact on the traditional photography
Digital photography and traditional photography is that it is the fundamental difference from the traditional photographic materials, do not need to undergo complicated chemical process, formed directly on the CCD digital image files. Compared with traditional photography, it has the following advantages.
1, the traditional photographic materials is a one-time, is not reused, but digital camera CF card can be used over and over again, this makes resource utilization, and concive to the protection of the environment, we all know that in the past, a photography, left to the indivial attraction on film cassettes and packaging is one of the risk of environmental pollution.
2,Traditional photography, the image needs to undergo a series of processed to form, although the Polaroid company proced POLAROLD next imaging camera to be able to stand pat, but the image quality is low, high costs, save is difficult, and cannot repeat are developed, and so on, are not being promoted. While digital cameras are no longer adequate, it is very intuitive, filming the image immediately after the truth can be displayed on the LCD Panel, you are not satisfied with the preview, you can also rename to.
3, for photography, in addition to the mountains, outside the worrying builders weathering all the hardships is film preservation and management, lest the film fat tidal, lest the film lost, sometimes in order to seek a "film without feet. Digital image preservation and management is very convenient, as long as the sorting order of the choreography, the text annotations, you can directly by the browser. Saved in the computer in General is more secure, if you burn a backup CD with peace of mind.
4, traditional photography to express, once taken to flushing, magnification, mailing, ing, printing, etc. in order to print, digital camera pictures after network delivered directly to the specified mailbox can choreography of the Bible, reced link eliminates the distortion. This advantage on news photographers is a ck, and news photography digital cameras beat traditional camera, digital camera news unit rate is extremely high. This year, the hesai entry, digitally entries also have a majority, this is the performance of their advantage could be carried forward.
5, although the traditional photographic materials have various sensitivity to choose from, but the photographer's experience is a variety of light, at any time to change different tone of the film is not realistic, digital camera film speed may at any time to adjust to the needs of various light conditions. In General, digital camera manufacturers CCD ISO film speed is similar to the film by the same standards Division, ISO100 CCD digital camera film speed and normal camera in ISO 100 are the same. In the shoot can change according to shooting need ISO values, through the white balance adjustment also may Exchange daylight and lighting of photographic effects, this is even more effectively increased the photographers of light, lighting and other circumstances of the shooting of freedom.
6, digital images directly into the computer can be adjusted and modified traditional image to enter computer must pass through the scanner, scan process affect picture quality. Many people think that the traditional photographic imaging quality unmatched high, digital imaging, low resolution digital cameras, this is the case, but more than five million as the number of digital camera's image quality basic favourably to 135 traditional camera images.

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