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發布時間: 2024-10-23 03:38:33

❶ 我所需要的是平靜和安寧翻譯成英語

我所需要的是平靜和安寧的英語翻譯:What I need is peace and tranquility.


1、Serenity平靜,安詳,寧靜,例句:She was feeding her baby with a look of complete serenity on her face.她正喂著孩子,臉上的表情非常安詳。

The hotel offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the bustle of the city.那家旅館遠離鬧市,是一個幽靜安謐的好去處。

4、Quietness(沒有明顯的運動和聲音)寧靜,寂靜,平靜,安靜,例句:I do very much appreciate the quietness and privacy here. 我的確非常喜歡這里寧靜幽雅、不受打擾的氛圍。

I prefer quietness to noise. 我喜歡安靜,不喜歡吵鬧。After the quietness of home and school, university had been almost frightening. 過慣了家庭和中學的平靜生活之後, 大學簡直有些可怕了。

5、Sedate 是形容詞, 寧靜的,不熱鬧的。例句:A sedate country town 寧靜的鄉間小鎮。We spent a sedate evening at home.我們在家裡過了一個恬靜的夜晚。

I seemed to be reced to my former calm, sedate way of living.我似乎又恢復了以前那種安寧、恬靜的生活方式。

❷ 我喜歡安靜的地方用英語表達

I like quiet places.

❸ 我喜歡安靜、低調的生活.用英語怎麼翻譯

I'd like to fall in love to the quiet and low harmonious life.

❹ 目前我所在的環境很安靜,很喜歡這種感覺的英文是什麼

present,the environment that I stay is very quiet,I like this feeling.

❺ 我喜歡呆在一個安靜的地方讀書 英語翻譯

英語是:I like to stay in a quiet place to read.

stay 英[steɪ] 美[ste]
vt. 停留; 停止; 堅持; 抑制;
vi. 繼續處於某種狀態;
n. 逗留; 延期; 倚靠; 忍耐;
[例句]'Stay here,' Trish said. 'I'll bring the car down the drive to take you back.'

quiet 英[ˈkwaɪət] 美[ˈkwaɪɪt]
adj. 清靜的; 僻靜的; 不起眼的; 不激動的;
vt. 安靜下來,使…安靜,平靜;
vt. 減輕(病痛、疑慮、恐懼等); [法律]確定(產權等);
[例句]Tania kept the children reasonably quiet and contented

read 英[ri:d] 美[ri:d]
vt. 閱讀,朗讀; 顯示; 研究; 看得懂;
vt. 閱讀; 顯示; 讀懂,理解;
n. 閱讀; 讀書; 讀物; 里德(人名);
[例句]Have you read this book?

❻ 我喜歡安靜的居住用英語怎麼說中間房子將比那一間舒服許多用英語怎麼說

I like quiet living
The middle house will be a more comfortable than that



❼ 英語作文「my favourite bedroom」 內容:房子的環境、面積、位置、交通、房間的布置

I wish there are at lest six rooms with a study, a kitchen, a bedroom, a parlor, a washroom and a gym,cause I like sports. I wish my house is far away from downtown, i like a quiet living surrounding. Of course, the transportation should be convenient for bus and subway, thougt sometimes i will drive by myself.有六個房間,書房、廚房、咐梁卧室、客廳、衛生告檔間和健身房,因為我喜歡運動。我希望我的房子遠離鬧市區,我喜歡安靜的居住環境。當然,公共交通如公交車、地鐵等一定要便利,雖然有時我會自己開車。

About my room. I wish it faces south with about 20 square meters; the color of the wall should be blue, it's easy for me to fall asleep;the color of the furniture is orginal, i like nature. I will feel very happy if there is a little washroom in it , you know i am mild mysophobia.室。朝南,20平米左右;牆壁的顏色是藍色的,這樣有助於睡眠;傢具的顏色是原木色的,因為我喜歡自然的東西。如果裡面能有一個小洗手間我會非常高興,你衡友運知道我有輕度潔癖!

❽ 我是一個比較喜歡安靜的女孩的英語句子怎麼寫

I'm a girl who loves tranquility

❾ 我喜歡安靜的小區 用英語怎麼說

I like tranquil districts.

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