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發布時間: 2024-10-24 12:43:18

A. 喜歡做某事」的英語

1、I am into it.

這句話也是表示說「我喜歡」,不過著重的是interested in an activity(喜歡某一項活動)。


My brother is into watching Kung Fu movies.



Nowadys a lot of people are into fitness,and many people are into Yoga these days.


2、I have grown to like...


I used to love burgers, but now I have grown to like vegetarian food.


3、I『m fond of...

這句話的意思就是說你like something for long time(喜歡一件事很長時間),並且有情感在裡面(emotional attachment)。

比如說:I am fond of my dog.我很喜歡我的狗。就說明你對你的puppy有感情了,比I like my dog.這句表達更具情感色彩了。這里大家要記住了,fond後邊只能加of,不能說fond for或者fond about。

4、It appeals to me.

當有人提出一個很好的點子或者建議,為表示贊同你可以說That appeals to me.如果你喜歡朋友的計劃(plans),你也可以說That sounds good.It really appeals to me.這樣就能完美替換I like the idea啦。

5、It goes down well.

這句話只用於人做的事情(like something you do),比如你上班做報告,老闆很喜歡你的報告,這時候你就可以說:It went down well with my boss.我的老闆很喜歡。

如果你去聽了一節非常無聊的課程,你想表達自己不喜歡這個課,你可以說:It doesn`t go down well with me.一定要記住,這句話只適用於描述人對人的行為表示,既是人們喜歡或不喜歡你所作所為。

B. 有篇英語文章不懂,請大家幫幫忙,急

Yoga is a kind of sport. 瑜伽是一種運動。 It is very popular around the world now.它現在在世界上很流行。Everyone, young and old can do yoga.每個人,年輕人和老年人都可以做瑜伽。It's good for both men and women.這是很好的男人和女人。Why do people like yoga? 人們為什麼喜歡瑜伽?There's a short answer and a long answer to that question.可以用簡短的話來回答,也可以用很多理由來說明這個問題。
The short answer is that yoga makes you feel better.簡短的回答是,瑜伽讓你感覺更好。 Practicing, breathing exercises and thinking make you healthier in body, mind and spirit.練習,呼吸練習和思維使你身體更健康,心靈更精神。For many people, that's enough of an answer, but there's more if you're interested.對許多人來說,這就足夠了一個答案,但有更多的,如果你有興趣。Yoga began in India about 5,000 years ago.瑜伽開始在印度已經大約5000年的歷史。At that time,people wanted to be free, healthy and live a long life ,so this kind of exercise was born .當時,人們渴望自由,健康,長壽,所以這種運動是天生的。The early yoga was part of a religion .早期的瑜伽是一種宗教。It was usually taught one to one-one teacher with one student .它通常被教一對一的老師與學生。Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means "to join or yoke together" 瑜伽是一個梵文,意思是「加入或束縛在一起」altogether:exercise ,breathing and meditation attention to the spirit .總之:運動,呼吸和冥想注意精神。The idea behind the exercise was to join the mind ,body and spirit as one . 它蘊藏的含義是把頭腦、身體和精神化為一體。Yoga can give you peace help you feel less stress,and have fewer worries and illnesses.瑜伽可以給你和平,讓你感覺不到壓力,和較少的焦慮和疾病。

C. 急求英語翻譯 我最喜歡的運動是高溫瑜伽!我喜歡它是因為它可愈讓我維持身體的柔韌性 並很健康。

我最喜歡的運動是高溫瑜伽!我喜歡它是因為它可愈讓我維持身體的柔韌性 並很健康。高版溫瑜伽權是在室內溫度為38~40度的高溫環境下、進行的瑜伽練習!很累 會流很多汗、所以要不斷補充水分!我每周都會練習5~6次高溫瑜伽!
My favorite sport is bikram yoga! The more I like it because it can make me to maintain the flexibility of the body And very healthy. High temperature yoga is at room temperature for 38 ~ 40 degrees high temperatures, the yoga practice! Tired will flow many sweat, so to keep hydrated. I practise every week 5 ~ 6 times of high temperature gem!

D. 英語作文 關於日常生活 並帶翻譯

My daily life
I think I am a person who is understand how to make a wonderful living。
Every morning,I get up early and breath the fresh air to make my body be health,then I read some essay to improve my EQ 。
I like play taborin ,I always go to park to play taborin with some friends ,when I lose myself in the music ,I always forget the time 。
After dinner ,I do some sports like Yoga ,it usually let me feel I am in the nature and so relax。

That is my daily life。

E. 瑜伽英文音標怎麼說





Joe and I both love yoga and love going to classes together.



1、yoga mat 瑜珈墊

2、Yoga Therapy 瑜伽治療

3、yoga training 瑜伽訓練

4、Pocket Yoga 口袋瑜





中文釋義:adj. 瑜伽的


Pop culture icons, such as the Beatles, helped popularize yoga by showing interest in yogic meditation.



1、Yogic Religion 瑜珈宗教

2、Yogic Diet 瑜伽食譜

3、Yogic Siddhas 瑜伽大師

4、Yogic Principle 瑜伽習練原則

5、Yogic Yoga 瑜伽密

6、Yogic Philosophy 瑜伽哲學

F. 我很喜歡瑜伽,但是骨頭太硬了的翻譯是:什麼意思

我很喜歡瑜伽,但是骨頭太硬了的翻譯是:I like yoga, but the bones are too hard.見下圖網路翻譯

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