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1. 如何寫26個英文字母的筆順




① 能一筆完成的字母:

大寫:C G J L O S V W Z

小寫:a b c d e g h k l m n o q r s u v w y z

② 能兩筆完成的字母:

大寫:B D K M P Q R T U X Y

小寫:f i j p t x

③ 能三筆完成的字母:

大寫:A E F H I N



2. 英語寫作中的四種橫線具體如何使用

We are all familiar with the four types of hyphens in English written communication: en dash, em dash, en rule, and minus sign. However, many learners are unsure of their proper usage. Let's delve into the specific applications of each.
1. En dash: Used to indicate a range between two numbers
Example: The mean age of the patients was 55 years (46–69 years).
Temperature in the room was kept at 25–28°C.
Note that if "between...and" or "from...to" is used, the en dash is not necessary.
2. Em dash: A less common punctuation mark that signifies an upcoming detailed explanation
Generally, it can be replaced by a colon (when there is only one em dash) or a comma (when there is an em dash before and after the content).
Example: We have discovered a new function of FOXN1—recruiting melanocytes to deposit melanin into the epithelial cells. (Colon replacement possible)
The new function of FOXN1—recruiting melanocytes to deposit melanin into the epithelial cells—was discovered through our analysis of Foxn1-overexpressing mice. (Both commas possible)
The em dash creates a longer pause than a comma, suggesting that the following content is somewhat unexpected and warrants attention. Hence, excessive use of em dashes in an article is not recommended, as a few strategic uses can make the text more engaging.
3. En rule: This is the most commonly used hyphen and is typically employed in the following situations:
a) Connecting parts of compound words, such as X-ray, Editor-in-Chief, meta-analysis; or linking a word with a prefix, like anti-inflammatory, non-coding.
The usage of en rules is widespread, but there are no strict rules. Some words may have different formats preferred by different authors (e.g., Editor in Chief, noncoding), while others trend towards a single format (e.g., X-ray, meta-analysis, anti-inflammatory). Over time, the preferred format of some words may evolve, as seen with up-regulate and down-regulate, which are now commonly written as upregulate (upregulation) and downregulate (downregulation). It is crucial to maintain consistency within a document.
b) Joining two to three words to act as an adjective modifying the following noun. The en rule is essential in this case.
Example: Eight-week-old mice were given a high-fat diet for 12 weeks. (Note that "eight-weeks-old" is incorrect.)
LPS-inced apoptosis of HUVECs was ameliorated by pre-treating the cells with VEGF.
When cells reached confluency, various stimulants were added into the culture medium, followed by a 24-hour incubation.
If the same meaning is not used as an adjective before the noun, the en rule is not needed.
Example: At the time the experiment started, the mice were eight weeks old.
When cells reached confluency, various stimulants were added into the culture medium, and the cells were further cultured for 24 hours.
Words connected by an en rule are usually two to three in number and should not be used to connect an extended series of words.
4. Minus sign: Indicates subtraction or a negative number
In mathematical formulas, a space should precede and follow the minus sign.
Example: Tumor growth inhibition rate was calculated as (1 - tumor volume of treated group/tumor volume of control group) × 100%.
When indicating a negative number, there is no space between the minus sign and the following number.
Example: The samples were stored at -20°C until use.
Final concentration of MgCl2 in the buffer was 0.2 g L^-1.

3. 關於英語本的英語單詞書寫格式



英語本是四線三格。小寫字母寫在中間一格的:a ,c ,e ,i ,m ,n ,o ,r ,s ,u ,v ,w ,x ,z 。小寫字母占上兩格的:b ,d ,h ,k ,l ,t 。小寫字母佔下兩格的:g,p ,q, t ,y 。小寫字母佔三格的:f ,,j 。大寫字母要佔上兩格。



  1. 四邊的距離 在書寫時,上下左右要留有一定的空白距離。

  2. 題目的寫法 題目應寫在第一行的中間,題目左右兩邊的空白距離大致相等。題目的第一個單詞的第一個字母必須大寫。從第二個單詞起,其中每個實義詞的第一個字母大寫,而冠詞、介詞和連詞的第一個字 母則一般小寫。如:A Day to Remember Let's Go in for Sports

  3. 題目的另一種寫法是所有單詞的第一個字母全部用大寫。如:

    My Life As Factory Worker A Walk Under The Rain


  4. 文章本體文章第一段的第一行應與題目隔一行或兩行。每段的開頭一般應該縮格;即向右縮進約四個字母的間隔;單詞與單詞之間須留一個字母的間隔,句與句之間須留兩個字母的間隔。假若每行的最後一個單詞寫不下,最好不要輕易拆字移行,可將該單詞移到後一行去書寫。書寫時,不要因為一行末尾還有一點空間就把一個詞的前半截硬塞在那裡,造成非移行不可的局面。實際上,移行過多是書寫、打字或排印質量不高的表現。不必過分地去追求右邊的整齊,寧可多空一些,每行長短錯落,要比移行過多看上去舒服。






在一篇字數有限的作文里,我們還要注意盡量不把一個單詞拆開移行。萬一要移行,則必須以音節為單位進行,如revolution這個詞,依照音節移行的原則可以按re-,revo-, revolu-這幾種方法移行。在移行時,我們還應特別注意以下幾點:

  1. 單音節詞不能移行,即使是字母較多的單音節詞,如through等也不能例外。

  2. 縮略詞如Mr.,Dr.等不能和後面的名字拆開移行。縮略的專用名詞如U.K.,U.S.A等也不能拆開移行。

  3. 時間、量度及貨幣單位應視為一個整體;不能分開移行。如;

    11:00P.M.應寫在一行內,不能將11:00和P.M.分開移行;寫38℃時,不能將36和C分開 移行。

  4. 由「年、月、日」表示的日期,如果必須分開移行只能將「月、日」與「年」分開。如January 6,1980 不能將January和6分開移行,但可以把January 6,和1980分成兩行。

  5. 含雙寫輔音字母的單詞,在移行時要將輔音字母拆開。如better可拆成better,necessary可拆成necessary

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