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發布時間: 2024-10-15 01:00:51

『壹』 用英語介紹羊的生活習慣

(1), gregariousness gregariousness: sheep have strong, as long as the "sheep" to take the lead, other sheep will go after grazing, mountain, getting back up, across the river, bridge or through the narrow, is concive to large grazing management.
(2) the use of a wide range of feed intake, strong: the sheep have thin lips long, pointed and flexible, lower cutting slightly outward bow and sharp, strong Maxillary Flat, with a central longitudinal groove upper lip, so it can feed on the ground of low grass, picking up fresh ground decious leaves and branches, with grassland full. Sheep can use a variety of plant feed, utilization of crude fiber rate reaches 50~80%, adapted to grazing on the pasture in various. The semi desert forage utilization rate up to 65%, while the cow was only 34%. The use of sheep on weed rate reached 95%.
(3) love clean, like the dry: sheep are most afraid of wet land and housing, grazing land and habitat to dry advisable. In a humid environment, prone to parasites of sheep and foot rot, and wool quality decrease, hair removal aggravated. The sheep have developed sense of smell, encounter have peculiar smell or polluted grass will not eat.
(4), timid, easily frightened: a frightened sheep is not easy to become fat, so managers normally on the sheep to kind, should not beat, shouting, and to prevent the wolf, dog fleeing sheep caused shock.
(5), afraid of hot not cold: because wool is thick, body heat slowly, hot summer, "Zha position" phenomenon.
(6), strong disease resistance to Phytophthora capsici sheep reaction: unlike other livestock so sensitive, in early onset or encounter when minor, are often not easy to express. Therefore, managers should be observed at any time, found to have disease timely treatment

『貳』 羊喜歡吃草;那些是什麼翻譯成英文。

Sheep like eating grass

『叄』 羊喜歡吃什麼(英語版)

羊主要有( 山羊)和(綿羊 )兩種類型。
羊為什麼適合在野外放牧飼養? 因為樣本是草食動物,天敵比較多,一般野生的羊類有群聚和生活在高山和懸崖峭壁的地勢中,以躲避天敵的威脅。另為這與他的吃草習慣有關,放牧才能滿足它吃草間的要求。羊也需要通過野外放牧得到鍛煉,以維護他善於半跑的基因。

『肆』 羊吃什麼 有什麼特徵 居住在那裡 用英語回答

1.吃什麼?Mostly sheep eat grass, clover, forbs, and other pasture plants. They especially love forbs. It is usually their first choice of food in a pasture. A forb is a broad-leaf plant other than grass. It is a flowering plant Forbs are very nutritious. As compared to cattle, sheep eat a greater variety of plants and select a more nutritious diet, but less so than goats.
2.有什麼特徵?For both male and female members of this troop(指的就是羊哈~), their basic nature is peaceable, passive and receptive. Kind and considerate, gentle and peace-loving, Sheep abhor all forms of confrontation, aggression or violence. They are happiest among others and harbor no dreams of being dazzling or of standing our from the crowd. They have no wish to roam. No lust for power lurks in the Sheep's tranquil breast. But in their own quiet way, Sheep can be extremely successful in life and they sometimes travel further than they realize as they graze their way over the hills and valleys.(最後一句話已經講到住哪兒了,因為他們的特性和住處是緊密相關的~ 所以不單獨回答第三個問題了~)

『伍』 英語羊愛吃青草咋說

The sheep love eating green grass

『陸』 有一些羊在草地上吃草英語怎麼說

There are some sheep eating grass on the grass

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