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發布時間: 2024-10-23 05:47:20

A. 初一的英語作文,簡單一些,介紹學校和班級,介紹同學和活動,介紹學校的課程安排,介紹自己的興趣愛好

1,I have a beautiful school. There are many buildings in my school, such as teaching buildings, library, dormitory buildings and so on. My classroom is bright, which can hold about sixty students. Our library is very big. It has four floors and is full of books. In my spare time, I often read books in it. What』s more, the playground in my school is surrounded by various flowers and I like playing games with my friends on the playground.
When it comes to middle school life, many people will regard it as busy, enrich and happy. For me, it is. The most obvious factor for middle school is study, study and study. Every day, students have to have classes and finish endless homework. They don』t have too much to do the thing beyond study. But they can learn lots of knowledge, having a better understanding about the world. Last, although they are busy all the day, they can make friends with students or teachers. Sometimes they still can play together. Though the life is hard, recall the life at that time is also very happy.

B. 求大神幫忙英語翻譯.

I go to school at 7:15am every morning. I don't like school. I like playing computer, drawing and playing basketball. Every noon, I go to play basketball with my Chinese classmates after finishing my homework. Then I play computer in the evening. I like listening to the music and watching the movies on computer. I like rocks and horror movies. Sometimes I play a litter computer game.
My dad is a tailor. He likes drinking coffee, reading newspaper and Sundays. He goes to work at 9am in the morning and finish at 5pm. He likes cleaning his car very much.
My mom is a tailor, too. She loves shopping. So she has lots of clothes. She is a good cook. The dishes she cooks are very tasty.
My elder brother is a student. He likes playing computer games. As he doesn't like sports, he is fat. He is also a big eater. He eats the most in our family.
I have a younger brother who is 7 years old. He is in China now. I haven't seen him for about 1 year, So I don't know him well now.

C. 初一英語的詞語固定搭配

Mole One
1. take photos /pictures 拍照
2. wait for 等候
3. have a good/great time過得愉快,玩得很開心
4. a lot / very much 非常
5. put on 穿上
6. at home 在家
7.at the moment 現在,此時
8. look at 看…
9. see you later 再見
10. good night 晚安
11. get dressed 穿衣
12.in the sun在陽光下
13.on a trip在旅行中
14. afternoon tea下午茶
15. buy sb. sth / buy sth for sb.為某人買某物
16. shop for / go shopping for / buy presents 買禮物
17. send sb. sth /send sth to sb
18. talk to / with sb. 和某人交談
19. talk on the cell phone 打手機
20. go to the opera去聽歌劇
21. in different places of the world
22. be different from與…..不同
22. leave work 下班
23. have a drink in a pub在酒吧喝酒/飲料
24. run for trains趕火車
25. call home打電話回家
26. the Forbidden City 紫禁城/故宮
Mole Two
1. get ready for 為…准備好
2. write down 寫下
3. cook the meal 做飯
4. make lanterns 做燈籠
5. sweep away 掃去
6. have a haircut 理發
7. go shopping 去買東西
8. be at work 在工作
9. in front of 在……前面
10. for a few days 幾天
11. all the year round 一年到頭
12. give sb good luck 給某人帶來好運
13. a kind of 一種
14. decorate…with… 用……裝飾/裝修
15. lots of / a lot of 許多
16. learn to do sth 學做某事
17. dragon dance舞龍
18. Spring Festival春節
19. paper cut剪紙
20. on New Year』s Eve 在除夕,在新年前夜
21. at midnight 在午夜
22. The family have a big dinner/meal together 全家人吃團年飯
23. play fireworks放煙火
24. be interested in對……感興趣

Mole Three
1 .at the weekend 在周末
2.have a piano lesson 上鋼琴課
3.visit the Forbidden City 參觀故宮
4.listen to the music 聽音樂
5.stay in bed 呆在床上
6.revise for my test 復習考試
7.get up early 早起床
8.check the email 查看郵件
9.do one』s homework 做家庭作業
10.have a picnic 吃野餐
11.go to a party 去參加晚會
12. look forward to doing 期待
13. take the plane / by plane 乘飛機
14.do some sightseeing/ go sightseeing 旅遊,去觀光
15.walk up 沿……走, 登上
16.walk up the Great Wall 爬長城
17.make friends 交朋友
18.enjoy the sun and the sea 享受陽光和大海
19.enjoy doing sth 喜歡做某事
20.lie on the beach 躺在沙灘上
21.live there 住在那兒
22.travel around the world 周遊世界
23.crass the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean 橫過太平洋和大西洋
24.get (from…)to(從……)到達……
25.pay attention to… 注意……

Mole Four
1. in the future 未來
2. get warm 變暖
3. on every desk每張課桌上
4. heavy rain 大雨
5. rain heavily 下大雨
6. send ..to…by email 通過郵件發送
7. strong winds 大風
8. bad weather 糟糕的天氣
9. use …to do 用……做某事
10. write with chalk用粉筆寫
11. do heavy work 做重活
12. three days a week 一周三天
13. care for / look after / take care of 照顧
14. in the world 在世界上
15. on the computer / Internet / phone/ radio在電腦/網際網路/電話/收音機上
16. have lots of free time有許多空閑時間

Mole Five
1. answer the question 回答問題
2. the UK 英國
3. Buckingham 白金漢宮(英國王宮)
4. P . R . China 中華人民共和國
5. the Bund 上海外灘
6. Tower Bridge 塔橋
7. Victoria Peak 太平山
8. Washington D.C. 華盛頓特區(美國首都)
9. Cambridge University 劍橋大學
10. What』s the population of…? ……的人口是多少?
11. in the east/west/south/north of… 在東/西/南/北邊
12. in South / North China 在華南/北
13. on the east coast of the USA 在美國的東海岸上
14. the capital of… ……的首都或省會
15. on the River Thames 在泰晤士河畔
16. be famous for… 因……而聞名

Mole Six
1. be good at…擅長
2. do well in… 做得好
3. more than ( = over) 多於
4. leave for 前往某處
5. be late for school
go to school late 上學遲到
6. arrive at / in… 到達……
7. need to do sth 需要做某事
8. be popular with sb. 受某人歡迎
9. think about 思考; 考慮; 想到
10. think of 想到; 考慮; 覺得
11. fill in 填充, 填寫
12. fill…with… 用……裝滿……
13. It』s difficult to do sth.
14. take sb around a place 領某人四處參觀
15. work hard 努力學習

Mole Seven
1. far from 遠離
2. go from…to… 從……去….
3. the longest journey 最長的旅程
4. a distance of
5. the most comfortable way to travel 最舒適的旅行
6. go to work 上班
7. by bicycle 騎單車
8. by subway / ferry 乘地鐵/渡船
9. by taxi 打的
10. on British Airways planes乘英國航空公司的飛機
11. be the closest to /
be the nearest to 離……最近
12. take the train乘火車
13. one of the busiest international airlines最繁忙的國際航線之一
14. ferry terminal 客運碼頭
15. at the bus stop 在汽車站
16. in our group 在我們組里
17. nine and a half hours/
nine hours and a half 九個半小時
18. millions of 數以百萬計的
19. How far do you travel to school? 你去學校走多遠?
Mole Eight
1. be born 出生於
2. primary school 小學
3. go back 回去
4. be strict with sb. 對某人嚴格要求
5. be strict in sth / doing sth 對某事/做某事嚴格要求
6. be well-behaved / naughty 表現好/調皮
7. be friendly to sb. 對某人友好
8. the name of your first teacher 你的第一個老師的名字
9. the first friends 第一批朋友
10. go back 回去
11. There be things to do + 地點/時間 某地/某時有事做.
12. sb has things to do 某人有事做
13. on the wall 在牆上
14. what about+ doing…? 怎麼樣…?
15. what』s…like? …..怎麼樣?
16. hero of south Africa 南非的英雄
Mole Nine Story time
1. once upon a time/long ,long, ago從前
2. a little girl called Goldilocks一個叫金鳳花的小姑娘
3. live near the forest 住在大森林附近
4. decide to do sth. 決定做某事
5. go for a ride 騎馬/乘車兜風
6. pick flowers 摘花
7. be lost / lose oneself / lose one』s way迷路
8. hurry to a place 趕到某地
9. hurry up 趕快
10. knock at/on 敲…
11. push / pull the door 推 / 拉門
12. be open 開著的
13. look around 向四周看
14. look inside 向里邊看
15. look into … 往……里看
16. enter the house進入房子
=walk / go / come into the house
17. pick up 撿起
18. three bowls with some nice food in them三個裝著美食的碗
19. be hungry 飢餓
20. be asleep 睡著
21. return(=come / go back) 回來
22. return to (=come / go back to)… 回到……
23. jump out of… 跳離……
24. rush out of… 沖出……
25. point at 指向
26. be asleep 睡著
27. at first開始
28. begin …with 以…開始
29. all around / over the world 全世界
30. tell a story 講故事
31. tell children fairy tales 給孩子講神話故事
32. again and again 再三;反復
33. enjoy listening to… 喜歡聽……
34. change into變成
35. notice sb. do sth 注意到某人經常做某事
36. notice sb. doing sth 注意到某人正在做某事
Mole Ten Life history
1. the months of the year 一年中的各月份
2. at the age of 在…....歲時
3. on holiday 在假期中;在休假;在度假
4. go away走開,離開
5. come to China來到中國
6. start school 開始上學
7. ride a bike / bicycle to school=go to school by bicycle / on a bike騎單車上學
8. listen to the radio聽收音機
9. watch movies / films看電影
=see a film =go to the cinema
10. on the beach 在沙灘上
11. play chess下象棋
12. decide to be 決定做成為
13. finish school畢業
14. join a theatre company加入一家戲劇公司
15. become a successful actor成為一名成功的演員
16. start writing plays 開始寫戲劇
17. open the Globe Theatre 建環球劇場
18. Queen Elizabeth 1 伊麗薩白一世
19. see plays 看戲
20. a writer of plays and poems 一個劇作家和詩人
21. one of the most famous writers in the world 世界上最著名的作家之一
22. have children有孩子
23. move to... 搬到......
24. travel by train/on a train 乘火車旅行
25. marry sb 與某人接婚
28. travel / go / get to school by bus = take a bus to school
29. write stories in English 用英語寫故事
30. read Shakespeare' plays 閱讀莎士比亞的劇作
Mole Eleven National heroes
1. think of 認為,想到,考慮,想著,覺得,打算,記得
2.last night 昨夜
4.work on 從事
5.from…to… 從…… 到……
6.It』s very difficult to do(做某事)非常難
7.go through穿過
8.go over越過
9.a few days ago幾天前
10.return to返回到
11.be called 被叫做
12.38-year-old 38歲的
13.the next day第二天
14.11 years later 11年後
15.want to be想成為
16.on Earth / on the earth 在地面上;在地球上
17.on TV 通過電視
18.wave to 揮手(致意)
19. be for... 支持.......
20. be like... 象......
21. orbit (=go round) the Earth 14 times 繞地球運行十四圈
22. reach (=get to / arrive at )... 到達......
23. last / continue 21 hours 持續21小時
24. in Inner Mongolia 在內蒙古
25. send...into... 把......送入......
26. join the Chinese Air Force 加入中國空軍
27. train for five years 訓練五年
28. show sb. sth. / show sth. to sb.
29. have a meal 進餐;吃飯
30. land (=return to the ground) safely 安全著陸
31. look for 尋找
32. help sb. ( to ) do sth. 幫助某人做某事
33. go / travel to India 去印度
34. build the railroad 建鐵路
35. work as an engineer當工程師
36. open a hospital 開醫院
37. show the Chinese national flag 展示中國國旗
38. the latest news 最新消息
Mole Twelve
1. be on holiday 在度假;在休假
2. get / arrive / reach there 到達那兒
3. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花時間做某事
4. Sb. spend some time / money on sth 花時間/金錢在某事上
Sb. spend some time/ money (in) doing sth.某人花時間/金錢做某事
5. spend the day at the hotel
6. have a great/good time 玩得開心
7. be with 和……一起
8. go / come with... 和......一起去/來
9. play with 和……一起玩; 玩.......
10. go for a walk去散步
11. come back to ...(= return to...) 回到......
12. on the same day 在同一天
13. fly home(=go / travel home by plane)飛回
14. say hello / sorry / goodbye to sb. 向某人問好/道歉/告別
15. go swimming 去游泳
16. remember to write them down 記住把它們寫下來
17. meet sb. at the airport 在飛機場接某人
18. do some shopping. 買東西,購物
19. buy sb. sth. /buy sth. for sb.
20. have / take a holiday(=spend a holiday)休假; 度假
21. go /get there on a boat / by boat劃船去那兒
22. hope to do sth 希望做某事.
23. hope you』re well 希望你一切順利
24. see a lot of fish in the water 看見許多的魚在水裡
25. see sb. do sth 看見某人常做某事
26. see sb. doing sth. 看見某人正在做某事
27. get a job 找到工作
28. take a flight / plane to...(=fly to...=go/get to...by plane/air) 飛到......
29. in different towns 在不同的城鎮

D. 英語短文,描述你的校園生活,提示1,我在職業學校學,2,一天十一節課3,課後聽音樂和同學們做游戲


I go to school in a occupation high school, my life is as follows, I usually have eleven classes a day, this is I am very tired, but I do try, get a classmate, I have many hobbies, for example, in my spare time and students often do some games, I most like to listen to music, because it makes me relax, I like my school!

E. 五年級英語作文帶翻譯《我夢想中的學校》用there be句型5句

my dream school
my dream school is very wonderful,my dream school is start eight a.m ,and finish four p.m。we have a PE class every day,l like sports。l like playing with my classmates at PE lessons。and l hope l have a music lesson every day ,because l like listening to music 。at lunchtime l can chat with my classmates,we can eat nice food,
l can come back home with my friends,l think l will be happy。


F. 寫一篇英語作文,不小於5個句話。題目:我的愛好

My hobby is playing football. It is very interesting. Many people like to play it. It can make me healthy and strong. I often play it after class in my school. I often play it with my classmates. I can play it everywhere. But I think it is dangerous to play in streets. Because there are many cars and buses in streets.








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