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發布時間: 2024-10-16 00:56:14

① 我喜歡和人交流用英語怎麼說

I like to communicate with others

② 在學校,我喜歡用英語和別人交流,我學習成績也一直很好 翻譯

At school, I like to communicate with others in English, I study result has been very good

③ 我喜歡這樣,用英語怎麼說

你好。我喜歡這樣 翻譯成英語是:I like this.


④ 你喜歡用哪種交流方式英語

你喜歡用哪種交流方式英語是Which is better for communication with you。
Which表示哪種,communication表示交流,better屬於比較級,你喜歡用哪種交流方式英語的表達方式就是Which is better for communication with you。

⑤ 「我性格開朗,喜歡與人交往」用英語怎麼翻譯

您好: (很高興為您解答) im an out-going boy(girl) i like making friends with others.

⑥ 我喜歡和你聊天的感覺,用英語怎麼說哦

「和某人聊天」的習語為 chat with sb 。全句講的是現在的情況,謂語動詞時態應用一般現在時。全句的正確譯法應如下:
I enjoy chatting with you .

⑦ 「我就喜歡你這樣…」翻譯成英語

我就喜歡這樣: I Like The Way 我就喜歡你這樣I like the way you are

⑧ 我很喜歡與人打交道用英語怎麼說

I like to deal with people very much

⑨ 「我喜歡與同學交談」,用英語怎麼說

I like talking with students


⑩ 英語作文 我最喜歡的交流方式 中文翻譯

Communication plays a significant role in our daily life,especially in modern society.Since we get along with other people in every field,we must learn how to communicate with people effectively.
Effective communication should be planned carefully.First,speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely.Second,express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth.Third,concentrate on what the speaker says and appreciate his point of view.Moreover,we should give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening.Fourth,place ourselves in the place of others.

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