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發布時間: 2024-10-18 20:04:12

㈠ 寫一篇關於自己最喜愛明星的英語作文(鹿晗的哦!)

I like the star is luhan. He has a pair of bright eyes and clever little nose, and a small mouth, is typical. He is a member of EXO combination. He is good at singing and dancing, or EXO inside the window to play. He this year 25 years old, but very ruddy complexion, others can not see he is 25 years old.His smile is very charming. So I like him very much. Finally I want to say: EXO We are one!
具體翻譯:我喜歡的明星是鹿晗。他有一雙閃亮的大眼睛和靈巧的小鼻子,還有小小的嘴巴,是典型的巴掌臉。他是EXO組合的成員。他擅長唱歌和跳舞,還是EXO裡面的門面擔當。他今年25歲,可是很童顏,別人都看不出來他25歲。他的笑容很迷人。所以我很喜歡他。最後我想說:EXO We are one!

㈡ 關於我的偶像鹿晗的英語介紹作文,(不少於80詞)

I most love the stars -- Luhan
He is my dream.His appearance is an appearance to stay inside adorable and powerful Beijingman,I've been phase one day he will appear in an eye-catching place.Wearing silver costume,in the spotlight down in front of me.
In December 27,2011,SM launched a new team of second members notice,I know my loverappears,his name is Lu han.
After every 365 days,with and Luhan,love,love.

㈢ 英語作文我的偶像鹿晗帶翻譯50詞

My favourite male star is Lu Han ,because he is very popular among the young.He was a member of the group Exo of eleven boys in Korean.Now he is back in China.He is very young and handsome. My friends all like him, too.Now he is taking part in the TV show running man in Zhe jiang TV.In the future,I hope that he can wins a good prize as a singer worldwide,because he can both sings and dances very well.And his songs sound very well.

㈣ 我最喜歡的明星是鹿晗英語作文,並說出理由

My favourite star is Lu Han.He is an active boy.He is born in Beijing in 1990.He is a singer and actor.He is kind.I learn a lot from him.He is my example.He is a member of EXO before,because he is ill and he come back China.Our fans all welcome to his back.He works as hard as before.We love him very much and he loves us very much,too.He is a good and hard-working star.I love him forever!

㈤ 用英語介紹我喜歡的明星鹿晗吳世勛

中文: 很多人只看到了鹿晗的顏和舞蹈,卻不明白鹿晗在這做了多麼大的努力。其實,鹿爺在明洞逛街被星探發現到現在,他只不過訓練了不到兩年的時間,而隊里已經有人訓練了四五年的時間了,而他們卻是作為同一個團隊,同時出道,這說明什麼??說明鹿爺天賦好么?不,天才也需要百分之九十九的努力,可以說,鹿晗能在只訓練了一年多的時間里,就擔任主唱,副領舞的位置,一定付出了比別人更多的努力!!那個視頻是11年底出的,這么快就已經具備了舞者的形和神,這需要多大的努力??看到鹿晗眼睛不舒服卻又不敢擦,只能拚命的眨啊眨,只是為了給大家一個更好的形象,別人看到的可能只是萌和帥,但他的努力我們看得到!
英文:Many people only see the Luhan Yan and dance, but understand not Luhan do how much effort in this. In fact,the deer's shopping was discovered until now in the open,he only trained for less than two years, but the team has been training for four or five years, and they are as a team,and his debut, what do this show?? The deer's talent? No,genius also takes ninety-nine percent of the effort, can say,Luhan in training only more than a year of time, just as the lead singer, deputy leader of the dance of the position,must pay more efforts than others!! The video is by the end of 11, so soon to have a dancer's shape and God, which requires much effort?? Seeing Luhan eyes uncomfortablebut dare not rub, only desperately blink blink, just to give you a better image, may just adorable and cute the others to see, but his efforts we see!!

He simply good, sensible low-key friendly, slow, lively andevil, in the face of unfamiliar people will be shy, but hebecame intimate will find he is very cute, a bit naughtyprivately, heavy affection, mind is very delicate
His shoulders were broad, Pacific like perfect facial features, very lines of the jaw line. I love him very much!

㈥ 我的偶像英語作文100詞鹿晗加翻譯

My favourite male star is Lu Han ,because he is very popular among the young.He was a member of the group Exo of eleven boys in Korean.Now he is back in China.He is very young and handsome. My friends all like him, too.Now he is taking part in the TV show running man in Zhe jiang TV.In the future,I hope that he can wins a good prize as a singer worldwide,because he can both sings and dances very well.And his songs sound very well.


㈦ 我的偶像鹿晗英語作文帶翻譯


My idol Hanlu

My favorite idol is Hanlu ,he is the member of exo from south Korea.exo have 11 members .he is a shy boy , his eyes is very beautiful ,and his voice is very attract me .he is very hardworking .
He always saty up practicing sing and dance.so his performance is very prefect and he likes palying football in his spare time .

我最喜歡的源偶像是鹿晗,他是韓國南部EXO的成員,他們由11個成員組成。他是一個害羞的男孩 ,他的眼睛很漂亮,他的聲音很吸引我。他很勤奮。

㈧ 急!!!寫關於鹿晗的英語作文,要初三水平!!!!

The first time I saw Luhan was when he attend the first program in happy camp. I was attracted by his handsome and clever dance, obsessed with his clear voice. What impressed me most is that although he does not perform too much, but can always show the humility as a debut artist and respect for the host. From then on, I slowly in each site search as well as the song he sang to him with A deeper understanding.
"Waiting too long, long to forget the start of significance of waiting " From this sentence, we can listen to him the deep despair for his future, but he just speaks briefly for his two years' long wait in South Korea. Every time he left the airport or on the program, he will be very respectful to bow to his fans, be very careful of the gifts which fans give him. Bow seems to have become his trademark, as long as he see the elder, staff agents, he will politely say hello and give thanks by bowing.
I like Luhan who will express his joy, sadness and unhappy by his own way to the fans. He would try to finish every song singing and stage performances, will not forget the original heart to give the best stage to the fans, will step by step in realizing his dream stage shine.

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